Of Heaven and Hell (part 6) Through Angel's Eyes
*** Hello again my friends, I have a special surprise for you, in this, and the next, chapter. Please keep the comments coming, I love every single one.
Those like myself measure time differently than I. Eons are more convenient for my kin, but not I. Mortals take the element of time for granted. Praying for it to fly buy, to release them for the monotony of their days, believing that they are trapped in some mundane continuum. If only they knew just how extraordinary their moments on earth really are. The elite gift that the creator has given them, and yet, if they only knew just how minuscule their period here is. That each of them are like the threads the mythologies describe, and that each can easily be snipped and pulled away from this world without even a warning. Tell me, how can you show someone just how important every second is, when you, yourself, are not suppose to exist.
I remember my first moments of existents, feeling his wonderful hands holding me, letting me know I was totally safe. I had no idea, no memories, no thoughts, I was a newly born being. It didn’t matter, I would soon find out time had no power past the gates of pearl and light. Only one entity had power in this domain, and I was cradled inside his awesome palms. He opened his hands, and for the first time, I saw the light. I was so warm, so comfortable, as long as I rested in his hands; I knew I would never want. But alas, even though I longed never to leave his touch, was aroused to standing.
Compared to his mightiness, I was less than that of an insect. He could easily eradicate me with his very breath, but his love, mercy and wisdom, had other plans for my creation. I looked upon his face, the light was blinding. At that moment, my mind and thoughts became clear as crystal. I knew I had my purpose, my destiny and my own heart. I knew that my future was laid before my very feet. What the future held before me was still unclear, but the journey was going to be long, and even treacherous. I needed to make sure that the path intended for me by Lord Father was not strayed from. Any other road taken would seal the fate of every soul in eternity.
What loving child could refuse such task, knowing just how much relied upon you? It was within me that I must light the path and guard the world from the mouths of the abyss. And so was the name given to me, but it is difficult to light a path that is masked even to you.
* * *
The cement sidewalk was cold under my feet. I have been traveling for what felt
like only a few hours, you wouldn’t believe I had been walking for three days.
But my journey had come to an end, or had it. I stood outside the crumbling
building, watching the people enter and leave. The lights blurring from one
point on the spectrum to the other and back again. The bass of the music was so
deep that you could feel the vibration all the way across the street. Yet, I
felt the pull, the urge to enter this strange place. The anchor that held me
fine to my path refused to give, so I fought it no longer.
With one swift motion, I crossed the street and made my way through the maze of
the crowd and up the stoop towards the main entrance. Once there, a stout,
grizzle appearing man blocked the small line people from outside, from the
dancing crowd inside.
A young blonde man appeared from the inside doorway, and he whispered something into the mammoth at the door. The giant’s booming voice called out like a loud speaker. “This club is now full, please, be patient. I will let you in one at a time according to the criteria, as soon as others leave.” The grasp upon me was too strong for me to heed his words. With a motion of my arms, I was beyond sight, and cautiously made my way into the structure.
There was, what appeared to be, a waiting room area, but with no doors. Passing that, at the end of the small stretch of hall and through the doorway, was a platform. I stood there, and examined the room. It was an enormous room, filled with approximately eighty-some persons. The lights were like hummingbirds, soaring from point to point, and creating patterns on the walls and floor. There were tables and booths in the back, and a stairway that lead to a loft-like second floor.
That’s when I saw him. He was standing on the railing of the balcony in the corner of the second floor loft. “Oh my,” was all I could think. He was beautiful. He had wonderful black, shoulder-length hair, olive skin, and rich green emerald eyes. His lips were thin, and dark, and the smile that they framed shined with a light of their own. I felt a jerking sensation in his direction. He must have felt it too; he leaned forward and jumped back to the loft behind him.
The compass leading me left my attention, and nervousness entered my mind. I turned to leave, but the hall behind me was now bustling with people. So I began to walk towards the back, extremely hard to do when the floor was overfilled with dancing people. I caught sight of the bar, I thought maybe he could point toward the back exit. Then, I just stopped, right there, frozen to the floor. I saw him, the look of worry on his face, until he saw me there. As he stepped up towards me, I couldn’t bare to look at him, so I glanced toward the floor.
“Hello,” he said, staring intensely at me, and I wanted to look at him so
badly, but I just couldn’t. “I am sorry, I did not mean to bother you. I just
thought you seemed a bit lonely in here. This place
is not a very friendly area for those alone.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you think I was ignoring you. I’ve just… I’ve
not been in a location like this before.” I didn’t know what else to say.
“Yeah, ‘El Diablo’ is unique.” He smiled.
“No, not the club, though it too is a site to see.” All I could do was know star
in his wonderful eyes.
“Oh, you mean the city,” I laughed, I grinned to. I wasn’t talking about the
city, I was talking about the mortal realm. “Yes, it is one of the biggest and
most powerful in the world. I think that is why I chose to live here.” I
couldn’t help but lightly laugh at his comment. Something about him fascinated
me, I wasn’t yet sure about what it was, but I would give anything to find out.
At that moment, the music beat changed. The slower music began to settle my
“Care for a dance,” he said with a small smile.
I wasn’t sure of what I needed to do, I had never danced in a place like this ,
“I’m not sure.”
“Oh,” I saw his face lower I would have given anything to see him smile.
“I never did it before, not here, not like this.” I was honest, but at that
moment I wanted to learn with every fiber of my being.
“Would you mind if I showed you how?” He asked as he extended his hand towards me. I felt my face burn with excitement. I gentle placed my hand in his and felt my body float with his movements as he led me towards the techno-colored light whirling around the slightly raise dance floor. I stood there, unknowing about what to do. He took my arms and placed on his surprising muscular, broad shoulders. He then positioned his hands on my hips. My face felt like it was on fire, I knew my cheeks where as burning embers, I saw him smile, it embarrassed me. I dropped my head to avoid his gaze. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I felt such peace in his presence. His body began to move to the music flawlessly. When he moved, it began to echo within my own limbs. I began to sway, and flow with him.
I felt so peaceful, that when I felt him move me towards him, I literally fell onto him. I had not felt something so natural since I was born, I wanted it. I was addicted to it. I felt his lips brush against my ear, electricity surged through my body, “You are so soft, and so different from those I’m use to.” I said out loud, not realizing it. Others like me, do not carry emotions for others only out Maker, our Holy Father. When we where around him, he was everywhere, surrounding us, filling us, absorbing us, and making us complete. But, this… this person holding me, dancing with me. He was different, material, and yet abstract. Something about him I couldn’t quiet place my finger on it.
I bowed my head so it may rest on his chest. He then placed his head in my gold locks. I felt like crying, and I didn’t even know why. Before I knew it, the slower rhythm changed to its faster, more overpowering motion. But I still held him close, my face snug against his chest. After a moment he pulled away from me. Others were giving us grotesque looks, we must have been in their way. He held my hand and led me to a dark secluded corner table. I was enthralled in his movements, and smile, his… a man I hadn’t before seen interrupted our path to the corner. He was short, slender, faux blonde with reddish strikes in his hair. Green eyes, and a sinister grin on his face, first looking at his who led me, then straight at me. I didn’t like him.
“Well, Daze, what are you into now, gotcha another playmate?” He darted another nasty look at me and then pointed his hand towards me. I stepped back, I couldn’t see his intentions against me. To my utter surprise, in a literal blink of my eyes, the olive tone body was between the vulgar person and I. He in turned jumped backward, glaring at the one between us. “Fine! Do whatever the fuck you want, just remember, I’m the real deal and you know I’m yours whenever you are done with that poor excuse of a man.” He gave me a look that made me sick, and he turned and pranced off. I turned to see my other, hand raised in rage. I didn’t want violence, I took his arm to get his attention and just looked into his deep emerald eyes. I don't want you to get in trouble for me, I thought. I felt his muscles relax. He took my hand again, as if to say he was alright again, and we began to make our way to the dark corner again.
In the corner was a table and a circular seat, very comfortable. And hugged us perfectly together, you could easily tell it was made for couples. The music didn’t seem to reach us as bluntly as on the raised floor, and no one was near us. I man dressed in a white dress shirt and deep red vest trimmed in black came to our table. “Would either of you like something to drink sir’s?” he asked. Without thinking, the one beside me, Daze I think the malevolent one called him, said ‘devil’s suicide.’ Instantly I thought, ‘what I revolting name.’ I lowered my head to ponder its meaning. Then I though back to the name of the building. In bright irradiating letters, ‘El Mueca del Diablo.’ It hit me, ‘The grin of the devil.’
Before I could think anymore on the subject, Daze looked at me and said,
“What would you like to have?” I just shook my head, I didn’t know what I liked.
I only had the fruit of Heaven, and the waters that sprang from the base of the
throne. “Have you ever had alcohol?” He asked.
“I’ve never heard of it.” He jumped back as if I had cursed him. I didn’t know
what alcohol was.
“Never?” He asked, “Vodka,” I shook my head, “Whiskey, beer?” same response,
just shook my head gently, wondering what they where. “Champagne, wine?” Wine! I
knew wine, i have never seen or touched it, but I have heard of it. The Son was
known for converting water into wine. “Sir,” the olive beauty turned to face the
other man in the vest, “May i change my order to two white wines?” The man in
the vest shook his head and walked away. I peered into the mind of the vested
man, seeing his thoughts. His thoughts were awash of perversion. I grasped the
arm of he who was beside me. He held me close, “Everything is alright, nothing
will harm you as long as I am here.” His words calmed my soul, I felt at easy in
his presents. What was the purpose of the emotions I was experiencing. In less
than an hour i had completely succumb to his charms. He placed his hand under my
chin, and began to look into my eyes, he was so handsome, i couldn't resist. I
then realized that I had still yet to tell him my name.
“What did you say Sweetness?” He said, seeming off balance from my sudden
“My name, it's Danyelle, you asked earlier and i never answered.” He raised
his head looking me deeply in the eyes, they were so beautiful, but dark. There
was something hidden behind them. The aura that surrounded him was so obscure
and defused. His very soul seemed to be shrouded in fog and mist. I was
enveloped in his emerald eyes of his. It felt as thought I was being swept up in
the great ocean. I was swimming, almost drowning, in his aura, whirling around
me as like a whirlpool. I was feeling a change in him, almost instantaneously.
The hazy fog that masked his core seemed to dissolve right in front of me. I
began to feel a slight fear in him as well. I placed my hand on the side of his
face, “Did I do something?” I said truly worried for him, still unable to pull
myself from his eyes.
“No dearest, you have done nothing, why do you ask?”
“I told you my name, and you seemed to, fade out. I thought that I had upset
you.” And I buried my head back into his neck.
“That might be a little hard to pronounce for me.”
I realized I gave him my true name, but i didn't care, I was finding myself
falling in love with him, but then again, it's not something you can really
pronounce, must less try to say it out in public. “Daniel is fine, it’s the
modern form.” I rose up and smiled at Him.
“Daniel sounds wonderful, you are wonderful. How long have you been here, in the
“In the city? Only a few hours, less than a day.” I was only sent to discover my
destiny, I believe I found it. The rest of my orders would be told to me later.
“Really, where were you before then?”
“Here and there, I’ve been traveling a lot lately,”
“Do you have a place to stay tonight?”
“Well, ‘kinda,’ but only if I need it.” I was suppose to return once i had found
my path. But a part of me felt that this wasn't finished, there was still more
to learn from him.
“Would you like to stay with me?” My heart jumped, but before i could answer he
added, “I am sorry, I did not mean it how it sounded.” I didn't really
understand, but i wanted to learn more, to love him more.
“I would love to.” He was so happy with my answer he could hardly contain
himself. He held on to me tightly, not rough or painfully, more with overjoy.
After holding each other for a little longer, the server came with our drinks
and the check. He took the check and glanced at it for a minute or two. But then
I saw an dark smile come across his face. Not horrid, or evil, but playful and
prankish. He handed the check back to the server and waved his hand towards the
vested man, afterward saying, 'Thank you.”
“You are welcome Sir and thank you for your time.” And he walked away.
He took the glasses, handing one to me, and offered a toast. I barely understood the concept. After tapping our glasses, no words said, he gently tasted the luscious liquid, as did I. “Is everything okay?” He asked watching me so intuitively.
“No, no. It’s just… good. They never had this back home, but I’ve heard a lot about it.” He looked down at me, those eyes just sparkled, then he smiled, it was too much. I broke. I leaned up and kissed him, and he kissed me. I felt an overpowering surge of massive power irradiating from him. What was this power? What was this extreme whirl of force that I have never in my eons seen of its kind? Why was it so dark and mysterious? So many questions running through my mind. It couldn't be what it was adding up to be. There is no way he could be a... No, is it possible? He pulled from the kiss abruptly, I thought maybe I had unknowingly passed my thoughts of doubt to him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you” and I began to pull away from him. But all of sudden, he grabbed my arm and he pulled me back into his embrace. We kissed as he gently, softly touched my cheek. It was like all the light in my soul was billowing under my flesh. Overpowering my essence, pouring from my pores.
It was then when i felt it, my light came in contact with what I could only describe as near total darkness. Though, there was something more deep down. This required more examination, there was something I needed to see, not all the pieces of the puzzle were shown. But before I could look past the mask of pitch, he break the kiss, not before touching his lips on my upper cheek. The mist of iniquity soon dissipated into the air.
He looked at me, seeming a little worried, but I acted like I hadn't felt anything, but now that I look at him, his ora was hazy and black. Actually, it seemed as though it was alive, breathing with its own life, extending itself like a bird and its wings, beautiful, glorious. Before I could think farther, he grasped my hand, pulling me close to him. We came close to kissing again, but he turned sharply and we began to walk out of the club.
A loud, fast beat began to play again. He and I saw the sinister man from before on the dance floor, and I was still bothered from earlier but no where near as mad as I sensed Daze was, that's probably the only reason why i didn't stop him from what he was about to do. He raised and waved my hand once more in the direction of the fool, and as Daze guided me around the corner into the hallway, We saw the last strip of his clothing fall to the stairs before the entrance. I could hear the cheering all the way outside…
* * *
I could see my breath in the night air. The temperature must have been getting
low. The mist swirled along the streets and walkway as he lead me along the way.
The surroundings blurred away as I focused on this mystery that held me close.
He was so warm I loved being close to him. His arm wrapped around me, my head on
his shoulder. This felt so perfect, I wanted to spend the rest of eternity in
his arms. I was falling into him, into his mind, I felt his.
Then it caught me eye, something loomed in the empty shadows of an alley behind us. I did not see who is was, but I knew what it was. It was an incubus, a vampire to you mortals, and he was looking for his night’s meal, and he was looking at me! I saw Daze' face, it flashed only for a second, and if I were human I wouldn't have noticed. But he was a Demonicon, he saw the other demon in the alley, twisted sharply towards him, thats when I saw his face, the illusion faded and his true form was shown to me, he was elegant, a dark-violet platinum color. His eyes were solid black and bottomless, hollow even. I watched as the second slowed to an creep, and yet they seemed to move in fast forward. I heard him hiss a whisper like a serpent, it was smooth yet sharp, like liquid ice. Almost instantly the incubus fazed back into the darkness. Daze quickly returned to me, embracing me. He held me for so long, I didn't want it to end. I wanted him to be my everything, and live the rest of our lives together. I looked up at him, his eyes showed me that I had nothing to be afraid of, and soon neither of us could hold back any longer. He leaned down towards me and the entered into, I think, our second kiss.
The powerful force I felt afterward literally took my breathe away. The dark power within him swelled and burst like the eruption of a volcano, overflowing into the street and alleyways, climbing of the builds walls around us. My Father, his power was massive, and incredible. But, as impressive as his energy was, I saw so much in his soul, so much vigor that was untapped. His potential to be more omnipotent that it could reset the scales of measurement.
He slowly regained his grip upon his energy, and withdrew from our kiss. I smiled broadly at him, though deep down, hiding my thoughts, and hugged him close. We continued to walk until he almost tripped. He turned us towards an apartment entrance. He rummaged through his pockets with his free hand for the door's key. He found it and slipped it into the latch, the door swung open and he lead us into a large unlit room with stairs that seemed to travel up for miles in a serpentine swirl.
Before I knew it, we where in yet another kiss, not like I'm complaining, and he picked me up bride style, I wrapped my arms around him. I felt the air drift around us, like it too wished to be apart of our love, in fact, I don't think either of us were making us rise though the building. It felt so natural to be held by him, to go through the dark empty air.
Everything was going so fast. In blinks of an eye, we were in different places, the doorway, the living room, and finally the bedroom. He ended the kiss abruptly, I thought I had done something wrong. “Is everything okay my raven?” I asked, thinking back to how his energy flowed around like that of a black bird. He was beautiful.
He had a quizzical look on his face. “I am okay sweetness, I am just so happy I have you right in my arms right now.” he began to kiss me again.
Three guys, with my consent, take turns abusing my body until my back passage is constantly being stretched by fat cock and filled with thick cream...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
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- Latin
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- Encounter
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- Locker Room
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- Oral
- Lovers
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- Doctor
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- Jack Off
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- Dorm
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- Uncle
- Twink
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- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels