From straight to gay

(Part 1 from 1. Fiction.)

Its my first day in college and already I was getting hit on by a whole bunch of chicks. Getting girls was never hard for me and I loved fucking different broads every night. All of the guys at school always wanted to be my buds and hang out with me and pick up chicks. During high school I was the pitcher for the baseball team, ran track and always found time after class to go to the gym and keep my body looking good. My parents blessed me with a nice eight inch dick which ive had measured and its really thick with a nice curve to the left. My dick is uncut, like most other Hispanics and I always shave my entire body. I have a really nice tan, about caramel colored skin and green eyes. My hair is normally braided or so short where I do zig zag lines on my head. I have always liked having sex without rushing and have gotten used to going over an hour without cumming.

 I know that most people don’t believe this, but ive had girls who have come over, got on top of me, rode me and then went home feeling bad cause they couldn’t make me cum, so you can imagine just how used to having sex I am.

Well back to the first day in college. I finished the three classes that I had every Monday and Wednesday and I went back to my dorm. I walk in and Jorge, my roommate which I met during orientation, was on his computer and I said what up. He says that hes good and asks how my day was and I say fine. I laid on my bed and got to doing my homework. At night, I was gonna go out with a hot blonde I met during the day and I asked Jorge if he wanted to go and he said no, that he was kinda tired so I said ok and left. Over the next month or so Jorge and I become pretty good friends but I notice that he never wants to go out with me and Jessica, the blonde who I made my girlfriend. I always tell him that she will bring another chick so he wont be lonely, but he always turns the offers down. At the moment I wouldn’t have suspected anything weird from Jorge as he was such a good looking guy. I would always hear Jessicas friends saying that they would sleep with him in an instant. He was one of the schools soccer players but was also a great student, so I imagined that he just wanted to focus on his studies.

One night at around 2am, I was fucking Jessica in a missionary position but with her stomach down, so I could bury her face into the pillow when she moaned. My dick was white from her pussy juices and I got so into it that I started thrusting really hard and Jorge woke up. I noticed his eyes open, look at me in the face and shut them really quick as if for me not to notice. He pretended he was still sleeping and since Jessica didn’t see that, I kept at it until I came inside of her. The next day Jorge didn’t talk to me and was ignoring me so at night I had a talk with him. I told him that I saw him open his eyes and that I was sorry for doing it while he was in the room and he said that It was ok, and the only thing that had bothered him was that he had to pee really bad and couldn’t because he didn’t want to interrupt. We kept talking and we came to an agreement that we would call each other whenever the other needed the room.

So I thought everything was fine now, but I noticed that still, Jorge was acting kinda of weird, as if he was still mad at me. He was a really good person, and I didn’t want to have problems with my roommate and he helped me out with classwork a couple of times, so I really didn’t want him to be like that with me. So I invited him to spend a day out on the beach, just the two of us for a guys day out and he agreed with a smile.

Friday came along and the two of us didn’t have class, so we wake up early and get into my white BMW, which my parents bought me as a turning 18 gift, and head down the coast to South Beach in Miami. We spent all day at the beach, throwing water and sand at each other and pretending to drown one another. The day was great and we headed to eat dinner at a nice café type restaurant where you eat on the sidewalk and scope the chicks. Jorge’s family wasn’t as well off as mine and he was kinda nervous to order anything because of the price and I told him to get anything, that I would pay. After dinner we head to bayside and walk around and it was getting late, so I got us a room at a small but nice hotel on ocean drive. We walk around looking at all the Latinas but Jorge said he was tired. I got my stuff out of the car and got my stash of liquor so we could chill in the room before going to sleep. After a couple of hours in the room and a lot of shots of tequila, I was buzzed and Jorge was too.

So were both drunk and talking and of course sex comes up and I start talking about Jessica. He asked me questions about her and about other girls I had been with. He asked me what I liked to get done to me and what were the craziest things I had done, and all of these thoughts gave my dick a raging hard-on. Anyways, I took the opportunity to ask Jorge why he never fucked at school since he knew he could call me and use the room whenever. His face got kinda sad and he looked down and said that It wasn’t as easy for him as it was for me. I was like whoa, dude! You, know how many girls want to get with you, you’re a good looking guy and have a nice body, what do you mean its not as easy as it is for me? Jorge, still looking sad says, I only like to have sex with people who I have a really hard crush on. I asked him who that was and he said to forget it and if we could change the subject. I responded, dude, you can talk to me about anything, were buds. He just laid on his bed and didn’t say anything and left me sitting there talking to myself. Then I asked him something I knew wasn’t so nice to ask people and that was, Jorge, are you gay? Again he just laid there and didn’t respond.

By his reaction I pretty much answered my own question but for some strange reason, I really wanted to know, so I got up sat next to him, put my hand on his shoulder and said, bro if you are, its ok. He turned onto his back and then I saw a few tears running down and he answered in a soft voice, yea. I tell him, see that wasn’t so hard and I asked him if he wanted to talk about it. He sat on the bed and tells me, I know its weird and don’t get mad at me, but the person I have a crush on is you. I stayed a bit shocked and he tells me how he fell head over heels for me the day we met and that he was jealous of Jessica. I told him, well you know that I like girls and I know it’s hard to go through things like this but im glad that you told me. And even though we won’t have anything together, we are still cool. So after that, I give him a pat on the back and I head to my bed and fall asleep.

The next morning we drive back up towards the campus and during the drive we talked, but nothing about the prior night’s conversation. Yet for some reason, that was all I would think about. During the next week, every time I saw Jorge I would get goose bumps knowing that he liked me. In the dorm room, every time he took a shower I wondered what he looked like naked. This was so fucking weird, and every time I saw him walking I would end up staring at his butt. During class I would think of the night in the hotel seeing him drunk and I started imagining taking advantage of him. I didn’t know what was happening to me and it was really weird. So a long weekend comes and most of the students were heading home for the weekend including Jessica. I had to stay because my parents were out of the country and Jorge couldn’t afford the plane ticket to go home so we both stayed and chilled. Sunday night my urges were getting to me and we were both drinking out of my stash again and Jorge was in his shorts, without a top and seeing his perfect body like that made my dick get hard and I knew I had to do something. Jorge, can I ask you something? Sure, whats up? He responds.

Remember what we talked about in Miami, do you still feel like that about me? He looks down, as if ashamed and says yea. I ask, if you had the chance, would you have sex with me? His eyes opened real wide and kinda choking on his words, he responds of course. So I get up walk over to his side of the room, grab his hand and place it on my hot crotch. He is startled by this and asks what I want him to do. I said whatever you like as long as no one ever finds out. So Jorge grabs onto my jeans, unbuttons them and pulls them down. My dick springs up and pops a tent in my boxers and he just smiled. He rubbed around teasing me in ways which girls had never done. After a minute, he pulls the boxers down and takes sight of my fully hard dick. He starts jacking me off slowly but firmly. He leans forward, opens his mouth and places the head of my cock on his tongue and swirls it around. The pleasure was simply amazing and I came to find out that it was true that gay guys could suck better than chicks. Jorge keeps at it and managed to get most of my tool inside of his mouth and down this throat. His head started bobbing back and forth and I was full of ecstasy. After about 15 minutes of his tongue playing with my dick, I grabbed his shoulders, pushed him back and got my dick out of his mouth. He asked me, is something wrong? Do you not like it? I placed my index finger on his mouth, letting him know not to talk, and I turn him around and pull his pants down.

He wasn’t wearing underwear, making it easier to get to his bare ass. I pushed his upper back, so he could bend forward and he kneeled on the bed. I spread his butt cheeks apart and did what seemed natural. I stuck my tongue out and rammed it into his hole. He let out a moan, and I knew I was getting all the right spots. I spit into his ass and got my finger and placed it on his bud. It was wet enough and I gently pushed my finger into his ass and began a fucking motion onto my finger. His ass was really tight and tighter than any pussy I had ever banged. This blew my mind and I knew I had to get my dick inside of there. So I keep my finger and place another and Jorge keeps with the fucking motion, moaning and telling me faster, faster, harder, ooohhh and hearing that just kept making things even hotter. Jorge turns around and tells me, fuck me with your dick, I want to feel you inside me. I don’t have condoms I respond. It doesn’t matter, just fuck me, Jorge says. So I get lube from my drawers which I had used on Jessica a few times and drop some on his ass. He takes the lube bottle out of my hand and drops some on my dick and gets it all wet. He gets back on the bed with his ass sticking out in the air and he spreads his cheeks and says fuck me, please, I want to know what you feel like.

So I grab my cock, and put the head on his waiting hole and we make contact. I didn’t want to be so tough, knowing that my dick had hurt a lot of girls if I went too fast. But Jorge was just too eager to get me to fuck him and he pushed his body back against mine. I feel a strong squeeze on my cock head as it makes its way in, followed by a sort of pop when it makes it in there and Jorge moaned. I pushed forward but Jorge put his hand on my stomach, signaling me that it was hurting him, so I just left it there for a few seconds while he got used to it. When he takes his hand off of my stomach I knew it was time and I gave one slow but long push until I got all of me inside of him and the tip of my cock was at the end of his hole. Jorge let out a scream as I pushed against his wall so I eased off and began my rocking motion. I go slowly at first but Jorge again was wanting it so badly that he rocked his body faster and faster. This made me go wild and I started to pound harder. My dick was completely engulfed in ass and tightness was surrounding it from every angle. The heat from his ass seemed to enter me through my dick and raced all around my body.

I was so hot that I turned vicious and began assaulting his man hole. I would take out my dick to the tip and give hard pushes all the way in, almost breaking the insides at the end of his ass. He would scream as I kept doing it and told me that he couldn’t take it like that. Jorge got off of my dick and pushed me onto the bed. He gets on top of me and I feel my cock slide inside his hot ass again and he begins bouncing like a cowboy. He was facing me and his dick would tap my stomach every time he bounced. His precum was getting all over my stomach and he could see that I was enjoying every moment of it. He stayed on top of me for over 15 minutes while I just got to relax and get pleasure out of a guy, something I had never imagined. When he got tired, he laid on his side and I kept at breaking into him, little by little, he rotated his body until he was in the same position he saw me fuck Jessica in. His body was facing the bed, with his head against the pillows and I was on top just grinding into his ass. I grabbed his head and neck as I gave hard pushes and I felt tingling all over my body and I knew that I would soon erupt. Jorges moans hadn’t stopped for the last 30 minutes and everything was intense. I tell him that I was going to cum and he tells me to keep it in there and cum inside him. This excited me and with six strong pushes, cum gushed out of my dick and into his hole. I was exhausted after all this time and my body just fell on top of his, breathing really heavily.

I stayed there for a few minutes with my dick softening inside of him and then I fell to the side and stayed on his bed. Jorge lifts his head and says damn, that was the best fuck I have ever gotten. I had enjoyed every moment of it so I told him, well as long as no one finds out, there’s more where that came from. We both just stayed there, sweaty, smelling of sex, all wet and we fell asleep together without even cleaning up.

The next morning im woken up but a loud yell and I notice Jessica at the door asking what the fuck was going on and crying. She had gotten back to the university early and used the key I gave her to open the door and find Jorge and I naked on his bed, with his leg and arm on top of me, cum still oozing out of his ass and my dick covered with juices from his insides. That day Jessica and I broke up, and I began to realize that, that night I had felt things in my heart which I had never felt and sex in ways that were beyond what I had experienced and my life changed completely. After a few months of thinking and discovering myself, I had sex with another guy to see if it was just Jorge, but I found out that I enjoyed it with others. Jessica never told anybody of what she saw and I kept everything on the DL, and I made Jorge my partner and considered myself bisexual. I stayed a full top for over a year but the day I got fucked is a completely different story.

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Random Prisoner

The two powerful black men had immense peckers that Billy could barely get his mouth around, but it would do him little good to scream out because the prison was really run by the gangs and no guard would take a chance getting in the middle of a little "friendly" fucking a few of the boys were having with worthless little slut like Billy!!!...
