In Secrecy

(Part 1 from 1. Fiction.)

*** This story is 100% true. All names will be single letters to protect personal information.

My name is "L". I'm a senior in college. I'm about 5 foot 8 inches, dark black hair which looks blue in the sunlight, bright blue eyes and a swimmers build. To everyone at high school I'm in th closet. I hook up with girls every once in a while to help stay in the closet.

Everyone go to the website on the board and start reading," my professor told the class. I went to the site and started reading. Five minutes into my reading, my instant messanger popped up and gave me a message. "Yoo, you wanna come over my house after class?" My friend "C," I come over his house aleast twice a week. I loved his house, he had everything you wanted. His parents were both doctors and filthy rich. "Sure. I think I'll sleep when I get there too." "Alright. "T" is coming over too." "T" is this other guy in my Intro class. "T" is about 5 foot 9 inches. He has dark skin with green eyes. And a beautiful muscular build. "T" always wears shirts that show off his muscles. Pants that show his tight beautiful ass, and large round buldge. "Ok. I think I'm gonna take a shower first then make my way over.

After 50 minutes of reading, the class was over. I went to my dorm and grabbed some fesh clothes. Walked to the shower room and got my self a little booth to start my shower. I walked into my booth and started to get undressed then put them into the dry safe. Turned on the shower to a good tempurature and started to shampoo. When my hair was shampoo free, I saw my friend "T" in the booth across the walk way. He was shampooing himself. Since he couldn't see me, I decided to take a peek. He was facing the shower head so I was looking a his perfect ass. His arms were up rubbig his hair. His muscular arms glistened in the water and florescent light. His shoulder blades covered with soap. As I started to look down to take a peek at his tight ass, he turned around. And I was looking at his big flacid dick.

He was uncut with big balls. Shaven clean with the tip of his head peeking out of his foreskin. I looked up a little and I saw his 6 pack. Then his sexy dark round nipples. As I continued to look up, I saw "T" with his eyes wide open with a confused look on his face. I quickly turned around and noticed my semi hard boner swing. I quickly turned off the shower, dried my self off and got dressed. I turned around and walked out of my booth. "See you at "C's" house." And left.

I walked up to "C's" house. Knocked on the door and waited for an answer. I turned around and saw "T" walking up the walkway. He gave me a big smile, "Hey." "Wassup "T"?" I said as I looked into his beautiful green eyes. "I should be in my dorm room doing my essay right now, but I could use a little.... destressing." Just the thought of him needing to destress made me think of sex. "Well maybe you need to find some bitch to fuck." I said and gave him a wink. He gave a big smile and look at the door. I turned around and "C" was holding the door open with some drinks. We both walked in and grab one. All of us ran up stairs to "C's" room.

As soon as I ran into his room, I jumped on his bed, got under the cover and fell asleep. As "T" and "C" were playing some game.

I woke up at around 3 hours later. I rolled over onto my right side and hit something with my elbow. I looked over to noticed that I just elbowed "T's" beautil face. I jumped up, "Oh shit, my bad man." "It's all good. I should've waken you up to tell you I was laying down. But you were sleeping like a cute little baby." He laughed. Did he just call me cute? I said to myslef. "No it's good." I said as I was laying back down. I looked toward the tv and fell asleep again.

Five minutes later I woke up to something on my chest. I looked under the blanket and saw "T's" arm wrapped around me. I started to get hard. I pretended to stay asleep. I moved my right hand towards my pants. Slid my hand in and slowly rubbed my head with a finger. My precum was sliding all over my head. I was just about ready too cum when I felt "T" get closer to me. I stopped and pulled my hand out of my pants. I was shocked when I felt "T" with a boner from behind. His hand moved from my chest towards my pants. I was in total shock! His hand slid into my shirt and started to move up. He stopped at my left nipple and started to circle it. I was about to jump up and pretend to mad and upset. But "T" wispered in my ear, "Don't make any noise." He started to move towards my stomach. But he didn't stop. He continued to move into my pants. He slid his hand above my boxers and rubbed his hand over my dick. I started to moan but his other hand covered my mouth. His thumb moved under my dick and started to pick it up. But just as soon as he was about to grip it, "C" walked back into the room holding a tray of food. "T" quickly moved both of his hands back to his body. But he left his dick on my ass.

I could feel him twitching it. As if he was teasing me. I got up as "C" gave me somefood on a plate in one hand and a drink in the other. I was about to get up and go sit on the couch with the table, but I rembered my giant hard-on. So I sat there with the blanket over my bottom half as I ate and watched tv. "C's" phone rang and he picked it up. Spoke some word in spanish and gave a big sigh. "Ok..." he said. "I gotta go mow the lawn. I'll be back in like an hour. ("C" had a big yard) As soon as he left, I felt "T' move his hand back onto my chest. He quickly moved his hand down into my pants. But this time, he went under my boxers. I heard the lawn mower start. After "T" was certain "C" was outside and wouldn't disrupt us, he took off the blanket. Pulled the front of my pants down and started to jerk my dick. I moved and layed on my back. I felt his boner grow and grow on my side. "T" moved his finger up to my head and rubbed the precum around my dick. "T" sat up and moved towards my dick.

He kissed my balls and licked his way up to my dick. When my dick entered his mouth, I gave a load moan. He slowly moved down until I felt his nose on my low cut pubes. He moved up and down twirling his tongue around my dick. I grabbed his shoulders, ""T".... I'm... gonna..." I took a deep breath and shot my load into his mouth. "T" sucked me clean and lays next to me. "I saw you watching me in the shower at school. I always thought you were gay." I gave him a smile as I sat up got on top of him.

I looked deeply into his green eyes. Then I kissed his soft lips. I moved to his neck. Down to his nipples. Made my way to his abs. I kissed each pack. As I moved down to where his pants were, I heard him moan. I smirked. I undid his pants and pulled them down. I was looking at his dick under his boxers. I saw his big round balls. I kissed him through his boxers. Took one into my mouth and played with it. He moaned again, this time pushing his hips in a thrusting motion. As I slowly removed his boxers, "T" was twitching his dick up and down. I went back to his balls and put the other in my mouth. I rubbed it with my tongue. I made my way up to his dick. When I got to the top, I stopped for a moment. Looked up at "T". He had his eyes closed and breathing heavily. He noticed I stopped and looked at me. We shared a smile. And he gave me a wink. I slowly inserted his dick into my mouth. With each inch I swallowed, "T" moaned in excitment. I reached my limit. I couldn't take anymore. His dick was atleast 8 inches. I took in about 6. I tarted to go up and down. Twirling my tongue around his dick. Hoping he would soon cum in my mouth so I could get a taste of straight cum.

Each time I went down, "T" thursted upward. I started to go faster. Playing with his balls with my hand. When suddenly, He grabbed me by the shoulders and put me stomach down on the bed. He layed on top of me with his dick in my crack. And wispered in my ear, "You're gonna enjoy this."

"T" grabbed me by the waist and pulled my ass up. Expecting his dick to enter me, I feel his tongue. I had a sudden rush of pleasure. I started to get another hard-on. He licked my hole untill he slowly inserted into my ass. I grabbed the blanket under us and moaned so load I thought "C" would hear it over the lawn mower. Suddenly he stopped. I felt the tip of his dick waiting at my hole. He grabs hold of my dick and pulls back my foreskin. I push my hips towards his hand. He gives a little giggle and he started to push. He went very slow. As if he were an expert. I could feel his precum lubing up my hole so he can fuck me with ease. Then... pop. I give a scream and a small tear comes down from my cheek. His fat head was in. I felt his hand start to jerk me off very slowly and he said, "Shh." I moaned more as he slowly inserted his entire dick into my ass. All eight inches. He pulled back very slow. Just when I think he was about to take it out, he pushes back in slowly. Was he trying to torture me by going really slow? If so, it was working. I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted him to fuck me now. As he pushed in slowly, I gave my waist a thrust backwards. He gave a smile and said, "Patience. I want you to remember this forever." I had another sudden rush of pleasure. "So that's where your prostate is. I know exactly what to do." He removed his hand on my dick and grabbed my waist with both of his hands. He started fucking me a little faster.

But he wasn't moving much. "You're only fucking me where my prostate is. You fucking torturist!" I said to myself. He was fucking me wherever my protate was. I was overwelmed by te pleasure that my whole body went numb. My upper body collapsed to the bed. Only my waist was up, "T" help me up with his muscular arms. I felt my balls swell up. I knew I was close. I moved my right hand down onto my dick when "T" hit my hand away. He wasn't going to let me jerk myself off? He was the perfect fuck machine. "T" started to move faster. Still focusing on my prostate. I moaned louder and gripped the blanket harder. Soon I felt a surge of pleasure. My cum hit "C's" blanket. I gasped with every load I shot. "T" went into over drive and started fucking my ass entirely. I embraced mself for an ass full of cum. But suddenly I found myself laying on my back with his dick in my mouth. He was face fucking me. His head rubbed against the roof of my mouth. His balls tapping my chin. "Shit! I'm gonna cum!" With one big thrust down, "T" shoved his entire 8 inch dick into my throat. I felt his cum go down my throat. As an attempt to get a taste, I pushed my head into the bed Hoping it would go far enough so I could get atleast a drop or two. But "T" knew what I was doing, so he moved his dick to my tongue. I got atleast 2 shots of his cum. It was delicious. His cum tasted like strawberries dipped in chocolate. But at the same time kind of salty. When he emptied out his bank, he fucked my mouth a little more. Then he removed it.

As he lay there naked next to me, I ask him "I thought you were straight?" "I am. But I just needed to let my rocks loose. When I saw you looking at me in the shower looking at me with a boner. I knew you could be my fuck toy for a day." He gave me a smile and I swear I saw his eyes twinkle. "What if I said I wouldn't mind being you're permanant fuck toy?" "I would say sure. But only when I don't get any pussy of course. I'm still straight." I had a giant smile on my face. Then I heard the lawn mower stop. Both of our eyes got wide and we both rushed to get our clothes on. I was about to lay back in bed when I noticed my cum stain. "Oh shit, what do we do with the blanket?" "Just stick it in the laundry shoot. He'll never know it's miss." He said as he got into the same position he was when "C" left. I grabbed the blanket and opened "C's" laundry shoot. Threw it in and turned around. "C" was standing there and asked me, "Why'd you put my blanket in the laundry?" I thought of something cleaver. "I drooled a little bit." "Oh, alright." He said as he sat on his couch and started his school work. I got back in bed. As soon as I laid down, "T's" arm wrapped around me again. And whispered in my ear, "Have a nice nap fuck toy." I smiled as I shut my eyes.

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Random Bareback City, Part 05

“Oh yeah, baby. You like my nasty cock, don’t you boy? If you’re still around later this month, I just might save a space for you on that sling some day. I love the way you worship my cock, but I need to get it geared up to breed my new assistant. I want you and Sam to stick around and help me get Rodger into the sling then we’ll go from there”...
