Kevin and Martin's Road Trip
I'm Martin. My lover is Kevin, a twenty-six year old small framed boyish man that is very devoted to me and can't do enough to please me. He is only five foot four and weighs only one hundred and twenty two pounds, but he is all man. In spite of his boyish looks, he is respected by nearly all who meet him.
I am twenty-eight and was initially attracted to Kevin because of his boyish looks. Once we became lovers, I talked him into shaving his armpits, doing what I could to make his boyishness even more prominent. He had always shaved his scrotum, so now, keeping his pits shaved is just a part of his daily hygiene.
As for me, I don't have much more body hair than Kevin does and what I do have is so light that it isn't very obvious. We both look younger than our actual age and we are often told that we make a great looking couple.
Shortly after our relationship began, we decided that neither of us were really happy in a monogamous relationship. We like playing together in groups of three or more. We like finding new men to play with so we go to the bars and meet guys. Kevin dances a lot when we go out, but I only dance when he insists or when a nice, slow and easy song is being played. While we both enjoy having sex with new acquaintances, we mostly have sex with each other and a couple of guys that have become staples in our lives. Both of us have a black lover that we enjoy. His man, Glenn, comes to visit us often and the two of them make love whenever they get the chance.
My man, Terry, is adorable, but does not have the freedom to come and go as easily as Glenn does, so I see him much less than I want to. Both of our lovers are married to women, so they really call the shots as to when we can get together. Kevin sees Glenn at least once a week, but I am lucky to see Terry more than twice a month. Still, we are both happy that we have the open minds to take advantage of all of the opportunities we have to experience great sex with others.
It is now the time of year when we normally go on our annual vacation. We went to Mexico our first year together, to Europe our second year, and a Caribbean cruise last year, This year, we decided on a road trip to visit a couple of relatives and some friends. We both love to drive and we never make a firm itinerary. Rather, we drive until we find a reason to stop and if we are having a great time, we take our time and enjoy the scenery or the people and move on only when we are both ready.
Our plan is to visit a cousin of Kevin's in Los Angeles, a friend that we both love and enjoy in Seattle and if time permits, another friend in Palm Springs. We want to camp at Yosemite, spend time in San Francisco, drive down the Oregon coast and visit our favorite gay bed and breakfast in Palm Springs. It is a lot to shove into a two week vacation, but if we don't get it all done, there is always next year.
We were just sixty-five mile out of Phoenix heading west on Interstate 10 headed for our first stop in Palm Springs. We both love truckers so our plan was to take our time and see if we could suck some trucker cock along the way. Kevin removed his shirt and helped me out of mine, even though I was driving the Mercedes, which was the first step of our plan to attract some truckers.
Kevin also removed his jeans and wore only a pair of tight, white, leather shorts, that happened to be very short. With is butt in the air, he hauled my cock out of my Levi's and began giving me head ss I drove. It was my job to make sure that we drew the attention of the big rig drivers when we passed them. With our rainbow flag on the antenna, a rainbow sticker on the bumper and Kevin's face in my lap, we were doing what we could to send a message to any of the interested truck drivers, that we would be all to happy to relieve the ache in their groin if they were to run into us at a rest stop or a truck stop along the way.
I made it a point to drive along side of the big rigs as I passed them until we caught their attention. Some of them had a look of surprise on their faces, others grinned, and some of them shook their head in disgust. There were a lot of trucks on the road and by the time we reached the first rest stop, we had passed about one hundred and four trucks. I pulled in to the rest area and instead of parking where the cars were all parked, I parked in the area designated for trucks.
Kevin put his shirt on but didn't put his jeans back on as we got out to head for the men's room to take a piss. Kevin knew he would draw some attention, but he wasn't doing anything illegal, even though he was showing some of his butt cheeks when me walked.
The men's room was empty, so we pissed and headed back to our car. Kevin got inside and sat while I stayed on the outside, leaning against the door. It didn't take long before a driver with graying hear, around fifty years old, stepped down from his cab and lit up a cigarette. He looked toward me, showing interest. Kevin and I had done this no less than a dozen times in the past three years, so we got pretty good at separating the men that were interested in a blowjob from those that were just gawkers.
I strolled toward the man to get a closer look at him. He wasn't a typical, overweight, hamburger-eating driver, but instead, about my size. I liked his look so as i moved closer to him, I stopped, made an obvious stare at his crotch and then looked up at him. I nodded my head, he nodded his and seconds later, I was crawling into the truck. He made no effort to introduce himself and I didn't either. I didn't need a name to do what I planned to do. He slipped into the back of the cab, pulled down his pants and spread his legs apart, exposing a nice looking cock of six inches.
As I wrapped my lips around the uncut piece, I remembered the smell that seemed to be common amongst all truck drivers. The mixture of piss, sweat and cum stung my nostrils and the cheesy tsste of his the smegma under his foreskin was only a brief turn-off. Once I remembered why I was there, I forgot about the odor and pushed my face down on his cock as he leaned back and groaned softly.
I was quickly rewarded with a nice warm load of his man cream. As he pulled his pants up, he said, "You did good kid. Where you from?" he asked.
"Phoenix," I said, not offering too much information.
"I go through there pretty regular. Do you think it would be okay to give you a call when I have some time to kill there. You're a helluva looker for a cocksucker. Most of the faggots that hang around these places don't look anything like you," he said.
"Well, thanks." I reached in my wallet, handed him a card so he would have my name and phone number and e-mail address and quickly jumped down from the truck.
I could tell as I walked back to the car that Kevin was not in it, waiting for me. I went back, took up my same spot at the drivers side of the Mercedes and looked around. There were only a dozen or so trucks in the parking lot. I figured Kevin was probably in one of them and if I had another offer as good as the first one, I'd be in one of them too if I got the chance.
There seemed to be no one getting out of the trucks. Some trucks pulled in, a guy would get out and head for the toilets and a short time later, get back in a drive away. After about ten minutes of waiting, I saw Kevin jumping down from a red cab almost directly in front of me. He waved at me as he headed in my direction. When he finally got close to me he said, "I'm supposed to watch for a white truck to flash some lights. That's my signal to go to it."
"There's a white truck flashing its headlights right now," I said pointing down the row of semis.
"Well shit, the man was right. I'm off. Can't keep him waiting," Kevin chuckled.
I watched as he walked swiftly toward the white cab and saw the door open as the driver directed him to crawl in on the passengers side. He looked sexy as hell out there in the mid morning light walking down the row of trucks in his short shorts. He couldn't have been more obvious than that and I was glad it was working for him.
I stood and waited, wondering if I was going to get another chance to suck cock when a big thug of a driver walked from the men's room right past me. He was about my age, but overweight, and scruffy looking. He paused as he walked by but said nothing. When he reached his truck with a dark blue cab, he stopped and turned toward me and rubbed his crotch. That was the signal I was waiting for. I walked toward him as he crawled into the drivers side. The truck ws parked directly across the aisle from the one that Kevin had gone to.
I looked toward the white truck, but saw no signs of activity and moved to the passenger side of the blue truck. The scruffy, unshaved trucker reached over from the drivers seat and opened the door for me. He sat there with his jeans down around his ankles, his boxer shorts resting on top of them as he waited quietly for me to get in and get my reward.
Again, the smell of urine, sweat and cum hit my nostrils. I could see a bunch of porn DVD's with big busted women on the cover with cocks in their mouths, as I went down on him. His cock was smaller than the last one, but thick and cut. I worked on it as I lay across the seat while he leaned back as though he were sleeping. He cock was rock-hard and twice, I heard him breathing loudly and thought he was going to fill my mouth with his cum, but it didn't happen. I reached between his legs and cupped his balls in my hand and then left his cock long enough to lick his scrotum before putting my mouth back over his cock.
The third time he started breathing loudly and grunting a little, was what I have come for. The man of five foot eight or so that weighed about two hundred pounds, erupted in my mouth with a forceful shot of warm cream with a second and third shot that followed the first. It was a lot of cum and I swallowed it as his ejaculation weakened but continued to feed me his man seed. He didn't seem to be in a hurry to put his cock back in his pants like the last guy had so I continued to playfully lick his cock and balls until he was totally flaccid again.
When I got back to the car, Kevin was sitting on the trunk talking to a couple of well dressed guys that were clearly not a typical truck driver. He introduced them as Blane and Tommy. I quickly learned that they were traveling also and had met Kevin in the bathroom while they were all taking a piss. With his short shorts, he couldn't have been mistaken for anything other than a cocksucker looking for cock, but to his surprise, Tommy, the smaller of the two had gone down on him and Kevin had fed him a mouthful of his cum.
We chatted a little, but I was ready to go, Kevin was ready to go and they were traveling in the opposite direction, so I quickly determined there was no reason to try building a friendship with them. Tommy had gotten what he wanted, Kevim had released his seed and there was no reason not to get moving again.
We made one more stop before Palm Springs at a little but busy truck stop. There were dozens of trucks parked in the back of the lot, a couple of dozen more near the restaurant parking area and three more filling up with diesel at the pumps. We sat down and ordered a bowl of soup and coffee. Kevin had put his jeans back on so he wasn't as obvious as he had been at the rest area.
We talked and compared notes about our tricks at the rest area and when we finished, I wandered off to the men's room, pissed and looked at a couple of streaming cocks, making it obvious that I was interested. One of the guys zipped up quickly as he gave me a dirty look but the other washed his hands and said, "Can you take care of two of us? I've got a rider trainee with me?"
Kevin paid our bill as I followed a few feet being the thirty something brute, a huge man over six foot tall, clean looking but not very attractive. I motioned for Keith to follow and he caught up with me by the time we saw the big driver climb into the truck. "He say's there are two of them," I said. "One for you and one for me," I chuckled.
I got the big buy from the men's room and Kevin ended up with a younger guy, long-haired and skinny with a big cock. My guy had a short cock and I had barely began sucking on it when I heard the kid gruting as he filled Kevin's mouth with his load. Kevin played with the kids balls and cock while he waited for me to finish up with the big guy and as soon as I took his load, we headed for the car and Palm Springs.
It was seven o'clock when we checked into the Bed and Breakfast. Tim, the desk clerk, recognized us and assured us that the place would be full before the night was over. Tim had given both of us blowjobs during our last visit and it was pretty obvious that he was more than willing to take care of us again. We went to our room, showered and lay on the bed naked, playing and holding each other affectionately, kissing and fondling until we were both erect and our cocks were leaking precum.
"Do you remember where we are supposed to meet Derek?" I finally asked.
"Yes. It's at the little bar where we listened to the karaoke singers the last time we were here. We should probably get dressed and go over there. Its close enough to walk," he replied.
Kevin lit up a joint and sat inhaling its sweet smoke, coughing loudly each time he took a toke off from it. He tried to hand it off to me, but as usual, I motioned that I wasn't interested. I rarely smoked. If I were trying to make it with some sweet little man, I would usually take a toke, but I'd rather have a beer anyday.
I stuffed my semi-hard cock into my jeans without underwear while Kevin took the time to put his genitalia in a strap to show it off a though his tight jeans. I knew when I saw him button up his Levi's that he would be in luck before the night was over. He was just too damn hot not to have several offers.
Derek met us at the bar and we spent an hour talking and bringing each other up to date on our lives. He had been an employee of Kevin's in his underwear and sports wear business and then later, a dancer for a short time at the club Kevin had owned since since he was nineteen. They weren't exactly friends, but Kevin had fucked the kid a few times and they had managed to stay in touch after Derek left for Palm Springs to work for his uncles landscaping business.
He promised us a good time and since I didn't know him well, I had no idea of what to expect, but I wasn't disappointed when he pulled into a small bar with a dozen or so black men standing around in the parking lot. Kevin nudged me and said, "We're gonna be in heaven before the night is over."
I laughed as did Derek. "I'm sure you're right," Derek said. I didn't know you were into black cock until after I left the club."
"I didn't know it back then. Neither did Martin. But, we know it now and I can't imagine going to sleep without at least one big black one buried in me until I've drained him of his seed. I want to be bred like the slut I am," Kevin chortled.
It was a dance bar and Kevin and Derek both spent the next three hours dancing with just about every man in the place. The bar was about half black with the other half a mixture of Mexican's and white men. I met Joey, a twenty year old college student that stuck close to me all night long. I knew early on that he would be with us when Kevin and I went back to the B and B. He was a light-skinned black kid, polite and respectful and it was obvious that he was ready to serve.
By the time Kevin and Derek were ready to go, they stood before me and introduced me to Lamar, Shane and Manuel. I couldn't tell which one that Kevin had hoped to get in bed, but as we headed for Derek's car, I realized that Kevin was going to ride with Lamar and Manuel. Derek got into the driver' seat and Shane slid into the passenger seat, leaving the back seat for Joey and me.
I took it slow as Derek drove back to the B and B, sitting close with my arm around Joey's shoulder but without making any sexual advances. I knew I could do just about anything I wanted with him, so I decided to keep him waiting a little, making his curious about what lie ahead for him.
When we finally arrived at the B and B, we loaded out of the car. We were a well integrated group with Manuela, cute young but tough looking Mexican, Lamar and Shane, both thirty year old black men from New Orleans, Joey, the youngest of the group, light skinned but still dark enough to be classified as black, and then, Kevin, Derek and myself.
I couldn't help but giggle as I watched Kevin stagger under the influence of several rum and cokes, his pants unbuttoned and unzipped, held up only by Manuel who had one hand on Kevin's ass and the other around his shoulder. He walked awkwardly behind Kevin holding onto the waist of the jeans.
Once in the room with the two king sized beds, it took no time for the whole group to begin stripping. Clothes were strewn carelessly around as they undressed with Kevin first to jump onto the bed closest to the door, naked, with Manuel right behind him. Derek and Shane, took the other bed and Lamar, the only one to fold his clothes and carefully lay them on a chair, took a place on the bed with Kevin and Manuel.
I took my time as I help Joey out of his clothes, kissing him tenderly with each piece of clothing we removed from his near-perfect, tight little body. It wasn't until he stood before me completely naked in my embrace that I realized that he wasn't even as tall as Kevin. He said he was five foot four, but I knew he wasn't that tall. His cock was thick and perfectly shaped, a seven incher like mine but slightly thinner.
He helped me get undressed, kneeling to remove my shoes and socks while I took off my shirt. Still kneeling, he fumbled to unbutton my 501's. I made no effort to help him and when he dropped them and found me witout underwear, he looked up and grinned before taking my cock into his mouth.
I looked around for a space to land, and decided that Derek and Shane had left us the most room, I lead Joey to the bed where the two of them lie quietly on their stomachs as Derek was being rimmed by Shane. Derek was a cute guy with a milky-white ass like Kevin's while the rest of his body was deeply tanned. Shane, a dark-skinned brute was clearly treating Derek very gently, but he looked like a hulk spread as his feet and legs hung over the end of the bed while he slurped away between the Derek's fleshy buttocks.
"I would do that for you," Joey said, softly as I lay hin down next to Derek.
"Good. I plan to see that you do that before the night is over," I responded, leaning down to kiss him on his open mouth.
I sucked his cock, rimmed him briefly, tongued his chest and stomach before lying down next to him so that he could go to work on me. He couldn't wait to push his face into my ass and he licked and rimmed until I finally rolled over and presented him with my cock. He sucked it expertly for a short time before he reached onto the nightstand, greased his boycunt and then impaled himself on my cock. Next to us, I realized that Shane was drilling his cock into Derek. I could hear Kevin moaning loudly in the bed next to us, but I didn't even take the time to look over at him because I was so enthralled with Joey's submissive, tiny little frame.
I changed Joey from his sitting position to his back, then to his stomach and then to his side where he finally spewed forth his load into my hand as I held his cock while I thrust mine into his tight little boycunt. He groaned loudly as he filled my hand with his load. I put my hand to his mouth and fed his cum to him while I continued to push my cock into him. He licked my hand and fingers clean before turning slightly to say, "You can take as much time as you like, Martin. I'm still really enjoying it."
I kissed his neck and ears and pushed myself into him, pressing in hard as I released my seed into his cum dumpster. My body jerked wildly as I filled him with my seed and finally as my orgasm subsided, I lay still as my cock soaked inside of him.
Later, at he was sucking my cock back to a full erection, I watched as Lamar and Manuel took turns pushing their cocks into Kevin. Manuel, had it not been for Kevin, would have been the most beautiful guy in the room. His thick, curly soft hair hung over his forehead as he pumped his powerful hips back and forth as Kevin lie on his stomach with a pillow under his groin. I liked the way that Lamar and Maneul seemed to take a very short time when it was their turn to enter Kevin's boy pussy. I guessed that they were probably lovers from the way they looked at one another as they traded positions. It was almost as though they were really fucking each other, but that Kevin was merely a proxy they were using to accomplish their mission.
It took a while for me to realize that Lamar, another big, dark-skinned man had a cock that should have even brought tears to Kevin's eyes. I tried to see if Lamar was pushing it all the way into Kevin, but wasn't able to tell from where I lay as Joey continued to suck my cock.
It wasn't until Lamar lay down on his back next to Kevin an ordered him to sit on his cock that I realized that Lamar's cock was much greater than ten inches. To my knowledge, ten inches was the biggest cock Kevin had ever taken, but he sure didn't complain as he obediently lowered himself onto the huge piece. Manuel, positioned himself so that Lamar and he could kiss one another as Kevin began rising and falling on the huge black cock. His white ass looked like it was sucking up the huge, blood-gorged phallus as it diappeared inside of him. Kevin's groans were softer than I had heard from him before.
"Oh god man, I think your fucking mushroom head just expanded inside of me," Kevin shouted. "Oh fuck, you're gonna cum ain't you?" Kevin yelled as he pushed himself down hard on the thick piece.
If it hadn't been for Lamar's body jerking and shaking, one would not have known he was ejaculating. Manuel contineud to kiss him thorughout the entire explosion of the thick lava that he spewed into Kevin's cum receptacle. "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE CUMMING IN ME. OH SHIT MAN, ITS SO FUCKING WARM......DAMN, I CAN FEEL IT BURNING INTO MY HOLE. OH GOD, OHHHHHHH, DAMN, AHHHHHHH," Keith hollered.
My cock was slowly recovering but since Joey seemed content to keep sucking it, I wasn't in a hurry to go for seconds. I watched as Kevin lifted himself off of Lamar and leaned over him to clean his cock while Manuel continued to suck the big man's face.
Lamar made the first move as he sat up and ordered Kevin onto his side. "Get on your side and face the other bed," he said gruffly.
Obediently, Kevin did as he was told and waited until Manuel pushed his cock into his cum-soaked boy pussy. Kevin was looking right toward me, but I don't think he saw me or anything else as Manuel held Kevin's leg into the air while he pumped his hips forcefully now. Kevin's moans and grunts grew louder and much more normal sounding for him as his pitch and volume increased with each of Manuel's thrusts.
"Oh fuck, you're gonna make me cum," Kevin yelled. Derek seemed to appear out of nowhere as he fell to his knees before Kevin and held hid mouth open to accept the warm seed. My view of the orgasm was blocked by Derek, but the familiar sound assured me that my lover had been brought to orgasm by the handsome Mexican.
As Derek moved away, wiping away the cum that had not made it into his mouth, I watched as Kevin lowered his leg, relaxed now as Manuel unloaded his seed into him. Kevin forced a weak smile and I pursed my lips into a kiss for him.
I fucked Joey again while the rest of the group went into the sitting room. I coud hear them talking and laughing until finally, Kevin suggested that they all head for the Jacuzzi. The place grew quiet as I bred my young, black lover once again. We fell asleep with my cock still in him as we lay on our sides.
Sometime in the night, I woke up to find Joey missing as Derek lay next to me, playing with my flaccid cock. As my eyes adusted to the dimly lit room, I realized that Kevin had recovered and was now pumping his cock into my young friend. Everyone else seemed to be quietly sleeping.
A story of how an 18 year old senior and his English teacher get it off in the classroom...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels