Caught in the Spa : Sauna trap!
In Australia we call them jocks, briefs (sometimes knickers if they are high cut).
I remember one Summer when dating a woman from work (I was 18 she was 26). We went to the beach with her neighbor - a woman of mid 50's (Ms Susan Smith) who was quite into younger guys as my girlfriend warned so she told me to be on my guard though I didn't know what exactly she meant. She was a little on the troll side for my liking: Short and large with hair always pulled back in a bun.
She was a wealthy woman with a big house and a spa/sauna set up in the large leafy expansive backyard. Her spouse had passed away long ago of cancer and she preferred to play around rather than settle down. The times I was invited over with my girlfriend I found her good company if a little one tracked in her humor and conversation sometimes.
Well that day on the beach we were joined by her younger sisters son: An overweight but fun guy called Cameron. We were both changing in the male change area - he in his baggy and unflattering Y fronts while I was sported a pair of high cut mostly flesh tone knickers with dark brown waste and leg elastic (I always preferred a bit of depth in my underwear though figure hugging so the waste elastic reached to just below my navel).
Helga came to the beach ready to hit the surf. Seeing me head to the change rooms she warned, "Beware of Ms Smith she warned me. She's a bit of a nympho."
I didn't know what she meant as a fat older woman as a nympho didn't register with me. But off to the beach she went leaving me to join cam in the guys change rooms.
And it wasn't long before I found out what she meant! For but a few minutes passed and the substance of her warning became apparent.
Safely within the walls of the unroofed change area and Cameron yelped in surprise. I turned to see Mrs Smith - camera in hand - aiming at us! It was an old Canon film camera. She hadn't upgraded to digital. Cameron jumped for cover behind the shower recess wall and out of shot with the sound of cubicle doors locking. I was not so lucky. The shock of being caught in my knickers I think more than anything paralyzed me to the spot momentarily. I knew she had me! She aimed the camera and shot. And the nothing! She hadn't wound the film on from her last shot (whatever that was)
It had jammed. She cursed as she battled to trip the winding mechanism. I had been spared being captured by her camera and given a reprieve I recovered control of myself and escaped to the cubicles. An escape of sorts but not without it's price.
"I have seen your colours!" she cursed. "You cant undo that!"
She'd seen my taste in underwear and colour thereof - that I couldn't undo for its was too late. But she hadn't added me to her photo album. Somewhat embarrassed at being caught so exposed and off guard - that was my consolation prize.
Still she let my girlfriend know what had happened. Helga I think was rather turned on by the idea of what had transpired She would tell me later that she boasted "You won't get a second chance to catch my lover in his knickers or add to your collection auntie! He wont make that mistake again of being caught off guard." (though she wasn't a true aunt Helga told me she still referred to her as such as a sort of fun thing).
Of course I wouldn't find out about this collection and what it was till later or that "auntie" had already added Helga to it.
I felt quite stunned for a day or so after. I mean I had never been exposed like that and taken by surprise. The knowledge she could have photographed me and had a more definitive memory for life in her album was also unnerving. But later, when getting intimate with Helga she used the incident to advantage. Listening to Helga use words and phrases as she worked me up to climax such as "she caught you!" "nothing you can do as you cant turn back time" "flashing your knickers" "wish she'd got you on film" and then have to recount at her bequest how it all unfolded and how I felt was incredibly stimulating for us both.
A few months later and I should have known better.
Cameron invited me over to his aunts place. He asked if I wanted to go and use the spa and sauna. It was supposed to be quite a nice set up. Helga had told me. There was a small glass (save for some thin aluminum supports) conservatory around the front of the spa/sauna building to keep any wind and rain out as people entered and left the facility. One entered the small conservatory through a small door followed by a main door thereafter that lead into the spa/sauna.
Both could be locked.
I told Cameron I hadn't brought a costume.
He suggested I just go in my knickers (his exact words which I found oddly arousing). I knew he didn't have any shorts or anything that would fit. I was in jeans and didn't have anything spare at Helga's place around the corner. And he had seen me before in my knickers before.
Hesitating momentarily I let out a sigh before saying: " knickers it is!"
At that he grinned......and I should have sensed what was unfolding.
Aunt he advised wouldn't be home for another 2 hours.
So I slipped off my T shirt and jeans and shoes. This time the knickers were red with blue leg and waste elastic. Close enough to the sort of swimwear you would see at any pool.
Cameron insisted we just drop our clothes in a pile on a cross bench seat just outside the conservatory as the rains had soaked under the conservatory walls overnight leaving the floor too damp to rest them on and the clothes would get soaked in the spa and sauna rooms.
I agreed. Not seeing anything wrong.
He gave me the keys which made me feel more sure all was well.
The conservatory was already open. I pressed ahead at his invitation.
As I fumbled with the keys at the entry to the spa/sauna main door, I head the glass door behind me snap shut.
Cameron was on the other side grinning. He had another set of keys and was locking it.
"What are you doing?" I asked still not realizing it was part of a plan or more correctly "A TRAP!!".
"What's it look like?" he asked.
I shook my head and walked over and tried to open the glass door. It was locked. I tried all 5 keys. None worked. I tried the keys on the spa/sauna door. Nothing!
Fake! All of them just decoys.
Now I started to worry.
Cameron told me his aunt paid him to set me up and she loved doing it with guys and gals.
"NOOOOOOO......NOOOO......NOOOOOO!!" I moaned. "You cant do this to me!!" I pleaded. But Cameron was beyond caring.
Cameron laughed. "OH BUT YES I CAN AND YES I HAVE......"
Cameron had lead me into a trap! My heart pounded. I had to find a way out. I had to escape. Being caught by Auntie Susan with only my knickers on was not an option I desired.
So little covering my body. The tightness of my lycra costume leaving little to the imagination as the material clung to my reproductive organs and posterior like cellophane. How at that moment I wish I had boxers or Cameron's unflattering taste in saggy whites. Not this which I wore to please Helga and for no other woman to see least of all the debauched Auntie Susan!!
Silly as it seems now I thought to myself: To be caught like this! I felt I would rather die! But at that time the prospect of a gloating Aunt Susan soaking me up in her camera and gloating over her prize was terrifying to my male sense of pride and dignity.
I told myself to snap out of it!
"Will I be unable to escape this humiliating trap and be caught by Aunt Susan in my knickers....or will I escape it? Thats the dreaded question I must ask myself!" The question designed to focus me on the task at hand.
Cameron was quick to reply. "Haha.....Yes it is a dreaded question and one which we both have a stake in."
"Yes you must ensure I do not succeed in escaping....while I want nothing more than to escape! And only one of us will succeed."
"And "ensure" is my aim!" he boasted.
deep down I knew Cameron had the advantage in this battle. While I needed to address three foes: time ;the need to escape my confines and finally Cameron. His only concern was to hold me in check for long enough for his Aunt to arrive and claim the prize that was myself in my all too revealing choice of underwear.
Time was the great unknown. How long did I have to work my escape? Cameron had told me Aunt Susan would be away two hours but how reliable was that? It wasn't a question I could answer. All I could do was hope whatever time I had, it was enough to work a little escape magic from a seemingly hopeless position.
I tried to force the glass doorway. The handle though was firm and solid. The glass was thicker than it looked all around and the frame that held it together was riveted so no unscrewing the frame and sliding a glass panel out using the keys as a sort of improvised screwdriver.
Cameron was grinning away.
I was feeling the length and breadth of the glass walls. Looking for any sign of weakness. Anything that would lend an escape route. I felt so vulnerable, wearing only my knickers.
I tried to force the spa/sauna room door. No good. Too strong.
"MUST ESCAPE!" I kept saying. Pep talking myself not to give up. "GOT TO ESCAPE!"
"There is no escape, "Cameron would taunt. "Last time you avoid being added to my aunts photo album. This time you are going in!"
I asked him how much she paid him. I would double it!
He wouldn't be swayed.
I found a woman's hair clip on the wet floor - a long one. I decided I might be able to pick the lock on the glass door. I had a talent for this. So to work I went. But I wasnt thinking clearly. If I had been then I would have known Cameron would block any attempt to loosen/trick the door lock open. As it turned out I nearly tricked it but he thwarted me by gumming it with chewing gum.
"No.......Noooooooooo!" I moaned. So close I despaired.
I began to consider giving up. I was going into Aunt Susans photo album and there was nothing I could do about it.
"Its not fair!" I complained. "Why are you doing this to me?" I thumped the thick glass and aluminium door in frustration.
Cameron: "Because its fun" he said with a cruel smile. "And your girlfriend did boast auntie would never catch you on film in your knickers! 'Too Fast' for her she said....well I have neutralized your advantage now haven't I?" Cameron laughed
"URGH!" I groaned despairingly.
Yes I had escaped Aunt Susan before. He was right: My speed this time was not going to save me. His - or more correctly Aunt Susans - spa/sauna trap saw to that. No place to hide.
The phone rang in my jean pocket. My mobile.
Cameron answered it and passed it to me through a gap under the conservatory doorway. HELGA!
I wasted no time explaining where I was and what had happened.
"Hold on, I am on my way!" Helga advised. "Keep trying to work it - there must be a way out! I am 30 minutes drive away. I wont let her add you to her album. Keep fighting."
Buoyed by Helga's fighting words, I kept trying to work out an escape route. i had the hair clip so decided to work the spa/sauna room door instead of the conservatory glass door as Cameron was blocking that physically with his presence and the gummed lock.
Picking at the lock - I had to listen to Cameron's constant reminders of how my time was running out and how sexy my choice of underwear was and what a nice addition to his aunts album I would make!
At one point I came so totally close to tripping the lock to the spa/sauna room. Just a slight slip - a fraction of a second - was all the difference between sanctuary and failure as my grip of the thin hairclip slipped - allowing the tumblers to lock back in within the locking mechanism.
I cursed myself.
"You're done for, GIVE UP!" Cameron would call. "So many guys and gals have fallen for her spa/sauna trap. You will just be one more for the collection!"
I wasn't discouraged. I gave it another go. Little did I expect the next surprise. I was coming so close to opening the spa/sauna door when Cameron disappeared.
Helga called again to check I was still okay (meaning I wasn't done yet or the aunt hadn't turned up).
"Working the spa/sauna door with my lock picking skills" I told her. "Even bet to escape!"
I truly could sense escape was a possibility. I had been so close just moments earlier so knew it could be done.
The lock was slowly being tricked when all of a sudden who should appear on the other side but Cameron.
"WHAT THE...!!!" I gasped.
Again he gummed the works with a huge blob of gum.
"A backdoor in - for emergencies!" Cameron boasted.
Helga asked what was going on.
"He's gummed the locks on the spa/sauna door!" I agonized.
This is a fictional story on how I became a prison officer working at a prison and the sexual encounters I enjoyed along the way...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels