Bentley & Alex
One day long into summer break of the following year Bentley and Alex were walking on the edge of a field.
Bentley asked, “So what do you wanna do?”
Alex replied, “I have no idea. Wanna walk in the woods?”
Bentley answered, “Sounds good, and there’s a pond back there and we could go for a dip.”
Alex and Bentley cut down a path and emerged on the other side of the tree line. The boys stopped for a moment to catch their bearings, then started moving again. Trampling in leaves no step had trodden black. They were a decent distance away from their homes and the sun was being replaced by the tranquil moon.
They stripped off their clothing, the summer air danced across their flesh like hot breath; Alex hesitant to remove his clothing while Bentley could see his exposed form. Bentley noticed the nervousness, turning his head he continued removing his own clothing. As Bentley slipped his shorts over his hips he turned back to Alex. The other boy turned quickly, shielding his body with his shirt.
“Alex, you don’t have anything I haven’t seen in the mirror.” Bentley teased.
Alex didn’t turn; he just stood there with his shirt covering his torso and part of his still clothed bottom. Bentley got the hint, for the final time he turned his back and removed his underwear. The warmth of the moist air tickled his naked bottom. Bentley did a slight turn, making sure Alex wasn’t looking at his nude form. Bentley wasn’t going to show anything that Alex wasn’t willing to show.
Alex caught Bentley’s gaze, “Stop looking at me you fag.”
Bentley snickered, “You must have a small dick if you’re so worried about me looking.”
“Ha. . . Ha. . . Ha. . .” Alex added a moment later, “That’s for me to know, and for you not to find out.”
Bentley sighed loudly, “I feel disappointed.”
Alex teased, “Yeah, you should be. No way you’ll see this.”
An audible smack followed by a twinge of pain registered in Bentley’s mine as Alex’s hand met his nude ass; the sting landing on both cheeks across the divide.
Bentley gestured to his body and dick; over his shoulder, as his head turned again, “And you’ll never see this.”
“Oh, I’m stricken with grief.”
“I know you are.” Bentley teased, as he walked into the slightly black cold water.
Instantly upon entering the water very few pieces of evidence of their manhood shrunk. The water was warm, but still not body temperature. After an hour or so of frolic-ish water play Alex broke the playful tone with a serious demeanor.
Alex spoke, “Bentley, I think we should be heading back. Our parents must be scared.”
Bentley grinned and laughed at Alex, “You ‘fraid of the dark?”
Alex replied sheepishly, “More like my father.”
Bentley suggested, “We could just camp out here, under the stars.”
Alex said, “My parents don’t know where I’m at they’ll have the S.W.A.T. Team flying in looking for me.”
Bentley said, “Not if you call them and tell them where you’re at.”
Alex said, “I left my phone at the house.”
Bentley handed Alex his own phone. Alex dialed. “Hello?” “Mom, can Bentley and I camp out over by Clare’s Pond?” “Mhmm… See you in the morning bye.”
Alex gave Bentley his phone back. Bentley dialed, “Hello? Mom. Alex and I are camping out by Clare’s Pond. Unless you object.” “Okay, see you in the morning.”
Bentley ended the call and slid the phone into his shorts. Alex and Bentley went about finding a suitable place to set up camp for the night. A few moments later they found an abandoned lean–to. Bentley cleared some debris while Alex grabbed some large rocks from the nearby pond. Alex fashioned the stones into a large ring, then proceeded to find fire wood.
Bentley produced a pack of matches from his shorts. Alex stacked several dry sticks inside the ring in the T-pee formation, as he was taught by the local Boy Scout Club. Bentley lit a match and the kindling took off in a flash. The fire engulfed the dried wood hurriedly. Alex had a steady stream of wood to feed it. Gradually the fire was burning hot enough and large enough to tackle larger sticks and small logs. Alex and Bentley sat back and watched the sun go down.
Alex spoke, breaking the long silence that had fallen over the boys, “That’s beautiful.”
Bentley chuckled, “Sure, is. I’d have said it first but it sounded gay in my head.”
Alex said, “Doesn’t matter it’s the truth.”
Bentley and Alex went on for several minutes discussing the sunset. The sweet colors blended harmoniously, none overpowering the other. Truly it was one of the most beautiful things Bentley and Alex had ever seen at that point in their lives.
Eventually the conversation turned to something else. Soon the conversation landed on the topic of girls and sex. Bentley and Alex had not had much experience at that time. Bentley started having flashbacks from the past few months. Lane: He thought to himself. Alex admitted to being virgin, except for one blowjob from his ex-girlfriend Mary. Bentley didn’t admit to being a virgin, and he didn’t deny that he was. The conversation shifted once again, the hormonal boys started discussing more sexual acts.
“Who gives better head, men or women?” Alex asked.
Bentley answered sheepishly, “I would say men.”
Alex argued, “Women for sure.”
Bentley asked, “Why do you think so?”
Alex said, “The idea of another man sucking my cock just gives me the creeps.”
Although as Alex said that his cock went from a flaccid two inches to a semi erect four, and was working on becoming a fully erect six. Bentley had a flashback to that first blowjob Lane had given him. Bentley’s own cock grew.
Bentley said, “Don’t think of it like that. If another man has a penis, just like you do. Won’t he know what feels good and what doesn’t?”
Alex replied, “I suppose so. I just don’t like the idea of it.”
Bentley shrugged, “Then you will never know if you’re missing out on something or not.”
Alex said, “Dude, that’s homosexual stuff.”
Bentley said, “It’s gay, but it’s a life experience. You should try new things every now and then.”
“Bentley,” Alex asked, looking ready to flee, “Are you gay?”
Bentley chuckled, “No, no, of course not.”
Alex said, “That’s a relief I thought you were trying to talk me into something…”
Bentley winked, “Maybe I was.”
Alex said, “You’re creepin’ me out man.”
Bentley smiled, showing his perfectly straight pearly white teeth, “I’m only joking, don’t run away.”
Alex asked, “So has another guy ever sucked you?”
Bentley said, “Maybe…”
Alex looked shocked, “How was it?”
Bentley said, “Pretty good, I’d say.”
Alex said, “Who?”
Bentley said defensively, “None of your business.”
Alex replied in defeat, “Okay.”
Bentley grew distant and silent. Alex thought Bentley was mad at him.
As the time neared when Alex started getting sleepy, he asked, “So are men truly better than women?”
Bentley, much to Alex’s surprise, said, “Only one way to find out.”
Alex was tempted to say yes. After all he wanted to know the truth. But at the same time, wouldn’t it make him gay? Hell, one time won’t hurt, he thought to himself.
Alex said, “You willing to make a deal?”
Bentley said, “What kind of deal?”
Alex answered, “More of a bargain. If you get me off. I’ll get you off.”
Bentley said, “By which means?”
Alex replied with a bit of honey in his voice, “Suck me and prove guys are better and I’ll return the favor.”
Bentley, sensing the lure in Alex’s voice, gave in. He nodded in agreement. Alex stood up in front of Bentley. The boys both had butterflies in their stomachs. Bentley was so horny, and Alex was nervous. Alex pulled down his shorts slowly.
He warned, “You can still back out, but after my underwear come off you can’t.”
Bentley simply said, “A deal is a deal. I’ll hold my end if you make sure to hold yours.”
Alex suddenly grew even more nervous; as he slipped his underwear down from his waist to his fine haired thighs; as his fully erect cock sprang from the imprisonment of his underwear, he was having second thoughts. Too late, the moment Alex’s six inch pride slipped out of the underwear Bentley was on it like flies on shit. Alex’s thoughts of nervousness faded.
Bentley had barely gotten Alex’s shaft moist when Alex let a slight whimper escape from his lips. Bentley too immersed in what he was doing to hear the whimper. Alex already felt his orgasm nearing. Bentley could sense it as well; however, he planned to withhold Alex’s release. Bentley had a smug smile as he slipped Alex’s dick out of his mouth and started playing with the head with his fingers. Alex moaned loudly. His orgasmic thoughts faded and his cock stopped throbbing. Bentley stopped toying, and placed the head of the tool back in his mouth. Alex moaned as the warmth returned to his cock.
His orgasm reared again, just like before Bentley stopped when he was so close, almost pleading to cum. Bentley saw the desperation in Alex’s eyes. Bentley knew immediately he was doing a wonderful job. When the throbbing stopped, Bentley placed Alex’s cock back in his mouth. This time Bentley decided to let Alex climax. Bentley focused on using his tongue to assault certain areas. Alex’s hips buckled and a faint moan escaped from his lips. Bentley increased the pressure and triggered Alex’s release. The salty semen flooded Bentley’s mouth. Bentley swallowed whatever he could.
Streams of cum ran down Alex’s shaft and Bentley’s face. Alex, having collapsed onto his knees lay on his back. Alex’s glistening chest, heaving in desperate motions to restore oxygen to his exhausted cells. Alex knew then, men were better than women, by far, or at least Bentley was better than most women in existence.
After Alex caught his breath and had cooled down a bit. He looked at Bentley in amazement.
Alex stuttered, “That. W-w-was. Amazing.”
Bentley smiled shyly, “Thanks.”
Alex said, “I don’t think I’ll be able to do that well on you.”
Bentley said, “Don’t worry about how well you do. Just go with the flow.”
Alex’s stomach did a turn. Again the butterflies were fluttering in his stomach. Nervous as he was he didn’t care. Bentley had stuck to his end of the bargain and now he had to repay the favor. Alex was getting on his knees as Bentley stood up. From this point of view Bentley looked terrifyingly tall. Alex swallowed loudly as Bentley slipped the shorts down his legs and dropped them to his ankles.
Alex started sweating as Bentley’s underwear came down, the underwear were having a hard enough time containing the identity of Bentley’s dick. Alex watched, the scene seemingly in slow motion, as Bentley’s cock sprang free. Alex had never seen another man’s dick before, unless it was in a porn film. Bentley’s cock, thick and long, looked larger than some of the porn actors Alex had seen in films. Alex took a moment to register the sheer size of it. He wondered how he was going to be able to fit any part of it in his mouth.
Fuck it!: Alex thought:Go for it. Alex leaned his head in closer. As he got closer the scent of masculinity grew stronger, as did Bentley’s own scent. Alex tentatively allowed his tongue to move out of his mouth towards the head of Bentley’s cock. Alex’s tongue made contact a few seconds later. The taste was indescribable to Alex. He did, however, know he wanted to taste more. Alex allowed the large pale knob to enter past his lips, his jaw stretching to accommodate more. Bentley moaned quietly. Alex allowed an inch more to enter. Before long, Alex had more than half of Bentley’s cock in his mouth. Alex didn’t feel nervous now.
The scent that wafted from Bentley’s crotch was sending rivers of chills up Alex’s spine. Bentley’s pulse registered, mixing with Alex’s bobbing with amazing cohesion Alex had started going faster and faster, learning what to do as he went. As Bentley’s cock swelled in obvious need of release Alex took more into the back of his throat. Bentley moaned loudly. Bentley’s hips bucked wildly, sending his cock in and out of Alex’s mouth frantically. Alex was helpless; he had given into Bentley’s will. Bentley’s hips jerked one last time burying his cock deep in Alex’s throat.
Bentley released his load, a massive ten ropes of cum sprayed into Alex’s throat and mouth. Alex had no choice but to swallow. Bentley’s cock rapidly deflated leaving Alex’s mouth empty. Bentley’s semen trickled out of Alex’s mouth as he struggled to swallow. Alex had never tasted anything like it before. Alex swallowed the last bit. He could tell he had served Bentley well.
Bentley said between deep breaths, “Good job.”
Alex blushed, “Thanks.”
Bentley said, “You got a little bit of… I’ll get it.”
Bentley wiped whatever cum that trickled from the corners of Alex’s mouth and ran down his chin with his finger. He stuck the finger in Alex’s mouth. Bentley grinned as Alex sucked his finger clean.
Bentley said, “So what do you think?”
Alex replied, “You were right.”
Bentley laughed, as he redressed, “So now what do we do?”
Alex said, “I’m exhausted. I think go to bed.”
Bentley smiled, “Sounds good.”
Alex crawled into the lean to as Bentley placed another log on the fire. Bentley crawled in and snuggled up to Alex.
Alex asked, “Why so close?”
Bentley lied, “I’m cold.”
Alex laughed, “Just keep your dick away from my ass.”
Bentley replied with a fake sob.
Bentley sighed, and closed his eyes. As he drifted off into sleep he said, “Alex, my first was my brother, Lane.”
Alex mumbled, “No way.”
Alex and Bentley fell asleep. Alex woke early when the sun rose. His back was sore from the hard ground. Alex stood and glanced at Bentley. Bentley looked so handsome when he was sleeping. Alex’s mind flashed back to last night. Alex’s dick grew hard as he thought about the delicate touch of Bentley’s lips on his dick.
Alex walked out of the lean to and revived the coal into a proper fire. He sat at the side of the fire, peering into the shelter where Bentley lay sleeping. Alex was running through the events of last night. He found it hard to believe that Lane had given Bentley his first blowjob. Alex recalled Bentley saying, “So what if I told you anal sex was better than sex with a woman?”
Alex pondered the idea of doing it, but he also could see the wrong in doing it. The decision was to weigh him down for the rest of the day. Alex sat there staring at Bentley’s ass, through his shorts. Alex flashed back again to last night, the taste of Bentley’s cum in his mouth, the feeling of Bentley’s cock in his throat. Alex reached down and stroked his cock through his shorts. He let a slight moan go.
Bentley, who had been awake for a few moments, startled Alex by saying, “Horny already?”
Alex ceased playing with his dick through his shorts, “Holy fuck give a guy a heart attack.”
Bentley said, “Watch out, you gave me a boner. Don’t look.”
Alex smirked, “I’ve already seen it.”
Bentley said, “Just checking. I can imagine you being upset.”
Alex smiled, “So which do you think is better anal sex with a guy or sex with a girl?”
Bentley answered, “I’m not sure. I could show you though.”
Alex replied, “Trying to make a believer out of me aren’t ya?”
Bentley causally smiled, “You brought the subject up.”
Alex asked, “Show me, how it feels.”
Bentley dick had grown hard in the brief moments since the conversation had started. Bentley motioned to his dick with his left hand.
“Wanna know how it feels to do it or have it done?” Bentley asked coyly
“I wanna see what it feels like to have it done.” Alex added, “But not if you won’t let me fuck you when you’re done with me.”
Bentley said, “I will willingly let you fuck me, unless you want a challenge.”
Alex playfully smacked his ass, “Come get it.”
Bentley stood slowly, some of his joints popping. He walked to the other side of the fire as Alex stood. Bentley pinched Alex’s left ass cheek. Bentley leaned in.
“You wanna try something else that might be better?” Bentley asked.
Alex replied, “What do you have in mind?”
Bentley leaned closer and locked lips with Alex. Bentley’s tongue tried to pry its way into Alex’s mouth. Bentley’s bold and brash movements had taken Alex completely by surprise even though Bentley’s close proximity should've set him off to the ‘new’ idea. Alex’s mind finally caught up, Bentley was trying to kiss him. Alex’s mouth responded before his brain decided to. Bentley’s warm tongue slammed into Alex’s mouth. Alex’s tongue fought back with the desire he was feeling.
Bentley broke the kiss, “For a moment I thought you were going to barf in my mouth or something. You’re a fast learner.”
Alex smiled, “Do me.”
Bentley slid his hand past the waistband of Alex’s shorts, playfully squeezing Alex’s plump ass cheeks.
Bentley moaned, “You have a nice ass.”
Alex whispered in Bentley’s ear, “I know.”
Bentley traced the outline of Alex’s asshole with his index finger. Alex sucked in a sharp breath. Bentley was dying to see the hole. Bentley angrily ripped Alex’s shorts down his legs. The waistband caught Alex’s dick and yanked it down with the shorts. He issued a gasp.
Bentley commanded, “Bend over.”
Alex did as told; bending over, exposing his ass-crack more. Bentley suddenly felt excited, like it was the first day of school after the long summer break. Bentley spread Alex’s plump cheeks. There lay Alex’s virgin asshole in all of its glory. Bentley took a pause to take in the sight. Alex’s hole was small, puckered, and pink. It made Bentley’s dick beg. Bentley had never tried his next move with Lane so he wasn’t sure how it would feel.
Country boy Luke Cooper was out on the fram when his dad called him on his cellphone to come in and get lunch, he got into his truck and was on his way back to the house. A man was hurt and he was the kind of guy who would not let anyone go with out help...
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