Miami Trip Part Three - The Job
Mark and Gene came to Miami to spend the summer between their junior and
senior year in high school with Gene's brother Don. They'd heard Miami was
hot in the summer but they never dreamed it was this hot.
Gene leaped up the steps to the apartment two at a time excited to tell Joe
and Don the good news. We had been in Miami for four days and knew we had
to find a job if we were going to spend the rest of our summer break
Gene tripped through the screen door and I was hot on his heels nearly
falling into the apartment. We were both grinning ear to ear and gasping for
breath, sweat pouring down our red faces.
“We got a job, we got a job” Gene was yelling. He was so excited he stumbled
out of his flip flops and I caught his arm to keep him from falling.
“It’s really a great job for a whole month.” I panted continuing for
“and wait til you hear how much pay.”
“$5,000 each for one fucking month. Can you believe it?” Gene interrupted.
Joe and Don had been lounging on the couch watching wrestling. When they
heard $5,000 they popped up to the edge of their seats, eager to hear more.
“No shit, slow down and tell us what the hell you’re doing for $5,000. How
many banks you gotta rob? Oh, I know. You have to swallow balloons full of
heroin and smuggle them in through airports.” Don was grinning but serious
about wanting an explanation. Joe just stared half grinning with his mouth
“Nothing like that dammit, now just keep your trap shut. Here’s what it
Gene said, “this guy yells at us on the dock and asks us if we want to make
a few quick bucks. I thought “uh-oh, here comes the perv” but he was fine.
He explained that he’s an agent for a bunch of young TV and singing stars
and once a year he holds a month long party retreat for all of them.” Gene
stopped to gulp a lungfull of air.
“Kind of a chance for them to really de-program,” I continued letting Gene
catch his breath again, “It’s the man’s own private island and it has no
outside communication, it’s completely isolated. The boats come in the first
of the month and go out the end of the month. That’s it.”
Gene interrupted, we both wanted to talk at once “He wants us plus about a
dozen other 18-year-olds — he stressed we had to be 18 and only 18, not
over, not under.”
I shouted over Gene’s voice “Your little brother had a hard time convincing
him he was really 18 since he looks like a snotty 12-year-old.”
Gene punched my shoulder hard.
“Oww, that hurt fucker”
“Oww that hurt fucker.” Gene mocked, “did that feel like a 12-year-old’s
punch?” Gene refocused and continued, “anyway all we have to do is kinda be
the service staff for the stars for the month. Pretty sweet. Like be their
servants and run errands and stuff. The guy said there would be about half
girl stars and half guys. How cool is this gonna be?” Gene was grinning and
was still breathing hard. Sweat was trickling down his chest, our t-shirts
were soaked.
“Are you sure this guy can be trusted? How do you know he’s real?” Don
“Hey I recognized the guys name. You’ve heard of the agent Gordo Jones,
right? Anyway he’s got all these stars pictures with personal notes to him
hanging all over his yacht and all and you can just tell. He reps some of
the hottest kids in entertainment including the New Block Boys and the
Ronson Twins. He’s got a ton of tv kids too. The cast of Area Code 555. Oh,
he’s real alright, he’s great.” Gene was talking and rocking back and
“We need a ride tomorrow around 5. Do you think you guys could give us a
ride to the dock tomorrow afternoon?”
Joe grinned, “Think you could get us in? We could pass for 18, don’t you
think?” he danced around the room playing an air guitar trying to look
“Yeah, we’ll give you two a ride.” Don said and tousled Gene’s
lovingly. “Just be careful, sometimes things aren’t always what they
“Yeah, we will, don’t worry.” Gene was barely listening to big-brother
I had already pulled my soaked t-shirt off, “I’m sweatin' like a pig and
hottern’n a freshly fucked monkey, I’m gonna hop in a cold shower” I
and headed toward the bedroom with Gene right behind me.
Once inside the room we grabbed each other’s arms and began jumping up and
down in a circle “can you believe this fucking job?” We danced in a
until we got dizzy then flopped on the bed.
Gene’s face landed on my chest.
“Whew, you do stink.”
“Ok, I know.” I hopped right up and kicked off my flip-flops. As I was
unbuttoning my shorts I noticed Gene laying on the bed sideways, his head
resting on his hand, grinning and watching me. That was the first time I’d
ever noticed him just watching while I undressed. I stopped for a second and
just looked at him.
“Go ahead and undress. I just wanna watch, ok?” his voice was soft and
totally innocent.
“You lookin’ for a show young man? You came to the right place. For just a
dime, one thin dime you can watch this wild man from Borneo coax a snake
right out from his belly. Step right up”
Gene kept watching and grinning “ok I owe you a dime Wild Man”.
I slowly swayed side to side and unbuttoned my jeans with a snap of the
fingers. As I worked my thighs and butt the zipper started down, slowly. I
finally coaxed it all the way down. The shorts just hung on my waist for a
second glued by the sweat then slowly gravity took hold and they drifted
down my thighs to my ankles. I stepped out of them and let Gene have a good
look at my dick and then kicked the shorts into his face.
“As you can see this is a real snake, capable of biting his victim at any
time” I held up my dick like a snake handler would handle a poisonous snake.
I turned and bent my ass to his face.
“Ooooh, wild man, go away, that face scares me.”
While I had my back to him I tucked my dick between my legs and turned back
around quickly, growling.
Gene was startled by the suddenness and jumped. I started air fingering a
flute making swami flute sounds that bring cobras out of baskets. “da da
dadada, dada dede da”. Gene just stayed in the same position laughing and
watching. I let my dick loose from behind my legs, the exhibitionist in me
was turned on and as I played the air flute the “snake” kept on rising into
the air. Straight up and stiff as a board, the snake, alas, could grow no
“There he is young man, the Wild Man From Borneo and his charming snake,
Corbra. Be careful he will bite you. I lunged my crotch at Gene. He didn’t
move but just stared at my dick still grinning”
I bowed, turned and went into the bathroom. I had no idea what Gene was up
to but I really really did need a shower. Stepping into the shower the water
felt cool and refreshing. My “snake” was going back where it came from. I
figured it would be taken care of in due time. I was just letting the water
roll down my body when the shower curtain opened and there stood Gene naked.
“I decided I needed a quick shower myself” Gene stepped under the cool
spray, “Ooh that’s pretty cold, it made my cock shrivel up like a peanut.”
My back was to Gene. I turned and looked over my shoulder, “it looks normal
size to me”.
“Bullshit, I’ll bet yours is all shriveled too.”
He reached around and grabbed my dick.
“Hey watch it honey unless you want the snake to bite you” I turned to face
Gene grinning expecting a playful reply. Instead he was looking down
red-faced and released my cock.
“Hey, only kidding. Finish your shower and we’ll talk more snake in the
other room if you want.” I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a
Gene was still standing rock still, his red face turned to the wall while
water splashed down his chest and belly creating a little rivulet that was
falling off the end of his dick.
“I was just kidding, now knock it off.” I was getting mad at his moodiness.
He broke out of his embarrassed trance and also got out. He grabbed a towel
and wrapped it around his waist.
“Mark, let’s have that talk.” he said while walking over to the bed and
sitting on the edge. Water was dripping from his hair.
Patting a spot next to him, he invited me to sit. I had already slipped
fresh cut-offs on and sat down.
Gene was quiet and kept staring at the floor.
“So. . .?” I was getting a little impatient. The curiosity of where he
was going with this was killing me though I was secretly hoping he was
coming out to me. I really didn’t believe it could happen though, not Gene.
“Don’t rush it Mark. I just have a few things I need to say.” Gene was
speaking very softly. “First, we’re going to a job tomorrow where there
will be tons of good looking people doing who knows what with each other.
I’m worried you’ll get all involved with one of them and forget about me.
Mark, I love you, always have and always will. The other night convinced me
how much you loved me. Now I’m afraid of losing you.”
“Don’t worry about. . .”
“Let me finish,” Gene said stopping me in mid-sentence “I know you
the other night when I asked you to blow me and you said you loved me that
much and gave me that great blowjob. I could feel the love, the way you
moved your mouth and tongue. You coaxed me into an out-of-my-mind-orgasm.
I won’t ever forget the deep feeling of love you expressed and that I felt
for you.”
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels