I Love Corey, Chapter Eleven
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ernie Allbritton for his editing of this story. I am certain his work will enable you, the reader, to enjoy this story more. I am deeply indebted to him for his assistance.
Chapter eleven
Today was the meeting with the lawyer. I’d tried to think of everything that might present a problem in the future and had a lot of notes. I just knew I was forgetting something major but couldn’t figure out what it was. As I lay there beside him I hoped I had thought of enough to enable us to be together and for me to be able to take over if his mother wasn’t available. I finally went to sleep with him in my arms. His knee only woke him up a couple of times and we both got a decent night’s sleep.
When I woke up it was a little later than normal but as the meeting was for the afternoon that presented no problems. I carefully slipped my arm from under his head and went about my usual routine. After a shower I woke him and told him I would start breakfast. He complained that he wanted a bath as he hadn’t had one for over a week and had been forced to get by with a washcloth. I took the bandages off and looked at his knee. After thinking a bit I told him I thought it would be okay. He wanted to use the shower but I insisted on the tub as that way he couldn’t slip and fall. After filling it and helping him in I got the paper and started reading it. After a while he called and asked if I would help him out of the tub. When I got there a little water was still in the tub so I grabbed a washcloth and washed his back. I got him up and helped him dry off and then just grabbed him and lifted him up and hugged him. He asked what that was for and I grinned and told him I loved him. He told me if I would put him back on the bed he’d try to show me he loved me too. That was an offer to good to refuse.
I packed him into the bedroom and laid him on the bed. Just the thought of this and we were both hard. He wanted to lie on his side so we could suck each other but I wanted him on his back so I could kiss and lick him and taste every part of him. We compromised. We did it my way.
As I started kissing him I again marveled at how good he tasted. He was better tasting than any of my previous lovers. I just couldn’t get enough of him. I slowly licked his nipples and I could feel him squirm and his breathing picked up. I continued downward and by the time I got to the part of him I was most interested in, he was leaking precum like a bad garden hose. As I gently mouthed and tongued his testicles he started moaning. The smell of hot clean boy had me so hot I was about to cum myself but I just couldn’t stop kissing and licking. I finally took his cock in my mouth. By now he had his hands on the back of my head and was trying to push his cock further into my mouth. I could feel my nose flattening from the pressure against his abdomen. He was panting and yelling Oh God, Oh God, please. He was thrashing around on the bed and I knew his knee must be hurting but he didn’t seem to care. I was on an emotional high. It seemed like we were one, like the connection between us was more than physical. Suddenly it was like I was no longer inside myself. I seemed to be above and looking down and there was only one person on the bed. All I could sense was happiness and joy. I was in my body again and I could feel his cock tense and swell. I could taste his nectar. When he finished I collapsed and just lay there. I loved him so and I couldn’t even say anything. I was stunned by the intensity of it all. When I finally managed to make my eyes focus, I looked at him. His eyes were glazed and the smile on his face was radiant. After a couple of minutes his eyes started to focus and he turned to me and wrapped his arms around me. We lay there for a few minutes in what was as close to bliss as one will ever achieve on earth.
I could tell when his mood changed. He got a wicked grin and told me he needed dessert. I asked him what kind he wanted and his answer was the right one. I was more than happy to supply it.
When he finished it took a while before I could think of anything. I was just sort of floating there in a pool of happiness. I finally came back to earth and noticed we were both sweaty and stinky. I suggested another bath and he agreed. This time I held him in the shower and washed him. I just love doing that. He’s like a cat being petted when I wash him
When we finally got dressed we were both hungry. For food that is. As I started breakfast Fred and Mike walked in. I merely asked if their dad was coming. They said he’d probably be over in a half hour or so. They wanted to eat right away but Corey thought we should wait for him. They grumbled but I was proud of him.
They made no move to leave the kitchen so I poured Mike some coffee and gave Fred and Corey some orange juice and sat down. When I asked what was on their minds they said they wanted to ask some questions about what they had looked at last weekend. So there we sat discussing sex and love. When Vern knocked Mike had just asked a question. I let Vern in and started answering Mike’s question. They both started to blush but I just ignored that. When I finished Vern threw in his two cents worth. I asked if they had any thing more to ask and was rewarded with total silence from Fred and Mike but Corey asked a question. I told Vern to answer and I’d fix us all breakfast. I think Vern was a little nervous but I just ignored that also. When he was done I added a few things. By now Fred and Mike were becoming more relaxed and after another question from Corey it turned into a lively discussion. I finished cooking and we continued to talk while eating.
By the time we finished eating they’d run out of questions. Any one listening in would have received a rather disjointed idea about sex and love and how it interacts but the boys seemed content with the answers. It was interesting to listen to the questions as there was quite a difference in the maturity of the boys but I noticed that Mike listened to the answers of Corey and Fred’s questions just as intently as his own. Perhaps he was checking to see if the answers matched what he all ready knew. The other interesting thing was that Corey’s questions were mostly about love while Fred and Mike seemed to concentrate on the sexual part. I suppose that is because Corey is getting his sexual needs filled on a much more regular basis than Vern’s boys.
I told them they could look at the computer but they all said they’d do that some other time and they just wanted to talk some more. The discussion moved on to sports, girls and how to understand them (with both Vern and I saying to give that idea up as it was impossible) and whatever else popped in to anyone’s mind. I think Mike and Fred were finally accepting that their father was someone they could talk with about those subjects that most kids feel uncomfortable talking about with their parents. After a while both left to meet some friends.
Vern told me how pleased he was that his boys were finally opening up to him. Corey looked puzzled and asked why they wouldn’t. He said he wished he had a father to talk with. I asked him if he talked with his mother about things like we had discussed this morning. He started to blush and I pointed out it was the same for Mike and Fred.
Vern said he ought to go home and I told him to stop over for breakfast tomorrow. He smiled and said he didn’t know how he and the boys would survive without me. I laughed and told him what time to show up to eat and he went home. I figured that about one more week would calm Nancy’s fears of being fat.
After he left I made Corey go through his second stage exercises again. He gritted his teeth and tears leaked out of his closed eyes but he never complained. When he finished I looked at his knee and decided to leave the bandages off for a while. I remembered that it felt good to not have a bandage on all the time from the time I had some surgery. After he had recouped a bit he came out and joined me.
I was surprised to see him pick up the sports section and start to read it. I could see that he was pretty slow but this was the first time he had tried to read anything except the porn stories.
I finally told him we had better bandage his knee and head out. We picked up his mother and drove to the attorney’s office. Jerry had chosen one who had moved to the area two years ago. He had a son in one of my classes and a couple of daughters who were younger. The son’s name was Nathan and he was a somewhat shy young man but you had to watch him. He had a wicked sense of humor and just when you thought everything was under control, he’d blow your mind with some remark. I had never met Mr. Young but figured Jerry knew what he was doing.
The meeting wasn’t at all what I expected. I was trying to give him my notes and explain what I wanted but he just ignored me and told us he would like to interview each of us alone. He started with Jerry and the rest of us just sat in his main office and tried to talk. Both Mrs. Babcock and I were nervous and poor Corey was caught in the middle. After about a half hour Jerry came back and told Corey to go on in. This interview went on for even longer. It took almost an hour. I wondered what they were talking about but figured I would just have to wait and maybe I would find out. When they finally finished He asked Mrs. Babcock to come in. As Jerry was still there I couldn’t grill Corey as to what Mr. Young had asked so we just waited. In a surprisingly short time he came back to the office with Mrs. Babcock and told her and the others they could leave but Corey elected to wait for me. Jerry said he’d drop Mrs. Babcock off and they left.
I didn’t think it would take long as Mrs. Babcock’s interview had only been about twenty minutes. big mistake. It was not what I expected. He didn’t want to hear any of my ideas but wanted to ask me a bunch of questions. He started by telling me his son thought I was so cool and he just wanted to get acquainted. Before I knew it I was telling him all about myself and the school and the community and any other thing he asked. After an hour he told me he would think about what would work the best in this situation and when we met again we could go over my concerns. As I was leaving he asked me if I realized how much Corey loved me. I really didn’t know what to say. I kind of stammered out something about I knew Corey felt a loss in his life because he had never known his father and maybe he was transferring that to me. He gave me a peculiar look and said he’d see us next Saturday.
We stopped on the way home to ask Corey’s mother if she wanted to come to dinner but she had all ready left for work. When we got to my place I watched as Corey walked to the house on his crutches. He was doing quite well although he complained they made his ribs sore. I just told him that I had warned him about that.
When we got home I asked Corey what Mr. Young had asked him and he said he’d been asked about his life and how he liked school and what I was like. I finally came right out and asked him.
“Corey, did you tell him you loved me?”
“No. I told him you’d been nice and helped, but I never said anything else.”
Maybe I’m paranoid but I kept wondering about that look he gave me. I couldn’t figure out what it was for or what it meant. Corey tried to remember everything they had talked about but there was nothing I could see that would be damaging so we finally dropped the subject. I finally logged him on to a story site and fixed dinner. After we ate, he went back to the porn stories and I did some housework.
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels