I love Corey Chapter 4 part 2
I love Corey Chapter 4 (part two or getting to know each other)
Prologue This is the fourth in a series of stories that follow each other. In my opinion you, the reader, will have a better chance of enjoying them if you read them in order. (Left click on the authors name and you will get page on which will be submissions by the author) Taken together they will form more of a novel or short story rather then an erotic story. While I will try to make each chapter contain eroticism, there are no guarantees as to what will happen in the future. After writing the first couple of chapters this story seemed to take on a life of its own. I realized I wanted to say more then an erotic story normally contains. Perhaps this is not the proper forum for it but I posted chapter one here and so will do so with the rest.
I have always enjoyed writers who developed the characters so that the reader felt that he or she could understand them. (Examples, Margaret Mitchell’s’ Gone with the Wind, Tom Clancy’s’ series about Jack Ryan, writings by Jeffery Archer, Ayn Rand, Leon Uris and the like) While I have no illusions that I will be able to do as well as they do, I mention them so you will get an idea of what I would like to accomplish. Whether or not I even come close to that goal is for you to decide.
The first three chapters were written as a lark. I had read a story which I considered particularly poorly written. The spelling was so bad I had a hard time figuring out what the writer was trying to say. I thought even I can do better then that. Then I got to wondering. Could I do better then that? I took a piece of paper and scratched out an outline and dashed off chapter one. It was submitted during the holiday and I wrote chapter two before chapter one was posted. Unless you have submitted some stories I doubt that you can understand my amazement when I read the reviews and started to get some very nice e-mails. Some things happened after that. I discovered the writings of Maverick. They were thoughtful and I think very well written. I added some more to the basic outline and I suppose you might say I fell in love with the story. While it has been over forty years since I as in school and did any writing, I decided that those of you who seem to be enjoying the story deserve my best effort.
You will observe that I have gone to a more normal construction in dialog and paragraph construction. One of the e-mails suggested that and I will agree that it looks much better. I approached writing this chapter with a lot more care. I hope you like the result. Unfortunately, the erotic part was already suffering so that was not part of the change. It took a lot longer to write this chapter but in my opinion it was worth it. I hope you enjoy it.
If you are looking for an erotic story to arouse you for masturbation or to get you ready for your partner I suggest you look elsewhere in this site. There are some good ones here. If on the other hand you would like something a little different and have a little free time you may wish to try this. As always, I would appreciate comments, criticism and suggestions. I do answer e-mails. Put I love Corey in the subject line so you don’t get deleted. Feel free to ask any question that comes to mind about anything in the stories. For those of you that have already e-mailed me or written reviews with encouragement my many thanks. What a turn on to find out at least a few of you enjoyed it. I recognize the fact that this story will not appeal to everyone.
Finally, this series of stories does have a plot. It is about life and love. It is told from Coach Sam Lofton’s viewpoint. Treat it like the serials they used to show at the Saturday matinee they had when I was a kid.
Chaptr 4
In the next few days things seemed to kind of settle down. Seems to me that life is so unfair. When one falls in love, the rest of the world ought to stop so you have time to get to know your lover. Alas, the world pays you no attention and life goes on. After that second day when I made love to Corey, life seemed to gang up on me. Our next game was away so that after the bus ride it was getting late and after a quick snack I sent him home. That brought us to Friday and one of the officials of the high school games became sick and I was asked to fill in. Since they didn’t want me working our game I had to drive an hour to another school in our league and the game started at seven. I had slipped Corey twenty bucks and told him to go to a restaurant. Saturday wasn’t going to be any better as I had promised Vern to help with an overnight trip with the boy Scouts. About the only time we had was at breakfast. We had agreed to talk to his mother on Saturday. I was curious about her as Corey was so polite and well mannered. He kept himself clean and while his clothes were on their last legs they were always clean. When he came to breakfast he always smelled of toothpaste. I had heard that some of the girls working at the Blue Schooner made pretty good money. I had some suspicions but reserved judgment until I had more information to go on. While eating breakfast Saturday morning, I had an idea.
“Corey, have you ever been a Boy Scout?” I asked.
“No, we never lived in the same area long enough.” His voice had kind of a wistful quality to it.
I went on. “As you know I have to help Vern today and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you came along. You’d get a chance to get to know some of the other boys better. We can ask your mom when I come over if you’d like to go.”
“I don’t have any camping gear” he replied.
“No problem, I’ve got plenty” I answered.
He already knew that we were taking off at noon and would get back late Sunday morning. I waited while he thought for a few seconds. He smiled that shy smile of his and said “I think I’d like that.”
“Well,” I replied, “You had better get home now. I’ll be over about nine thirty and we’ll talk to your mother.”
As he got up to leave he put his hand in his pocket and took out some money. “Here is the change from dinner. Thank you.”
“Keep it” I replied. “Sometimes it’s handy to have a few bucks in your pocket.”
So I got out enough gear in case his mother said yes and packed stuff up and when it was time walked over to their place. Corey introduced me. One look and I realized my suspicions were correct. I suppose that a few years ago she would have been considered attractive. Now she was too thin, had the telltale circles and all the other signs. Why do people choose to ruin their lives like that? After Uncle Matt had gotten me drunk that time, we had had quite a talk about drinking and drugs. Now I admit that I enjoy a cocktail now and then, once in a while I might even have two. I normally have wine with my evening meal as the proper wine compliments the food. But why would anyone not want to be able to perceive and enjoy life. When you’re bombed out of your mind you can’t remember what you did so how would you know if you had any fun? I enjoy life far too much too waste it. She was polite but you could tell that her mind was somewhere else.
After explaining about the lack of funding for the activities bus she readily agreed to sign the slip allowing Corey to ride with me. I gave her a copy of my insurance limits so she would know Corey was well covered while in my vehicles. When I got to the dinner part she surprised me by offering to help pay. That was settled by having Corey mow my lawn. The scout trip she thought was a great idea. I think she wanted to be a good mother but somewhere life and drugs had gotten the better of her. Too bad.
I told Corey I would pick him up at eleven thirty and went home to get the rest of the stuff. When I got home I gave Vern a call and he said the troop was always looking for new members.
A local timber company has a tree farm about ten miles out of town and they had allowed the Boy Scouts to fix up a little area along one of the streams that ran through it. It was ideal as it was behind gates and close to town. The scout troop had constructed an outhouse and a small shed to eat in if it rained. I grabbed the minivan today as you can get more kids into it and away we all went. The kids were laughing and joking and complaining about the music I had on so I let them chose a station and along with Vern and one of the parents, off we went in a three car caravan. This was a trip so that some of the scouts could work on their merit badges and there were only fifteen boys and not the whole troop. From the place where we parked our cars we had to hike about a mile into the camp area and Jim Maxwell, the parent with the third car, left us saying he would be back at ten thirty tomorrow. I grabbed my cell phone and we shouldered up our gear and away we went. The trail wasn’t bad but it was steep in places and by the time we got to the camp I noticed Corey was limping. I asked him if he was alright and he said he was fine. He had a grin on his face and had been joking with the boys on the way up the trail.
After we set up camp, one of the boys said we ought to take a quick swim to cool off. It can be warm in California in the fall and we had all worked up a good sweat hiking in. I suddenly realized that Corey probably didn’t have a bathing suit as I had neglected to mention it so I headed for the pool in the stream jerking clothes off and yelling the last one in is a rotten egg. Some of them hesitated for a few seconds but in the end all made a dash for the pool. We all jumped in and there was the usual horseplay of splashing water on each other and the like. Corey waded out to waist deep and joined in but when we started swimming he stayed where he was. It dawned on me he might not know how to swim so I headed back and asked him. He said he didn’t so I yelled at the boys and told them we had to teach Corey how to swim. It has been my experience that if you can get the kids to help on something like this there is no teasing and they all take an interest in helping. It also seems the help their already over inflated egos, so for the next half hour Corey got a swimming lesson with the boys helping and encouraging him. He got so he could paddle around and we decided that was good enough for now and we had better get to work on the merit badges.
Vern sent over the six boys who were working on their map reading and navigating badges and he took the eight working on their forestry badges and we got to work. Corey hung around with me and I started in on the written part buy quizzing them on how to read the contour lines and the other marks on the maps.
Now most of the boys in the troop I have come in contact with through school or with the troop. They are used to me and are comfortable around me. However, a couple of new kids had moved in and as they attended St. Michaels, they had not gotten to know me. They were in my group and I could see they still hadn’t figured out quite how to take me. Understand, I run a pretty loose classroom and the locker room is even worse. However there are limits and the kids soon learn them. That made for a relaxed and easy going relationship. I could see that it shocked them when I told one of the boys to get his head out of his ass and pay attention. When he shot back that maybe if I wasn’t so boring he would pay attention they didn’t quite know how to take that. I just laughed and went on with the lesson. I’ve heard that discipline is pretty strict at some of the Catholic schools.
Anyhow, after while we had covered the written and moved to the practical part. That consisted of starting at a point and following a set of directions to go so many yards one direction and so many another and so on until they came to the finish line which is a rope four hundred feet long with numbers on it. If you do everything right you will come out right in the center of the rope. If your paces are to short you will come out towards one end or miss on that end and if to long towards the other end. Simple math. Each set of directions is different so they can’t follow each other. I put them in teams and set them off.
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels