Jim's Camping Trip
Two months after his 18th Birthday, As he laid in bed, his leg were very tired. Jim had just finished his eagle scouts project, building a bridge in the creek. Sounds stupid right? But it worked, so now he was done with scouts forever! Wait, damn, he just said he would help his scout master out with a camping trip! "Fuck, fuck fuck..." he thought as he undressed for bed. As he did, he remembered about the girl at school! "
Aww man, she wanted to hang out today! But I don't know why? She never really liked me, all my friend says she's just playing me. So whatever, if she wants me, then she'll understand. If not, then whatever." He took off his XX large t shirt that covered his 260 lbs body and his size 42 pants.
As they dropped to the floor, they showed his round, ass, cover it his tighty whites. As he took those off to reveal his chubby sausage laying at 6 inches, he laid in bed, full commando and started to close his eyes. And he laid there, thought about sex, and how much he would never get.
While wishing about all the things someone would do to him, his sausage began to rise, as it always did while he laid to go to sleep. The began to rub it up and down, but fell asleep with it in his hand.
He woke up the next morning, not looking forward to the 8 hour drive ahead of him. Outside he heard the car horn honking at him. He quickly let go of himself, got dressed grabbed his bags and ran downstairs. As he left, he grabbed his keys and phone and rushed out to Adam's car. Still honking the horn of a huge Ford Exploder, Adam called out, "Pack a jacket too? Suppose to be cold tonight!"
"A scout always come prepared," said Jim. "Well lets get going then!" Adam hollered as Jim shut he door as soon as he was inside, then speeding off into the morning. They drove, talked about school, life, college, everything 2 friends would talk about. "I'm really glad you came to help me out, the other boys look up to you and your better than any of the other dads!" Adam said with a jolly laugh.
His body jiggled when he laughed, with a 46 inch waist and all 300 lbs behind the bellowing. This caught Jim by surprise. "Really? They look up to me?" "Of course they do! They're always asking you for advice and they wanna hang out with you!" Adam said with a hand on the shoulder. " I guess I just don't view myself that way..." Jim frowned.
Adam looked at Jim, and slapped upside the head. "Lighten up Jim! Don't get down, you said earlier, your just not sure what the future holds for you, right? All kids that turn 18 feel the same way! And you've had 2 months to recover from that! So just set your fears aside for today. I brought apple pie!" Jim thought for a second, and began laughing, "You would be able to win me over with pie!" They both laughed and joke as the finally got to the camp site.
Once on the site, Jim and Adam made the hike to the camping area, which took about an hour. Once the got there, they began to set up their tents. "Now we want to set each one up exactly right, we wanna know if they will stand up in the winds and rain." Adam said. Adam began to regret this decision to come, because he was beat tired! But he was having a fun time with Adam, So he tried to make the best of it.
Of course, right after this thought, they both heard thunder. "Craaaaaap.." moaned Jim as he hurried to finish his tent up. Adam had just finished his, and came over to help Jim finish up. The put the tarp on the top of the tent and saw the wall of rain coming their way. They quickly jumped into the tent and zipped it up only seconds before the rain started pounding on the tent. "That was close!" Jim said, out of breath. Adam chuckled, "A little rain never hurt anyone, but lets hope it stops soon, I want some apple pie!" Jim laughed, and heard his phone go off, he answered to find out it was the hotty from school! "Hello?
Oh hey, how are you? I'm ok, just and camp. Huh? I said camp, I'm helping a friend out this weekend. No, it's a guy, why what's up?" Adam listening, knowing exactly where this was going, let out a small giggle. "No, it's not that I didn't want to-, wait, what do you mean? I just- Hello? Hello?..." Jim slowly hung up the phone.
Adam waited a few seconds before asking, "Everything peachy?" Jim smiled
after a second, saying "You know, I really hate girls. They really know how to
fuck with us, you know?" Adam quickly responded, "I thought that was the point?"
chuckling at his own joke. Jim
caught off guard, let out a smirk, and then began slowly laughing, until he was
in tears laughing.
"That why I like you! Your so laid back, and can make me feel better about anything!" Jim said to Adam. Stroking his goatee, Adam said, "One day Grasshopper, you too will know the ways of the woman." Jim sighed and said, "Whatever, I don't need them. I'll just hang with you! Fuck `em, right?" He said with a nudge to Adam. They laugh and made fun of girls for the next hour or so, until the rain finally stopped.
After night had fallen, Adam and Jim had sat down for silver turtles and apple pie. Half way through the pie, Jim thought about the girl and what she had said over the phone. "So what if I'm hanging out with a guy instead of you? I can do that! Your just jealous!" He began to wonder about life and sex and the meaning of it all.
He looked at Adam and asked, "So, women, huh? Can't live with em, or without, right?" Adam , taking a second, said "Oh, you can!" and smiled at Jim. Jim asked, "Aren't you married?" Adam said, "Nope I'm not marriage material as some would say."
Jim paused, and finally said, "I'm sorry. But I mean, you've...you know?
Haven't you?" Adam shook his head. Jim sat in astonishment. "Never?!"
"Never." Adam replied. "I can tell you haven't either," he continued. Jim,
paused and said "Yea, that obvious?" "No, just I can tell." Jim sat and thought
about all the times he was rejected and finally snapped, "You know, all I want
is to get laid? You know! Every time I get close, I just..."
Adam waited to hear the rest, "You just...?" Jim, frustrated, said "I just..." pausing again, "I couldn't get it up, ok?! Whenever I get with a girl, we start to make out, and then I feel her up, and she feels me, and I'm stone cold. So they call me gay and a queer...all that stuff." Adam asked, "Well, do you like when your with a girl?"
Jim started to think he was giving the wrong impression to Adam, stating, "Of course man! I love the way a girl looks! The booty! All that stuff!" Adam said, "Ok, calm down. No need to try and convince me." Jim felt bad, "I'm sorry...I just don't know how I feel. I think I'm gunna head to bed. Good night." Jim strolled off to his tent to lay in bed.
He changed into his pajamas and laid in his sleeping bag, and listened to the sound of rain lightly tapping and the wind blowing against the tent.
At the brink of falling asleep, Jim awoke abruptly only to find a small leak in his tent. It seems the tarp on top of his tent had been blown off. And to make things worse, its was raining much harder, He unzipped his tent to try and find the tarp, but the wind had picked up too, blowing into his tent and getting rain everywhere! Before he could zip back up, the zipper broke and water was getting everywhere!
The tent quickly broke down and Jim jumped out and called out for Adam! Adam poked his head out of his tent and saw what was happening, and called for Jim to join him inside his own tent. Jim quickly ran inside, Jim was shivering and wet, Adam said "Take your clothes off and throw them outside, you can have some of mine!"
Jim did so very quickly and before he knew it, he was naked inside the tent, with no clothes, Adam was looking around and finally said "Uh oh, I left my extra clothes outside in the rain accidentally!" So there sat Jim, naked in Adams tent, exposed and all. Adam quickly looked around and said, "Here, use the extra blanket!" Jim put it on and it covered only his top half.
He sat Indian style, so he wasn't aware that his sausage was well exposed and aiming right at Adam. Adam saw this, and stared for a second.
He quickly took off his own pajama pants and gave them to Jim saying, "These are warm , they'll warm you up." Jim became aware of his pointed cock, and quickly tried to cover up, but then he saw Adam taking off his pants, and realized that he wasn't wearing a pajama shirt, so Adam was completely naked now. As he watched him undress his cock became more and more thick, and he became confused and stopped thinking about anything else.
He got snapped out of it when Adam said "Can I help you?" with a big bear laugh! Jim began to stutter, and Adam said, "its ok, you don't have to explain, don't worry about it. Lets get you warmed up. Adam then began rubbing Jim's arms and legs and Jim was in shock! He was feeling really good, especially for being wet and cold.
Occasionally, he would peek over at Adam's cock, and saw that it was smooth and getting bigger, probably about 5 inches, maybe 6. After looking, his cock got rock hard! Jim was confused, but didn't feel embarrassed about this situation, like he thought he would. Once warmed up, Adam said, "Ok, you'll be ok, lets just share the blanket and try and get some sleep.
Jim had been speechless this entire time, and still was. Adam laid down and turned away from Jim and he fell asleep. Jim laid on his back, and spent the next hour looking up and down Adam smooth and chubby back.
Collin becomes a star male model and gets a wealthy new boyfriend in the process...
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