Luke and Chris : Part 2 and 3

(Part 1 from 1. Fiction.)

Luke sighed as he bent down to pick up the folders which had spilled out of his bag and across the floor. This was becoming a kind of ritual for him as Tristan McCormick and other bullies would push Luke around in the hallway.

"You ok?" asked an unfamiliar voice from behind him. Luke spun around quickly and came face to face to with a tall, muscular boy he'd only ever seen in passing. "It looked like they pushed you pretty hard, are you hurt?" He asked a genuine look of concern on his face.
Suddenly realizing that he was staring at the other boy, Luke quickly stuttered, "Err....yeah....I'm fine...."

"Good, they seemed like assholes, I'll have a word with them next time I see them!" He said kindly, bending down to pick up the remaining folders and papers.

"No, it's ok, I'm sure they'll stop soon....I mean once they get bored." Luke replied, confused and suspicious of this strangers kindness.

"yeah....maybe" the other boy added doubtfully. "Anyway I'm Will" he said putting out his hand.

Feeling slightly hesitant Luke shook Will's hand. Although the boy seemed friendly and kind, Luke wasn't used to people being nice to him. After everyone at his college had found out that he was gay, they'd all kept their distance from him, and he had been bullied ever since. His only real friend was Ollie, another blond boy who was also gay.

"I'm Luke" he added realising that he'd been shaking his hand for a little bit too long. "well it's nice to meet you Luke, and sorry again for the way those jerks treated you, I'll definitely have a word!"
"Ah no that's ok!" Luke said quickly, feeling nervous about a total stranger getting involved.

"Hey it's no good trying to stop me! I noticed before how they were mean to you and I feel bad that i didn't do anything now I'm making up for it!" The brunette boy smiled showing off his pearly white teeth and sparkling blue eyes. And once again Luke found himself staring.


"Oh for god's sake Parsons! Get up!" The coach yelled across the field at Matty, as he was once again on the ground. He wasn't terrible at rugby, it was just that the other boys on the team didn't like him and took a lot of pleasure in tackling a little to roughly. "Will, take Matty back to the changing rooms and get him cleaned up!" the coach yelled again clearly frustrated with how the game was going.

Will bent down and pulled Matty to his feet, supporting him under his arms. After a slow and weary walk back to the changing rooms he carefully sat Matty down on the bench, turning around to find the medical kit. "Thanks for the help back there!" Matty snapped at his best friend as he pulled off his shirt.

"Well what did you want me to do? If you don't wanna get tackled, don't catch the fucking ball!" Will snapped back pulling some anti-back wipes from the kit. "Ah!" Matty winced as Will gently wiped at the cuts on his face and chest. "Don't be such a baby!" Will chided, smiling up at his friend.

"I'm not a baby! If I was a baby do you think i would have been invited to Bethany Longford's party tonight?" He said, a self satisfied smile on his face.
"Beth Longford? Haven't you been trying to get with her since you were like 14?" Will asked, smiling.
"No! She is pretty hot though!" Matty added, "But then I guess you wouldn't know!"

"And why's that?" Will asked, suddenly very defensive.
"you know...because your gay"

"shut up!!" Will yelled, looking around to make sure no one had heard. "Don't just go around shouting it out for fucks sakes!"

"Why not? I don't care so why do you?" Matty asked confused.

"Because! You know what people are like here....especially in rugby!"
"Yeah...but it shouldn't stop you from being who you are!" Will smiled and burst out laughing. He loved it when Matty said things like that. "What?!" Matty asked angrily.

"Nothing! It's just that for someone who doesn't know their 6 times tables, you do say a lot of wise things!" Matty smiled, not sensing the insult in that sentence.


Luke snuggled up into Chris's arms as they sat on the sofa and watched TV. Luke had just arrived after coming from college and Chris had been home from work for at least two hours. Chris turned to look at his lover who was sat on his lap with his feet up on the sofa and a blanket stretched over them both. As he studied the blond boy's soft cheeks, angular jaw and cute button nose, he smiled to himself, realising once again how lucky he was to be with Luke.

Feeling slightly affectionate Chris began to lightly kiss Luke's neck, brushing his lips over the boy's smooth skin and inhaling his scent. Unable to help himself Luke began to moan, beginning to become more passionate himself. As Chris moved his right hand underneath the blanket, and started to rub Luke's crotch, the other boy turned to face his lover and their lips met.

The boys began to kiss, lightly at first, but as each began to become more aroused the kissing became frantic and frenzied. Luke ran his hands over his boyfriends chest, feeling the contours of his hard chest and the softness of his skin. After pulling off his shirt, Chris undid Luke's flies, pulling down the boy's jeans and stroking the inside of his thighs, his hands creeping closer and closer to Luke's ever growing erection.

Luke moaned as he felt Chris's warm hands remove his boxers and begin to stroke his cock, still kissing him passionately all the while. Chris suddenly removed his hands from around Luke's cock and proceeded to undo his own flies, lifting himself and Luke up from the sofa to take off his chino's and boxers at the same time. Removing his own boxers, Luke suddenly became aware of where they were. "Wait...what if your room mates come back?" he asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, their at a party, they won't be back for hours!" Chris replied in between kissing Luke's neck and running his hands over the boys smooth back. As the boys continued to kiss, Chris' hands travelled further and further down, til they were feeling Luke's soft ass. Pushing the boy back gently onto the sofa, Chris climbed on top of him, his hard 9" cock running along the blond boy's stomach. Chris paused suddenly, confused as to what was about to happen. Although the boys had given each other blowjobs before they had not yet had sex as Luke had not been ready.

"why did you stop?" Luke asked looking up at his lover on top of him.
"I just wanna know what we're doing?"
"What do you mean?" Luke asked confused running his hands up and down his lovers silky chest.

"I mean...what do you want me to do?" Chris stared into his lovers eyes, trying to gauge the situation.
"I...I want...I think I want you inside me...." Luke replied unsure.
"You think? Or you do?" Chris asked seriously "I don't wanna do anything you're uncomfortable with!"
Luke smiled shyly up at his lover and whispered "I do...I want to have sex with you."

Chris raised himself up off of his lover and stood up from the couch. Reaching out his hand to Luke he led him into the bed room and across to his bed. Luke sat down on the edge of the bed, becoming more and more nervous by the second. Although he loved Chris, he was still scared of what he might do, as he had major trust issues after a previous abusive boyfriend.

"If you wanna change your mind you can! I won't ever be angry at you if you say no..." Chris reached into his bedside cabinet and withdrew a bottle of lube and a condom. Luke said nothing as Chris sat beside him on the bed, once again kissing his neck. After a few minutes Chris lightly pushed Luke back onto the bed and knelt up between his legs. He slipped the condom onto his dick and opened the bottle of lube.

"This might be a bit cold" he warned as he squirted the lube onto the boys tight anus and spread it around with his fingers. After squirting some more onto his finger he gently inserted it into the boys hole. Luke immediately tensed up, becoming more distressed. "Hey, hey it's ok! I know it feels a bit strange but you need to relax." Luke breathed deeply as Chris inserted another finger, beginning to stretch Luke's tight hole. "Oh" Luke moaned, as he felt the second finger go inside him.

After a couple more minutes of fingering the boy, Chris suddenly removed his fingers and looked down at his lover. "You can still change your mind Luke! Even when we're doing it, if you say stop I promise I'll stop!" Luke nodded and took a deep calming breath. He shut his eyes tight as Chris began to push at the boys hole with his thick cock. For what seemed like ages Chris struggled to get it in, not wanting to be too forceful, until suddenly it popped through the boys sphincter.

"OW!" Luke moaned loudly, his face screwed up in pain, he bit his lip trying to move past the pain. As Chris slipped deeper inside the pain worsened drastically and tears rolled down Luke's cheeks. "Oh it really hurts!" Luke cried "Why does it hurt so much?"

"Hey it's ok, it's ok!" Chris gently coaxed, stroking his lovers cheek "it'll get better in a couple of minutes I swear." As Chris slipped a little more inside even more tears fell from Luke's cheeks. "Sweetie do you want me to stop?" Luke didn't reply, he merely shook his head and bit down on his lip even harder. Chris slipped in further once more until he was completely inside his lover. "Hey sweetie, I'm in. I'm completely inside you now..." Chris bent down and lightly kissed Luke's lips. As he pulled out slowly, he kissed away the blond boys tears and then went back in again.

After a few minutes of slow, gentle penetration Luke suddenly began to moan as his lover hit his prostate. "You like that hun?" Chris asked, whispering into the blond boy's ear.

"Yeah" Luke replied sincerely, the pain beginning to ebb away.

After a little while longer, Chris began to pick up the pace as he came closer and closer to orgasm. Luke continued to moan as his lover hit his G spot over and over, his cock, harder than ever, was about to explode. "Chris...Chris I think I....I think I'm gonna...." Before he could finish his sentence Luke came, a huge stream of cum erupting from the end of his cock and onto his stomach. Seconds later Chris joined him letting out a huge moan before cumming and collapsing down onto the boys chest.

For a few minutes the two boys just lay there, Chris on top of Luke, his cock still inside his lover. As Chris got up his cock flopped out and he pulled off the condom, chucking it into the bin by his bed. He rolled onto his side and looked down at his boyfriend, the blond boy laying on his back where he left him, his eyes closed and his chest rising and falling with his heavy breathing.

"Are you ok?" Chris whispered his face full of concern. Luke opened his eyes and looked up at Chris as tears began to form.
"hey, hey I'm so sorry, baby did I hurt you?" Chris stroked his boyfriends cheek, as tears fell down them. "Sweetie I'm so sorry, why didn't you tell me to stop? I'm so sorry if I hurt you!"
Luke broke out into a smile as he looked up at his lover, "No you didn't hurt me...."

"Then why are you crying sweetie?" Chris asked confused.
"I...I just really love you." Luke replied, as Chris bent down and kissed him lightly on the lips.
"I love you too Luke" Chris replied as he pulled the blond boy into his arms and the two drifted to sleep.


Will sighed wearily as he lay back on the bed, stretching out his arms and closing his eyes. He hated parties. Matty had dragged him along to Beth's party and while he was off having sex, Will was left alone. It wasn't that he was boring, it was just that no one knew that he was gay and he didn't trust himself to drink at these parties in case he spilled his secret. It was 2 am and he was beginning to feel very tired, and the bed he was lying on was becoming more and more hard to get up from.

Suddenly the door opened and a young boy about 18 walked in. He was a little short, with bright blond hair and bright blue eyes. "Sorry" the boy slurred clearly drunk "I thought this room was empty." Will sat up straight and smiled at the boy kindly "no it's ok you can come in I don't mind. I shouldn't be falling asleep anyway."

"th..thanks" the boy slurred again, staggering over to the bed and flopping onto it. Will smiled at the boy's drunkenness as he realized that he'd seen the boy before. "Hey, you're friends with that Luke kid aren't you?"

" do you know Luke?" Ollie rolled over to look at Will, his bright eyes becoming a little more focused.
"Oh I don't really...I've just seen him what's your name?" Will asked, realizing now how good looking this boy was.
"Ollie" he replied reaching out his hand drunkenly "what's your name? Or should I just call you good looking person?"

Will laughed at the un smooth attempt at flattery and shook Ollie's hand. "Will. So what you doing up here Ollie?"
"ummm....I don't know...."

" well it looks like someone had a little too much to drink!" Will laughed kindly
"No I didn't! I only had...i don't know what I had!"
"Ok, you should probably go home, you're gonna pass out in a minute!" Will got up off the bed and tried o lift Ollie up by his arms, but the blond boy was not being cooperative.

"No! I don't wanna go home!"
"Why not?" Will asked concernedly.
"Because, what if I throw up and choke on my sick? Then I'll die and it'll be all your fault!" Ollie yelled drunkenly.

"Really? My fault?" Ollie rolled over onto his stomach, snuggling his face into the pillows.
"Ok can't stay here, so if you promise to stop yelling then I guess you can stay at mine..."
"Really?'re not like a murderer are you?" Ollie asked suspiciously.

"No, I'm not a murderer!" Will replied as he pulled Ollie to his feet. "Do you promise?" Ollie asked again. "Yes Ollie, I promise!" Will sighed, beginning to regret his decision.
As the two boys were walking down the corridor a door suddenly swung open and a half naked Matty fell out. "What the hell?!" Will yelled confused.

"Ok we need to go!" Matty said smiling, as Beth came to the door in her underwear. "Go, go go!!" Matty yelled running to the front door.
A few minutes later the three boys were in Will's car and heading back to his house. "So what happened in there?" Will asked suspiciously.

"Matty! What did you do?" Will snapped, beginning to regret coming to the party at all.
"Ok ok, it's no big deal.., But I may have got with Beth's friend tonight....and then Beth as well...."
"Oh for god's sake Matty, you're a real pig you know that!" Matty chuckled to himself knowingly then looked around noticing a passed out Ollie for the first time.

"Who's he?" Matty asked, his eye brow raised and a smirk on his face.
"His name's Ollie...and no before you say it, it's not like that!" Will snapped again.
"Ok ok whatever! No judgment here! Although....where's he gonna sleep?"

Will paused suddenly realizing the predicament. "Well I guess he can sleep on the sofa and me and you can share the bed."
"oh you'd like that wouldn't you!" Matty laughed "you've been waiting for this day for years"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Will asked angrily
"you know! You wanna fuck me don't you!" Matty stated seriously.

Will stopped the car suddenly and turned to his friend. "Ok Matty I know you're drunk and probably won't remember this conversation in the morning but let me just make one thing clear. I do not and have never wanted to fuck you! I would rather have sex with a girl than fuck you! In fact I would rather have an orgy with a boat load of girls than fuck you....everything about you turns me off!" Will snapped at his friend instantly regretting it.

An awkward silence ensued in the car as Matty tried to process what his best friend had said. "yeah, you keep telling yourself that mate!" he said winking at his friend.

Will couldn't help but smile at the cockiness and continued to drive home. Tomorrow morning was not going to be a laugh...


Chris awoke to a strong beam of light flooding into his bedroom and shining into his eyes. Luke lay beside him, his arm stretched across his lovers chest, and his face snuggled into the soft pillows. Chris began to sit up, then hesitated reluctant to leave the warm bed and risk waking up the blond boy who was so peacefully asleep. Swinging his legs out of the bed first, Chris slowly slipped out and pulled a pair of boxers on as he tiptoed quietly to the door. As he expected his flat mates weren't up yet as they had all gone to a party the previous night and were most likely hung over.

Chris was in the middle of making two cups of tea for him and Luke when Marks bedroom door opened and he emerged wearing only a pair of faded grey shorts. "morning beautiful" Chris joked ironically, smiling at his friends dishevelled appearance. "Whatever" Mark mumbled heading over to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water.

"Good night?" Chris asked sipping his cup of tea and leaning against the work top.
"It was alright...mostly just a load of college kids, I felt way too old to be there!"
"Hey! Luke's a college kid and I'm not too old to be with him!" Chris retorted, scowling.
"Whatever..." Mark replied grabbing Luke's cup of tea from the side, despite Chris's protests. "How was your night anyway?" he asked collapsing onto the sofa and nearly spilling his tea.

"It was....really good actually" Chris replied beaming, walking over to the sofa to join his friend.
"Really good? As in really really good?" Mark asked sitting up suddenly more interested.
"uh yeah....we er, you know....finally did it." Chris smiled to himself as memories from the previous night came back to him.

"Wow! Congrats man, you took your bloody time though!" Mark joked, smiling "so how was it?"
Chris smiled, sitting back into the sofa and taking another sip of his tea. "It was perfect...he's perfect!"


Ollie woke up to the sound of someone calling his name and nudging him lightly. He groaned, his hangover getting worse the more he woke up, and rolled over onto his back struggling to open his eyes. "Morning Ollie, here I made you this" Will said pushing a cup of coffee into the younger boys hands.

"Where am I?" Ollie asked confused "and who are you?" Will sat down on the edge of the sofa Ollie had been sleeping on and passed him the clothes he had drunkenly flung off in the night. "I'm Will, and in you're in my flat" he replied looking at the blond boy beside him. He noticed how even hangover he was still a good looking boy, with his wavy blond hair and toned arms and chest. Ollie stared at Will quizzically, "did we...?"

"Did we what?" Will replied.
"You know....have sex?" Ollie asked seriously, noticing his own nakedness.

"No! God no! You were really drunk last night and you refused to go home after the party, so I let you stay here...that's all!" Will added quickly, blushing a little at the insinuation.
"Oh right ok..." Ollie paused glancing at the brunette boy who had kindly let him stay. He was tall with broad shoulders and it was obvious from his physique that he played a lot of sports. "'re not gay then?"
"What?" Will asked alarmed

"Well, it's just you let me stay here, when I was very drunk...and naked, and yet you didn't try anything..."
"Well even if I were gay why would I automatically want to have sex with you?" Will asked confused and a little insulted.
"Well I'm not saying....well I mean..." Ollie stopped, glancing at the other boy. "Are you gay?"

Will paused for some time, assessing what the other boy's reaction would be. He'd heard rumors that Ollie was gay, but he didn't know it for sure and it wasn't exactly common knowledge that Will was gay himself. "er....yeah I am"
" too!" Ollie replied, pleased that he may have a chance with this attractive boy after all. " got a boyfriend?"
"Err no...I'm not exactly, you will know out yet!" Will looked down at his feet feeling a little self conscious.

"Oh ok that's cool. I won't say anything." Ollie moved up a little on the sofa and placed his coffee down onto the table. "I should probably thank you for letting me stay last night...." Ollie mentioned, sliding closer towards Will and placing his hand on his leg. Will noticed what Ollie was doing and tensed suddenly. Ollie was a good looking boy and it wasn't like Will wasn't attracted to him, but he couldn't help feeling like he would be taking advantage as the younger boy still seemed drunk.

"Ollie...." Will started, as the blond boy began to slide his hand up the other boys thigh. "I'm jus saying thank you" Ollie replied with a devilish smile as he undid Will's flies and slipped his hand down his pants. Will reluctantly let out a moan, it was becoming harder and harder to protest as the young blond gently stroked his now erect 8 inch cock. "Ollie we shouldn't be..." Will was interrupted as he felt Ollie's soft lips plant against his own, gently at first then with a fast paced passion that literally took Will's breath away.

Ollie's hand moved faster and faster up and down the length of Will's shaft as the two boys continued to kiss, until Will broke away suddenly. "I'm close..." he panted, as Ollie picked up the pace even further, "I think I'm gunna...." Will let out a loud moan as he exploded uncontrollably into the air and onto Ollie's hand.

"Wow" Ollie exclaimed marveling at the amount of cum the brunette had released and wiping his hand with a napkin on the coffee table. Will lay back on the sofa, stunned at how amazing that handjob had been. He had had plenty of handjobs before but this one was phenomenal. Ollie hopped up off the sofa still naked and grabbed his clothes, "You mind if I take a shower?" he asked, already heading for the bathroom. "Yeah....I" Will barely replied, still breathing quickly and slumped on the sofa.
Ollie entered into the hallway, looking for the bathroom and pushed open one of the doors.

"Oh sorry I didn't realize this was a bedroom...I was looking for the bathroom!" Ollie exclaimed as he came face to face with a naked Matty. "That's ok Bro, I was just heading there myself" he replied holding up his towel and a pile of clothes. "Oh sorry I'll wait back in the living room" Ollie said, smiling as he turned to leave.

"Don't be silly we can share!" replied Matty seriously, taking Ollie by the wrist and leading him to the bathroom.
"ummm ok" Ollie replied a little confused....and excited.


After an eventful weekend luke found himself once more outside the college gates waiting for his friend. While he couldn't wait to tell Ollie everything that had happened with Chris, he was also acutely aware that people at their college weren't very understanding when it came to homosexuality, and if the bullies found out what he'd been up to, he knew things wouldn't be great at college.

"Hey dude" Ollie said strolling up to the gates with a cocky grin on his face.
"Hey" Luke replied smiling and getting ready to turn into the college gates.
"Wait!" Ollie shouted quickly glancing behind him, clearly looking for someone. "I err...I'm actually meeting another friend this morning"

Luke stared at his friend a little startled. Like Luke, Ollie wasn't particularly popular at school and his only real friend at college was Luke. "Who is---?" Luke was cut short as he saw the brunette boy Will from the other day round the corner.

Ollie beamed at Will as the brunette placed an arm around his shoulders. "Luke this is Will, we met the other night at that party I told you about and we've spent the weekend together!" Ollie smiled a little smugly at his friend. "Oh and Will this is...."

"Luke! Yeah we've met" Will said good naturedly. Ollie narrowed his eyes slightly, clearly a little jealous that Luke had met this hot brunette boy first. "really? Well have you met Luke's boyfriend Chris?" Ollie said quickly, exaggerating the word boyfriend to make a point.

"no actually, I didn't know he had one, but I'm sure he's great!" Will replied slightly confused as to why Ollie suddenly seemed so jealous.
"Well we should probably go inside, we don't wanna be late!" Luke sighed disappointedly, realizing that he'd have to wait til later to tell his friend about him and Chris.


Luke was on his way to his next lesson when he saw Tristan McCormick and his friends coming towards him. Usually he would have run into a side corridor to avoid them, but unfortunately he was in the science corridor which was one long tunnel joining up two ends of the school, and there was no where he could hide.

"Hey guys look who it is!" Tristan yelled suddenly spotting Luke. Luke froze too scared to move towards them and knowing that moving back the other way would be no use as they would simply catch him. "Where you going Luke?" Tristan asked, him and his buddies moving closer and starting to surround him against the school bulletin. "you going to meet up with your gay friends? To fuck each other in the pose?"

"! I'm going to biology...." Luke whimpered looking down at the floor and wishing they'd leave him alone.

"Biology huh?" Tristan sneered "let me teach you a bit about biology...." Luke tensed up. He knew that one of two things were going to happen, either Tristan was going to beat him up or he was going to give a lecture on enzymes and white blood cells....he had a pretty good idea which was going to happen.

"See I'm gonna teach you about something called survival of the fittest" Just as he'd finished his sentence two of the boys grabbed Luke's arms and pinned him up against the wall. "See survival of the fittest is where the strong us" Luke winced with pain as the boys grip on his arms got tighter. "kill of the weak you" Troy inched closer and closer to Luke. "The sooner you learn to accept this....the easier it will become..." Luke doubled up in pain as Tristan threw the first punch directly into his stomach, knocking out his breathe.

After the first few punches Luke found himself curled up on the floor, unable to move and desperately trying to protect himself, to no avail. Unfortunately for Luke, most of the boys had just failed their end of term exams, and so this beating was a lot worse than he'd ever experienced before...

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Random Love Thy Neighbors, Chapter 01, Lunchtime Pleasure

The head of his uncut cock was still covered by his tight foreskin. The pre-cum was now dripping from the head of his cock as it slowly slipped out of its protective covering. I sensed a pleasant cock fragrance. I cupped his warm low hanging hairy balls in one hand and attempted to place my other hand firmly around his cock, but it’s circumference was too large for my hand to completely surround it. He had one of the largest cocks I had seen, or had, for a long time...
