Mykonos, the home of gay paradise.

(Part 1 from 1. Fiction.)

Sam was supposed to be with me but his cousin insisted he be god parent to her new baby daughter at her christening, he was going to miss the first four days of our fortnights holiday.

The first couple of days on the island of Mykonos, Greece, were quiet, I lay by the pool reading, taking a dip every now and then, only moving back into my room when the last of the sun dissapeared behind the building.

The third day I got dressed in a pair of loose fitting shorts (I never wear underwear)and a t-shirt, put on my flip flops decided to take a walk, one of the other guests at my hotel had told me about some public gardens that were supposed to be stunning and as I was still in my second year at college studying horticulture, I thought I'd have a look.

I arrived just after noon and decided to have some lunch, sitting on the lawn in front of a large display of herbacious plants, I took out the sandwiches I'd prepared earlier and started to look around as I eat.

There was a large group of Greek lads dressed in overalls, I took it they worked in the gardens, having their lunch on an opposite lawn, some had their overall tops down tied around their waist and one particular guy was looking right at me.

I was little uncomfortable as he just kept on staring, but decided to ignore him, although he was quite handsome with a big smooth musclely chest, tapering down into a muscled midrift.

They moved on about ten minutes later, lunch time for them was over I thought at the time. Slinging my bag over my back I moved through the gardens after my lunch. I was taking mental notes of the planting schemes, what worked and what I thought didn't. I passed some toilets and as always like my car at home that never seems to able to pass a petrol station without needing petrol, I always seem to want a pee when I walk past public toilet.

It was a little dingy inside, but that was maybe because it was so bright and sunny outside. I stood at the first available urinal close to door and unzipped taking a pee. I immediately noticed it got darker and heard footsteps.

I noticed it was some of the gardeners I saw earlier coming in the toilets, a tall guy stood next to me, I didn't look around at him until he spoke in broken English "You like looking at men".
I was scared, I looked back down and in front of me, I thought they'd gotten annoyed and decided to beat me up. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Once again he spoke " You like men, you want to look at this, I saw you looking at my body, you know you want to look".

I glanced to my right, it was the same guy that was staring at me earlier, he was at least five or six inches taller than me, i'm 5'9".

He was extremely handsome now I was up close and could see him clearly, flowing shoulder length dark hair, chisseled jaw line, his body now covered with his overalls, my eyes followed his body downwards to his hands, which were holding his semi hard cock.

It was beautiful, seven or eight inches long of what I could see beyond his overalls, veins showing all along its length, a huge bulbous head clear of its fore skin, now it was me staring at this guys gorgeous manhood.

"Hold it, take it in your hands, stroke it for me". he said. I didn't need much persuading, reaching towards him as he released himself, I took his cock in my right hand wrapping my fingers around it, feeling its warmth and weight. I slowly started to move my hand backwards and forwards.

We moved slightly and were now facing each other, my cock was hard and still outside of my shorts, he leant down and placed his lips gently onto mine, almost like a butterfly kiss and held it there. pressing further I felt his tongue enter my mouth. I returned the kiss and started to wank him faster.

His passion grew as he gripped the back of my head with his hands holding me tight to him, forcing the pace of our kissing. My left hand around his waist as I continued to stroke his cock gripping it tighter making him sigh even as we kissed.

He pulled my head away as we stopped kissing and whispered "Suck me". As he said this his hands moved from behind my head to my shoulders. I could feel him pressing me down. As I went I opened his overall top, unbuttoning him as I lowered myself kissing his well developed chest, stopping at his nipples.

I'd removed the top half of his overalls now and his overalls were slipping past his buttocks, down his legs settling over his boots, his nipples erect as licked and lightly bit them, taking each one in my mouth as though I was sucking a small cock.

Continuing down his body my mouth and tongue tracing lines as I went, kissing his muscled abdomen, spending time to lick and kiss his navel as I eventually reached the object of his and my desire at that moment, his stunningly amazing, throbbing cock.

His hands were placed back on my head, as I took in the sight of his erection, it stood almost parrallel to his abdomen, once again I placed my hands around it, sqeezing and slowly pulling his fore skin back and forth before finally tasting it for the first time.

I ran my tongue all over its bulbous head, letting his precum attach to the tip of my tongue, then dragging it away forming a link between us, I enveloped his cock head with my lips and tongue sucking lightly on his engorged cock.

Taking more of him into my mouth, his moaning getting louder as I worked my mouth as though it was my tight arsehole he was entering.
Further down his shaft until most of his cock was down my throat. I almost never gagged these days, but this guy made me, his thick long length almost too much for me.

I continued to suck on his pulsating dick, sucking as hard as i've ever sucked any guys cock, my own cock I left straining.

He was panting and moaning harder as he neared his orgasm, my mouth and tongue working its magic. I moved my left hand from his right hip and cupped his balls gently holding squeezing them, this was the catalist to his climax, he began to thrust his cock in and out of my mouth, making me gag even more, then with one final deep thrust his ejeculation hit the back of my throat.

He wouldn't let me move, keeping hold of my head tight as his sperm flowed over my tongue and down my throat, my eyes were watering but he just kept on cumming, finally he released my head and allowed me to pull back.

I could hardly see through my watery blurred eyes, But that didn't stop me taking his softening cock back into my mouth, sucking gently, curling my tongue around it making him shudder as I tasted the last of his leaking cum.

He pulled me upwards so we were face to face again, once again we kissed, this time though he could taste his own cum in my mouth as his tongue swept past mine, i'd never been kissed that hard before.
He was taking his pleasure whether I wanted him to or not.

We parted, with him moving away, he pulled his overalls up and got dressed, reaching into one of the top pockets he handed me small bit of paper, I turned it over and read what it said "Yannis" and then a phone number.

"Call me if your staying on the island any longer". He bent down and kissed me one more time, turned and walked out.

I got myself together and walked back out into the sunshine, there was no sign of the gardeners or that amazing Greek sculpture of a man i'd just sucked off.

I didn't know where my emotions were, Sam was arriving in a couple of days, but I wanted this guy, I wanted him bad, I wanted to feel that beautiful cock of his take my mans fuck hole, man I was so fucking horny...

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