Full List of our free Real life gay stories
Total: 78, Page: 2
He pulled away from the cam to give the internet audience a better view, and I took a good look at the man’s torso. On his very big right pectoral was a tattoo. It was the World Trade Center with an eagle flying over it. Where had I seen that before?
Added: 24-Mar-2003
Due to the fact that Jason Isaacs is now playing two of the sexiest men in the known world - Hook and Lucius Malfoy, this piece was screaming to be written...
Added: 30-Aug-2003
This is a true story about my first gay experience.
Added: 05-Mar-2002
I had my first gay sex with a guy I had fantasized about for several years. It almost came by accident but it was the beginning of a long steamy affair...