Andrew's Father
Andrew and I grew up together as the very best of friends. People often remarked that he and I were an inseparable pair. Whether it was sports, boy Scouts, camping movies or rock concerts, Andrew and I always seemed to be doing the same thing together. About the only thing we didn’t share in common was playing musical interments. Andrew loved playing both the trumpet and trombone. He was the lead trumpet player in our high school band which played at just about every football and basketball game.
When weekends and summers rolled around, Andrew was either at my house, or I was at his. He was an only child of divorced parents while I came from a rather large Catholic family of three brothers and four sisters. His mother had since remarried while his father remained single and lived in a two bedroom condo only about 20 minutes from Andrew and his mom.
For the most part, whenever we spent the night together, we would usually stay over at his father’s place since my house was always so crowded and Andrew didn’t care to be around his step-father over at his mother’s house during his spare time.
Mostly we did things with Andrew’s father like camping, scouting and especially fishing at least two dozen times a year. Andrew’s father was considerably younger than my father and really enjoyed doing things with us two boys. I found him to be a rather pleasant and personable man of about 5’10, medium build with light brown hair, hazel eyes and very light completed like Andrew was. He lived just across the Mississippi River on the Illinois side while Andrew and I lived on the Iowa side over in Davenport.
As Andrew and I got older and grew into our teens, I began to wonder about his father at times. I never heard Andrew talk about any women that he dated even though he was only 35 years old. And he was certainly an attractive enough guy especially when he wore a pullover Polo shirt and Docker shorts that he so often dressed in during summers. I thought he had really attractive masculine legs that were covered with soft light ginger hair.
And every so often, I would see him shirtless like when we went swimming in the lake at the camp grounds we often stayed at during our scouting days. He had a very masculine chest with just a little chest-hair and two really firm & rather large cherry nipples. On at least two occasions I saw his cock when we peed in the woods together. While I couldn’t tell how big it actually got, he certainly appeared to be a well-hung guy. And I admired guys who were well hung. I knew just about any woman would have found him to be a very attractive man with a pleasant & outgoing personality, I often told myself.
But then again, there was something else too. At times, I got the impression that Andrew’s father took an interest in me beyond that of just being his son’s friend. It was almost as if he idolized me especially when he took us out to dinner. He always ordered me the finest prime-rib on the menu because he knew it was my favorite and when he talked to me without Andrew in the room, I could often see a distinct sparkle in his eyes. And it seemed when I would take a shower over at his father’s place --like when I would spend the night--Andrew’s father was always close by. It was almost as if he were hoping to catch a glimpse of me half-naked entering or exiting the hall bathroom. I didn’t pay much attention to any of this at the time because I felt almost as if I was part of his family.
Then, one summer’s weekend night, something really strange and bazaar happened. I was spending a typical Saturday night with Andrew over at his father’s place. We had just come back from an all day fishing trip. We were hot, sweaty, tired and just wanted to get back to his father’s place so we could clean-up and relax. After Andrew took a shower in one bathroom and his father in the another, they both strolled outside the front door. I thought they were going to the store to get some fresh eggs and milk for the morning since Andrew’s father mentioned that we needed to get some things for breakfast. In my mind they would be gone at least 20 minutes or so since the store was about five miles away.
Given both bathrooms were now free, I decided it was time for me to take a quick shower while they were out. So, I went into Andrew’s bedroom and stripped. I walked across the hall and into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I didn’t bother to lock it like I usually did because I thought nobody was home and I would only be a few minutes. I jumped in, scrubbed myself down, shampooed my hair and then rinsed off. I then drew back the shower curtains, hopped out and toweled myself off. No sooner had I thrown my towel into the hamper and was blowing drying my hair in the mirror, when Andrew’s father suddenly opened the door and walked in on me.
He exclaimed, “Opps, sorry Robby, I didn’t know anyone was in here.”
I couldn’t cover myself because I had a hair brush in one hand and the blower dryer in the other. So I just stood there in all my naked glory with my flaccid cock hanging out right before his eyes. Andrew’s father had finally gotten the chance to view me in my 5’7, 130 lbs. birthday suit, I thought to myself.
I didn’t know what to say, so I asked where Andrew was. His father remarked that he had given him some money and sent him to the store. He asked if I would like to go out to dinner or just order pizza in--and if I wanted to go out-- where would I like to go, or if I wanted pizza, what kind of toppings did I want on it. It almost seemed to me he was trying to buy time by asking questions so that he could continue to check my naked body out from head to toe.
When I replied that I didn’t mind what we did, he thought about it for a minute and said, “Well I think we’ll go out--how about a nice prime-rib, tonight, Robby?”
I replied, “Sure, why not, whatever you and Andrew want to do.”
He then remarked, “OK, prime-rib it is as he smiled, turned, walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him.
While I felt somewhat embarrassed by the whole incident, a wired but sensational feeling came over me. For some reason it was kind of thrilling and electrifying to be standing completely naked in front of a fully clothed man while talking to him. I felt so passive inside which really excited me much more than the time when I took off my clothes for one of my older female cousin’s a few years back.
From that point on, things were never quite the same between me and Andrew’s father at least in my mind. Even that night at dinner, I felt a little odd knowing that Andrew’s father aside from my parents and my cousin was the only person that had seen me completely naked before. I wondered what was going through his mind when he first walked in on me. And even though I was somewhat perturbed at him for violating my privacy, I knew in the back of my mind that I wanted to expose myself to him again.
Then, several weeks later almost the identical incident happened. We had just gotten back from another all day fishing trip. Andrew and his father had both taken a shower when Andrew’s father sent him to the store to get some items for breakfast. Soon as Andrew left that was my queue to get into the shower. Only this time I deliberately left the bathroom door unlocked. And just like Andrew’s father did the first time, he opened the bathroom door and walked in about a minute or so after heard me turn on my blow dryer. I could instantly tell by the initial expression on his face that he was pleasantly surprised to see me standing there in the buff again.
This time he asked if I thought he should cook could steaks or chicken out on
the grill. I kind of stalled and pretended I couldn’t make up my mind cause I
really loved the titillation of standing naked in front of him again. We
discussed it for what seemed like two or three minutes before we decided to BBQ
some chicken. All the while I was sure he was just as stimulated looking at me
as I was exposing my naked body to him.
After that, we both knew what each other liked and whenever Andrew’s father sent
his son to the store, I would immediately hop into the shower. And of course
Andrew’s father would pop his head in just after I turned on my blow dryer and
would make small talk with me for a few minutes while he carefully looked me
About four months after all of this first happened, I had a really wild and bazaar dream one night that Andrew’s father and I were at his place alone. After he turned on some music, he smiled at me and asked if I would take off my clothes and hop around his condo like a little bunny rabbit. I smiled back and did just as he requested as I stripped and skipped around his den and kitchen naked while he clapped for me. When I got finished, he put his arms around me, gave me a kiss on my lips and then stuck his tongue deep into my mouth. He then handed me a long pointed carrot to eat cause he said it would make me a better bunny rabbit. As I was munching on it, he bent me over and twisted another pointed carrot up my butt. With a smile on his face he remarked that I looked really good with a carrot up my bum especially with the green steams that extended outwards which made it look like I had a little tail. He even took me into his bedroom so I could see for myself in his mirror. While I admired my new tail, he stood behind me and jacked me off until I shot my load all over a wedding picture of he and Andrew’s mother that was sitting on the night-stand.
Suddenly, I woke from my dream with my heart pounding. Right away I noticed I had creamed my underwear. I had never had a wet dream before, but I thought it was really exciting. I quickly got out of bed, changed underwear and went back to sleep thinking about Andrew’s father and the dream I had about us. What I remember most about the dream was how good the carrot felt just after he stuck it up my ass.
As December of that year finally approached, the principle of our school informed us that our marching band had been selected from over 300 bands in Iowa to represent the state in the annual Tournament of Roses Parade out in California. Everyone at school was thrilled and excited for our band. And I was really excited for Andrew because I knew he had always wished he could play out in Pasadena in front of all those people. Little did I know at that time how thrilling it was going to be for me as well only I wasn’t going out to California nor was I going to be marching in any parade.
Just after Christmas, Andrew informed me that he and the school band would be leaving on Tuesday, December 28, and would be returning on Sunday, January 2, so they could be back in time for school which started back up after Christmas break on Monday. He added that they would be leaving out of the Peoria , IL airport which was about 95 miles east of where we lived because it was the closest major airport and they had booked a great deal from one of the airlines. He added that his father was taking him to the airport that morning and wanted me to spend the night and go with him so that he could have a grand send-off. While I had to be home early that afternoon because I was going out with my parents for their 25th wedding anniversary, of course I gladly agreed because a lot of people at school were going for the grand send-off as well. And I knew just how important this was to Andrew for me to be there supporting him.
The day before Andrew left, it began to snow and snow and snow---like almost 8 inches. Everyone started getting worried and wondered if the roads would be open so we could make it to the airport. The three of us left early that morning at 5 am for a 10 am flight cause there were no major highways to Peoria and we had to take the back roads. We drove real slow because of all the snow on the roads, but we got there with ample time to spare. The three of us sat around and talked for about half-an-hour and before we knew it, it was time for those in the band to check in and begin boarding the plane. Andrew’s father gave him a big hug and said we would be watching him on TV on New Year’s Day.
Once Andrew got on the plane, we along with everyone else, watched it taxi down the run-way and then thunder off into the sky. Andrew’s father looked at me and said, “Why don’t we get something to eat, Robby. I’m starving how about you?”
I was starving too, so I gladly agreed. Just as we began eating breakfast at a rather modest diner, it started to snow again. So Andrew’s father and I rushed down our breakfast and got going hoping that we could get a head start before the snow began accumulating on the roads again.
Needless to say, we had a hell of a time getting home. At times we didn’t make more than 10 miles an hour cause the snow was coming down so hard and we had to stop & help pull several cars out of snow banks. Then we got stuck in the snow ourselves for about two hours. Fortunately, a farmer came along and pulled us out with his tractor. And fortunately, I was able to get a hold of my mom on Andrew’s father’s cell phone so I could tell her I would probably be late. But my mom told me not to even worry and just drive really slow for they had canceled our family dinner due to all the snow that was also falling across the river in Davenport.
By the time we got to Andrew’s father’s condo so that I could get my car, we learned the bridge over to the Iowa side had been closed due to all the ice and snow. From reports on the radio, traffic was backed up at least a mile and it was reported that cars & trucks were turning around. Andrew’s father called my mom and they agreed it would be best if I stayed at his place and then try and to drive over the bridge the following morning. While I was a little nervous about spending the night with Andrew’s father by myself, I was also kind of excited too. But I figured in the end, we would both be so tired since we got up
When I worshipped a load of sweaty stinky builders work boots, socks, and feet...
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- Emo
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