Me and My Boyfriend

(Part 1 from 1. Fiction.)

So this story is part true and part fiction (leave me a comment about what part you think is fiction and I will write you into one of my stories).

I'll give a little information about myself, my name Brandon and I am 5'11, dark black hair, cute dimples, and a nice six pack (every story's main characters have to be sexy). I grew up always knowing I was gay but I never really wanted to admit it until around eight grade I came to accept it and just move on.

I never told anyone until around the Winter of 10th grade. She was my by friend and everyone thought I had a crush on her but I just sat back and was like ha yea I like girls sure keep thinking that, and she always talked about how I should be gay and that I would be her first gay friend but I wasn't ready to tell anyone my secret.

Now back to me I was always kind of quite never really talked much, I had a close group of friends that I would always hang out with. I never really followed many fads especially with music I would always listen to heavy metal, screamo stuff like Abandon All Ships, Asking Alexandria, and Attack Attack but one of my all time favorites is Blood On The Dance Floor because one of the singers is gay and hot as hell.

*** Alright now on to the story.

I have been friends with this kid since like 6th grade and his name is Trent he was always and awkward kid and had the cutest british accent ever. He never popped up on my radar until I was at his house for his birthday and I was asleep must have overheard him say that he is bi which hit me in my sleep and I had a dream that he said the same to thing to me.

So I woke up and everyone was gone by the middle of the day and I told him about it, I said “Trent dude I had the weirdest dream last night” and he said “well what was it about” and I said to him “I dreamed that you told me you were bi” and he said “well that sounds about right” and I stared at him with and open mouth and said “so you are bi?” and he just shook his head.

A few hours passed and I was like I have to tell him now or never, so I sent him a text message that I was gay. It took quite a bit of time and I started to panic even though we were in the same room. Finally he took out his phone and read my text message, he turned around and looked at me and said “are serious?” and I asked him like I didn't know what he was talking about and said “am I serious about what?” with a smile on my face.

He said “oh my god you are gay” and I just bowed my head in shame because I thought he was mad for some stupid reason. He came over to me and he asked me out and stupidly I said I didn't want to ruin our friendship (I still regret to this day not saying yes I could have saved him from a girl he went out with who ruined his life she played with his emotions and sent him into a deep depression). He understood but that didn't stop us from cuddling which is still do this day my favorite thing to do with Trent. One night we were hanging out and we went to bed and we decided to sleep in the same bed.

It was so much fun having the love of my life sleeping in my arms. It was a fun night and a funny one because Trent's brother opened the door and saw us, didn't say a word and closed the door. We both laughed and went back to bed. So a few years passed and now we are in 11th grade (this is when he date she-bitch who destroyed a perfectly good person) he broke up with the bitch a few months before and I could still see he had feelings for her and was in a dark place so we started hanging out every weekend we could. I told him that I had feelings for him and he said that he knew and was willing to give it a shot but I had to take a quiz online to see if I was compatible.

I was fine with this because I was willing to go to hell and back because to this day I love him and would do anything to make him happy. I took the test and my results where perfectly compatible with his. When he told me this I was so happy because I knew than and there he was going to say yes and be my boyfriend. So we went out for a month and the entire time he would always give me excuses why he wouldn't show affection towards me like that he wasn't ready. I always understood but I knew it was also because he still had feelings for his ex-girlfriend (your probably asking yourself how did I know this, well it's because every other word out of his mouth was about her) he just never felt the same way I did in the relationship.

After about one month he sent me a text (yes a text I know right) saying that he wasn't ready for another relationship and did not want to be in one that was socially ostracized (we were not even public). I was in the middle of a store when I was reading the the text and dropped my phone and just slouched down with my head between my knees and started crying. I just walked and went home and cried for what seemed like forever. One of my best friends was with me through the whole thing making sure I was ok and wouldn't do anything drastic. I was in the stage of anger for a while any time I would see him in school my heart hurt so I would tease him and make fun of him so he knew my pain.

A few months past I was no longer angry at him but I still loved him and wanted him back. I was sitting at home and was depressed about not being able to be open and express myself because others might judge me about being gay so I fell into a little bit of a depression for about a month I just didn't care about anything and I even thought about killing myself. I looked at my phone and at my reflection just thinking why can't I have the courage to be and openly gay man when I received a text from Trent saying “remember when I said when I was ready for a relationship I would tell you? Well if you want to I want to give it another try.”

I probably should have waited longer to reply but I sent him a text back saying “as long as I do not get dumped in a month again I am in” he responded with “I promise I wont”. So this is where the story really starts. I figured I'd wait to get later in the story to tell you about Trent. He is tall and lean about 6' tall and very thin, he has the emo look going for him which I love, that is my type of guy (I love emo guys they are so hot and gorgeous there is never a bad looking emo guy always in skinny jeans showing off that ass).

So we are hanging out at his house when I try and make a pass at him and he says “no my parents might catch us” I asked him “will we ever do anything besides cuddle?” and he said “how about this you tell your parents and post on Facebook you are gay I will do more than cuddle” so I responded with “if I am telling everyone than you have to tell your parents you are bi and we are dating” he paused and said “deal” so I whipped out my phone text my mom and dad “hey I am gay, text me if you have any questions” and than asked if I could use his computer to post it on Facebook.

He said “there was no way you text your parents already” I showed him my text and grabbed his laptop and logged onto Facebook and posted “I am gay I love who I am and if you have a problem well I am sorry I just do not care”. He looked at me with his puppy eyes and I said whats wrong, he said “now I have to tell my parents, I did not think you where going to do all of that so fast” I said to him “how about this you have three months to tell them so that gives you time to tell them and everything” he said “ok”. We went to bed and when I woke up and checked Facebook I had so many comments and two new voice mails.

He looked at me and I could tell it was just and empty stare behind his beautiful eyes there was nothing just darkness. I tried snapping him out of it when finally he responded to me with two words “I'm ready” I asked him if he was sure he said yes and that I should get ready to leave because his dad might get angry but what was about to happen I was not expecting. We went up stairs and I went into the kitchen and watched as Trent went into the living room with his parents and started talking. Trent got it all out quick and Trent's dad jumped up and yelled at the top of his lungs that he wanted Trent out and that he no longer was his son.

Trent's brother quickly heard the yelling and came downstairs to Trent's rescue when I was helpless to do anything because the dad looked like he was going to kill me. Trent's brother quickly opened up with “dad he is your son and no matter what you can't just not love him” and his dad responded in a furry of anger with a few words “I will not have a faggit as a son I want both you and Brandon never to come back to this house again you are done I never want to see either of you again”.

Trent quickly ran out the door to my car crying his eyes out. I quickly tried to salvage the situation by saying “please do not kick your son out he needs his father please don't hate him” and Trent's dad responded with you have five seconds before I call the cops” so I quickly followed Trent and left to my car when I heard the door open and close behind me when I saw Trent's brother follow telling me that I should keep Trent at my house for as little as a few weeks for his dad to cool down, he than said text me your address so I can bring over some of his stuff.

We got to my house and there was a note on the door that said “Bran went to the beach for a few weeks food and money in the house, enjoy your summer and no parties”. I opened the door for Trent and carried him to my room and laid him in my bed. When I got up to go get my phone he quickly jumped up and said “I am sorry your boyfriend has a messed up life” and I told him “It is fine I still love you no matter what happened, my heart belongs to you for ever and ever”. I held Trent in my arms while he cried until he fell asleep.

I text Trent's brother my address and he was there in less than 10 minutes and got out of the car and said “It's not good dude he is pissed I wouldn't expect for him to let Trent back for a minimum of two weeks” I stood in awe that someone who fathered a child from birth until now could just cast away someone like their own son.

Trent's brother grabbed the suit case and said there is enough stuff to get him through at least a two weeks plus his computer is in there as well so your good for now” I asked him to keep me informed about his dads attitude toward the whole situation over the next few weeks, and than he was gone. I went back to Trent who was still asleep, I let him sleep and when he came to he saw his suitcase and started to cry again when I quickly grabbed him and stopped his crying and explained how this could be a good thing (which by the way was bloody hard).

After I was done talking I looked at him and he looked at me and kissed me and than pushed me onto the bed and started kissing me like it was going out of style. He started to take off my shirt when I told him to slow down you are acting irrationally you are just upset. He said “I want to have sex you and me come on lets do it” and I told him to think it through, relax, and take a night and if he still wanted to the next day we would talk it over. He agreed and we went to get into my bed when he started taking off his shirt and pants and I just stared at him.

He asked me what I was looking at and I said “a sexy guy who just happens to be my boyfriend” so we both stripped down to just our briefs and got in bed. We spooned and he started rubbing his butt up against my crotch and he said sarcastically “whats that poking into me?” and I just pulled him closer and said “thats for you and how much I love you” we fell asleep in that position.

He woke me up by rubbing his butt up and down on my crotch which if wasn't hard from it being the morning it was now. He turned around and said “I still want to have sex I want you inside of me being my first I want you” I told him “Fine but we have to do things to prepare” and he asked me what kind of things and I told him “well for starters we have to get you all nice and shaved up and ready for sex and I have to go get condoms” he responded you go do that and I will get ready. So we parted our separate ways and when I got back I found him naked on my bed with him on his stomach looking back at me.

I pulled down my pants and he turned around and saw my cock and his jaw just dropped, he asked me how big I was and I just said a gentleman never says. I through him the box of condoms and said get one out I have to go do something really quickly. I came back and he said what did I need to get and I showed him a little audio jack for ipods. He asked me why I needed that and I told him why not some screamo why we fuck and than he said make love not fuck. So I plugged it in and put in on shuffle of a playlist I created for sex. So I climbed onto the bed, grabbed the condom and put it on and rolled Trent onto his back.

I lifted his legs and put them on my shoulders and guided my cock slowly into him. Trent let a small gasp out as my cock made its way inside, Trent tensed up and grabbed on to me tightly as I made my way further and further inside him. I stopped for a few seconds to let Trent get use to the pain and wait for it to subside. I started pushing my way deeper and deeper inside until I had my entire cock inside Trent. He looked at me and said “I can't believe I've missed this for so long, this is the best feeling ever”. I looked at him and just enjoyed the feeling of having my cock all the way inside my boyfriends butt, so nice, so warm, so tight.

I told Trent to squeeze my cock when I would push back into him, so we started with a slow motion. I would pull out slowly and than push back into him slowly but with force, soft moans started coming from Trent and I. We kept this motion up for a good two or three minutes when Trent squeezed my cock super hard and we both came at that moment. I started to pull out when Trent said “stay in me, I like the way it feels inside me, nice and warm, and its big”. So we fell asleep Trent in my arms and my cock buried deep inside his tight butt. A few hours passed and I woke before Trent, I pulled my now limp cock out of Trent trying not to wake him, but as soon as I was getting out of bed he woke up and said “hate to see you go love to watch you leave” and I smiled and turned around.

He asked me where I was going and I told him I had to go get something to eat and that sex took a lot out of me. So Trent and I went into the kitchen naked as two new born babies. We grabbed some food and went downstairs and laid on the couch, just smiling and giggling at each other. We later got dressed and I watched him while I sat in bed, he straightened his hair, put on two studded belts, a Senses Fail t-shirt, and skinny jeans, with his one red converse and one black converse. I though he was so sexy in those skinny jeans that showed off all his little curves and his cute little butt.

We went out to dinner and I knew that I was just in love with this guy all the while he was talking I just wanted to take him in the bathroom and fuck him until the end of time. We ate our dinner and went and watched fireworks that play every weekend during the summer. After a few good and loud minutes of fireworks we went back home and decided to go for a swim in my pool. I went into my room and started changing into my bathing suit when Trent came into my room naked as ever and said “that wont be need, we are going skinny dipping” and I just smirked, dropped my swim suit and chased after Trent and we jumped into the pool.

I pushed Trent up against the wall and started kissing him furiously, from his lips down his neck and back to his lips. I spun Trent around and said “bareback?” and he just responded with a shake of his head. I aimed my cock at his love tunnel and just gave one big shove and buried my cock deep inside Trent. He left out a long soft moan as I buried myself balls deep inside him. Trent suggested we head back to my room, so I pulled out of him, and I heard a gasp.

We made our way into my bed and we both slid under the covers, I flipped Trent over so we were face to face, and I looked into his eyes and said “I love you” plain and simple. He it took him a few minutes to respond, he said “I love you to” at that moment I knew 100% that I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. I kissed him lightly but long on the lips.

He helped guide my cock into him. I fell into him inch by inch. Trent had tears coming down his face, so I stopped and asked him what was wrong and he just said that all of this was perfect and he wouldn't want this any other way. I pumped into Trent for a good five minutes which seemed to last forever when I felt Trent tense up and moan loudly, another minute of pounding I came inside him. I fell next to him both of us just panting from our close encounter. He laid on top of me with his head on my chest and fell asleep in my arms. I just rubbed his back while he slept until I fell asleep.

*** For Part two leave comments good and bad wanted. I know if you leave me a bad comment you are just jealous about how well I can tell a story.

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