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Accidental African Slave. Part 61


The next morning at breakfast, Araway ask if I had learned anything about being respectful. Then he told Orsty to use a switch, like mothers use on children, on me next time. Orsty laughed and said, he noticed his hand did a good job. He told Araway I went to bed with a bright red ass. Araway told Orsty to yell for him next time if he needed help.
Araway and I arrived at the mine, and I went to the pit. I went to the tool shed and stripped, then joined the overseer. Jumah worked with me, and at lunch I got with Kwaku. I told him about my match with Ospee, and that no one won because Kimo made us stop. I told him Kimo was afraid we would get sick, and that we were getting dehydrated. This really pleased Kwaku, and he said he would do all he could to make me the best.
We went back to work, and I worked until the last hour. I then joined Kwaku for my training session, and he wanted me to be the agrssive one. I went on the attack, and he was able to keep me at bay. He then pointed out my mistakes, and showed me how he was able to hold me off. Kwaku then went on the offensive, and I tried to hold him off. He complemented me on my actions, and trained hard for the rest of the hour. We went to the hosing area, and just lay down waiting for the overseer. He finally showed up and hosed us off, I didn’t want him to stop, but he said I had to get dressed that Araway was watching from top.
I joined Araway and we drove home, on the way he told me I looked like a little kid playing in the water hose. I felt my face turn red, because this was the second time today he compared me to a child. When we arrived I went in and cleaned up, then joined Orsty in the kitchen. We soon had the evening meal ready, and sat down to eat.
We each talked about our day, but I was the one who got most of the interrogation. I told them all about my progress with Kwaku, and that he seemed very empressed with my progress.
After helping Orsty clean up the kitchen, I went in for a shower. I rapped a towel around me and joined Orsty on the porch, where he had snacks ready. We sat and talked, and I told him about Araway’s comment. That he had compared me to a little kid playing in the water, when the overseer hosed Kwaku and I off. Orsty just laughed and said he thinks yourl’re in mature, when compared to him. I ask Orsty what he thought, and he told me I might be a little in mature. But he told me he thought Araway was too ridged, and need to try and enjoy things other than work.
We talked a little longer before Araway showed up, and ask if Orsty needed help getting me to bed. I just hopped up and told everyone good night. I went to my room, and fell asleep quickly.

Comments / Reviews

Posted by Mike Nice story, I want to try it check me here
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