Me and him: Part 2
Dazzled by his good looks I couldn't tell what he said to me until it slowly
crept back into my head. "Hello?" Ali asked. I snapped out of my trance and
looked at her impatient face. "He just introduce himself to you, why didn't you
answer back?" Ali asked me.
"Wha..what, oh sorry I was just out if it for a second."
"Sure, sure" Ali replied. I looked back up at Charlie, gosh he was beautiful. "Hi I'm Charlie"
"I'm Brenton, just call me bri. Sorry about what just happened." I said while shaking his hands. I didn't want to tell him I was staring at him, just in case he thought I was creepy. We both stared at each other for a second. "Okay you two. Alright now that your acquainted I'll tell you guys what's going one. Now you both are......well just say curious. Both of you have asked me in the past that your looking for a relationship, so I brought you two together to see how things work out. I didn't tell you guys who each other were so you wouldn't search each other up and judge from appearances" Ali explained. I was very impressed with Ali, Charlie looks amazing and from first impressions seems like a nice guy. "That was very smart of you Ali. I'm actually glad this worked out the way it did" Charlie says.
"Yeah I agree, this is very kind of you to this for us. Thank you" I said.
She nods and takes in all the praise she is getting. Ali loves attention. I
still can't take my eyes off of him. "So where should we head off to first aye,
Brenton?" Charlie asks.
"Just call me Bri. Honestly I don't mind."
"I'll decide how bout some Chinese" Ali interrupts.
"Sounds great" Charlie agrees and we walk off.
We weren't too far from the nearest Chinese diner. We ended up going to a buffet Chinese place I'd never been to but Ali and Charlie had. On our way there me and Charlie started to talk. We talked about how we were acquainted with Ali, what schools we went to, what sports we liked, what video games we like. We shared practically everything in common minus a few things here and there. We didn't delve too far into each others personal lives. However the whole time I felt he was holding something back that he didn't want to tell me, but it didn't bother me I barely knew him and if all goes well he might tell me if we get....serious. Finally arrived at our destination. We grabbed a plate, grabbed as much food as we could and payed. We sat down at a table and began chiding down our food. "So what were you guys talking about in front of me on our way here" Ali asked.
"You know simple stuff like what we like to do in our spare time and stuff
like that."
"Yeah stuff like that" Charlie added.
"Naaaaawwww I feel like you to are going to serious, are you?" Ali asked.
"Noooooo not yet at least."
"No no no" I replied.
"Are you guys at least interested with one another?" She asked.
"So far from what I've seen yes, I am"
"Same" he replied. We both looked at each other and smiled. I was shocked he'd
have any interest in me in the amount of time we had spent together.
After finishing our meals we stayed a bit and talked and joke, Charlie was
really funny. Another thing we shared in common. Ali's phone rang loudly. She
picked it up, walked away and answered it. Which gave me an Charlie some quick
one on one time. "So you having fun?" I asked.
"Yeah I am. I'm really glad Ali set this whole kinda blind date up."
"Same, most fun I've had since well a since the holidays started."
"Yeah, I've been struggling a bit with my friends and family. It's good to get
out and about and meet new people."
"Wait whats going on with your friends and family, you know what your at liberty
to say?" I asked
"I..I.....I'd rather not talk about it."
"Oh okay that's fine by me."
"Thanks, so have you come out yet?"
"Not officially no. I've only told my girl friends. I had a doing with another
guy in the past but it didn't work out. You?"
"No not yet. I've told only a few people, I don't think I'm ready yet."
"Understandable." I replied.
"So you seem like a nice guy and I get the feeling you like me."
"Yeah...I guess I do. What about you?"
"I like you yes. this is awkward asking, okay. Would you like to go out with me?" Charlie asked.
"Yes, of course. That's not even a question" I reply. He smiles cheerfully and giggles I smile too. Ali comes back just in time. "So Ali, I got some news for you. I'm going out with Charlie."
"Oh em gee I was so worried this wouldn't work. Oh my god this is great yes, I finally have a gay couple. You guys are gonna be so cute."
