Me and Mike - Part Two
Mike and me were doing different courses so I didn’t see much of him in the
middle of the day. I spent the entire five hours of class time remembering the
sight of his ass and fantasising about sticking my cock up it.
However, that evening we were ‘treated’ to an open-top bus tour of the city of
York. Despite it being late spring, the weather was absolutely freezing so we
were all wrapped up in coats, hats and gloves. Having made friends with Mike
that morning, I wasn’t very surprised when he came and sat next to me on a
double seat at the front of the bus. I smiled at him as he approached and he
returned me one of those heart-melters that made me feel the need to cross my
It was quite odd but despite the minus 5 degree wind chill and flecks of sleet
which had begun to fall, as soon as he sat down next to me on that small double
seat, I felt warmer and happier than I ever had before. Part of the reason for
this was that he had one side of his body pressed quite tightly to mine (as I
said – it was a small seat) and we were sharing our body heat; but there was
more to it than that, I was in love.
“Alrite Mike?”
“Yeh, cold innit?”
We lapsed into comfortable silence for a while, I tried to keep as still as
possible so I could feel the rhythm of his breathing as it rose and fell by my
side. It was such a great feeling that I could have happily sat there next to
him forever. Then something happened which brought a satisfied grin to my face –
he rested his leg against mine. It wasn’t in a blatantly homosexual way, it was
just like one of those situations where you’re sitting next to a male friend on
a coach and there’s not much leg room so you both have to hold your legs in one
position for the whole journey so that they aren’t touching each other. It
wasn’t the same here – he just relaxed and his left leg slid gently and rested
on mine – it was totally casual and relaxed to him but my own heart had begun to
beat very fast and I couldn’t help but smile.
Eventually, the bus began to move and an elderly woman with a strong Yorkshire
accent stood up in front of us holding a microphone. She began to give us a
description of the ‘historic city of York’, it was stunning how she could make
such a bloody and violent history sound so incredibly boring. We were passing
the green where Dick Turpin was hung and she seemed to become more animated,
unfortunately she kept referring to the famous Georgian Highwayman using only
his first name and most of her sentences started with “Dick was amazing…”. It
was very immature but I found myself smirking at the anatomical pun. Mike must
have noticed because he turned to me and leaned in towards my ear – for one
crazy moment I thought he was going to kiss me – but instead he whispered,
“She sounds pretty horny”
I burst out laughing – you really had to be there and see her for yourself – the
very idea that her decrepit wrinkled form and toothless grin could ever have
been horny was really hilarious. Plus, I had never earmarked Mike as having a
sense of humour – probably because he had confessed to bird-watching – so the
unexpected comedy was a pleasant surprise. He turned away looking vaguely
pleased with himself at making me laugh.
As the journey went on the comedy continued. I could have kissed that woman for
giving me so many opportunities to joke around with Mike. Every time she said
something unwittingly stupid we would flash each other sidelong glances, then he
would lean in and whisper something to me. I could feel the steam from his
breath condensing on the side of my face, and then I’d turn to face him and
stare into his deep brown eyes. Our faces were literally only a couple of inches
apart, our bodies were touching from shoulders to feet – to anyone sitting
behind us it would have looked odd but I didn’t care – and apparently nor did
he. It was then that I realised what love really meant – that it wasn’t just
sexual attraction or lust – it was friendship, it was laughter, it was enjoying
each other’s company. I had never felt that way about anyone before and at that
time all I wanted to do was kiss Mike and have him kiss me back.
We went past some odd sights in York – the model railway museum was possibly the
weirdest. But there was some good stuff as well – the dungeons, the Rowntrees
factory and the birthplace of guy Fawkes were quite good. However, by far the
most amazing thing on the trip - which made us all gasp when we saw it - was
York Minster. This massive cathedral, about a thousand years old, is the
greatest piece of Gothic architecture in Northern Europe, it is hundreds of
metres long and its towers dwarf the rest of York’s skyline. When we saw it the
two of us just sat blinking in an awestruck silence for a couple of seconds.
I don’t know what made me do it, maybe it was the sight of the Minster as we
turned onto Micklegate or maybe it was just the fact that I loved him so much,
but I suddenly put my arm around Mike and drew him closer to me.
He didn’t get angry or push me away violently. At first I thought he might
actually be enjoying it, and for a few seconds he sat there with his head
resting on my shoulder without saying a word. To everyone else we might have
looked like a loving gay couple. I wanted to hold him forever. But, after those
few seconds had passed, he gently…almost apologetically…moved my arm away from
himself and sat upright again. He didn’t speak, but actions speak louder than
words and he shifted away from me on the seat and assumed the
awkward-non-leg-touching-position that I knew so well.
I was distraught – angry with myself for making such a rash move and
jeopardising our friendship – angry with him for not wanting me – angry with the
world that had created me homosexual and denied me any real hope of happiness.
We didn’t speak for most of the journey back. There were no more jokes. Finally,
because I did not want the awkwardness to continue I made a desperate attempt to
break the ice:
“Still fucking freezing”
He gave me a solemn and searching look before nodding vaguely and looking in the
other direction.
I wanted to die.
Later that evening, we were seated in our ‘corridor groups’ around circular tables in the JCR. Mike was sitting on the other side of the table doing his best to ignore me. Our residential assistant – who had yesterday been wearing a bright green tee-shirt but was now clothed in a purple one that made her look like Barney the dinosaur – was asking us about our sightseeing trip. I wasn’t really engaging in the conversation but was instead wondering if I could go home from the camp if I pretended to have IBS. The RA (who’s name was, ironically, lavender) was talking to the snotty-nosed tosser – Rob,
“What did you think of the trip Rob?”
“Too cold” he replied with an annoying upper class voice
“What about you Will? Was it too cold for you?”
Rob cut in before I could venture a reply, “ It was alright for him. He had his
little lover Mike to cuddle up to”
Tim and Asif both sniggered at this. Lavender just looked confused. Mike however looked embarrassed and shamed. I couldn’t stand to see that expression on his face – that beautiful smile had become a miserable frown. Rage welled up inside of me and before I could stop myself I blurted out,
“Shut the fuck up Rob”
“Will” cried Lavender, “don’t use that language here!”
Rob however was being mildly egged on by the other two idiots and was obviously feeling cocky,
“Its true though, I saw you two touching each other up on the coach”
“Shut up you cunt”
“Will, I’m warning you!” said Lav.
“What you gonna do to me knobsucker?”
“I’ll fucking kill you”
At this stage, Lav ran off for backup from the other RA’s. I knew a fight was coming, I had been involved in a few football riots in my life and I knew how to fight. Rob, on the other hand was a total pussy. I threw the first punch, jumping out of my seat, feeling nothing but anger, I grabbed him by his Tee shirt and punched him squarely on his nose which exploded in a big mass of blood. Rob fell back and knocked over a couple of chairs, he clearly hadn’t anticipated a fight. Nevertheless, he dragged himself up and rushed at me with a cry of anger, I dodged him, tripped him up and sent him flying. It was more of a beating than a fight but it did last a couple of minutes. By the end of it I had a squad of male RAs trying to hold me back as I kicked the nearly unconscious Rob lying on the floor. I’m fairly strong though and I kept getting free and returning to the ‘fight’. Eventually, I was vaguely aware of being forcefully grabbed from behind, through my rage blurred vision I could see someone pinning me up against the wall…I recognised that face, the smell of his breath, his beautiful eyes - Mike. He had me jammed up against the wall when suddenly something extraordinary happened. Ever so swiftly – without anybody else noticing, he leaned in and placed a firm closed-mouth kiss on my lips. I melted instantly, the fight left me and I just stared at him in love and hope. Everyone else was clamouring around Rob, some were saying things like “ambulance” and “broken ribs” I began to fully comprehend what I had just done and how bad it was. Yet, Mike was inches from me, pinning me down in an almost sexual way, he didn’t say anything but his eyes sparkled once again and that smile was slowly beginning to return. I realised that he was happy with what I’d done. I felt warm again.
I expected to be sent home that very night – possibly even arrested for assault
and it pained me to think that I would have to be separated from Mike. Tim had
been taken to hospital – he was OK, his ribs were bruised not broken and there
was no other serious damage done. However, he was not going to return for the
rest of the two weeks – his mother had been outraged when she found out and was
clearly not going to send him back to be beaten up again.
I was sent immediately to the office of the summer school’s head RA - Nick, I
didn’t even get a proper chance to say goodbye to Mike. It was an hour before
Nick called me into his office,
“Sit down please Will”
I numbly complied.
“Now, Will, what you did to Rob was stupid and dangerous…”
I interrupted, “But Sir he…”
“Let me finish – I have talked to Lavender about what happened and she informed me that you were severely provoked in this case”
I made a mental note to think better of Lav in the future.
“And, because Rob will not be returning, we see no reason to send you home.”
“Thankyou sir”
“However, you can consider yourself warned – any breaking of the rules in the next fortnight – no matter how trivial, will result in your expulsion…am I understood?”
“Yes Sir”
“Good” He took of his glasses and leaned forward, “Now, I need to talk about an important issue that has arisen from this”
I could see what was coming.
“It seems that you are engaged in some sort of homosexual relationship with Michael” he said this very quickly as if he were embarrassed about it.
“I’m not sir, that was all a misunderstanding”
“Well, Lav tells me that the two of you were hugging each other on the bus”
“It wasn’t like that sir”
“Well, were you hugging?”
“I was hugging…he rejected me” It was painful to admit.
“I see…Now, obviously it’s a very sensitive issue and I can’t…won’t…condemn it any way. However, I must make it very clear that the rules about heterosexual intercourse already in place apply just the same for…your type of…activities”
“Understood sir” This was all becoming a bit embarrassing for me.
“So, under no circumstances are you to be found engaging in any of those…activities…whilst in the university.”
“Certainly not sir”
“Good, well…I’m glad we…I’m glad that’s all cleared up. You can go now.”
I bolted from the room, filled with feelings of relief, embarrassment and love all at once.
It was half past one in the morning before I got back to my room. The corridors were completely dark and I kept stumbling and groping my way blindly through the pitch black. Eventually I found the door to my room and pushed in the key, I was ready to collapse on my bed and sleep when suddenly I heard a loud click from the door next to mine. Mike’s door. It opened and he appeared – I couldn’t quite see him properly because it was so dark but even his silhouette filled me with excitement.
“We need to talk” He half-whispered.
“Come in here” I said – indicating my room.
We both walked in and I closed and locked the door. He turned on the light and I
nearly spunked in my pants. He was wearing nothing except for a pair of tight
blue night-shorts. His body – which I had seen in the showers that morning – was
just crying out to be fucked. There were the hard brown nipples, the smooth skin
and tight ass. I desperately hoped he had come in to ask for gratuitous oral
Before I could finish thinking, he was hugging me. Not in a sexual way – in a
friendly way.
“Thanks mate”
“For what?”
“For sticking up for me there, I don’t want people thinking I’m gay – Rob
deserved that beating”
“It’s my fault – I shouldn’t have hugged you on the bus”
“I’m sorry ‘bout that – you kind of caught me off guard y’know”
There was an awkward silence, then he continued,
“I really like you Will, I’ve only known you a couple of days but you’re a nice,
funny, thoughtful guy…look, I don’t want the whole gay thing to complicate that”
“It doesn’t have to, I’ll keep it quiet…we’ll never mention it again”
“Its not just you…its me as well…I don’t want to go through…just for once I’d
like to have a friend that I don’t end up falling in love with.
This was news to me.
“You’re gay then?”
“Well, yeh, but I don’t want people to know.”
“Then why are you telling me?”
“I…well…I suppose cos you are as well and I reckon I can trust you”
“Is that the only reason” (I was pushing my luck)
“I dunno…I’m kind of confused”
Mike sat down on my prison-style bed and looked at me for a while, eventually, I sat down next to him. Then I did exactly what I’d done earlier and put my arm around his beautiful naked shoulders.
“Why did you kiss me earlier?” I asked.
There was another pause during which he looked at me closely, I felt like his eyes could see everything I was thinking and feeling about him. I could have sworn we were on the verge of getting together, he looked like he loved me. Yet again, I had misjudged the situation.
“Because I thought it would calm you down” he said coldly.
Mike shrugged away my shoulder and stood up abruptly. Strike Two – painful. He walked to the door and muttered,
“Goodnight Will”
“Goodnight Mike”
And with that he returned to his own room.
I cried that night – I couldn’t believe it, or the first time ever I fall in
love with another gay and he doesn’t love me back. However, horniness overcame
heartbreak and soon enough my cock was back in my hands again – still smarting
from the brilliant wank I had had yesterday morning. I decided to do it gently
this time…
Five minutes later, my abs were covered in semen. It straightened out my though processes. I knew Mike could love me – he was just confused at the moment. I would go for third-time –lucky the next day.
Mike the Snowboard Instructor and I are off for a dirty weekend. After leaving the head of my cock in his arse for what seemed like eternity I finally began pounding him...
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