But You Said You Loved Me
100% fictional!
Hey!! This is my first story and i would really appreciate feedback positive or negative, thanx :-) and sorry for the lack of sex, and sorry if I spell shit wrong lol
Wakeing up out on the back padeo by the pool, the sun feels so good on my skin, like a piece of heaven. I look out at the horizon it looks so beautiful, suddenly I feel a shuffling under the covers then a groan.
"what time is it?" the voice asks as i feel those warm arms wrap around me, I look at the clock on my ipod,
"11:30 am" i answer.
He emerges from under the covers,those pretty blue eyes locking on to mine.
"shit!! i gotta go i have a...thing going on, i have to go to!" he told me in an urgent tone. He then gave me a kiss goodbye got on his clothes got in his car and drove off. Leaving me so happyfinaly feeling i had someone who understood me, who cared what i thought...Who LOVED me! I guess i should let you know about me, my name is Justin Brooks; im 17, 5'8" with green eyes that change color with my mood (sexy right?!) curly black hair and i guess what you could call a pretty normal build. This is the story, more or less about my love life, it all started the morning earlier at school.
"justin hey justin!!" i heard that voice call.
"oh hey braydon!!" i called back
Braydon was my best friend since school and i've been in love with him ever since, but i knew he wasnt gay and i'd never stand a chance even if he was. He was a bit taller than me at 5'10" had beautiful blue eyes was a bit more muscular than me and a gorgeouse smile his hair was blond and he was a sight to me.
"me and stacey are going to the new twilight with a few of her friends,and i dont wanna be stuck with a bunch of girls gawking over robert pattinson so i was wondering if you wanted to come with" he told me
Stacey was his girlfriend whose guts i hated for having my braydon.
"yea sure, why not?"
I honestly hated twilight and stacey and her friends but still i'd be there with Braydon also and that would make it all worth it (and honestly i wouldnt mind gawking at robert pattinson myself lol)
"Good ill pick you up around 8'oclock tonight then?"
"ok sounds like a plan!" i said trying to hide my giddiness
"great!" he said smiling at me giving me chills with those eyes, i wanted so badly to lean over and kiss him right there! He walked off and i got a nice look at his ass when i hear another voice calling me.
"hey justice!!!"
I turned back to see it was my friend ashley, she was the only one who knew i was gay and liked braydon, dont ask why she calls me justice i dont know why
"hey ash!" <my nickname for her (but no shit right)
"soo i saw how you looked at him and your glowing now! What did he say?" she asked noseily i might add
"nothing just invited me to go out with him and his girlfriend thats all..." i said as we walked into our last period of the day
"awe yea you gonna get in that!!" she said in her mock ghetto accent
"nooooo, just a movie is all. And not even for me."
"Yea well..."
"Ashley Thomas would you mind quiteing down we have a class to get to" came the voice of mrs. Floorence
"yes mrs floorence" ashley said in a sarcastically obedient voice
"and i expect you and mr brooks wont be interupting my lessons any longer."
He went on like that for another hour untill the bell rang people were all conersating and trying to talk to me on the bus but i wasnt paying any attention, i was too caught up thinking about braydon and what i should wear and etc etc.
When i got home my dad was still at work but my older brother kyle was home early from his college classes. Kyle was 6' brown eyes black curly hair like mines but unlike me had a really atheletic build, i mean really really atheletic he looked like he was a model for some gym or something it was fucking unbelievable i was related to him.
"Hey justin" he said to me not taking his eyes off the xbox
"hey" i said in a rush, i instantly rushed upstairs and got dressed in an mcr tshirt with some blue skinny jeans i then realised that through the day i managed to get really sleepy s o i ended up taking a nap and waking up to the sound of the doorbell ringing.
"bye kyle see ya later" i yelled out
"uh huh" he said wide eyed with red veins like he just got high playin the same xbox game he was playing 4 hours ago.
I opened the door to see what i thought was a mirage there stood braydon in a
tight tshirt and shorts that showed off his beautiful legs.
"ready to go?" he asked
I didnt answer i just walked out into the passanger seat of his car and we took off. I was wandering were stacey was and i guess he read my mind or something cus i instantly got an answer
"ashleys getting a ride with her friends shell be there shortly."
so it was just me and him in the car we started talking about this and that
and on and on and on untill we lost track of where most of our conversations
started. We pulled into the movie theatre around 8:15 and found stacey in a
convertable listening to L'trimm cars that go boom (IKR)
"hey braydon sweety!" she called out before pulling him in and kissing him fml
moment if ive ever heard of 1. So we went and saw the new twilight and ive never
seen so many fat girls swoon over a movie screen, i honestly i can say i hated
every second of it, well except the part where i got to sit next to braydon,
with stacey on the other side though he seemed to be avoiding her...
We got done watching the movie when i go into braydons car and could see that
braydon and stacey were arguing about something. then stacey got in her car and
braydon got in his looking rather upset.
"what happened"
"she broke up with me" he answered
"oh sorry..."
"Its fine, it was a dead relationship anyways," he said more to himself than to
me,"so do you have time to hang or do want me to take you home?"
" i dont have any plans i can go to your house if your okay with it"
"GREAT!!" he said excitedly with that smile across his sexy face.
I loved his house, i used to go there all the time as a kid; his parents were
rich but barely ever home there jobs had them traveling alot, i never was really
sure what they did for a living though i think it was something in
We arived at his house and instantly he went for the cruzane (i know we shouldn't drink rum but were just naughty like that lol) Well were pretty lightweights so in no time we were completly drunk so in our drunk fury we decided to go hangout by the pool.
"she was a bitch anyway" i said in a rather incoherent tone
"yea theres plenty fish in the pond and i got a..got a fucking net!!" he replied
"fishingpoles catch fish!" i say in a drunk slur pushing him playfully aparently a little too hard because he fell over and grabed my shirt pulling me down with him i fell right on top of him and we shared a laugh and he gave me a glance in the eyes, then something took over me right then and before either of us could think i put my lips hard up against him. I wouldve expected him to toss me off of him and kick my ass right there but instead he held me tight and pushed his tongue into my mouth, his mint flavored tongue roamed my mouth and so many thought buzzed in my head, was he really doing this? Was it just the alcohol. These didnt last long though this was a dream come true for me i wasnt going to let my brain get in the way of that. He then broke the kiss,
" justin youre so beautiful! I want you so bad right now!"
"i want you too braydon!" i said as i tried to pull him in for another kiss but he pulled back. He took off his shirt and i could see his amazing 6 pack, i noticed an aching feeling in my cock, once again my mind reader to the rescue! He took off my pants and exposed my 7" cut cock taken a back for a moment he steped back and took off his own pants showing off his 9" uncut cock.
"What do you want to do with me first?" i said lustfully. He didnt answer he just lowerd his body to my crotch and put my cock in his mouth i was lost for words he started sucking on my head and all i could do was moan louder and louder then he got his tongue involved and started going up and down on my piss slit which sent shivers down my body.
"oh fuck baby...More i want more" i screamed and not being one to disappoint he shoved my whole cock down his throat and gaged multible times really hard. Then when he stoped his gagging he started humming which sent vibrations all over my cock and put me over, he pulled my dick out his throat and started to run his tongue around my cock head and with that i was about done.
"Oh braydon im cumming!"
About instantly when i said that i shot 6 shots of cum into his mouth, he kept
it all in his mouth and we swapped the cum for 5 mins before he swallowed it and
stood up. He then took his large member and stuck it between my lips and started
fucking my face. The feeling of his penis going back and forth in mouth was
overwhelming and i couldnt help but moan with his cock inmy mouth, and i guess
he took that as a hint because he instantly shoved his long nine incher down my
throat and came right at that very moment. I swallowed every last drop of it and
he pulled out slightly so i could taste his sweet salty juices. After all of
this we looked at the time and saw it was about midnight.
"you cant go home this late...hold on" he went inside momentarily and came
back with a large blanket and a futton mattress that he placed on the ground
then he grabed my hand and made me lay under the covers where he cuddled me.
"so do you do this alot?" he asked i shook my head
"first time actually..."
"well im glad i was your first" he told me with a smile. I was so happy... yet at the same time uneasy.
"braydon?" i said
"yes baby?"
"do you miss stacey...i mean...do you wish it was her that was here with you instead of me?"
"no...u said it yourself, staceys just a bitch,besides" he said hugging me "i love YOU"
I couldnt believe what i was hearing was true! He said he loved me and for the moment everything seemed perfect!!
"I love you too" i said in full joy. We lay there momentarily looking at the stars in beautiful silence and i fell asleep in my loves arms hoping it would stay like this, FOREVER!!
Kevin and Martin take a road trip. In this chapter, they get as far as Palm Springs from their home in Phoenix. The trip is great, but when they finally get to enjoy some black cock, they are at their best... (bareback)
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels