A House Painters Tail

(Part 1 from 2. Fiction.)

I went to work for my uncle's painting company right out
of high school. Slinging paint wasn't exactly my forte, but
the pay was good and I got to meet some very interesting
people. Like the day I was sent out alone to paint the
window sash on a house in one of the more affluent parts of

It was mid August and hotter than blue blazes. After
working most of the morning and not seeing hide nor hair of
the people who lived there, I assumed I was alone. I
frequently worked without a shirt, but since the house was
situated in such a secluded location, I decided to go one
step further and take off my jeans.

I was painting the trim on a second story window,
grinding my half hard cock against a ladder rung when
something moving inside the house caught my eye. I hadn't
seen them clearly, but if I'd seen them, they for damn sure
had seen me perched there atop a ladder wearing nothing but
my tennis shoes, bikini briefs and a surprised expression.

I was in the process of making a rather hasty decent to
the ground when I saw them again. I couldn't resist hesitating
long enough to get a better look. Oh man! He was standing
in front of a mirror wearing nothing but a towel. I nearly
fell off the fucking ladder.

He was the most drop dead gorgeous guy I'd ever laid my
eyes on; tall and slender with skin so smooth and tan it
seemed to glow. His long blond hair hung in damp clusters,
shimmering waves of gold that extending well beyond his broad

Immediately my temperamental cock arched out against the
snug crotch of my briefs. From his adorable reflection I
could see a taunting grin come across his boyish face. His
behavior seemed to suggest that he was very much aware of my
presence. Aware, and obviously not the least bit opposed to
my lustful gaze.

His hand moved methodically down his ribs to stroke his
flat, velvety abdomen. Sensuously his full, pink lips parted
as his fingers slid beneath the towel. He shivered with
manly desire as the horny bulge between his legs grew. Just
watching him gave me goose bumps. My nuts tightened with
lustful intrigue as the tips of his roaming fingers loosened
the towel.

I couldn't believe it when he turned and stared directly
at me. I must have looked like one of those little animals
you see suction×cupped to the window of a car.

Slowly he ambled toward me. I was completely captivated
by the enormous cylinder shaped club pressing out against
the front of his towel. Christ, he had a big cock, big and
hard as a fucking rock.

The corners of his mouth turned up impishly and I sensed
the suspense in his behavior. Holding the front of the towel
firmly against his belly he let it fall from around his
waist. For a split second I was distracted by the image of
his smooth ivory ass reflecting back at me from the mirror
behind him.

My cock thumped like a jackhammer when he let go of the
towel and it hung there, suspended by his stout, manly peg.
Like a kid waving a flag at a Fourth of July parade, his
rigid fuck muscle bobbed up and down waving the towel with an
almost ceremonious glee.

I held my breath as his towel slipped to unmask the
triangular tuft of dense hair that carpeted his pubic bone.
Just when I thought he was going to reveal the mystery
pulsing beneath his towel he turned and planted his beautiful
round ass against the window glass. My heart skipped a beat
when he bent over and spread the cheeks of his heavenly

The sweat from his gaping butt crack smudged the glass
as he flexed his puckered, crimson shithole. The fabric
surround the bulbous head of my inflated cock had become
completely saturated with the sticky ooze leaking from my
pisshole. My swollen balls ached for release as my
persistent load continued to build momentum.

Closing my eyes, I pressed my lips to the glass and
licked it with my drooling tongue. My mind was a wreck
trying to imagine what it would be like to invade his
delicate patch of wispy butt fur. Much to my surprise, when
I opened my eyes I was looking him dead in the face. His
eyes were closed as he embraced me through the pane of glass.
The heat of his lips penetrated the translucent barrier to
fondly caress my eager young tongue.

Slowly his eyelids opened to display the fire of his
desperate passion. There were no further smug grins of
nervous temptation. The mutual lust we felt for one another
had been confirmed. It was time to get down to business.

He opened the window and let the towel fall to the
floor. My oral juices flowed in abundance as I stood on the
ladder admiring his sizable uncut slab of weeping meat. His
big cock jerked with the turbulence created by his virile
demand for satisfaction, and I was compelled to respond to
his manly beckoning.

He assisted me through the window and immediately led me
into a nearby bathroom. No words were exchanged as he turned
on the shower. They weren't necessary. To have spoke would
have only been a waste of valuable time and energy. I was so
hopelessly lost in the moment that I actually felt a little
dizzy. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his slender form. I
was like a junky, craving the man flesh of this nameless boy
to satisfy my habitual needs.

He turned to me and yanked down my sweaty, pre×cum
soaked underwear. My sudden nakedness sent my brutally erect
cock into a wild wagging frenzy. I wanted to take him in my
arms and devour him. My mind spun with curiosity as we
entered the shower together.

I stood facing him as he ran a fragrant bar of soap over
my wet torso. Dropping to his knees he worked my crotch into
a rich sudsy lather. His touch was like magic. Never had I
been fondled with such affection; with such expertise. It
took every ounce of willpower I could muster to keep from

By the time he had finished washing me I was on the very
brink of shooting my load. My abandoned dick throbbed like a
smashed thumb. I was insane with lust.

As the warm water cascaded down my heaving chest I found
myself grabbing him in my arms and pulling his body against
mine. Never had I wanted to taste a mouth more than I wanted
to taste his. His arms came around me and he palmed the
cheeks of my ass in his strong hands. I held him even
tighter, crushing my wet mouth against his.

The sweet flavor of his lips did nothing to appease my
ravenous sexual appetite. I nibbled my way down his long
neck, savoring every luscious lick of his young flesh. He
shivered with manly approval as I paused to gorge myself upon
the jutting buds of his aroused nipples.

His skin felt like satin stretched over rock hard muscle
as I slid my cheek down his quivering belly. As I continued
my descent, the musky fragrance of his manhood rose up to
delight my senses. I tongued the deep well of his navel and
nuzzled my nose in the subtle trail of fine hair that marked
the path to my ultimate destination.

The spray from the shower pelting against my back was
invigorating. The solicitous cock before me twitched
anxiously. The helmet shaped head of his vein laden organ
was magnificent; plump and purple, ripe with the succulent
nectar of his urgent desire.

Before taking him into my mouth I first anointed my
burning lips with his abundance of slippery pre-cum. He
gasped softly as I penetrated his sappy pisshole with the tip
of my fiery tongue. My lips parted and he filled my mouth
with his throbbing cock.

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