My 1st gay experience
My First time with Jamie
I guess it started on Thursday morning. I had had a bad week. My boss was being particularly awful and the previous weekend my girlfriend had dumped me. I was low – very low.
I was having coffee at the machine in the office with a couple of work pals John and Jason who were ribbing me about my situation – I was not amused but I guess I was putting up with it when Steve another work pal who was gay took my side.
“Hey don’t be hard on him – this sort of thing can happen to anyone,” he said.
“Tell you what – why don’t the four of us have a night out tonight and try to cheer Tony up?”
We agreed to go out – but where? After some discussion Steve suggested we
went to his local gay club.
“ I go into straight bars that are dead boring – why don’t you come to my club –
its great music a great atmosphere and there are plenty of girls there and you
don’t have to go with a guy – unless you want to” he laughed.
After a bit of banter we agreed to go and we met up around 9 o’clock.
We went into the club and to be honest it was really good. A great atmosphere and to tell the truth I didn’t know who was gay and who wasn’t apart from a couple of guys who were a little too overt – but they were ok as well. The music was great and the DJ very funny and some great sounds. There were also a lot of girls there – those who hang around with gay guys, fag hags I guess you call them for the buzz of it and also some lesbians I guess but not many of the “butch” type. Steve met up with one of his boyfriends and the three of us were left to our own devices.
We had a couple of drinks and then Jason and John stated chatting to a couple of girls who I thought were lesbians. I had a bit of a smile to myself about it because another guy – whom I didn’t know clearly thought the same – we sort of smiled at each other across the room looking at my mates’ efforts to pull. He looked about the same age as me (I am 22) with shortest dirty blond hair and in jeans and a tight black tee shirt. I got on with my drink – waiting for my mates to fail – but they appeared to be having some success. I must have been wrong – I looked up and the guy was looking at me again – sort of looking surprised as well as I was. We just sort of grinned at each other.
I finished my drink and went to get another and as I did so he joined me at
the bar – “Looks like we were both wrong” he said, “I have been trying to pull
one of those two before without any success”.
We laughed about it “My name is Jamie by the way” he said, “what’s yours”.
“Tony” I told him – we smiled – shook hands and just chatted for a while.
Jamie was one of those guys who you rarely meet, easy to talk to, a lot in common with you and someone you feel you had known forever and you can tell anything to. In fact I regarded him as a good friend after about 10 minutes. We seemed to chat for a long while – until closing time actually. He told me he went to the club occasionally as he lived close and that his girl had an argument with him recently and walked out so he was at a loose end. I told him about my situation and he was quite sympathetic – “Some women just don’t appreciate a decent guy,” he said.
Just about then time was called and the DJ was announcing the plans for the
next Saturday night party. The evening was to be “sporting shiny shorts” is what
he said.
To be honest I didn’t take too much notice as Jamie was saying we should meet
for a drink sometime. I took his number and put it in my phone and he did the
same with his and we went our ways.
I was thinking about him on the way home. We were very alike – we had similar
physiques, were about the same size and also had the same likes and dislikes. He
was so easy to chat to and I guess a bit too good-looking as well judging by the
stares we got from girls and guys! Jamie was one of those guys that guys want to
look like – good looking; a really nice figure – slim – a bit defined and looks
good in tight jeans (which he was wearing). The sort of guy that others envy and
girls go for. Anyway – we were mates now and hopefully out on the pull.
That night when I got home I actually dreamed about Jamie – I am not quite sure what the dream was about but I woke up with a raging hard on. As a 22 year old I wank quite a bit so I have to admit I did wank off that morning thinking about him as a gay fantasy. As I wank over some sort of fantasy most days I dismissed thoughts of him and went to work. However, I couldn’t find my phone anywhere. It was a disaster – I had lost all my contacts – about 150 of them. I couldn’t think where it might have gone.
About 10:30 my office phone went – I answered it – It was Jamie.
“You will never guess what I'm calling you on – you daft bugger you put your
phone in my pocket”
Was I relieved!
“Should I come and collect it,” I asked.
“Well yes”, he said “but I did wonder if you fancied a bit of fun going to
sporting shiny shorts night on Saturday at the club. We are both spare parts
this weekend so why don’t we have a laugh and go along”.
“Hey” I said “You asking me for a date at the gay club?”
We both laughed. “Besides I don’t have anything I could go in,” I said.
“Don’t worry about that,” Jamie said, “I have plenty of stuff we can use, we are
the same size I guess – let’s give it a go! I only live around the corner so if
it’s a crap night we can change back and go somewhere else”.
“OK” I said “I'm up for it if you are – and I can collect my phone at the same
I got to Jamie’s place around 8 on Saturday evening – I was wearing jeans and a tee with a leather jacket. His place was literally 100 yards from the club so as he said we could come back and change into other stuff if the party was no good.
“I have just the thing for us” he said “ I have a thing about vintage shiny
shorts from E bay – I must have about 40 or so pairs- I thought we could dress
the same and go as twins”.
“Hey that sounds cool,” I said, “so what are we wearing?” “Come into the
bedroom” he said.
There on the bed were 2 identical pairs of really short shiny black satin shorts and also 2 tight black almost transparent tee shirts. I noticed that his bed had silver satin sheets. “Hey you into satin in a big way or what?” I said.
“Yes I guess I do have a thing for satin sheets and shorts – my girl loves it when we are in bed in satin – makes us feel incredibly sexy, you should try them sometime”. “Anyway, let’s change” he said.
I am a bit shy when it comes to undressing. Jamie seemed unconcerned and just stripped off. I have to say that he had a very nice body – smooth - not too muscular and a nice not too big uncut cock.
As I was looking at him so he said to me
“Hey you have a good body” he said, “We could be sending some club members wild
tonight” he laughed.
When I put the shorts on I noticed that they weren’t lined.
“Hey – we can’t go out like this” I said.
“Come on” he said “that’s how you wear these shorts”.
“You sure” I said.
“Well you are wearing boxers – you can hardly go in with them hanging down below
your shorts” he said.
“I suppose not” I said “but the shorts don’t leave much to the imagination do
“That’s the idea in a gay club”
Jamie laughed and said
“These club nights can be a bit difficult sometimes, some gays get a bit tetchy
– they may think we are straight guys taking the piss – I suggest we pose as a
couple,” said Jamie “You ok with that??”
I looked a bit doubtful
“Hey we are mates aren’t we – what bad things can happen?” he said reassuringly.
“OK” I said, “if you think it’s the best thing to do but I hope there is no one in there who knows me”.
I have to say that when I looked at Jamie in his satin shorts and transparent top he looked incredibly sexy – with the shape of his cock showing in the black satin and his nipples showing through the shirt. My cock sort of erected a bit but I don’t think he noticed. “Let’s go,” he said and we set off across the road. In our shiny shorts and tight black tees.
As we got to the door Jamie whispered
“There are a couple of gay bouncers there we need to camp it up a bit – you
better put your hand on my bum and I’ll put mine on yours just like we are a
pair of gays”.
I did as he said and the guys gave us a bit of a hard stare but what I couldn’t get over is how much I liked the feel his bum through the slippery satin shorts and how much I liked his hand on mine. My hand lingered a bit too long on his bum but all he did was smile at me and say, “These shorts are cool aren’t they and you certainly feel good in yours?” giving me a sensuous stroke.
When we got in the club the music was loud, the DJ great and the girls who had been there on Thursday were back again – kissing each other this time.
“I told you” Jamie said, “Your mates must have been disappointed,” We both
“Bet they wondered about us as well,” I said as they eyed us.
We had a few drinks and a few laughs and when we were sitting down I asked, as Jamie seemed to know so much about gays – had he ever been with a guy. He just smiled and said, “Who knows” and laughed.
As the night progressed we got up and danced with groups of guys and also the
2 girls and then a slow dance started. One of the tough gays came over and asked
me to do a slow dance with him. He was a big guy I was shit scared but then
Jamie came over and did a bit of a play-acting.
“Oh no – not again – we came out together – we are going home together – excuse
me pal” – and moved the other guy out of the way and started to dance with me.
To my surprise the guy backed off.
“That was close,” I said.
“It’s not over yet,” said Jamie,
“ They have been watching us all night we need to make it look as if we are gay
– push up close and we need to kiss” and with that he started kissing me and to
my surprise I responded.
Our hips were close and we were moving in time to the music and I felt myself
becoming more and more aroused as our satin bulges rubbed against each other. I
was becoming more and more erect as we were virtually cock-to-cock through the
satin and I felt him becoming erect as he reacted to me. He put his hands on my
bum and he started to grind his hips against mine and I responded.
“Keep going,” he said – they are still watching us” and with that he slid his
tongue in my mouth. My mind was in turmoil, I had one of the hardest hard ons
ever and there was this young good-looking guy with his tongue in my mouth and a
huge erection as well and I was responding to him now with my hands on his satin
clad bum stroking it.
“I don’t understand what’s happening,” I said to him nervously.
He whispered “I think we have just progressed from mates to best mates”.
He then slid his hand down and stroked the length of my cock through the shiny
satin material. I couldn’t believe how good it felt as he did it and I kissed
him really hard as he slowly caressed me.
By this time the two tough gays were kissing and not taking any notice of us
“Lets get out whilst we can” Jamie said, “I think we both know we some business
to attend to”
I was breathless, was this really happening?
“Come on” he said and we slipped out of the club by the back door and before I knew it we were back in his flat kissing again and he was feeling my cock through the satin material.
“This isn’t right Jamie,” I said unconvincingly “I’m not gay, I’ve never done
anything like this before”.
“But you are so hard and so am I” he said, “We know both want it and neither of
us are going to tell anyone are we?”
He was stroking my cock deliciously through the satin and I was dribbling pre cum. “Don’t be scared,” he said “I promise that I wont hurt you - trust me – in fact I can promise you the reverse”.
“Have you been with a guy before” I asked nervously.
“Let’s discuss that some other time – right now I want to give you the best
orgasm you ever had” and with that he guided me into the bedroom and pushed me
gently onto the bed on his satin sheets.
“I don’t know what to do,” I said in a strange voice.
“Don’t be scared – you will know it will be quite natural,” he said and he
kissed me deeply and slid his hand under my satin shorts.
An ordinary afternoon of wanking to a soap opera hunk turns into love making...
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