We all have a laugh and then leave the restaurant.
So we end up joking and having a good time as we walk back to the train station. As we get there I realize my train is already there. "Holy shit! There's my train, I gotta go guys" I tell them. I give Ali a huge hug and when I get to Charlie I am left confused. How do I say good bye to a boyfriend, I've never had one before. So my impulses acted fast and I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran for the train. It seemed though Charlie enjoyed that kiss by the smile on his face as he waved goodbye to me when I finally got on the train as it left. I sat down and thought what a happy day, I have a boyfriend. I was wondering and thinking into the future on what it would be like to have a same gender relationship, I liked it. I liked it a lot.
After the train stopped at my station I had to catch my bus home. I was waiting
at the bus stop in the cool breezed afternoon when a familiar voice says hi and
sits next to me. I look over and see Josh, the guy I had a fling with a few
months ago. "Hiiiii" I said awkwardly. "What are you doing here."
"Catching the bus over there but thought you might like some company" he said.
"Oh oh okay."
"So what you been up to?"
"Nothing much, yourself?"
"Same, kinda boring" Josh replied. There was a prolonged silence between what he said and what was about to come. "Okay look, yes I wanted to keep you company but that's not the main reason I came over. I know we agreed not to visit each other anymore, but I miss you. I miss the things we used to do to each other. There was something more to it than just sex, it was right and it was love. Only I turned you down foolishly. A few weeks ago me and one of my best friends on the rugby got together. We did the things you and me use to do. It was sex but it wasn't right, it wasn't like when we did it. It didn't feel right, and I was right there was no love.
Look, I came to ask if we could do it again. Rekindle, if you say yes then I promise I will do my best to make sure this relationship is worth it, I'll give it a go" Josh explained thoroughly to me. I was immediately gob smacked with what just happened. Josh wants to get back with me. If had of asked a few weeks ago I probably would have said yes, but I have a boyfriend now I can't say yes. In a way I do want to say yes but I have stronger feelings for Charlie than Josh. "Josh *sigh* what we had was amazing, your amazing. But I just today got a boyfriend. Josh I am sorry but I can't."
"What? But you can't deny what we shared was love and you've only known this
guy for 6 hours how can you say he is more special than me" Josh asks me in a
saddened voice.
"Josh I'm not denying that when we were intimate we shared love but I know you,
you can't give me the relationship I want. My boyfriend is sensitive, caring and
I'm able to open up to him in a way could not to you. I'm not saying your not
caring though."
"No come on give me a chance to prove I can love you like he can."
"I'm sorry Josh."
"I don't believe this. Well I hope your happy with yourself, you've just lost
your self a potential relationship and a friendship. See ya fagg-". I interrupt
his last words by holding onto his hand. "Look Josh, I can't promise you
anything but if this relationship doesn't work out and your willing to have a
relationship, I'll take you up on your offer. But Josh if anything you should at
least meet him, he's nice. Another person that you can open up to about your
sexuality. But I'm not making any promises" I explain to Josh.
"Hmmm okay, I don't like this but for I will try. During the holidays we should
meet up. Okay well I'm going now see ya". Josh leaves less angry than he was
about to but still disappointed.
After I arrive home I go straight to my computer and add Charlie as a friend. I was about to put a relationship status up or give I'm a relationship request but then he nor I would want the world to see us together just yet. I eat my dinner and take my shower before finally talking all night with Charlie and falling asleep. Though while I drift off I can't help but feel sorry for Josh. In fact I have the compoltion to catch a bus over to his house and be there for him. I realize before I come out to everyone that there are going to some struggles along the way this is only the beginning.
To be continued........
*** I will try my best to finish this story unlike the other one I did. As you
can see this one ties back into the other on with me and Josh. This story is to
merely show you what happened in the weeks following my coming out. I might
finish the one with Josh, I just find this one more important and key, while
josh's one was a bit of an experience.
I would have bet a million dollars, that I would never cheat on my girlfriend, but temptation can be irresistible...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels