Mystery Threesome : Part 14
*** This story is 100% fiction and not meant to offend anyone in anyway & ALL characters are over the age of 18 years
I stood there dead still, as I watched my little brother holding up my tablet in his left hand while he had his right index finger, inches away from the touch screen ready to hit send to all my email contacts. The sound of men moaning & dicks fucking the porn star hard surrounded the whole room in the lounge, as the DVD was still playing and I asked my brother to turn it off. Without taking his eyes off me in-case I run towards him and take my tablet away, he grabbed the Play Station controller and pressed paused at a scene with two guys outside fucking under a tall tree on the back of an old red truck.
“Okay Mark you’re right, it’s time for me to come out of the closet but it’s not gonna be by you telling everyone, so before you send off whatever photos and videos you have taken of Richard & I, there is something you need to think about real carefully before messing with my life”
“Oh really Matthew and what am I meant to be thinking about before I tell the whole world that you’re a fag?”
“I think you know Mark, upstairs at the back of your wardrobe, behind your row of sneakers”
In a blink of an eye, my little brother’s evil smirk that he had on his face for planning all this, holding onto my tablet and using it against me by telling everyone that I am gay disappeared while he knew that this has backed fired on him.
“Yeah you thought I didn’t know about your little black box” I replied smiling back like he was just doing to me a moment ago
“How do you know about that?”
“I know a lot of things brother”
“You have been snooping around in my room?” He shouted
“No I haven’t, three weeks ago I found one of your shirts in my wardrobe so I went into your room and hung it up when I noticed something right at the top behind your shoes”
“You couldn’t have, I hid that box well behind my sneakers underneath the spare blanket”
“Not well enough Mark and you should be thanking me that it was I who found it and not mum”
“So I not only just found it, I had a look inside your little black box that you think it was hidden away and wow Mark, I was shocked”
Mark swallowed hard while his eyes got wider as he lowered my tablet down to his side.
“Fake ID’s, packet of smokes with a lighter, small little bottles of vodka and one nice great size dildo that just fitted perfectly inside that little black box of yours”
“And oh, I know for a fact that this porno gay DVD that you were just playing isn’t mine”
“Fuck you” Mark said fearfully
“Fuck me, no fuck you Mark and I know why you use those fake ID’s because I saw you go inside a club the other weekend”
“Okay Matthew you win, here you go there’s you’re fucking Ipad” My little brother said while handling my tablet back to me
“Thank you Mark, you did the right thing but I’m still gonna kick your ass for telling Keira”
“Matt I’m sorry dude I didn’t mean too”
“Yeah and don’t worry about me telling mum & dad about you smoking & drinking and also buying fake ID’s to get into night clubs and buying boys porn from sex shops”
“I was your age once and I was drinking and smoking to but how you get into clubs with those fake ID’s is beyond me. Next year I’ll take you out on your birthday and party the night away without using any fake ID’s okay?”
“Cool but say anything to anyone and I will tell mum & dad what you have been up to and using fake ID’s”
Picking up my tablet that my brother put down on the glass table in the middle of the lounge, I went upstairs to my room and saw what my brother has been up too on my tablet. There was a few more pictures of Richard & I holding each other but when I went to the video folder, there it was on the screen that Keira was going on about before I told her to leave, the video of Richard & I having sex in the pool. I got so mad at him for sending this to Keira that I went back down stairs to see my brother turning the TV back on to normal from switching off his gay porn DVD that he bought using his fake ID to get into the sex shops.
“So that dildo you got inside your little black box up there, do you use it on yourself?”
“Shut up”
“Oh, so you use it on your boyfriend and yourself”
“I don’t have a boyfriend”
“Really? Because the other day I told you that you will never get a girlfriend by playing Play Station all day and you said that you have a one, so I know deep down you meant you have one but it’s a guy so tell me who is he?”
“I’m not telling you”
“Oooh Mark’s got a boyfriend”
“So do you, so shut the fuck up”
“Okay and Mark” I called getting my right hand ready into a fist
“Yeah?” My little brother replied
In one hard punch, Mark fell to the ground in pain from my fist while looking up at me with hate…
“That’s for telling Keira and trying to blackmail me you little shit”
“Faggot” He called out
“Homo” I replied back
Elsewhere down aisle 10 at your nearest supermarket, a trolley was stopped at the potato crisps, as a packet of Salt & Vinegar and also a packet of Cheese & Onion, along with a packet of Plan Salted all got tossed into the trolley, with other daily stuff you buy from your grocery shore.
“Mmmm, I’ll steal you” I said to myself as I picked up a chocolate bar with camel in the middle and put it in the trolley
“Okay I’ve got the, jeez David three packets of potato chips!!!”
“And what about this chocolate?”
“I couldn’t resist the chocolate, it was calling my name” I laughed
“Okay fine but put one of these potato chips back, we don’t need three”
I exhaled and got the packet of Plan Salted out the trolley while rolling my eyes as Keegan put the mince in for our Spaghetti Bolognese that we are having for dinner tonight with Dylan, who I am happy to see for some strange reason. As I walked back towards the shelf and put the Plan Salted potato chips back, I notice Austin Young pushing the trolley and going at a speed like he was rushing. He got to the refrigerators and began taking out a few 2 Litres bottles of water and counting how many he was taking out at the same time. I just stopped and stared at him for a moment and tried to see what else he had inside his trolley but I could only see a two packets of apples.
Trying to mind my own business and not worry about Austin, I headed back to Keegan who was now pushing the trolley and about to turn right and go down the next aisle. Minutes later we both got most of the stuff we needed and went to the teller and started to scan our glossaries, when Keegan remembered that he needed a new tooth brush and I told him that I’ll get it as I started to walk away from the teller. I turned down to all bathroom stuff aisle and saw Austin Young picking up a mouth wash and right away I could see what was in his trolley and the way he looked when he saw me walking towards the tooth brushes.
“Hi Mr Kenny”
“Hello Mr Young”
“Shopping for tooth brushes?”
“No, my partner forgot to grab a new pear while shopping”
“Oh okay” He said sadly while he looked down at his trolley
I had a proper look at what was in his trolley and my eyebrows shot up with concern as I looked back up at him. 10 cans of soup, 10 cans of baked beans, 6 bottles of water, a little first aid kit, a small pot, a torch with a packet of batteries, deodorant sprays and so on. Austin put 2 bottles of mouth wash into his trolley and then looked up at me with sadness.
“Austin is everything okay?”
“Yeah, hey do you wanna hang out with me later on? We don’t have to tell anyone, just the two of us, we can go watch a movie or go on the beach, eat somewhere nice?”
“Sorry I can’t Austin, I’m your teacher and I’m with my partner and we have plans tonight”
“So you don’t care about me?” He asked in a sad, shaky voice
“What are you saying? Of cause I care about you Austin but as a student”
“No” Austin started to cry while hiding his face away from me
“Austin come here, tell me what’s going on? Why are you buying all this tin food?” I replied
“You don’t care about me so why should I tell you?”
“NO, get away from me”
Austin pushed me hard away from him as he shouted, making other people who was in the same aisle as us look and whisper to each other, while Austin just left his trolley behind and started to walk away. I called at him to come back but he just told me to leave him alone while fighting back his tears as he walked and disappeared around the corner. I exhaled and started to walk out the aisle, towards the teller where Keegan was waiting for me to bring his new toothbrush. Right away he knew something was up and asked me what’s going on but I shook my head and told him it was school stuff.
When we got to the apartment and unpacked the glossaries, I began chopping the onion and browning the mince for our Spaghetti Bolognese, that we all gonna have tonight with Dylan. I’m looking forward to seeing him again and hopping that I’ll see that amazing hunk cock of his also but shame, Keegan has been telling me things didn’t work out when Dylan went back to see his wife and it looks like the marriage might be over between them, but I’m sure Dylan will tell us when he comes over later on and welcomes me to the family.
It has been over an hour since we were at the supermarket and my chat with Austin, something seemed wrong and I’m thinking of pulling him aside tomorrow during lunch break and talk to him and find out what’s going on. As I was done with the mice and boiling the water for the Spaghetti, there was a knock at the door and Keegan got up to answer it. As Keegan opened the door I heard a heavily bag fall to the ground near the door and I saw Dylan hugging his brother tight.
“It’s going to be okay bro, trust me”
“Okay” Dylan replied wanting to cry
“Come inside, David just started boiling the Spaghetti”
I walked over towards Dylan and gave him a hug while Keegan got his bag that he dropped at our door. Dylan hugged me tight and I told him that things will get better but Dylan replied by sliding his hand and grabbing my ass while he whispered under his breath so that his brother couldn’t hear him…
“I’m pretty sure it will, later on with my cock up that sweet, tight ass of yours”
Tears have been falling down my cheeks non-stop since the moment I walked out the supermarket and onto the car park. The hurt and pain I felt inside was heart breaking and tearing me apart, thinking how can someone like Mr Kenny be so cure and not care about me like I do. The hurt and the pain I was feeling from being rejected by him drove me in-sane and I raced back to the house, driving threw a red traffic light, so I can quickly pack my stuff and leave, just like what my uncle told me to do.
Opening the gate from the remote in my hand, I drove up to the house and I notice that nobody was home. “Perfect” came to my mind as I ran towards the front door and unlocked it, once I parked my car in the driveway. Running upstairs to my bedroom as fast as I can, grabbing one of my big backpacks and began walking in a fast pace into my walk in closet, grabbing the closest pear of clothes I can reach and stuffing them into the bag. I grabbed a photo of my mum that was hanging in the hallway wall, while I carried my backpack over my right should and heading straight to my mum’s and also that monster’s bedroom.
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels