Derrick : My Charming Roommate : Part 1
It is quite some good luck when you are gay and starting college and the manager of your hostel suggests to you a sexy-looking handsome guy to be your roommate. However nothing exciting would happen until you get to confirm that this guy, the object of your horny feelings, is gay too.
When I was admitted to the college I preferred putting up in one of the few super-class hostels. My family could afford a luxurious single room for me but I preferred a double because I really hated staying alone in one room.
When I applied for a double I was assigned a room on the fourth floor of Precious Hostel. This room, I discovered, had already been booked by a guy who looked forward to a roommate.
On the first day at college I drove to school in my double-cabin Ford Explorer truck. A porter carried my luggage to the room where I found my would-be roommate. He was unpacking his luggage. I discovered that he had wheels too, a Nissan Forester and had parked it down in the yard. When I came to the room he had already unpacked his stuff.
He was a lean black 19-year old with a perfect face, dark smooth skin and wonderful build. He was a freshman and so was I. He was shy with sexy looks that electrified me the moment I saw him. Right away, given my sexual orientation I was wondering how I was going to put up with a young man with such attractive and tantalizing looks and resist his charm. There is nothing I feared like scaring him away when that inevitable moment came for me to inquire about his orientation or to reveal my real self to him.
We introduced each other getting to know about a lot of things about us. I came to know that his name was Derrick and his home was in a wealthy neighborhood on the city outskirts a few minutes drive from the college. His parents had white collar jobs in some utility companies. For years before he came to college he wasn’t allowed out on his own and all his dating had to be done around home in the presence of his parents. He had a younger brother and an elder sister. The family was deeply religious. He had never been to a boarding school.
My family had a solid financial base that’s why I could afford a car and all the luxuries I had brought down to college. My father was a wealthy merchant and my mother an executive of one of the affluent corporations in town. We weren’t much in religion though Sunday mass was a must at home. Unlike Derrick I spent most of my childhood in boarding school.
Boarding school is where I had discovered my real orientation. It was a mixed school but I came to realize that I was not attracted to girls. It was always those cute male school mates that could arouse my sexual desire. I had a lot of opportunities with boys who discovered the wonders of the forbidden gay sex with me in the shower rooms at school and other places especially when we went out camping as Boy Scouts.
College academic programs commenced after the first weekend. We got into the school business hence and whenever we came down to sleep we didn’t talk much with Derrick. However I discovered that Derrick wasn’t delving deeply in matters of sex. I presumed that the strict Christian upbringing had influenced him so much that he preferred not having anything to do about sex and all that stuff. Indeed I detected, with a lot of regret, that his shyness couldn’t let me penetrate his mind. Even after one week I didn’t want to disclose to him what I was in matters of sex and how I felt about him. I still feared that he would be scared and decide to find another room if not another hostel altogether.
We both took showers in the morning and late afternoon or just before turning in. I am a bit shy too but never in the presence of a guy with whom I have romantic feelings. In the room I would thus strut about in my briefs when I was going to or coming from the shower room. I did this intentionally to test whether Derrick would respond in some way. He however preferred to put on boxers or a bathing robe whenever he was going to the shower room. I would often steal glances at him making metal pictures of the guy in the nude. In the end I tried to use body language I presumed he would understand knowing that he was mature enough. I failed to detect any response.
I refrained from invading his privacy in an endeavor to get to discover what I wanted to know about him. This was only for the sake of decency and fear of embarrassment in case he would detect the personal interest I had in him. I tried nevertheless to look out for some signs that could reveal his true sexual nature. I couldn’t find any for he even didn’t date boys or girls. I didn’t want to ask him because I knew he would ask the same question and then I would reveal my orientation and if he was homophobic it would mean I would lose him for good. In spite of all that I endeavored to befriend him by being polite and understanding. It was good that he reciprocated my gentlemanly gestures. All in all I knew that though we couldn’t become lovers at least we could be friends and that would suffice.
However I loathed the day when he would start dating. I couldn’t imagine anyone, girl or boy, enjoying a romance with Derrick in my presence. Many college guys were indiscreet and could express love affairs in the presence of their room mates. I didn’t know how I would bear this. It would be actually a slap in the face. It was however encouraging that just as I couldn’t find any sign that he was gay, there were no signs that the opposite was true either.
This state of affairs went on all through the Fall semester. Over time however I got used to this kind of tension. I came to learn a lot about my roommate excluding his love life. That area was always a no-go area and a mystery about his sexual life persisted. I also intensified my perseverance in modesty and prudence. At one point however I didn’t want to know what this young man was up to because I was afraid that my worst fears would be realized. My worst fear was that my charming room mate was straight and we couldn’t have any sexual relationship with him in spite of the great opportunity we had at the moment.
The long-awaited break came finally on the last day of the Christmas recess. He had called to inform me that he would spend the last night of the recess at the hostel after his game of Crickets. He didn’t tell me the reason why. I became quite suspicious because I thought he would have preferred to spend the last night of recess at home. Why would he decide to spend the night at the hostel? I thought he wouldn’t spend this night alone when he could spend it at home with his family. I still didn’t want to violate his more intimate privacy. On the other hand my passion for him was too much to let things drift by without paying any particular attention. What I was going to do was kind of stalking but I couldn’t resist that compulsive impulse to satisfy my curiosity about the circumstances surrounding the sexual life of my roommate.
I resolved to spy on him myself for I didn’t want to involve anyone else, not even a Private Investigator. Well I knew many of them respected their professions and couldn’t deal with a college student. I drove down to one of the numerous outlets for electronic gadgets. I asked for a small concealable surveillance camera. The one I got was damned expensive but it had a bonus of being not only movement-sensitive but a capability of transmitting data instantaneously via mobile telephony and it had a large storage. Hence I could watch Derrick’s activities this particular live using my smart phone.
Around midday on New Year’s Day I drove to the hostel and went to our room. I managed to conceal my camera in a paper box the side of which I had perforated to allow the lens system to stick out without attracting any attention. The manufacturer had assured me in the manual that the camera had a night-vision system hence any activity carried out in the dark could be captured. The lens could cover a sector of 180 degrees hence there was no need of it swiveling around and attracting the target’s attention.
Following the instructions on the manual carefully I had adjusted the transmission system of the camera to my smart phone.
I left immediately for I didn’t want Derrick to know that I had come back to the room and drove straight home. As I drove along I felt a guilty conscience. It was a kind of betrayal to someone with whom I had developed a deep friendship. However I suspected that my room mate was concealing from me matters of profound interest. And I was passionately jealous of the lucky guy or bitch that would be enjoying Derrick’s body. I had some crazy feeling that he belonged to me since I was the lucky guy who, without the least effort, but sheer luck had had the chance to have him as a roommate. Hence I knew that fate was on my side.
I couldn’t wait for the signal that would come on my phone to alert me that my concealed camera had detected some movement in our room back at the hostel. I longed for a puff but I couldn’t dare to smoke at home in case hidden surveillance camera around the house would reveal this to my parents. I tried to watch the news and thereafter a movie but I couldn’t concentrate on anything. I called friends for a chat while munching on a sandwich on which I settled for lunch after which I took a glass of Martini and tried to sleep. When I couldn’t sleep I drove down to a friend who had happened to spend the day at home and whiled the evening away chatting and playing pool.
It was already dark when I decided to go home. As I drove home my smart phone hanging on the dash-board alerted me that my concealed video-camera had been activated. I was fortunate, being a holiday, traffic was light, and hence I managed to quickly and safely cruise down the streets and home and not have to miss a great deal of the footage now being relayed to my smart phone.
When I came to my room I right away hooked the phone to a DVD player and switched on TV screen. My parents and the two siblings would not be back until midnight. Hence I had the house to myself. Right away I could see clear pictures of our room. Soon a young man with a very handsome face, dark complexion, treated hair and earring came into view. He was wearing a black collarless T-shirt and dark blue jean. He was the same size as Derrick and almost as handsome as him. As they shuffled around the room Derrick kept on referring to him as ‘Honey’ therefore I couldn’t tell his real name.
A shy boy and a popular boy come together at a pool...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels