Football Love: Part 6
The sun was coming from the window which woke me up. I walked about half way back to campus when Monica picked me up. Monica wanted to stay with me but I told her I needed some time alone. I still feel raw and expose from the events of last night. Once I got into my room and on my bed I began to cry. I was right all along about good looking people. John did accept a bet of making me tell him how I inherited my mother’s money. It turns out he is a selfish bastard who only uses his good looks to get what he wants.
Why did I allow myself to believe John was different? Now I know the answer to the question that I have been asking myself since the beginning. How could a hot guy, like John, notice an average person like me? The truth and answer is that he wouldn’t unless it’s for his advantage. Tears started to form in my eyes as I think back to John. I quickly shake my head and wipe my eyes fast and hard. I look at the ceiling for a while. I was used to the bad things that always happen in my life. So far my life hasn’t been a fairy tale one but it made me stronger. I learned how to set aside the turmoil going inside of me and do what I needed for the day.
Today was a special treat for us at the university. The great Liam Henderson, aka my father, was going to come by our football field. The football team along with the trainers must attend no matter what. The university doesn’t want to set a bad example for lack of attendance. I get up and head for the shower while dumping my clothes, from last night, along the way.
The shower was hot and long as I tried to wash everything away. After the shower I got dressed in our casual trainer uniform. A white polo shirt with blue lines curved at the side, khaki pants and white with blue shoes. We had the option of wearing a cap with our logo of the university. I usually don’t wear the cap but for today I will make an exception. I was about to put the cap on when a knock on the door spreads throughout the silent room.
I simply walked over not worried because I know who’s on the other side of the door. As I open the door Monica is standing with the same uniform minus the cap. She looks me up and down with a worried expression. “You don’t have to go” Monica says almost in a whisper. “I can handle it” I say with an attempt at a smile but fail. “Alex….” Monica starts but doesn’t finish. I know that Monica is worried about me. I step out of the dorm room and close the door behind me. “Let’s go we don’t want to be late” I say with defeat in my tone.
Monica and I walk across campus hand in hand. Monica has always been there for me through all the bad things in my life. If it wasn’t for her I would have probably not attended college to begin with, after the episode with Jake. But somehow I don’t feel that comfortable I need something else but I can’t put my finger on it. I then start feeling bad because Monica’s hand holding should be enough to comfort me but it isn’t. I squeeze her hand a little tighter as we approach the field. “You’re going to be fine” Monica reassures me as we step into the long hallway leading to the field.
Surprisingly it was a beautiful day not to hot but not too cold either. The weather was fine that we could be outside with pants on and not sweat like crazy. Monica and I were the last ones to arrive but it seems nothing has started yet. Some of the football players were in full gear while others where half dressed carrying their helmets and shoulder guards. All of the trainers where at the side lines with the same uniform. I really didn’t know what we were supposed to do show off our skills to my father.
Monica squeezes my hand a bit tighter as we get close to everyone. Some people look at me with sadness while others just can’t look at me at all. With Monica by my side I feel a bit better but somehow I just wanted to turn and run back. Monica squeezes a bit tighter and I know what that means. At the corner of my eye I see John with a black sleeveless shirt. John stares at me hoping that I would stare back but I just can’t. After everything he said about loving me I am not sure I believe anything he says or does. In order to keep me from crying or beating up John I avoid his stare and just keep walking forward.
As Monica and I reach the other trainers Jesse, one of our head trainers, tells both of us to set up the water table. He wanted to give me time to adjust to all the eyes staring at me due to the events of last night. I got his secret message and both Monica and I set up the water jugs. Somewhere along the way Monica places her hand on top of mind for reassurance. I look at her and she gives me a half smile. I return the half smile but the emotion behind it was missing.
Our moment is interrupted as loud cheering from the football team fills the stadium. Out in the distance my father, Liam Henderson, is walking towards everyone. I could even see his smile from here as if nothing has happened last night. I guess that’s one thing we have in common, to set aside our feelings so we can do our job.
Jesse places both of us as far away from the field as possible. The football team stars running some drills and we just stand there and watch. For a full hour we watch the football team run their plays and my father gives his advice. Sometimes my father would stand next to a player and talk to him for a while. I guess their conversations were funny because all they kept doing was laughing. I also notice that my father would glance at my direction trying to get my attention with only his eyes. I on the other hand would look away as if looking at the play that’s been run. At some points I can see hurt in my father’s eyes when he looks at me.
I knew eventually that my father would weasel his way over to the trainers. I know that my father would talk to me last. The reality was that I said everything I needed to say last night so there is no reason for me to talk to him. I literally started counting the people my father talked to. It gave me some idea how much I have before my father comes talk to me.
It was getting close to midday and my father had only a few football players left to talk to. During this whole time John kept looking for me and trying to make eye contact with me. My heart raced each time I momentarily locked eyes with John’s. I would like nothing more than to just walk out of this field but I know I can’t. As the minutes pass I could tell that John was getting impatient, I could tell John really wanted to talk to me. I on the other hand knew that talking to me like a boyfriend would expose John as been Bi. At least I think John is bi because he did date a woman before me. John would surely get kick out of the team if anyone found out he liked guys (A football player mentality every player shared).
I then notice that my father starts talking to the trainers. My heart rate speeds up because it’s only a matter a time before my father gets to me. “You can go I am sure Jesse and the others would understand” Monica whispers in my ear. That’s the other thing that bothers me everyone knows about my situation. The football team as well as the trainers knows that my father practically neglected me as a child and that John took a bet, and won, to expose my inheritance.
I must have been deep in thought for a long time because my father had only two trainers left to talk to, Monica and I. Somehow my father knew that Monica didn’t want to talk to him, I guess my father found out that her parents took me in. All he said to Monica was “Thank you for looking out for him even when I wasn’t”. There are hardly moments that make Monica speechless and unfortunately for me this was such a moment. Monica didn’t say anything for a while and my father just moved on to me. My father stood in front of me with hurt still on his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but I guess he didn’t know what to say.
“Can you ever forgive me?” My father nearly said it in a whispering tone. I look up and I see that almost everyone is looking at our direction. The tears are close to falling down my eyes. “I forgave you a long time ago” I say with a shaky voice. For an instant my father’s face lit up. “But you should know the only parents I ever had where Monica’s parents” I say not looking at him “You are my father, by blood, and no one can take that away. Just know that I can never see you as my father no matter what. I am sorry but we can’t repair the damage” the last part I looked into my father’s eyes. My father himself was on the verge of tears as well as I am.
I just couldn’t be here anymore exposing my life in front of everyone. I just started walking out of the field. I really didn’t care if my head trainers punished me for it later I just wanted to leave. I took maybe a dozen steps when a huge body blocked my path. I look up with teary eyes and to add insult to injury John was in front of me. “Alex…” John said in a soft tone. I really didn’t want to hear what he had to say so I just try to circle around him. John grabs my arm and holds on to it while I try to twist my arm free. John tries to pull me into a hug but I just resist. I didn’t want to scream or anything I just wanted to get away from him. After a couple of seconds of struggling I hear “HEY” Monica’s finally found her voice. I could hear her coming towards us with determination. But before she came anywhere near us a fist connected to John’s jaw.
John fell to the ground and a new body stood in front of me. I look up and lock into Jake’s blue eyes. In that instant I remember what he told me. “If he hurts you don’t expect me to just stand there”. I wanted to tell Jake that he shouldn’t fight my battles. Before I could say anything John tackles Jake to the ground. The only reason John succeeded in his tackle was that Jake was too busy looking into my eyes. Both men rolled in the ground hitting each other with all they had. I really didn’t want anyone fighting for me but that’s what was happening.
Monica is the one who came by my side and turned me around. Without saying anything she started leading me away from the fight. I could hear the coach screaming at them to stop. I also heard a bunch of football players urging Jake to kick John’s ass or John to kick Jake’s ass.
To tell you the truth I don’t remember how we got to my dorm room. The next thing I know I am sitting on my bed and Monica is taking off my shoes. “You should probably go to sleep. I have to get back” Monica says as she lays me down. I half smile to her and nod knowing that our trainers would understand why I left but they wouldn’t understand why Monica did. As soon as Monica closes the door I drift off into sleep. When I opened my eyes again I notice that its night, I must have slept the whole day. I was about to close my eyes again when a thought enters my head. John has a spare key to my dorm room.
At any moment John could just walk into my dorm room with nothing to stop him. I quickly get up and put on my shoes. I left my room almost running out not knowing where to go. As I turn the corner I stop dead in my tracks as the stair door opens. I quickly take off to another hallway past my dorm room and further to the left. I hide in the corner wondering if it’s John coming to talk to me.
Sure enough a minute later John is standing in front of my door with the spare key. At that moment I knew that I had nowhere to go. The second place John would look for me is at Monica’s dorm room. Even though we live in this town Monica and I wanted to get out of the house. We both agreed on living on campus just to say we live alone and independent.
A minute passed and I still had no idea where to go. The answer came crashing down on me as it would be the last place John would ever look. About five minutes later, after getting lost a couple of times, I stood in front of Jake’s room. I hesitate for a second because I don’t know if this is a good idea. I remind myself the main reason for coming to Jake’s room is to not see John. I take in a deep breath settling my nerves. I lift my hand to knock at the door but stop half way. “Just friends” I say in a whisper to myself over and over again. I wanted to sink in that Jake is just a friend and nothing more. I quietly knock at the door a couple of times before it opens.
Jake stands there with nothing but shorts on. I take in a deep breath trying to keep my eyes at Jake’s eyes and not his muscular body. I could also see a red mark on his jaw from his fight with John earlier. A big smile comes across Jake’s face as he looks at me. “Hey” he says with a gentle tone. I try to talk but nothing comes out. Maybe coming to Jake’s room was a bad idea I should probably go to Monica’s room. I was about to walk away when Jake gently takes my hand in his. “You’re more than welcome to hide in here for as long as you want” Jake must have read my mind. I should have just walked out and gone to Monica’s but instead I walk into Jake’s room.
Jake closes the door behind me and leads me to his bed. I look around and see that his room is almost like mine, with no roommate. Jake notices me looking around “Yeah you’re not the only one with money you know” Jake smiles at me. I half smile back “Is it ok if I sleep in the bed with you” Jake says kind of not sure what my response would be. “I don’t like sleeping in the sofa and I won’t let you sleep in it either” Jake glances over at the red sofa that in front of a good size TV. I don’t know if my brain wasn’t responding the way it should but I simply said “You can sleep with me”. Jake looked at me for a while deciding if I meant sex or actual sleep.
Jake smiled and led me to the bed. The right side of the bed was against the wall just like mine. I climb in and face the wall on my side. I can feel Jake lay down behind me but I didn’t want to look if he had his back to me or if he was facing me. About five minutes later I was still awake trying to decide if I should turn around and see how Jake is lying. I was about to turn around but then decided I should get some sleep as exhaustion crept slowly into my eyes.
It must have been an hour later when I open my eyes and feel something on my side. I am still facing the wall on my side but I notice an arm over me. For some reason I think its John’s arm but then remember I am not in my room. As my brain tries to make sense I remember that I am in Jake’s room. Jake’s muscular arm is over me almost as if protecting me from the dark. I can also feel his breath on the back of my neck. My heart starts pounding as I start to feel Jake’s body heat all along the back of my body. I know that Jake is fully asleep and unaware where his arm is.
For some reason I start to feel better I needed a man’s touch, not John’s, for support. That explains why I didn’t feel better when Monica was holding my hand. I can’t have feelings for Jake because…why can’t I have feelings for Jake? There is nothing to stop me anymore. Maybe I can use Jake to make John pay for what he did. There is nothing more gut wrenching then watching someone you care about with someone else. But did John really care about me? Did he really mean it when he said he loved me? I quickly shake my head trying not to think about that bastard.
What if I have feelings for Jake? Who would it really hurt? I know that Jake isn’t in a bet. Jake really cares about me. Jake tightens his hold on me and presses his chest on my back. It took only a second for my cock to get hard. Jake’s has a gentle but firm grip on me and my body likes it. I can also feel Jake’s lips lightly brushing against the back of my neck. Without thinking I start to gently rub Jake’s strong forearm and Jake quickly moans holding me a bit tighter. I then become more daring and slowly push my ass back. My heart is literally thumping at my ears but yet I couldn’t stop myself. My ass then makes its destiny to Jake’s cock.
In a second Jake’s cock becomes hard and presses against his boxers and my lower back. Jake quietly moans again and lightly kisses the back of my neck. I don’t move for at least five minutes trying to make sure that Jake is really asleep. My heart rate hasn’t slowed down one bit. I become more daring and start rubbing my ass back and forward all along Jake’s hard cock. Once again he moans and moves his hips closer to my ass. I rub my ass a couple of more times until I gather the courage to reach around for his cock.
What happens next I have to admit I never thought it could occur. My fingers barely make contact with Jake’s nice piece of meat and he explodes. I really mean he explodes all over my back. With one touch Jake unloaded all over my back. I didn’t know what to do laugh or feel disappointed. For the first time today I smile trying not to laugh out loud. About half an hour later sleep finds me and I as I drift away the smile hasn’t left my face.
“I am so sorry” are the first words I hear in the morning. I try to act like I didn’t know what Jake was talking about. “I don’t know what happen” Jake’s cheeks turn a slight red. Jake explains to me that he had a wet dream about me which caused his load to me all over my back. I laugh at the situation and Jake follows to a laugh himself a couple of seconds after. “Don’t worry about it” I say trying to calm down. Jake then smiles kind of seductively at me “Well I am not entirely sure that I am sorry. You feel good wrapped in my arms”. I smile at him but I am not sure that I am ready to try again with that whole love thing.
“Hey, hey, hey” Jake says to me while coming closer and putting his forehead on mine. I lean back towards the wall but Jake follows me not breaking out forehead contact. “I know that you have been hurt by….by him” we both know that Jake meant John. “But please Alex, please give me a chance that’s all that I ask. Please spend the day with me” Jake’s soft tone echoes through the room.
I really didn’t think it was such a good idea. I am still recovering from the damage John made. Jake must have sensed my hesitation “I promise you will have a good time and I won’t push you into anything I promise”. Everything told me that I should just be alone with my thoughts but for some reason I nodded my head. Jake’s sexy smile spread across his face “Thank you” he said almost in a whisper.
After Jake got ready and walked with me to my dorm room with dry come in my back I got ready too. It was a Sunday so it was my day off as a trainer. I sent a text to Monica telling her not to worry Jake was going to keep me company. I was more than likely to get schooled by Monica but if I know her, and I do, she would encourage it.
The only reason Monica would encourage me to go with Jake is to rub it in John’s face that I moved on. Maybe I am just been childish maybe I should go talk to John. But then again he did take a bet on something personal about my life. Out of all the things that John could have taken as a bet I would have probably forgiven him. But the bet he took about my mother is just unforgivable. I shake my head and get ready for the day with Jake.
As soon as I walk out of the bathroom Jake’s sexy smile spreads across his face. “So you hungry?” Jake’s sexy tone echoes through my room. I just smile and nod my head “Good there is a good restaurant I want to take you to” Jake extends his hand. I look at his hand for a little while and without giving too much thought I place my hand on top of his. Jake and I walk hand in hand to his car. Jake leads me to the passenger side and goes for the handle the same time I do.
Even though John was a gentleman as times I really wasn’t use to it at all. We both pause with our hands on the door handle. “Sorry” I say almost in a whisper. “That’s okay, allow me” Jake opens the door for me and waits until I get in to close it. For the few seconds I am alone in Jake’s car I couldn’t help but feel nervous. I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans trying to figure out why I am so nervous. The sun was already setting I didn’t know we slept mostly through the day.
We head for the restaurant close to downtown call “Nemo’s Bar and Grill” to my surprise it’s not a bad place. The name throws it off because it’s almost a fancy restaurant inside and I heard good review about this place. Plus there is a dance floor on the middle of the restaurant with a live band. We place our order and we just talk about anything really. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to talk to Jake it almost brings me back to high school. Jake was one of my best friends and it wasn’t until close to our graduation that I knew I was in love with him. Maybe it was for this reason because I can connect to Jake so easily that made me realize I was in love with him.
Could I rekindle that flame that has extinguished long ago? I really don’t know if I should move quickly with Jake. I must have let my feelings show on my face because Jake then says “Hey you know I won’t push you into anything right. I just want you to enjoy this evening without any expectations. Okay” the last word was soft tone.
Once our food arrived we both stop talking for a while. The reviews were right the food here can cause you to stop talking because your too busy chewing. After we ate Jake order some beers and we started talking again. After a few beers I started smiling and without knowing I started flirting with Jake. Sometimes we would play with each other’s fingers or brush up against each other’s leg. I didn’t know if I should blame the booze for my actions or the good nature of Jake that made me do these things.
The live band started their next song and I was one of my favorites “Come away with me by Norah Jones” and the woman singing it sounded just like Norah. I open my eyes, which I didn’t know I closed, and notice that Jake was staring at me with a huge grin. “You want to dance?” Jake’s tone sounded seductive. I started to protest but I really couldn’t come up with any excuse. Jake then got up and held out his hand for me to take. I blushed, I could feel my cheeks burning, and took Jake’s hand. What really surprised me is that Jake didn’t care who was watching.
When I was with John we had to be careful so no one would suspect us. But with Jake it seems that he could care less what people thought of him and I am sure he would defend me if any said anything to me. I don’t know but I felt freer with Jake not hiding who I am. I didn’t mind the sneaking around but I have to admit it was getting kind of old.
The good thing is that we weren’t alone in the dance floor and Jake led me to the middle. In one smooth move Jake lead both of my arms around his neck and slowly descended his to my waist. Before Jake reached my waist he felt my back with the back of his hands gently descending. We two stepped and Jake held me closer into his muscular body. Our faces were close to each other and all I could do is look into Jake’s blue eyes. The guitar solo in the song just made everything else go away it was just Jake and me on the dance floor. I could also feel his hands gently caressing my back with his strong hands.
To my surprise Jake was singing along with the song but his lips were barely moving. Jake noticed me looking at his lips and gave me a wicked smile. I couldn’t help but smile myself knowing that Jake also knows this song as well. The word “Kiss” kept coming up on the song and I didn’t know if I was ready to do that with Jake. I then leave my left arm around his neck while I move my right hand down to his chest on top of his heart.
I always wanted to do that if I ever had a chance to slow dance with a guy. Jake’s strong chest muscle felt so warm under my hand. Jake leans down and puts his forehead on mine. Jake also tightens his grip a little and we stay like this until the song ended still slow dancing.
It wasn’t until we hear some loud talking that brought us back to reality. To my surprise a few guys from the team were in the bar area with John. My guess is that they brought their quarterback to the bar from getting his ass kicked. The whole gang goes quiet when someone spots us on the dance floor. John’s expression is a mix between hate for Jake and hurt for me.
All though I don’t know if some of the hate is for me as well. Jake gently pulls me away from the dance floor and leaves a hundred dollar bill on the table. I over hear some of the guys tell John to just drop it while others are ready to hit Jake. But before the guys could decide anything Jake and I left the restaurant and were heading out.
I thought this night was fantastic up until John showed up. We were heading back to the university when Jake’s voice startles me “We have one more place to go before we call it a night” Jake says with a big smile. Once Jake parks the car in the dorm area he takes my hand and leads me away from the dorm buildings. “Where are we going?” I say quietly as to not disturb the silence around us. “You’ll see” once again Jake’s sexy tone gets to me. It wasn’t hard were Jake was taking me because the only thing ahead of us was the football field. We walk into the stadium with ease and Jake leads me to the middle of the field.
Jake lies down and gently pulls me down next to him. His left muscular arm serves as my pillow and we both stare up at the sky. “This is what I wanted to show you” Jake says while we both look up at the stars. I really couldn’t believe how bright the stars were here at night they also seemed bigger. “It’s beautiful” was all I could say because I was so mesmerized by the stars. “I am glad you like it” Jake turns and looks at me. I smile and turn to look at him. Jake starts to move slowly closer to me and I don’t do anything to stop him. Our lips were just about to touch when the sprinklers come on.
I don’t know why I screamed like a little girl it was just water. Jake pulls me up and tries to lead me away from the water. Since we were in the middle of the field we got wet from head to toe in fewer than ten steps. Once Jake and I got away from the sprinklers we looked into each other’s eyes and began to laugh. Jake wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a hug “Are you okay?” he says still holding me. I just nod and this time I lead him away from the field and into the training room.
I grab a couple of towels and we begin to dry ourselves over our wet clothes. I could see the perfect muscular figure on Jake as his shirt stuck to his body. “Well that didn’t go the way I planned” Jake said while coming closer and drying my hair for me. “It was actually kind of fun” I say gently tapping his wet shirt with my towel. Once I looked into Jake’s blue eyes everything just stopped. We looked into each other’s eyes once again and held our gaze. Jake slowly descended towards my lips and once again I didn’t do anything to stop him. The moment Jake’s lips touch mine I leaned into him because my knees were in danger of giving out.
It was the most sensual kiss I have ever received and I wanted more. In a matter of seconds the kiss turned from light to passionate. Before I knew it Jake lifted me up on a table and made himself at home between my legs. Jake’s tongue came out to play and I let for a little while. Both of us were kissing like it was a matter of life and death. But before we got any further I push Jake away gently. “I am sorry. I am just not ready for…” I really couldn’t finish the sentence. “It’s okay. It’s okay. I am sorry too I should have been more aware of what I was doing. I can wait as long as you need” Jake out of breath tone made him a bit sexier than usual.
After we somewhat dried out we left the field and headed for the dorm rooms. Jake wanted me to stay with him again but I refused. I knew that if I hanged around Jake any longer there would be nothing to stop me from getting into his pants. I would probably have sex with Jake before I am ready to commit to anyone again. Jake walked me to my dorm room and kissed me gently. Once again I had to lean to the door because my knees were weakening.
Once I was in my room I chucked away my wet clothes, took a shower and got into bed. I laid there on my bed looking at the ceiling. Maybe I still do have feelings for Jake and maybe my feelings for Jake are stronger than my feelings for John. I should probably talk to John and tell him that we could be friends. But that would have to take a while since seeing John makes me angry and sad at the same time. I would probably just listen to what he has to say and that is it. I really couldn’t tell you what time I fell asleep because the next thing I know there is a body sitting next to me on the bed.
I turn to look expecting Jake but to my surprise it’s John. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees. John was looking at the other wall I guess he was trying to gather what he was going to say. I have to admit this made me a bit nervous as I didn’t know what John would do now that he saw me with Jake and the smell of alcohol on his breath didn’t help either.
I guess John must have felt me moving behind him. “Hey, are you awake?” John says in a whisper kind of slurring his words. I on the other hand pretend that I was still half asleep “John” I say making my voice sound groggy. “Yeah it’s me” John says again in a whisper “Can I ask you something?” I really didn’t know if it was a good idea to keep John here in my room alone and drunk.
I really didn’t want to say the word yes to John so I just nodded my head. “Have I really lost you?” John says with pain in his tone. “I never meant to hurt you. It was stupid and childish of me for taking that bet. Once I got to know you everything changed. You changed me for the better Alex. Please tell me I haven’t lost you yet” a drunken confession was not what I had in mind but I guess it takes some alcohol for John to talk to me.
For a second I thought of playing him like he did me. But that won’t make me better than him so I just simple said “I am sorry John” with that he knew he lost me. “Please Alex” John puts his hand on my shoulder “I can’t live without you. Please forgive me” I could hear John was on the verge of crying. “Maybe one day I would be able to but I just can’t right now John” I say still not looking at him. Before John could say anything else I just said “Please go back to your room John”.
It took a few minutes but eventually John got up and left my room. I was on the verge of tears myself knowing that I could never see John the same way again. John hurt me and I just can’t forgive him for what he has done to me. Maybe in the future I can probably forgive him but not yet the wound is still fresh. With that thought I just drift off to sleep with a tear slowly going down my face.
Monday came along and before I knew it I was in the training room alone cleaning it up. I haven’t seen Monica all day so I couldn’t tell her all that has happened. It was no surprise that Monica forgot her phone here at the training room. I was folding the last towel when strong muscular arms wrap around me and pull me into a hard chest. “Hi” Jake’s says while kissing my cheek. I turn around and lightly punch him on his chest. “You scared me” I say with a smile. “Sorry I couldn’t help myself when I saw you. I woke up this morning and everything seemed to be different. A good different.
I feel like my skin is the only thing from keeping me from going everywhere at once. Last night was the best night of my life and I just wanted to thank you for that” Jake never lost his big smile. It was a good night for me too but I really didn’t know if I should commit to Jake. Jake must have seen the uncertainty on my face so he placed his forehead on mine. “Please Alex give me a chance” Jake says in the most gentlest of tone. “I promise everything will be all right. I will never hurt you for the world”
With that said I gently kiss Jake without even thinking. “Thank you” is all I could say. Jake smiles and kisses me again gently. “Come on everyone is in the conference room something about a big emergency” Jake takes my hand and we walk hand in hand to the conference room. The conference room is where every football team member and trainer meets for meetings. It’s a big room with a huge television on one side and a several tables all lay out across the room.
As soon as we walk in I notice something is very wrong. All of the players are quiet, which is unusual, and some are talking on their cell phones. Some of the trainers are crying while holding their phones up to their ears. Everyone was looking at the TV and all I could see was the word Bank. There was a broadcast live happening but I didn’t know what it was about. I guess it had something to do with the bank downtown but I couldn’t see what.
I was trying to see what was happening and the volume was a record low today. My phone began to ring and I let go of Jake’s hand and reached into my pocket. I looked at the screen but didn’t recognize the number. I decided to let whoever is calling me to leave a voice message. My phone rang again with the same number and I decided to answer it. “Hello” I say still trying to look at what was going on. “Alex, thank god I thought you would never answer” Monica’s voice came from the other end of the line. I sat down at one of the tables and put my hand over my face.
Usually when Monica calls me from a strange number is when she went to go sleep with a guy and didn’t have a ride home. “So who’s the guy?” I say with a sarcastic tone. “There’s no guy I am in the storage room but I am fine” Monica almost whispers. For a second I thought she was kidnap and I laugh and told her what I though. Monica didn’t laugh back and I thought she got pissed at me. “Listen to me Alex I am in the storage room with some people…” Monica continues “Wow you really are getting adventurous an orgy in a storage room huh” I cut into her. “Stop making jokes Alex I am in the bank” Monica’s tone gets deadly serious.
There are only rare occasions when Monica uses her deadly serious tone and usually they are very serious. “I am in the bank Alex” Monica says again. My breathing becomes uneven as I remember seeing the word bank on the big screen. I get up from my seat and head over to the big screen. Tears are on the verge of my eyes as I see the full title “Band Robbery turns into a Deadly Hostage Situation”. I couldn’t find my voice I kept stuttering but somehow I manage to say “Why? Why? Why? Are you in the bank” my voice cracking along the way as well. “I was doing some errands.
Now listen to me Alex…” Monica says but once again I cut her off “No you listen to me okay. You’re going to lay low on that storage room, you’re not going to make a sound, you hide if you have too, you ride this out until the police get control of the situation and you come home okay. You come home Monica” I say with tears coming down my face.
“I know sweetie and I will” Monica reassures me “Just in case anything happens I just want you to know that you are my soul mate and I love you. You’re the best thing in my life and I love you so much” Monica was on the verge of tears herself. “Please don’t give me the good bye speech” I say while crying. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me at this point. Everyone knew who Monica is and this hostage situation just hit a bit closer to home for everyone.
“I know I am sorry sweetie but this just in case. I’ll be fine and I will see you soon. I have to go other people want to use the phone” Monica’s voice is back to a whisper. “No please just stay talking to me” I say still crying. Monica hung up the phone before she heard my last sentence. I could feel tears coming down my face as I look at the screen before me. I started to pray in that moment that nothing would happen to Monica. If Monica dies I will surely die with her.
Part 7 Coming soon…….
Jake’s Song: “Come away with me by Norah Jones”
John’s Song: “About Today by The National”
I encourage you guys to hear these songs because it gives an additional layer to
the characters. Also these songs help me write this part. Hope you guys enjoy
the songs.
Josh and I have loved each other since after highschool but who knows what happened next...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels