Flash Recall

(Part 1 from 4. Fiction.)

I was still in my teens when I first realized how much having a big, thick cock seemed to impress people. Hey, I'm not the shy type. In fact, as I recall, I've always rather enjoyed being looked at. I can even remember being quite young and amusing the adults with my innocent, nude romps about the house.

I found, though, as I grew older, people's attitudes toward my nudist-like behavior began to change. What had once been acceptable, harmless child's play had suddenly become indecent and offensive. Problem was, I still got a rush from flaunting my body, but to avoid criticism, even punishment, I learned to be much more discreet.

By the time I was eighteen, the powers of nature and the elements of genetics had transformed me into quite a handsome young stud. This was also about the time I realize that the motives fueling my unusual desires were profoundly sexual in nature. That was apparent from the way my huge cock hammered with ecstasy every time I dropped my pants to show off.

I had been quick to discover the amazing delights of masturbation. I loved yanking my meaty cock. It wasn't at all unusual for me to jackoff three or four times a day. But still, even the thrill of cumming didn't provide me the same electrifying wallop I got from exposing myself. I practiced my flashing technique until it had become a fine art. My skill became so refined, my erotic maneuvers hardly ever got me into any serious trouble.

Like most teenage boys, I spent a lot of time cruising around with my friends. While acting rowdy with the guys, it was nothing for me to drop my pants and hang my slender white ass out the car window.

We all got a laugh out of seeing old ladies' mouths drop open. Every now and then one of them would be so stunned by the sight of my lovely ass, her eyes would nearly pop out of her skull. Young girls would usually giggle, or whistle. Older guys would shake their fist and yell some harmless, obscene threat. Young guys would usually laugh and applaud. As for me, the sensation of being exposed, knowing I was being stared at, and frequently admired, gave me a real boner.

Needless to say, the car became my favorite medium for performing my illicit acts of exhibitionism. On any given evening, I would expose myself to a minimum of two or three unsuspecting souls. Later, when I was alone, as I jacked off, I would recall with fond appreciation the dumbfounded expressions on my victims' faces. Got it was such a turn on!

By the end of my senior year in high school, I must have flashed my attractive young ass out a car window about a thousand times. I remembered being introduced to people I'd flashed. I recognized them, but as far as they were concerned, they were meeting me for the first time, which of course was not the case. Had I dropped my pants and bent over, I'm quite certain many of them would have recognized me immediately. It got to be wild.

Two weeks before graduation, I went out cruising with some of the old gang. We were just kicking up our heels and drinking a little beer. I must have flashed a dozen people that night. I was so horny, I was on the verge of cumming in my pants.

Alex, my best friend, was driving. As the hour grew late, he began systematically taking everyone home. As usual, I was the last to be dropped off.

On the way to my house, Alex and I talked. It wasn't important talk. More like reminiscent talk. We ended up driving past my house, neither of us paying particular attention to where we were headed.

Suddenly, Alex seemed very uneasy. As I looked around, I realize we had strayed into an unfamiliar, rather notorious part of the city. We had both heard stories, chilling tales about how danger lurked in every darkened alley and doorway. We'd both been warned by our parents countless times to avoid this part of the city. Until now, we had always managed to heed those warnings.

Realizing where we had aimlessly ventured gave us both an adrenaline rush. The element of danger made it impossible for me to resist the temptation to flash just one more person. I sought out my prey. Just ahead, under the dim amber glow of the street lamp, a lone old man was standing at the corner.

Against Alex's better judgment, I stood up in the front seat, jerked down my pants, and hung my bare ass out the window. The crisp spring air kissed my flapping balls as my vulnerable manhood stuck out from between my thighs, dancing in the night breeze.

Quite unexpectedly, a traffic light forced Alex to come to an abrupt stop. Before I could regain my balance and haul my tender young flesh back inside the car, the old man staggered off the curb and grabbed my horse cock.

"That's the biggest fucking dick I've ever seen," the old man said in a drunken slur. "I'll suck it for five bucks."

Not it was my mouth dropping open with shock; my eyes that were nearly popping out of my skull. I couldn't breath, or swallow. I couldn't utter a should. The crazy old man held to my cock with a vise-like grip. I couldn't have been more subdued if his bone-chilling fingers had been wrapped around my throat.

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Random Jack and Kyle - Part 4

Kyle pulled away from Max’s lips and turned to head towards the bedroom but Max grabbed his hand and didn’t move. “I want to fuck you right here on the floor,” he murmured hotly in Kyle’s ear. “Get on your knees baby,” he demanded, looking right into Kyle’s dark brown eyes...
