A Wizard's Succession 5
Both Ned and Lex screamed as they saw Hiro Amano’s eyes turned into something spectral. The heavens rumbled as peals of thunder and sparks of lightning jumped at every possible angle. The earth rumbled, and they all heard him speak.
‘Gratia Omnipotentis praedicet caelum veniat finis. Ubi tu? Omnes felis mors testis erit signum ...’ Hiro said, his voice thundering like a supreme being. His back began to glow an ominous shade of red, and upon his feet, a large demonic circle appeared. Smoke began to seep forth the ground, then Hiro bellowed, ‘Tempus vestrum cecinisse. Potest non mutari. Accipere, nemo audiet preces tuas!’
As he did, the shackles that held him broke, and he started to float like an apparition. His fat-laden, hairy muscular body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat for a minute, then his body began to glow the same shade of red as his back did. After the light flashed, Hiro was fully clothed. He wore a deep – black robe similar to a Wraith, except that his outfit had a modern look from it. Blood dripped from his open palms, and his face became even more tempting.
‘WHAT THE FUCK IS HE SAYING?!’ Ned shouted in sheer disbelief.
‘I DUNNO! LET’S GET OUTTA HERE!’ Lex bellowed. Both made haste, but Dan stood still. ‘DAN! C’MON!!’ he screamed. But Dan paid them no mind.
Hiro, meanwhile, was unconscious somewhere. He was buck naked, as he felt cold from where he stood. He was groggy as he stood up, then as he steadied himself, he saw his memories as a young infant with his mother moving to Boston, as a young kid with his cousins, until this point. Then he saw the Gate. HIS GATE.
Hiro’s Gate contains an engraving of the famous painting of Paul Gauguin. But the engraving changes form, depicting three phases of human life. He was bemused with what he saw, because he saw HIMSELF in the design. Just then, he saw a man standing nearby. The image was very ghostlike. His appearance is very similar to Hiro. He called out, ‘Hello?’
The man faced him. He has the same likelihood as Hiro, but more asian than American with smart looking eyes and well patterned wrinkles that added to his charm. His body is the same with Hiro’s, with a heavyset build, but even more. But, unlike him, the man was hairy but not that much. ‘Hello there,’ he said, smiling, his voice deep and reassuring like any father would sound. Hiro suddenly felt something was amiss from this hunk, ‘Umm … I really hate to ask this, but where the hell are we?’ Hiro asked shyly, as his nudity was very evident.
‘We’re in a different place, sport,’ the man said, ‘and as you see, only Magi like you and me can enter in this place.’ Suddenly, he vanished. Hiro then heard Dan spoke up. He was shocked with what he saw next. He saw HIMSELF floating above, arms spread outwards like a saint, his physical body glowing an ominous shade of red.
‘Get away as far as you can …’ Dan warned to the two as he began to step closer to Hiro’s body.
The time for Retribution has come, he thought. Dan spoke up, ‘Portae custos, dimitte servum tuum vocare magistrum. In omnes humilitas …’ Hiro suddenly convulsed, and then he spoke, ‘Petitio tua erit concessit!!’
Dan was taken aback, but he must fulfill his mission.
He MUST FIND the Four Horsemen so as to rid the world of its sin.
Every Magi dreamed of doing this. All failed. The Four were elusive, and well kept. Only the Demons knew of their existence, but not their forms, for the High Heavens never want a single fuck with them. This holy war has paid countless lives; many were the lives of the magi, for they can see the two supernaturals. But it was more than ridding the world of its sins. Dan wanted the world destroyed because of mere personal reasons. And somehow, Hiro looked EXACTLY like him.
‘Loquar ad Eligor. Si volo concedi, ego offerre sacrificium …’ Dan bargained, his thoughts racing for candidates. Hiro’s unblinking eyes scanned the area, and said, ‘Search no more. I have chosen two to be Mine, and they’re still here.’ Dan suddenly felt his first pangs of fear. He couldn’t let the two die for his plans. He had to do something.
Hiro shouted, ‘DAN! WHAT THE FUCK’S GOING ON?!’
But Dan didn’t respond. He bluntly tackled towards Dan, only to fall forward. He groaned, his Bull Charge a full waste. As the mysterious man had pointed out, he was in a different place. He could distinctly watch the entire scenario like he was invisible, but he couldn’t partake in any of the events he would witness. He watched helplessly as his body hovered above Lex and Ned, for they couldn’t run away for some unknown reasons. Dan began to write something in the air, but Hiro’s body began to pull Lex’s soul out. Lex lashed out in pain, as Ned watched in horror for he had no clue on what’s happening. As his soul was about to be pulled out, Hiro’s physical form began to cry out in pain, clutching his head.
Suddenly, Hiro felt the same as well. His physical form bellowed out, ‘Stultus mortale! Custos revertar meo clamore!’
As his body fell from its levitating trance, Hiro felt lightheaded, and slowly fell into a faint. As what he felt like an eternity, Hiro slowly woke up. He was once again naked outside in the noon break. Lex was badly shaken from his experience, and so was Ned. ‘YOU GOT SOME SERIOUS SHIT, HIRO!’ Lex seethed, ‘YOU’RE A FUCKING MONSTER! FIRST, YOU BROKE MY TOOTH, NOW YOU TRY TO DO SOME SHIT ON ME! AND IT AIN’T FUNNY!’
As he was about to punch Hiro squarely on his face, Dan raced and caught Lex’s fist in time. Suddenly, Ned followed suit. Dan gingerly touched Ned’s forehead. Ned froze like a statue, fear racking in his fevered mind. He obviously had no clue on what was going on. Dan said calmly to Ned, ‘Sleep.’
In an instant, Ned crumpled to the ground, slumbering peacefully. Lex was about to punch Dan, then all of a sudden, he began to look like he was having a seizure and fell unconscious as well. Dan faced him and said, ‘Quick, we don’t have much time left …’ Hiro shook his head, and as he did, all memories from the night before and today rushed in his mind, and he was damn angry. He curled his large hands into fists, and his left hand gripped Dan’s neck. ‘H-H-Hi … Hi … ro …!’
‘You’re right,’ Hiro murmured. He was staring on the ground, his voice was as dark as he could muster, and Dan felt even more afraid. ‘There isn’t much time. In fact, there’s no time at all …’ Dan felt the boiling, cold wrath that seeped into Hiro’s body. Hiro gripped harder, and slowly stood up. He then glared at Dan with hatred unmatched. ‘How could you possibly do this?! I couldn’t sink in any lower! What more will you take away from me?!’
‘I-I’m … I’m s-s-s … s-s-sor … ry …’ Dan begged, his voice rasp, ‘please … - !’
Dan attempted to put him to sleep, but he felt weaker. He couldn’t also seem to read Hiro’s mind now. Suddenly, out of anger, Hiro didn’t know that he himself broke a seal in Hell. The sky once again grew dark, this time more horrifying. Crypt swarms fly in different directions, and both collapsed. As Dan steadied himself, Hiro once again felt the unimaginable pain in his head.
Dan was shocked to find that the earth split into two, and smoke began to seep forth. Torrents of black smoke erupted from the deep chasms and shot out towards the sky in random ways. Finally, one smoke took form as an innocent-looking teenage girl.
‘Lilith …!’ Dan mustered. The demon just laughed. Her laugh was high, shrill and grating, like a teenage girl seeing a cute guy. ‘You know me, young wizard!’ she said with great flourish, ‘Have we formally met?’
Dan just stared at her. ‘Huh, guess not. Anyway, now that one of the four seals is destroyed, on the Day of Judgment, we will reign supreme,’ she cooed. She then took a seductive tone unfit for a teenager, ‘Thank you for your efforts of breaking the Key for us. Personally speaking, I’ve already sent my minions to kill the Key. But, since you already did that, I might as well enjoy the freedom.’
She was walking with a gait unknown for a fifteen year-old individual. Her steps were catlike. Almost too gentle, like treading atop the clouds. She gazed up the sky and sighed, ‘You know, young one, this world has changed for the better. With or without the help of your kind, we demons can now easily grasp victory. Man has easily eroded their beliefs with a simple trick in mind: they will never be satisfied. Even the likes of you understand. After all,’ she relished, batting her lashes at Dan, ‘you’re the type who wanted more from what is beyond your reach, right?’
Meanwhile, Hiro couldn’t focus. His vision blurred, was sweating like mad, and he was crying. Yes, crying because the pain was unbearable, like the sins of the entire world rested upon him, and he just wanted to explode right on the spot. As she was about to walk away, Dan tried to cast a hex, but a single glance from her and a little smile, he instantly froze on his spot. ‘Tut tut,’ she teased, ‘Not now, my dear boy. I almost forgot. Let’s play a game.’
Her steps were enthralling, but Dan kept his focus on her, for he wouldn’t want to risk defeat. ‘The minions I’ve sent here seem to have new targets. Have fun guessing who they are.’
And in just a second, she faded behind a tree so thin, it would be impossible to conceal her, yet it did. As Dan can move, he suddenly remembered her last thought. He suspected that Hiro’s family is in great peril, and he has no clue on how to get there. As abruptly his headache started, it dissipated the moment Lilith vanished. Dan knelt beside Hiro and gingerly touched his forehead. ‘Hiro, are you alright?’
Opening his eyes like it was his first time on this world, he shuddered as he slowly stood up, covered in dirt. ‘W-w-what happened …?’
‘You let your anger take over you. Apparently, your key broke one of the four seals.’
‘I … you --! YOU STARTED THIS!’
‘I know …’
And with that, Hiro’s anger gradually abated. Dan gingerly stepped forward and touched Hiro’s cheek. He backed away slightly. Dan could still sense Hiro’s distrust, hate, anger and disgust. He cleared his throat and said, ‘I know I did those terrible things. But, just so you know, deep down …’
To Hiro’s shock, tears began to well up on the young man’s eyes and flowed down. ‘I really detest doing those things!’
And Dan crumbled down and wept. In his mind, he can still see the faces of the friends he betrayed because of the envy he felt with their powers. Having a useless power of your own (Dan’s original Magick, or mutation for the scientifically inclined, is tactile telepathy) would trigger such desire of acquiring the powers of others. Hiro couldn’t help but to reach out. His feelings instantly changed to sympathy and concern. In a voice he wasn’t sure was his, ‘Dan, I’m sorry …’ he comforted. Dan raised his head towards Hiro, ‘What? Are you going to hit me with those words of hate again?’
Hiro cleared his throat and said, once again, ‘I’m sorry, Dan … I’m really --’ but before he could finish his sentence, Dan locked his hands onto Hiro and their lips crushed in a savage kiss.
The kiss was so passionate, so full of emotions that Hiro actually fell forward, his burly body falling to the ground, rolling along with Dan finally on top. His palms began to feel every crevice of the rigger’s almost perfect 300 lb hairy body, and Hiro just held him tighter. Dan was confused on what was happening, but he let himself indulge in the moment, for he knew that this would be a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ moment, just like he did it with his lover. Hiro’s tongue darted within the youth’s mouth, teasing him to suck on it. Dan took the challenge, and within a few moments (five minutes of nonstop kissing in actuality), both were gaspless. Hiro’s handsome face flushed, and as shame crept within him, he withdrew, but Dan suddenly did something. With a mellow pulse emanating in his mind, Hiro felt weak.
‘N-not … not again …’ Hiro moaned.
Dan said gently, ‘This will be the last time I’ll be manipulating your mind. So please …’
Hiro felt betrayed for a minute, and then inexplicable waves of pleasure ran down within him as Dan suckled on his left nipple. To Hiro’s surprise, the pulses were gone. He was really feeling true pleasure. The somewhat rough texture of Dan’s tongue running all over his eraser-point nipple made him feel weaker by the minute, and hotter. I can’t fucking move an inch, Hiro thought, but what’s the point? It feels so good.
Dan tongue-bathed his coworker, leaving his cock untouched, which left Hiro feeling frustrated. Dan didn’t mind the dirt – Hiro tasted way better than dirt. His fat meat was as hard as steel without even being touched. After a long time of bathing, Dan finally sucked Hiro’s cock.
‘D-Dan,’ he said, chuckling weakly, ‘y-your sucking’s really forceful … what’s with the rush?’
In due modesty to Dan, he haven’t sucked a cock in his whole life. Even with his previous lover, all they ever did was kissing and cuddling (with clothes on). In fact, he hasn’t had any sexual encounters either on both orientations. This was his first time, and he wanted to cherish the moment.
Every moment that Dan sucked his meat, Hiro could barely breathe. He was literally wheezing, the morning sun baking his perfect complexion, coating his buffed body with sweat. He wanted to speed up, but Dan was taking slow, forceful strokes. He felt like his cock was a very tasty Popsicle that was frozen intensely, and Dan was likened to a very eager kid licking away at his prized dessert. It felt so good, Hiro managed to release a generous amount of precum, to Dan’s surprise.
‘I thought we milked you already.’
‘G-g-guess y-you made me so f-fucking horny …’
Dan managed a small chuckle and resumed. It was a painstaking labor, but Hiro knew they’ll be done. He could sense it.
‘Dan … G-gotta --‘
Dan released for a while. ‘I know … and this time, it will be true … No more edging.’
Dan resumed his task, and to Hiro was caught off guard because his meat was blown even harder and faster. All he could muster was, ‘G-g-guhh!! UHH!! UHH!! UHH!!’, and he was literally out of breath. Dan had never drunk a man’s seed in his life. Although he wanted to do it now, he was really feeling shy at the moment, and as Hiro was about to shoot, he stopped altogether and instead jacked Hiro’s fat dick.
‘D-D-DAN!! I-I-I CAN’T HOLD IT ANYMORE!!’ Hiro groaned out loud, a boorish grunt reminiscent of a very husky daddy bear that he is. His insides felt heavy, but Hiro felt lightheaded. Ned and Lex slept soundly like logs on the ground, when:
Hiro felt his seed collect at his very inside, surged from his vas deferens, past his tortured prostate and found its way into his very hard cock and spilled forth a VAST AMOUNT of semen. His cock shot like a fountain, spraying his seed in the air. Everything around him was splattered with cum. His chest, his face, Dan’s hair, even the dusty ground took his creamy load that has a mad potential to impregnate twenty women. Volley after volley, Hiro was helpless, but deep down, he was screaming, ‘GOD!! FINALLY!!’
All those pent-up loads were finally released. Hiro knew he can shoot a good load, and for the first time in his fucking, horny life, he can finally sleep. His body weakned due to his penis’ demand to claim his strength to release his delayed, ample loads, he sank in a deep sleep. As Dan watched Hiro sleep, he knew he finally found someone to replace his lost love.
But his mission was far from over …
A naked man was cuffed to the four corners of his bed, his mouth gagged with his own underwear and his waist strapped. He was worried. He was frantic that his captor might have something really nasty, but worst of all, he was worrying that his children might run to his room and see him in his own helpless state. He was sweating like a bull, his nostrils flared.
They were alone, as far as he knew.
This guy has well-endowed features, and his chubbiness adds edge and appeal to his already masculine and respectable status. He tried going to the gym, but although he had developed barreled chests, powerful legs and arms, he gave up on his abs. His Asian skin is very distinctive, as though his generation had gone through a series of intermarriages, yet he gained a fair complexion tanned only on his arms and legs. His rounded face belies a gentle nature, and in his current state, his gentleness proved futile in convincing his captor to release him.
He was screaming pleas to his captor, a muscular guy. This guy can pass on as the captive’s son, as the age gap defines it, but in his eyes, he wanted more than just guidance.
‘Don’t you worry, sir,’ the captor mused, ‘I will be doing the integral equations later after our … private … lesson …’
The man was thrashing about and was grunting hard as he tried to get away. But as soon as the captor took the captive’s cock in his hungry mouth, there was nothing the captive could do but moan and groan as he felt himself getting hotter as waves of pleasure and shame tore through his being … surrendering to the blissful sensation his 7 inch cock was receiving.
Three friends find that there are more to each other then what they have let on. Over a week, they learn the secrets that lead to a more interesting friendship then what was intended...
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