More Than A Break From Driving
At a truck stop cafe on a break from driving, I was surprised to see Joe there who I knew and he was with his mate Jerry. We had something to eat but my appetite needed another recipe not on the menu or was I just being too keen. Why on earth was I thinking like this on a break from driving? The cafe was busy and on using the toilet despite many people in and out like a supermarket with smells of sweat, urine and some shit in the air - Joe suddenly grabbed my buttock with his hand so that Jerry could see whilst no-one else could and all three of us then knew what we really wanted, despite not saying anything?
We went into separate toilet cubicles on finding the first available and rinsed our arses to be clean for what we were hoping would happen? Okay, toilet water is not as good as a hot shower but I so much wanted that arse to suck and kiss.
I knew Joe had spoken to Jerry about me but I did not know what it was Jerry enjoyed himself, although he clearly accepted what Joe and I enjoyed. I wish I knew how many others are turned on by the arse for mouth contact but not fucking that other people seem to expect afterwards. No way for me, because I know how great this mouth on arse contact feels and want to give the same pleasure back that I had enjoyed some years ago. Or was there an additional surprise in store for me today as things don’t always turn out as we think?
The arse has always turned me on – those lovely buttocks with the crack down the middle and hole to inside for facial contact, but I don’t like fucking? How do I explain that to others?
In the lovely blue sky and clear sun getting warmer all the time, we walked down
this country field, well away from the cafe and any roads into an area where
no-one else was and could have the best chance of being alone. As we approached
a light forest in being able to enjoy the sun without too many trees blocking
that out, Jerry noticed an old disused oil barrel standing upright and turned
this onto its side rolling into the light forest.
All three of us then stripped off knowing what we all wanted but best of all
were in a location where no-one else should see us (you know the type, who want
to spoil harmless fun) as we were on country fields without any set public path
or with any road nearby.
Jerry sat down on this barrel he obtained and moistened his cock by spitting on
it then pulled me back towards and plunged his ivory cock into my arse – Ow –Argh,
No, that I should have checked about first with this horrible pain but now his
cock was inside me, the pain got less as Jerry started fucking me.
As Joe’s arse came towards my face, I knew as Joe did what we both really wanted
licking and kissing his lovely currant bun cheeks for starters and once my
tongue was in a fair place for his hole to kiss, lick and suck, I moved forward
and locked my hands around Joe’s stomach pulling his arse further back into my
face kissing and sucking with joy.
It could have been so easy to say how my tongue went inside Joe and poked around as deep as I could get it, but despite all of us being clean leaving those toilets after our rinse, as much as the urge was I simply did not have the courage yet to go inside that hole with my tongue, although what many don’t actually realise is how fantastic the tongue and lips alone can feel on the anus without tonguing inside. That incredible feeling is also enjoyed with a kiss and suck of the arse without any licking.
“Wow, Awesome, More” – Joe certainly yelled out in delight knowing or hoping no-one else could hear us given how far we were from that cafe and any roads whilst Jerry continued fucking away on my own arse and I actually felt sorry for him poking his rod inside me and not having the fun I was.
“Hey Jerry, you don’t realise what you’re missing here” Joe laughed out whilst
continuing to enjoy my lips and tongue as I kept sucking, licking and kissing
his lovely arse – “keep going, marvellous” joys rang out as Joe felt so great
and did not want this to end. It made Jerry’s fucking seem more of a ritual. Who
needs fucking when you can enjoy this and wish I knew if many others were turned
on by the arse for oral contact and no fucking that I also thought about earlier
and probably repeated now in my keenness to know but doubt if I ever will?
“I won’t be long” Jerry chuckled just before he shot his load inside me yelling
the same time with his orgasm as Joe was with my mouth job on his arse.
Pulling out, Jerry willingly came round to my front as Joe then laid me face
down over the oil barrel for what I was hoping would happen and I don’t mean a
spanking. Jerry knelt down with his arse to my face in the lower position we
were now in.
“Wow”, fantastic- I was surprised how quick and keen Joe’s tongue went inside me
licking up his mates juice just put there. That felt amazing - Joe’s lovely
tongue and lips not just onto but inside my arse as well – Fantastic incredible
feeling – I wish you could feel this as I hoped it would go on for as long as
possible as well as Joe making sure my outside was not missing anything either.
Suck, Suck, Suck, from Joe’s lips felt like an incredible soft vacuum up onto and inside my arse as I started raising myself off the barrel and kept pushing back to get even more by greed and as lovely as Joe was giving this to me, I sometimes forgot in fascination felt and briefly sat back on his face too hard by mistake as my arse just kept wanting more. Forget any cock or tits for sucking – if you have not had this on your arse – then believe me, it’s worth trying and don’t listen to those who say that only the tongue can work on the anus. Don’t worry about positions either as relaxing can enable any shape to enjoy for mouth to anus/arse contact as the lips or tongue or both together give an amazing feeling most would feel is only exaggerated on any pictures or videos. My favourite as here is doing this for real and Joe knew that sitting on his face as I had done by moving was my initial excitement on contact from his mouth as I then returned to my original position over that barrel.
Jerry enjoyed watching us and then welcomed my tongue and lips on and around his
anus. A short laugh yelled out at first, with sighing followed his fascination
felt as I gave him what Joe had just enjoyed from me and what I was now enjoying
from Joe at the same time except that Joe was going inside me as well – amazing
feeling? I always wanted this threesome to occur and so able to enjoy licking
one full view arse in front of me kissing up and down that crack as well as on
the arse whilst having my own arse upright in same position and licked at the
same time.
With some spit on Jerry’s arse to moisten and suck him further, he suddenly
pulled away, swung around and plugged my mouth giving me another helping of cum
he had previously supplied into my arse that was now licked up by Joe.
“That was not only the most fantastic orgasm I have had” Jerry cried out with delight, “and have never cum twice before in such a short period. Thanks to you, my arse now feels like a Jacuzzi and I want it to stay this way as long as possible”. Jerry went on to say how this fantastic feeling caused him to need both a snooze in this lovely now hotter sun and another bite to eat as well saying he would see us both later.
Usually I would have felt disappointed or annoyed if someone had received everything from me, but gave nothing back – not even a kiss (unless we agreed beforehand) – but somehow none of that mattered here as Joe was that special contact who was giving me so much in return for my tongue turn on his arse, that both of us loved and that seems to hold a reluctance by others despite how fantastic this feels and with respect shown through cleanliness. Many thousands view the subject of rimming online so why do they hesitate to comment or meet up with someone to enjoy clean fun after washing together?
Joe’s incredible sucking and kissing of my arse changed to even deeper licking
than any tonguing already done and my arse felt as if it was sponge outside that
had just been sucked dry with hot syrup being released from Joe’s mouth and
licked up inside me like Treacle Pudding as a favourite dessert enjoyed as a
child spooning the filling from inside the pudding that felt like Joe’s tongue
with vanilla sauce coming out from my cock.
As Joe’s mouth continued with so much enjoyment to my arse, this not only
reminded me of my earlier turn on both Joe and Jerry’s backsides but also being
told off by that school dinner lady as a child for licking the bowl that I
enjoyed so much with that treacle and vanilla sauce but even more so now with
the bowl as my arse relishing Joe’s tongue stuck inside my arse moving up, down
and around me as if to reach all parts that was now beyond heaven.
Those who think the arse is only for fucking and the mouth for sucking cock and
verbal kissing have no idea what they are missing out on. How can I need
anything else after this?
“Would you mind sucking my arse”?
Who the hell was that, as Joe and I looked up in alarm being the last thing we
“I am Dan and heard some shouting earlier when on a quiet walk alone and wanted
to make sure no-one was in any harm. Once I saw what was really happening, I
felt very pleased, kept myself hidden to continue watching this fun not often
seen and when your friend had left, I thought it’s worth asking you politely”
I liked Dan’s attitude and told him I would if he was clean and on dropping his pants, he was in addition to smelling okay, so I gave him a mouth job on his arse that he also relished the same as both Joe, Jerry and I certainly had enjoyed (yes there is paradise for the arse) and I was still continuing to love receiving from Joe who had pushed his mouth back into my arse without even asking him after I started the same kissing, sucking and licking onto but not inside Dan’s arse who laughed in delight and amazement at the great feeling received.
Unlike Jerry, Dan said he wanted to give something back and that as Joe was taking care of my arse, he took my now half erect cock into his mouth and surprisingly I pissed inside. Dan in good humour spat this out saying that he preferred cream to salt water and would make the conversion.
This was probably Dan’s sudden hot mouth with Joe’s lovely tongue in my arse
that caused any pissing to occur and I said what a great attitude Dan had when
he first showed.
What a marvellous day with three clean arses sucked plus my own arse and cock
sucked and licked at the same time. My cock soon turned into rock and could not
hold back for long as it felt too great (both together that I did not get
earlier from Jerry) before spouting cum inside Dan’s mouth who swallowed every
drop without hesitation.
To my surprise Dan asked Joe for his cock as well and happy to oblige, Joe came
round to my front enabling me to give a 2nd mouth job on his arse that feels
great, whilst having his cocked sucked by Dan that I had just enjoyed together.
Joe certainly deserved receiving the best of both worlds with the prolonged
mouth job on my arse and to get the best from this; Joe started thrusting fairly
hard that I wish I had done now on my turn with Dan. As his arse came back into
my face my tongue slipped inside and I didn’t care anymore after all Joe had
done to my arse and was still feeling incredible with how far he had pushed
inside me with his mouth. It’s probably going to tickle for a while whenever I
sit down, so will have to ensure I am alone as I cannot keep making excuses for
laughing. Just as well I am driving.
Pushing forward, Joe’s cock enjoyed Dan’s hot mouth and throat and on pulling
back his arse enjoyed my tongue and lips going inside every time that almost
felt continuous as his thrusting got faster yelling out in delight – “deeper,
deeper” at the fascination being felt on both sides together. Joe managed to
delay Cumming as he wanted to feel this for longer with a hot mouth both on his
cock and tonguing his arse without any breaks either side ensuring ready entry
of our mouths hot on Joe for each shove forward and back.
The constant glorification felt in paradise caused Joe to cum as his thrusting
stopped and spraying started onto Dan’s face as well as inside his mouth just as
my tonguing changed to sucking and kissing Joe’s arse that prolonged his cumming
inside Dan’s mouth.
Super, lovely, great arse, I just can’t get enough.
“Thanks ever so much for your mouth job on my arse that felt marvellous” Dan said on wiping his face in joy from Joe’s cum saying he would leave us now and one day will try licking and kissing an arse himself. Joe and I thanked Dan for the blowjobs we had enjoyed pumping cum inside Dan’s hot mouth and throat pushing in as far as we could just intensified the orgasm already felt and is why Joe cum for so long with his arse being sucked by my lips at the same time.
Things had worked out well as it was clear now from what Dan just said that he
was not yet ready to do a mouth job on the arse but as with almost everyone
else, he loves to receive this.
Just as anyone who does fuck thinks nothing of wearing a condom now, hopefully
the day will come when a wash together before rimming will be seen in the same
Joe and I then kissed passionately knowing the arse for a mouth job is what turns us both on the most. If only others could be like Dan and know what we had just enjoyed and how with respect shown through being clean for something that feels so great.
Before him stood a vision he could have only dreamt of. A man six foot tall, weighing about 195 pounds. His hair was a golden brown color and the eyes were a piercing hazel. The figure before him had not a blemish on his tanned skin. This was a perfect golden tan one could only recreate in a false tanning environment, but he wore it so well.
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