A Wizard's Succession 2
Chapter 2: The Betrayal
Hiro woke up in an instant the next day. As he casually scratched himself while he went to take a break, he didn’t notice Dan went in. ‘Morning, senpai!’ he practically shouted. ‘FUCK!’, Hiro cursed, then as his vision cleared, ‘Oh, fuck, Dan … Don’t do THAT! Almost scared the Hell outta me!’ Dan grinned an impish grin. ‘What?’ Hiro asked.
‘Oh, nothing,’ he replied.
Dan couldn’t help but stare down at Hiro’s jewels hidden by his workpants. ‘Uh, Dan … Up here …’ Hiro gestured, pointing at his face. Dan’s attention rapped. ‘When did you arrive here? You’re way too early.’. ‘Oh, I have my ways,’ Dan mused, ‘More like my Magic,’ once again staring down. Hiro was bemused when Dan left to get some breakfast. Weird enough, when he was masturbating the night before, he saw someone, although he never gets the figure straight. He just dismissed that idea, thinking that he was once again hallucinating. But he was sure enough that he was not alone. Fuck it, Hiro thought, ghosts aren’t real and y’know that. But he was feeling different about the new kid already.
Even his name is an air of mystery. He never told him how old he was, or where he stayed. And the lad’s last statement suddenly etched in his mind, like there was a connection between them but he couldn’t figure how. As the day raged on, every worker did their job to their limit, until Dan announced, ‘It’s time to party!’
‘Wait!’, Hiro requested, ‘I’ll just call on my wife.’ Dan relented, lurking behind. Hiro once again called Aira. ‘Hiro,’ she said with a joyful tone masking her loneliness, ‘when will you – ‘
‘Honey, I’m sorry I can’t come home just yet. I’ll be joining a party.’
‘Oh,’ she sighed, ‘Well, have fun.’
‘I will. Love you,’ and he sealed off his call with a kiss.
Well, night dawned and off they went to Dan’s home. The place is very secluded, deep within a forest half a mile from their work at Forks, Washington. His house is an old hunting cabin with a large hunting shed nearby. Hiro and a few of their coworkers – Ned, Lex, and Dante – tagged along with Dan as he led them in. ‘Well, make yourselves feel at home,’ Dan mused as he went to the kitchen, ‘I’ll get us something to eat.’ They sat in silence for a while until Dan appeared with two buckets of beer and five boxes of pizza. ‘Dig in, fellas!’ Dan said. ‘Oh, I almost forgot!’ he practically shouted, ‘You don’t drink, right?’ he asked Hiro. ‘Y-yeah … I’m shocked to find so much alcohol here.’ He laughed shyly. Dan went back to fetch Hiro a drink. That drink was spiked specifically for him. ‘Here you go. Drink up!’ Dan said.
‘Uhh … Yeah …’ Hiro said, feeling a bit shy.
They ate, they rant about their work, and they wrestle until Hiro began to buckle. He felt lightheaded. His drink was a Coke in can, and yet, sleep was claiming him. His vision dimmed, his body slowly surrendered to the sinking feeling and slept. The three jeered at Hiro’s obvious sleepy condition until Dan spoke up. ‘I know you fellas want him so bad. He looks hot, right?’ he said. Ned countered, ‘What are ya talkin’ about?!‘
‘Heed it no more. Help me load him to the shed,’ Dan said, ‘There’s a table waiting for him.’ All four of them grinned themselves silly. ‘Imagine,’ Dante said, ‘we have him ALL night long!’
‘And we ain’t drunk yet!’ Lex jeered. The three of them laughed. Dan, meanwhile, began to devise his plan for the entire night. They only got until eight the next day, and the time now was five in the afternoon. Hell of a night, Dan mused, reveling the fact that he himself also wanted Hiro not because of the power he possesses.
Hiro felt movement albeit asleep. He felt two sets of arms holding him upright by his arms and a set just by his legs. He chuckled deep in sleep, thinking he’s getting a piggyback ride back to the truck they rode. What he doesn’t know is that he was being dragged to the shed that awaits certain doom to the entire world. They huffed and puffed until they unceremoniously tossed hi to the worktable that Dan himself had adjusted and customized. Hiro was shaken and tried to wake up, but instead his brain pulled that pain away from him and lulled him again to sleep. He never felt Dan’s hand touching his palm.
‘Quick! Bind his arms and legs to the table!’ Dan instructed, ‘I’ll make sure he’s still asleep.’
‘I have a better idea,’ Lex said, surveying the place. They listened and agreed to his plan.
Hiro was groggy when he finally woke up. He noticed he was standing straight and felt pressure … somewhere. He tried to rub his eye when he found out that he couldn’t move. He was bound spread - eagled firmly in place by two stall posts made from galvanized iron and held by shackles. ‘What the fuck is going on?!’ he called out to no one in particular. He pulled himself together. He felt someone touching his back. ‘What the fuck --?!’ He was shocked that he couldn’t see a thing. He felt cool air between his legs until realized that he was indeed buck naked, from top down save for his boxers.
Dan finally spoke up.
‘Morning, sunshine! We got a long night ahead.’ He then chuckled. Hiro looked wildly about him, but could see nothing, his own petrified expression reflected on his face. Then his expression hardened. ‘I don't know what the fuck you think you're doing, so you better not do something stupid!’, he growled. ‘Tonight is the night that we will revel on your … power.’ Dan mused. The three coworkers snickered. Hiro was mortified. ‘G-guys …?’, he stammered.
‘By the time this night is over, it will be too late.’
Hiro croaked, ‘T-t-too late?’
‘Yes. From keeping you to unleash your “potential”, right fellas?’, Dan cooed. ‘HELL YEAH!’ they cheered. They obviously didn’t get what Dan had just said.
‘Lower his pants.’
Hiro struggled at the restraints as two of his assailants stepped forward him and tugged at the white cotton boxers. ‘What the fuck are you doing, man,’ he tried to whisper to one, ‘Y-you can have my wallet! It's yours if you let me go!,’ he begged to the other. But he felt the warm cotton sliding down his tree-trunk thighs and land at his feet.
‘Prepare his cock,’ Dan instructed. Hiro was far from shocked.
‘What the fuck are you doing to me, man! I ain't no fag!’ He struggled against the restraints once more, his muscles straining in perfect relief. The more he struggled, the more his taut sweaty muscles rippled with perfection. He was reacting EXACTLY as they'd hoped. Damn, Lex thought as he watched Ned and Dante do the work. Hiro was ever struggling and, between his struggles, he shivered in horror. Dan had a hard – on. As he was about to protest, he felt something pulse in his brain. On the next pulse, he forgot the very words he was about to shout. Just then, Dan spoke.
‘Cool, huh?’
He didn’t hear Dan’s voice, but he was pretty sure that he heard him say that. ‘Can’t even talk?’ His throat worked, trying desperately to talk. ‘Here's how this is going to work, Hiro,’ Dan said and had placed both of his hands on Hiro's shoulders. ‘You're here for me. You're going to do what I tell you, when I tell you. You're not doing to do or say anything I don't want you to do or say. You won't even move if I don't want you to move. Now, you may be wondering how I could possibly force you to do anything at all. Well, did you feel that pulse in your head a second ago? That right there is what we call telepathy. I can read your thoughts and I can communicate with it as well. This magick can also affect your brain's functions, both voluntary and involuntary. I can make it so you can't talk or move. And I can't make it so you can't breathe.’ He chuckled softly before adding, ‘Hell, if I wanted, I can even make it so your heart stops beating.
Now, here's the deal. I'm going to alter you voluntary motions so that you can only speak when you're asking for pleasure. You won't be able to complain or beg us to stop anything we're doing to you. Also, I'm going to remove those little inhibitive impulses that might make you not want to express what you're feeling. If it feels good, you'll let us know.’ Then, on the next instant, he really heard Dan speak to Lex. Lex went to the the stall nearest to Hiro and got three bottles. What he doesn’t know is that these are potions specifically for the Extraction, a forbidden ritual used by many Magi to forcibly acquire the magicks of others. But, living for literally hundreds of years, Dan finally understood the ritual and made some minor alterations to these potions.
Dan ordered to Dante, ‘Apply this solution on his nipples.’ He knew what to and obliged. Dante picked up the red potion, poured it in a bowl, and dipped his thumb into it. When he pulled it out, a clear reddish paste clung to it. He slowly swabbed the substance onto Hiro's right nipple, teasing it in slow, circular motions. Hiro grunted against it, his muscular arms and legs trembling as he struggled futilely against his bonds. Dante lowered his head and licked the first application of paste from the suddenly stiff nipple. His tongue wriggled like mad over the nipple and he alternated between sucking it and lightly nipping at it between licks, causing the helpless man to groan and shrink away slightly.
‘Mmmmm,’ Dante moaned as he gave up the nipple. ‘Delicious!’ He dipped his thumb into the bowl again and repeated the same action on Hiro's other nipple. By the time he was finished, he was pleased to see that despite his struggling, Hiro's dick was aroused. He loaded his thumb again and put the paste on both nipples, but this time he didn't move to lick it off. Very quickly, Hiro began to notice a tingling sensation on his nipples. He groaned as it became more of an itching sensation, and finally after about 30 seconds, it began to burn. He grunted as his nipples felt like they were on fire.
‘There's only one way that gel is coming off, man,’ Dan said, his lips nearly touching one of Hiro's ears, ‘You have to beg us to lick it off, and we won't make a single move until we hear you begging for our tongues.’ Hiro was horrified. He wasn't gay, had never had a single gay thought in his entire life, and now this man was asking him to beg them to violate him. He wanted to scream, but his throat won’t work, as if he was searching for the words that his brain could not find. Since Hiro was prisoned in his own body, and couldn’t react, he remained silent for several minutes, but as the pain increased his will began to falter.
Dan saw that his captive’s meat was still soft, though almost at full erection. Through empathy, he felt Hiro’s fear, outrage and helplessness that resulted to his member not cooperating. He suddenly remembered the other two potions. He told Ned what to do, and he understood. Using a second bowl, he poured the blue potion in it. Hiro began to consider his options, when a strong pair of hands grabbed his cockshaft in one hand and his fat, bull-sized balls in the other. ‘GAH!’ he grunted.
The hand on his cock was teasing him ever so slightly ... pulsing its grip ... allowing Hiro's cock to thicken and grow on its own. Hiro's face flushed as his cock responded to the subtle attention. He was beginning to be torn between two sensations – pleasure and pain. His hips involuntarily bucked as the hand began to slow down its pulsing, when in an instant, the hands were removed. Hiro’s body went slack. After a full twenty minutes, knowing that the searing pain will never go away, he broke.
‘Please,’ he whimpered. Instantly, as though in reward for his cooperation, he felt a mellow pulse and his dick reacted with a pulse that brought him to a full arousal. He moaned. ‘Please, lick me!’ He heard Dan's now recognizable chuckle and felt his breath on his neck. A long, wet tongue dragged the length of his neck and Hiro moaned again. ‘Uuurgh!’ Another pulse sent a pearl of pre-cum up the length of his penis. He felt it make its slow ascent, then it caressed his slit with its silken texture as it broke free and ran down his dick. He felt it slide down and over his balls and couldn't stop the grunt of satisfaction at having felt each stage of that little drop of liquid's journey. He realized now, that every time he cooperated with Dan's coercion, every time he gave in to his insistent pulsing, he would be rewarded with more pleasure.
‘I like that,’ Hiro said breathlessly, ‘but I need you to lick me somewhere else.’ Dan smiled against Hiro's neck and bit down on the chorded muscle that ticked with excitement. ‘I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific.’
Hiro keened again. ‘Please ... please lick my nipples ...’
‘Fuck yeah!’ he heard Lex laugh. Shame tore through him, but he could do nothing outwardly to display it. Especially not as he felt Dante lick his right nipple as Lex simultaneously attacked his left. The two laved their tongues over his nipples like mad men. They moaned louder and more often than he groaned as they pleasured him. Finally, after several minutes, they stopped and Hiro was relieved to note that the burning sensation was gone as well. He grunted softly when he felt the cool air on his dick. The underside of his dick was slick with it as well, and the chord that ran the length of his dick stood out in sharp relief. But, the key never reacted, Dan noticed. He needed to act quickly.
‘What’s this, Hiro? Not gonna give in?’ he taunted.
‘What do you want me to do?!’ Hiro protested in his mind as the two talked via telepathy, ‘I already gave in! What else will you do to me?! HUH?!’ Dan became silent. He pondered on his next step, until he reached the conclusion. Hiro heard him speak to Ned to apply the second solution. He laughed heartily, knowing what to do. He dipped his thumb in the gluey blue mixture and smeared it onto the tip of Hiro's cock head. ‘You see, Hiro,’ Dan said, ‘you’re not giving me your magick, as well as the key.’
‘What the hell are you talking about?!’ Hiro seethed, ‘What magick?! AND WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT KEY?!’ Dan sighed. ‘The key. Your tattoo, perhaps?’ Hiro was mortified, ‘H-h-how –'
‘I saw you jack off, Hiro. It was so delicious.’ Dan replied.
He saw Dan as the figure within the shadows. Now, he was really terrified. ‘Why?’ he asked in a tortured voice. ‘I could just give it to you. You could keep my magick and the key, I swear! Why does it have it be this way?!’ All of a sudden, he felt his hard meat being serviced again. He groaned really loud. ‘What will Ned be applying to you is a high concentration of Viagra. Applied in large doses directly to the tip of your cock, to your balls and to your anus,’ he breathed in with relish, ‘aaaaaaah … your cock won’t be able to refuse to participate in our activities, even if you resist.’
‘Oh fuck, no, please ...’ Hiro begged, spit dribbling from the corners of his desperate mouth as Ned caressed the concentrated aphrodisiac onto the glans of his circumcised cock. He used just enough pressure to drive Hiro crazy, his thumb teasing in slow circles, and then rubbing against the cumslit allowing the paste to mix with Hiro's precum. All of a sudden, the tantalizing hand vanished. Hiro groaned in frustration. ‘We'll just leave your cock like that for a while, Hiro,’ Ned said with a chuckle, ‘so you can absorb the mixture directly into where you'll need it most. But never fear, we'll be preparing your balls as well.’ With that he picked up a soft feather, dipped it into the mixture in the goblet, and gently painted the paste over the lemon-sized balls hanging almost midway down the restrained rigger’s thighs. Hiro released a whistle and a moan as the unbearably soft bristles tickled against his nutsac, painting the mixture right into the sensitive skin.
Hiro went up on his toes, trying to force the bristles to continue their torture. His thighs and calves bulged with muscle and he could hear cheers. He didn't care. He just needed his balls massaged. Somewhere where he couldn’t see, someone nodded with delight -- the Viagra was already doing its job. Suddenly, Hiro felt something thick at the entrance to his ass. ‘Fuck NO!!’, he screamed, as the potion - smeared thumb worked its way into his virgin ass. At first it just tickled and teased at the entrance to his anus but, emboldened by Hiro's response, the vicious thumb slipped its length up inside Hiro's tight rectum. ‘AAAAAAAAAGH!!’
‘That's it, Hiro, PRAY for release. I promise you your prayers will be answered -- maybe not the way you'd like them to be, though.’ Ned said. The thumb – Dan’s thumb -- was withdrawn and then re-inserted with more of the gooey mixture. Hiro writhed trying to get away from it, though held tightly in place by the restraints. It did not allow him to escape. In fact it made him do exactly what Lex hoped for -- each time he pulled away and was pulled back by the restraints, he was fucking himself onto his captor's finger. Hiro felt his nipples being gently pinched as the red substance was massaged into his titpoints. Why is this happening me, he wondered ... and why does it feel so good. The fingering of his ass was torturing his prostate ... and he could feel his load begin to rise. Suddenly the finger was still. ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!’
‘No what?’ Dan asked innocently.
‘Don't stop ...’ Hiro croaked in a strangled whisper, ‘... so close …’
‘Show us what you want.’
His brain on overload, Hiro began fucking himself onto the finger ... undulating like a $2 whore at a strip club on a pole ... filling his ass again and again as he felt the inevitable wave of pleasure rise inside him. Almost simultaneously he felt Dan grip the base of his dick. He grunted with the suddenness of it. ‘Lex, would you mind?’ he heard Dan ask. Lex picked up the third potion. Hiro heard some rustling, then the sound of a cap popping before he felt a cool liquid being drizzled over his dick. He groaned as it ran down and mingled with the slick pre-cum already present, as well as the blue paste with it. He also felt another pulse in his head and realized pretty quickly that it was intended to make the pleasure move to the forefront of his consciousness and senses. His breathing sped up, fucking himself on Dan’s thumb faster than ever. The mixture finally stopped drizzling, but then he felt the tips of someone's fingers on the tip of his dick. As best he could, he arched his back and grunted. "UUUUUGH!!"
The fingertips danced around the head of his cock, slipping and sliding over the sensitive skin. His moaning was near constant as the person played with the sensitive tip then closed a ring made by their thumb and index finger around his dick and pulled it down to meet with Dan's hand, which still held the stiff meat steady. The hand worked his cock up and down in a series of slow and rapid patterns that caused Hiro's hips to writhe pitifully against the straps, disrupting his rhythm.
‘You asked me why do this,’ Dan whispered, allowing Hiro to hear it from his own ears, ‘Well, because for sure you will never believe what I will say. And as an upside, I get to experiment this method. Many Magi died during the Extraction, and I want you to live on and retell the tale of the long lost race that we belong.’ He licked Hiro’s right earlobe tentatively, causing Hiro to hyperventilate. ‘I need to explain something else to you,’ Dan moaned seductively, ‘My empathy had made it so that you will feel the pleasure we give you in the most powerful way. I'm sure you already know this. However, there's something more. I will not allow you to cum until someone sucks you off.’
‘What?’ Hiro was dumbfounded. ‘What are you saying?’
‘What I’m saying,’ Marshall responded, ‘is that you won't be able to cum from just this hand job nor with your fucking. You need a tongue, a mouth and a throat to make you shoot.’ Hiro was panting now, partly because of the intense pleasure bouncing from his dick to his nipples and back again and partly in disbelief. ‘You know what,’ Dan said through telepathy, ‘I don't want you to be silent all the time. I think you should tell us when you doesn't like something.’ Hiro was surprised, and felt some pulses in his brain. But, Dan was one step ahead of Hiro. He isn’t entirely truthful. In fact, he made Hiro say what other oppressed pornstars will say when forced to do this.
‘Please don't do this to me,’ Hiro said. He wanted to shout, but couldn't. His voice sounded breathless, laced with pleasure, and he suddenly knew they wouldn't take his begging seriously. ‘UGHH ... Please! Take it out!’ His words ended with a groan. Dan began to vigorously massage the man’s tortured prostate while Hiro was fucking himself. Hiro writhed as much as he could. ‘NO! PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS!’ Even he wasn't sure if he actually meant the words that poured out between moans and gasps of intense pleasure. ‘Remember,’ Dan said through telepathy, ‘You will not cum until I tell you,’ Instantly, Hiro felt a pulse. The bastard had programmed his mind to make him follow orders. Dan had said that he can control both the voluntary and involuntary functions of his body. Now, he knew it to be true. He could feel himself pulling away from orgasm like someone lightly applying the brakes on a race car. Hiro was so caught up in the moment, he never felt Dante's lips close around his manhood. Through a groan, Hiro whispered, ‘D-D-Dan, y-you said ...’
'I lied,' Dan said in a matter – of – fact tone. Dante sucked greedily on it and wriggled his tongue over it in a frenzy, slipping the tip of tongue into the bear's pisshole repeatedly. Between the finger in his ass and on his prostate and the mouth on the head of his dick, Hiro was lost but he couldn't cum without Dan's command. Hiro moaned and screamed in pleasure, all the while begging them to stop. Dante sucked all the way down to the base of Hiro's cock and stayed there, his throat massaging the head. ‘GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! UGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!! PLEASE!!!’ In a quick motion, Dante pulled his head off of Hiro's dick. ‘Man, look at this!’ he said gleefully. All four of them watched Hiro ‘s cock as it pulsed, the chord that ran along the underside pounding in a glistening rhythm. Dan, through his empathy, now knew it’s time.
‘Hiro ... Cum!’ Dan’s voice rang in his mind.
Dan said to Dante, ‘Suck on his dick, now!’ He hurriedly put the rigger's dick bath into his mouth and sucked it all the way in to the base without gagging. At the same time, Dan worked his finger more swiftly against his prostate and into his ass. Lex, who just stood and watched in awe, leaned down and sucked his balls into his mouth, laving them with his tongue. Ned attacked Hiro’s nipples.
Hiro pressed his head back onto Dan and grunted so loud that all four of them felt the vibration of his voice. Dan, recognizing the imminence of an orgasm, sent a pulse to prolong Hiro's ejaculation, increase semen production, and remove the refractory period all together. Hiro grunted and his dick began to pulse even harder. Dante felt as though he had a writhing, conscious being in his mouth. The throbbing became more intense and Hiro's dick actually grew harder. Then, the throbbing stopped suddenly. For a moment, Hiro's mouth was open in a silent scream. Then he inhaled sharply and his dick throbbed three times. He groaned really loud and felt the first wave of a gush of semen shoot up his dick with velocity unlike any he'd ever known. It shot straight from the slit in the tip of his cock into the back of Dante's throat.
All Hiro could do was scream helplessly as his dick obediently spurted volley after volley of thick juice into Dante's hungry mouth. His eyes were open wide and his voice was beginning to grow hoarse. The first wave of cum actually lasted for nearly 2 minutes and the stream never lessened.
Dante continued to suck, greedily drinking from the faucet that was his coworker’s delicious cock. Dan continued to work his finger in and out of Hiro's tight, puckered asshole. He maintained the right curve in his thrust to hit his prostate every time. Lex had given up sucking to watch his coworker slip into the throws of yet another orgasm. By now, Hiro was actually howling. The pleasure was so intense that it was unbearable, but Dan was forcing him to beg for more because it felt so good. ‘I'M CUMMING AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!!! UUUUUURRRRRRGGGGGGHHH!!!’ This went on for nearly 30 minutes, and even after Hiro fell unconscious, Dante kept sucking and Dan kept fingering his puckered hole.
Unknown to Dan, Hiro’s tattoo FAINTLY glowed ...
Coming out to my best friend, we share a fateful night of passion and opens a new future...
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