I love Corey chapter 7
Chapter 7
I opened my eyes. There was Corey. I could just make him out by the moonlight that filtered into the room.
“You’d make a good alarm clock. It’s the best way to wake up I’ve ever had.”
“You talk too much.”
He went back to his kissing and rubbing and manipulating of me. There was a break and I could feel him reach over towards a night stand. Ah, he was grabbing the lube. I wished he would use it for something other then his finger but wanted him comfortable with what he did so didn’t say or do anything. He was really getting good at turning me on. His finger was doing all the right things and I couldn’t lie still. So was his mouth and tongue. I felt like I was falling into a pit, a pit where I would drown in happiness. I didn’t care if I never got out of that pit. As my heart raced and my body writhed on the bed I knew I was fast approaching that point of supreme ecstasy. I could feel myself start to tense up, my testicles draw closer to my cock and then in an instant I was over the edge.
When the alarm clock sounded I reached out and shut it off. Corey hadn’t even stirred at its insistent noise. As I gazed down at him I just wished it could be like this forever. I loved him and wanted to help him grow. I wanted to protect him and keep him safe from all the hurt that the world throws at one. I got up.
After I had showered and shaved I woke him up and then headed for the kitchen. I could hear the shower start as I started breakfast. By the time he emerged, I was about done cooking. He sat down and when served started eating. I suddenly realized he didn’t look quite so thin and pinched. While he was still thin, he was starting to put on a little weight. He really needed a haircut. Come to think of it, so did I.
“Corey, I think we need to see a barber.”
He looked up and smiled. “I haven’t been to a barber in a long time. I kind of try to cut it off myself. Mom hasn’t had much money for a while.”
That accounted for the poor haircut. I told him we would stop on the way home and take care of it. I finished eating and had a second cup of coffee. I was now ready to face the day.
Morning meeting was a continuation of yesterdays. Everybody seemed to have a million ideas on the counselor program. I realized we were going to have to weed them down but how do you tell people that their ideas are not needed. They were all sincere. I hoped they would run down soon. Mercifully the bell rang for first class and Julia and I escaped. Otherwise the day proceed normally except for the fact that Mrs. Babcock showed up the thank me and explain. She went to the office and they called me in.
When she told us that a close friend had passed away I felt guilty that I had been angry and thought she was trying to take advantage of me. It proves you shouldn’t make judgments until you know the facts. Jerry was there so he heard her apologizing to me and explaining why she had asked me. She told us she didn’t know anyone in town she trusted and besides, Corey liked me. I could see the wheels turning in Jerry’s mind and figured he was revising what he was going to say to the school board when the subject came up.
I asked if there was anything else we could do. She seemed hesitant but finally asked if it would be possible for me to keep him Friday night as the funeral was Saturday. Jerry answered before I even had a chance and accepted for me. When she had left, it suddenly occurred to him what he had done and I had to assure him it was not a problem as I would have accepted if he hadn’t been so quick. I now had a pretty good idea of what he would ask the school board for regarding this type of problem. Unless they went the other direction I figured I could live with it.
During lunch Julia and I discussed the program some more. We found a couple of the suggestions on how to present it good and we were coming up with a basic sales pitch for the students.
Practice for the team changed. There was not as much horse play and the kids really buckled down and paid attention. I had hoped for some reaction this way but was surprised they seemed to take the brief idea so seriously. They weren’t that expensive and there were catalogs where you could order them but the kids seemed to ignore that. I wondered if it was the fact I would have to pay or if they really wanted a pair and were embarrassed to ask their folks. No matter, I figured I was ahead of the game. The only thing I worried about was would they still have fun playing. After all, sports are supposed to be fun along with building character.
After practice and clean up we jumped in the pickup and headed for the barbershop. On the way Corey asked me what kind of haircut he should get.
“Corey, it’s your hair. Have it cut however you want.”
“Maybe I’ll have spikes.”
I hope he didn’t catch my reaction. I hate spikes.
“Ya, I think I’d look good in spikes.”
I tried to see his face out of the corner of my eye. He was looking out the window. God I hate spikes. While I think kids have the right to make decisions regarding their appearance, in my opinion they sometimes make big mistakes.
“Whatever you want.” I tried to keep my voice calm and level. I tried to think of a way to call the whole thing off. Maybe if he had a little time he would change his mind. I finally accepted the fact that if I did anything other then go to the barbershop he would know so resigned myself to spikes. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
When we got there Mitch was finishing a customer and no one was waiting. When he was done I told Corey to go ahead and he got in the chair. Mitch asked him how he wanted it cut. I continued to look at Field and Stream. While I didn’t think much of his current haircut, anything was better then spikes. Even a Mohawk. Even if dyed red or black.
“I don’t know.”
I looked up.
“What do you think I should have?”
“I told you it was your hair. You can have anything you want. If its advice you want, think of one of the students who you think has a good haircut and tell Mitch. He can tell you whether it will look good on you.”
He mentioned one of the students. Mitch didn’t know him.
“ Marty Logan has a similar haircut and Mitch knows him.”
They discussed it. Mitch told him the shape of his head and face didn’t lend themselves to that exact cut but with a little modification he thought he could come close and still look good. Mitch started cutting and I quit trying to pretend to read. It turned out better then I could believe. When he was done I got a trim and we left.
“What happened to the spikes?”
“I wondered what you’d think.”
He was testing me and his limits.
“Corey, I was serious. You could have had any haircut you wanted. While I may not have cared for it, it’s your hair. In life, one gets to make a lot of decisions regarding ones appearance and a lot of other things. One has to learn to live with the consequences.” I thought for a few seconds. “If you would like spikes, we can go back and you can have them.
He looked sheepish and shook his head no. “How do you like it?”
“While I wouldn’t look good in it, on you it looks great.”
When we got home a couple of packages had arrived. They were the briefs and the first auction he had won. He tried the briefs on and paraded around in them and I seriously considered skipping dinner. Damn he looked sexy in them.
“If you want anything to eat, you’d better put some more clothes on.”
He grinned at me but went and dressed. The auction was for a couple of shirts. They looked good on him too. He had chosen colors that went well with his fair complexion. I told him he’d better wash them and he headed off to do so while I cooked. When he got the washer going, he booted up and checked his auctions. He’d won another so had to settle up and e-mail. I was pleased that he asked me if it was alright for him to use the PayPal account. When there was a break in the cooking, he showed me where he had filed the info on the transaction. I asked him if he had left feedback for the shirts. I wound up explaining and showing him how.
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
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- Party
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- Gym
- Porn
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- Funny
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- Teacher
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- Jock
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- Dorm
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- Uncle
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