Best Friends

(Part 1 from 1. Fiction.)

My name's Jason. I'm 19, 5'8", athletically built, lightly tanned, blue green eyes, with a mixture of Hispanic and asian.

I was sitting at home. Watching TV. I thought my day couldn't get any more boring.

My cell gave off a vibration. I picked it up. It was my best friend Tyreek, "Yo Jay, what you up to?" "Nothing. Just sittin at home bored as shit," I dragged out in a dead tone. He asked me, "You wanna hit the lot?" I jumped up right away and got my skateboard, then left the house.

It took me about 15 minutes to get to the lot. The "lot" is an abandoned parking lot left behind from a factory that went bankrupt in '09. A group of us skaters decided to adopt it. We were allowed on the property only if we kept it clean and cut. We skated for about an hour when Tyreek tried to do one of his killer tricks. He gave himself a running start. Kicked his board up to get on the railing. He rode it for a second or two.

He jumped up again and attempted a flip while keeping his board on his feet. He's done this trick a hundred times before. But something went wrong this time, he lost his balance and he fell sideways. He tried to cover his fall with his hands. But his elbow hit a huge rock, and both his wrists twisted. Everyone rushed over and checked if he was ok. I called the police and a ambulance truck came. I went in the truck with him. Called his mom and told her what hospital we would be in.

When we got to the hospital, he was issued a cast for his elbow. And two braces for his wrists. But before we left, the doctor took him into a private room, I followed of course. The doctor insisted I stayed out, but Tyreek said otherwise. The doctor explained that his health insurance demanded a mandatory penis inspection. Tyreek said ok. I sat there texting while I saw the doctor opened his pants and pull it down. I gazed as the doctor did the check up. Pulled his pants back up for him and we both left the hospital. His mom was there to pick us up.

A few days after, his mom called me and told me he wanted me to sleep over. So I did.

I came over his house after work, about 6 or 7. He was sitting in bed with his elbow sitting on a few pillows. We chilled for a while. Ate some pizza. I had to cut up this pizza for him and feed him with a fork. I was ok with that, I toke care of elderly at work. It was around 1am and I turned out the lights. Got in bed and got under the covers.

Every time I sleep over, we sleep in the same bed. It's been that way since we were little. Only this time, I had to reduce my sleeping space to make room for his wrist. I didn't want to accidental lean on it.

We started talking. "You remember Amanda from school? I wanted to fuck her so bad," he said.
"Yea I do, you still jealous I got it before you?" I said as I laughed a little.
"Naw, I'm just mad she moved to California. I'm never gonna get that now."
"Sucks for you, her pussy was tight as shit. And she squirted like a hose."

He was silent for a second. He shifted in the bed. He whispered to me, "Dude..... I know this is gonna sound weird.... But I really need to. Its been weeks. Could you jerk me off?" In my head I thought "WTF?!" But after that, I thought about how he hurt himself a few days back. He's my best friend....... He'd do the same for me right? But it's... Gay. Isn't it? But I'm helping out my best friend......

"I don't know. It's weird." I told him.
"I know it's weird, but c'mon man. You know I would do the same for you." He insisted.

I thought about it for a while and I told him ok.

I didn't know what to do, it was my first time doing it to another guy. So I just pretended I was doing it to myself. I reached over and felt for his dick. I found his stomach. So I made my way down slowly. I got to his pants. I slid my hand under his shirt. As soon as I got my hand under his shirt, I felt his dick. His entire head was peeking out of his pants.

When I touched it, he had pre-cum leaking out. I ignored it, I slid my hand down his pants to get a grip on his shaft. I grabbed it and started jerking his dick. I would guess about 7 or 7.5 inches. He wasn't cut. "He had extra skin just like me," I thought. So I tugged on it and he took a deep breath and made a noise. I took a look at his face, his eyes were shut with his mouth slightly opened. I could tell he was enjoying himself.

A minute or two went by and he moaned, "Dude..... Let my shit out." I let go of his dick and pulled his pants down. My hand brushed his balls and he pushed his hips up. So I played with them. I tickled his balls. Rubbed them. I felt his balls tighten a little. I grabbed his dick and yanked at it. His breathing quickened. "Aww shit."

His dick started spasming. I could feel his cum moving through his shaft. Wave after wave of cum. Some got on my hand, I removed the blanket to take a look. He had cum all over his shirt. Tyreek was still catching his breath when he said "There's a towel in my closet." I got up to get it. When I came back, I just noticed I was hard. And so did he.

"I guess I'm not the only one who enjoyed myself." He giggled.
I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing.

"It's only fair if I return the favor right?"
"I guess..... But your wrists."
"I know, but there's nothing wrong with my mouth."

At this point I was thinking with my dick. I was getting hornier as we spoke. "Sure, how you wanna do it?"
"Well I can't move cause of my elbow, guess you gotta fuck my mouth."

I got up on the bed and stood up. He sat up in the bed. I pulled my pants down just enough to let my dick and my balls out.

I know I'm Asian, but I'm also half rican. I'm pretty well hung.

I took my 8 inch dick and put it to his mouth. He opened his mouth and moved his head up to get at my dick. He pulled his head back and leaned it on the wall. I pushed my dick in. I wanted to see how much of it he could take. I felt my head move past the front of his tounge. 3, 4, 5 inches. He took five inches into his mouth before he gagged. When I found his limit. I started to fuck his mouth. My head was rubbing against the roof of his mouth. My balls were tapping his chin. He twirled his tongue around my head everytime I pushed in.
He made a noise. So I pulled out. "Give me your balls."

With no hesitation, I put my balls to his mouth. He licked each one separately. Sucking on each like it was a dream come true. He did this thing with his tongue. He kept drawing an 8 with my balls over and over again. He was driving me crazy. I took my balls away and shoved my dick in his mouth. I fucked it hard and fast.

I felt my balls pulling themselves towards my body. A pressure built up. I took my dick out his mouth and pumped my dick. But he moved his mouth over my head and continued to suck it. So I fucked his mouth some more. A little bit deeper with every thrust. Unti I knew I was gonna cum. I shoved my whole dick down his throat and exploded. "Fuck!" I whispered. He just kept swallowing like it was nothing.

He sucked me until I was soft. He stuck his tongue under my extra skin. No girl had ever done that to me before. It felt amazing.

I got off the bed. Cleaned up the mess. Helped him lay back down. We both went to sleep. We didn't talk the rest of the night. We didn't mention anything the next morning. It was like it never happened.

Until two weeks later, when he got his cast and braces off...

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