Parking Lot -- Part Six -- Shish Kabob
Part Six - Shish Kabob
It was pretty obvious that Jack’s bladder had been suffering. We could hear his piss hitting the water for countless minutes, sounding like the bottom of Niagara Falls.
Gary tried to make me feel guilty. “Poor guy. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”
“No. He loves this. What I am is very hungry. How about you?”
“Oh, I could eat.” He looked at the clock to see it was just past 9pm, prompting me to ask the obvious.
“What time are you going to work?”
“I’ve only got two loads tonight. As long as they’re delivered by 6am, I’m covered.”
“That’s probably bad news for Jack. C’mon, I’m gonna make some bacon and eggs. Will that work?”
I put on some shorts and headed for the kitchen, making sure the blinds were closed tight to hide us from the courtyard below. This was the only room in the apartment that was visible to outsiders and I figured those two guys weren’t planning on wearing any clothes for awhile.
I got the bacon started and headed for the bedroom to see what was going on. Jack had finished pissing and resumed his racked position on the bed, while Gary was missing, apparently in the bathroom.
“Hey, Jack, we’re gonna take a break. I’m fixing some eggs.”
He removed his hands from the rails and sat up, looking at his hardened pecker.
“You are gonna let me get off tonight, aren’t you? That’s what I came over here for.”
“Oh, you better believe it.”
I climbed up to kneel beside his tummy, then leaned down and clamped onto the middle of his shaft with dry lips. I crunched the hell out of that compact fireplug, then let go to continue our talk.
“You’re turn’s coming up, but I haven’t eaten since lunch and I’m starving. Besides, I thought you might be a little tired.”
“Yeah, I am a little. Do I get to eat, too?”
“Yes, Jack. When we’re not playing around, I’m gonna treat you like you were my pal, because you are. Does that make sense?”
“I’m your pal?”
“Of course. I don’t let people in my apartment that I don’t like.”
He looked at me like I was the first person to ever be kind to him. Considering most people only knew him as an angry son of a bitch, I suspected I was one of the few who genuinely did like the man.
“Come on into the kitchen with me. We’ll talk there.”
He stood up and started to reach for his underwear, which I didn’t think was a good idea.
“Hey, you don’t need those. They’re dirty and you’re not. No one can see us in there. Don’t worry about it.”
When we got to the kitchen, Gary was sitting naked at the table. He had seen us having our private talk and kindly stayed out of it.
He pounded his fists on the table top. “Where’s my breakfast?”
“I’m getting to it. Cool your shit. Jack sit down and keep him out of my hair.”
They started talking about stuff related to their jobs, while I cooked. Gary had worked for other companies before joining the truck line, mostly on warehouse docks. Jack, on the other hand, started with the company soon after graduating high school. So, even though they were ten years apart in age, Gary only had seven years seniority over Jack.
Funny how they had worked at the same rail yard all these years, but hardly knew anything about each other. With Jack’s hateful reputation the way it was, nobody had ever cared to know much of anything about him.
Gary just had to pester me again. “How much longer on that, Mr. Cook?”
“I didn’t know you wanted any. I’m sorry, there’s only enough for me and Jack.”
“Yeah, you and Jack. Ain’t that sweet?”
I plated the food and served the three of us.
“Hey, Jack. I thought you said you could only get out on Wednesdays. Are you gonna get chewed out?”
“No. I just said that ‘cause I wasn’t sure what you were up to. She knows I go to the tavern every now and then. Never says much about it.”
“So, what made you get un-nervous?”
“I don’t know. I just got to thinking about how much fun we had and realized I was being a wuss about the whole thing. Guess the beers gave me a clearer head.”
Gary piped in. “You are a wuss.”
“No he’s not. You leave him alone. Look at those big muscles he’s got.”
I reached over and squeezed on Jack’s stomach, causing him to sit up straight and puff up his chest, giving me a better feel.
“Mmm, you’re like a brick wall. Do you work out?”
“Not since high school. I just saw your bench and it brought back some memories. I’m like you, once I started this job there was no need for it. I was already solid and my work kept me this way.”
“Sure looks nice. And fun to punch.”
“Ok, Kenny. I can’t eat with a hard on.”
“That juicy cock of yours has been hard since you got here.”
Gary had heard enough. “I can’t eat with you two at the table. What is this a fucking soap opera? You’re both making me wanna puke.”
I jumped up from my chair. “Boo fucking hoo. Who gives a shit about you and your problems?”
Finished, I took my plate to the sink and set it in. “Put everything in here and one of you run some soapy hot water for it to soak. I gotta go piss.”
For some reason, everybody congregated in the bedroom. I already had my ammunition ready to get us back in the right frame of mind. They were both sitting on the mattress and I looked at Jack.
“Goddamn you. I thought I told you to wipe off the toilet after you pissed.”
“I did, Kenny.”
You know, I really did like Jack, but he was a little thick sometimes. Couldn’t the damn fool tell that the game had been restarted? I tried a little harder to get through to him.
“Who told you to call me Kenny? Who gave you permission? There is piss all over my toilet and I wanna know why you did it.”
He pointed to the fellow sitting next to him. “He was in there after me. Ask him.”
Gary had caught on immediately and already had at least six of his nine inches started, so he gladly enlightened Jack as to what was going on.
“Why you back stabbin’ son of a bitch. Get your ass on that bed.”
Jack got in the middle of the bed and received another round of commands.
“Get on all fours, like the cur dog you are.”
Tolsen’s butt faced the railing, as he placed his hands and knees in the doggy style. I could see his fat meat fully engorged and pointing 45 degrees, telling me that he now was with the program.
I tossed Gary the baby oil and one of the few clean towels left, knowing full well where he was going with this play. He lubed himself first and then the ass of his victim, while I stood beside the bed and absorbed it all. I planned to bide my time.
Ryan doesn't want to be in love but all that changes when a new student shows up on a raining day...
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