I Love Corey Chapter Fifteen

(Part 1 from 4. Fiction.)

Chapter fifteen

I woke up happy and relaxed, not that I was alert mind you, but it seemed like a good morning. It almost seemed a shame to have to go back to work. I got the coffee going and grabbed the paper. Since I had beaten the alarm clock by about twenty minutes that would give me time to read part of it before I had to wake Corey up for our showers and breakfast. He groaned when I shook his shoulder but limped along behind me to the shower for our usual morning ritual. I’d relieved my bladder when I awoke so I started and adjusted the shower while Corey relieved his. We showered together without much grab-ass. We both just seemed to be content. Last night was awesome and neither of us felt the need to do anything sexual.

After breakfast I left for the usual morning meeting while Corey waited to catch the bus. This was the first time since his knee operation that he would be catching the bus instead of riding with me and having to wait until the classes finally started. 

It was the usual meeting, not much to talk about and not many announcements but even if there wasn’t much today there were times when it was important. Most of the time was like today; we could have skipped it and not missed a thing. It did give me time before class to talk to Frank Davies the shop teacher. I asked him if he would mind helping me put some kind of value on most of the stuff we had unloaded at Vern’s place. I explained that we were going to sell some of it to get the price down to what the Garvins could afford for Vern’s birthday. Frank positively started drooling over the thought of some of the tools we had hauled in. We agreed to meet at Vern’s house tonight after dinner and go over things. 

Classes got started and things soon got back to normal. I had my usual exuberant discussions going on about anything except math and when the students weren’t looking I slipped the necessary math lessons in by showing them how you could use math to get a better idea of how things related to each other. I tossed in a little about statistics and suddenly the class was busy trying to understand statistics and probability theory and how it might be used to predict voting patterns which was how the discussion got started as this was an election year. As this was the most advanced class I taught I had all the best math students in it. I really enjoyed challenging them plus it was such a turn on when I could see them understand how it all fit together.

Things were going along just like they should and soon it was time for lunch. This was the time I was available to counsel students. It was kind of a strange way to handle it in that I was in an office and any student could come in and talk about anything or make an appointment for a more serious session. So far I had been somewhat surprised at the number of girls who had stopped by to talk. I had expected mostly boys but found myself talking to about one third girls. 

Sometimes one student would come in and other times a group of students. So far nothing very serious had come up but the program was just getting off the ground and I hoped that soon the students would realize I was there to help them with any and all problems. I guess today I got my wish. Somehow it wasn’t quite what I had expected.

Jason James, otherwise know as JJ, a ninth grader stopped in and asked if he could have an appointment to talk with me. After looking over his and my schedules I issued him an appointment for the last period of the day giving him a pass to give his band teacher and one for the hall. I kind of wondered what he wanted to talk about but he made no mention of the subject. The rest of the time went quickly with several students stopping in to ask some questions about their studies and just generally visit. I felt honored that a lot of the student body felt relaxed enough around me to just stop in and visit. Sometimes we even told each other jokes but I had to be careful not to use any off color ones and had to remind some of the students that they should be careful of the same thing. 

The afternoon went quickly and soon it was time for Jason’s appointment. I had suggested using my coach’s office as it was private and had a couple of comfortable chairs. Also, there was the refrigerator with soft drinks and all that helped make things more relaxed and easier to talk about things. I had looked over his records and wondered what was on his mind as he was a quiet student and didn’t appear to have any problems. He got fairly good grades and would turn fifteen shortly after the first of the year.

Jason showed up and after I gave him a soft drink I asked what was on his mind. He seemed uncomfortable and started out several times but couldn’t seem to get it out. As I sat there watching him I could see he was nervous and tense. He wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“Jason, I want you to remember what I’ve said before. I won’t reveal any thing you say here. I don’t care what it is. I may try to convince you to allow me to tell someone else but if you say no that is the way it is. It’s your decision on whether or not what you have to tell me goes any farther. I don’t know if I can help you or answer any questions you might have but I’ll try my best. I won’t bullshit you but I can’t guarantee I can help you. I hope I can but that is all I can promise. If it would make it easier I’ll face the other way and you’ll just have to take a chance and trust me if you want my help.” With that I spun my chair around and faced the wall.

As I sat there staring at the wall I could hear him take a couple of deep breaths. Finally he started to speak.

“I’m gay.”

That was all he said. I just sat there looking at the wall. When he said no more I finally decided I had to say something.

“Is that your problem or is it something to do with being gay that is the problem?”

There was a pause and finally he started talking.

“Umm, well,,,,, I,,,, I,, guess that’s,, ah,,,,, some of it,,,,,,,,,,,, ummm but not all. I,,,,,, ah don’t know how to tell my,,,ah,,,folks,,,,,,,,,, and there’s this boy,,,,, I umm,,,,,, like,,,,,,,, and,,,,” he finally trailed off into silence.

Now this was not what I expected. I had been ready for a lot of things but somehow not this. I turned around and looked at him and noticed he was blushing a bright red. I thought a while. Before I got around to saying any thing he spoke again.

“Please don’t hate me. I’m sorry.”

“Easy JJ, I don’t hate you and you have nothing to be sorry for. I’m just trying to figure out how to help you.” Somehow in all my plans the thought of trying to counsel a gay student on something like this hadn’t even entered my mind. I’d been more concerned about things like suicide, drugs, pregnancy and things like that. I guess that just shows I was not really prepared to do this. I’d been so busy trying to get the program that I had neglected to properly prepare myself. I hoped I wasn’t in over my head.

“Well JJ, first off I wouldn’t be so quick to label myself if I were you. You may very well be gay but then again you may turn out to be bi or straight. I think you are a little young to be totally sure of what you are. Besides, for the sake of this discussion it really makes no difference. I’m going to treat this as if you are correct and are truly gay. Just remember that you may not be totally correct on this and don’t be afraid to change your mind if you discover things about yourself that cause you to feel differently. Secondly, don’t ever be ashamed of who or what you are. If you turn out to be gay that is nothing to be ashamed of. It is just a small part of who you are and nothing to be ashamed of. Yes I know a lot of people think it is bad or wrong to be gay but they are the ones that are wrong. The only things to be ashamed of are actions that you have done that hurt people. Having said that, I would be somewhat cautious about telling people about your sexuality though as some of them might decide to do some things that are against the law and you could get hurt, not just physically but in other ways. That isn’t how it should be but unfortunately that is the way it is.” I paused considering what to say next. I had just barely met his parents so I really had no idea how they might react to having a gay son. I decided to leave that part till last. “Tell me about the boy, not who he is as that is something I don’t need to know but are you friends and have you known each other for a while?” God, I sounded like a pompous ass; I hoped I could do better with the rest of this.

His eyes never left the floor and I could see he was still blushing and so tense and nervous he was about ready to explode. I wondered if I would be able to calm him down and help him or if I had just screwed up my visions for this program big time. 

He finally managed to choke out that the boy in question was a friend and he had known him for quite a few years. Now the ball was in my court.

“Well JJ, I don’t know quite how to handle this. The most I can do is offer a suggestion and if you like the idea you can figure out how to use it. As I see it, one of the big problems is you don’t have any idea if your friend is gay. Is that correct?” He nodded. I continued. “If I were faced with a similar situation I would first try to determine if he was gay or at least not anti-gay. I think maybe one way to do that might be to perhaps see if he might come over for an overnight or sometime when you two might have some time alone. Then I might show him some porn magazines or something like that because I am going to assume you guys talk about wanting to make all the girls in the school. Now having some porn magazines is not something what would ruin your reputation if he told anyone so that shouldn’t be a problem. If he was willing to look at them with you, then you might say something like when you looked at them at night they made you so horny you just had to masturbate.” My God, my face was getting red. I couldn’t believe I was talking like this to anyone, especially a student. “I assume you masturbate and I would imagine your friend does.” I paused. “Statistics say almost all males masturbate at some point in their lives and I know at your age I did. After that you could try to see if he would accept a joint or mutual masturbation session while looking at the magazines.” 

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