Sammie's Choice: Part 5
I woke gently monday morning to the feeling of hot breath and kisses down the back of my neck. I realised my alarm had been shut off and whoever had done it would be thanked for it later, for this was a nicer, more relaxing way of waking up early in the morning. I squirmed slightly, "That tickles!" I giggled and I felt two arms wrap round my waist. "I almost didn't want to wake you, you look so beautiful when you are sleeping" Ruben whispered, pulling me closer towards his body. I started giggling again and reluctantly started pulling away from him, but Ruben held on tight.
"I need to get ready for school Ruben" I sighed trying to get out of bed, it was a struggle but Ruben finally let go of me and allowed me to step out from under the bedsheets into the cold bedroom air.
"I don't know why you bother with school Sammie, everyone ends up with the same struggle to get a job sooner or later" Ruben said, sitting up-right with my duvet wrapped round his shoulders. Part of me, infact almost all of me wanted to climb back into my warm bed and bunk the day off. But in about half an hour either my mum or dad would come in and tell me to get up, so there wasn't really any point in getting back inside my bed. I smiled at him, pleased he'd come back to spend the night with me, even if I wasn't awake to witness it. "Did you go to school Ruben?" I asked, I don't know why I asked him that, the question just suddenly came to me. Ruben stared at me for a while, his eye got slightly darker. The change in colour was barely visable but I was able to tell. "Yes" he said very slowly and bluntly. "Which school did you go to?" I continued. Ruben's eyes narrowed and his lips pursed slightly, "Not in this country..." he said in the same tone of voice. Something told me to stop questioning him but for some reason I didn't. He knew so many things about me but I knew absolutely nothing about him.
"Ruben where do you live? Like where's your house?" I asked, smiling sweetly
at him, trying to stop him from getting annoyed at me.
"Close by" he replied.
"Are you ever going to take me there?" I questioned. Ruben looked away and his
face turned into a slightly concerned frown.
"I think that would be too dangerous right now..." he whispered glancing back at
me. I was about to ask why and what was so dangerous at his house that he had to
protect me from when I heard my parents bedroom door open. "See you later" Ruben
said walking over and giving me a passionate kiss on the lips. I went to wrap my
arms round him and sink into the amazing kiss but by the time I had raised my
arms he had already disapeared. I dropped my arms and let out a disapointed
"Sammie are you up?!" my mum called through my bedroom door.
"Yup!" I said back, doing up my school trousers and putting on my tie.
"Okay good, would you like some breakfast love?" she asked, opening the door and
poking her head round.
"Yes please!" I answered back and continued to get ready...
When I woke, I didn't open my eyes. I was aware of someone touching me, could hear and feel them breathing therefor I was much to afraid to open them. Whoever was touching me was rubbing something warm and wet over my hands, I assumed it was a cloth of some sort. I heard the sound of a bottle opening and then felt a burning, stinging sensation on the cuts on my hands. I jerked violent and let out a short, sharp shout. I knew I had given away the fact I was awake and opened my eyes. The door was open letting in a good deal of light, I was glad it was, otherwise the room would of still been pitch black. I looked at my cut hands being wiped over with disinfection ointment. My heart was hammering inside my chest as I raised my head to look at the person attending my wounds. I recognized his face! I had seen him before, somewhere, at some point but I couldn't for the life of me remember where. I didn't know his name, his age. Maybe I saw him in a dream once? I don't know. But I knew I wasn't just seeing things. This guy had crossed my path before. I heard a slight ripping noise and then my hands were bandaged up gently and carefully.
Once he had finished attending to my wounds the young man sat back and
admired his work. Suddenly he raised his head to meet my puzzled gaze.
"I take it you didn't sleep well..." he sighed screwing the cap back on the
disinfection ointment and looking back at me. My confusion quickly turned into
"Of course I didn't fucking sleep well! Where the fuck am I and why have you
taken me and locked me up?! I haven't done anything wrong!" I yelled and
struggled to stand up. But for some reason I felt to weak to do so.
"I asked my cousin to make sure you'd be knocked out till the morning time,
obviously he failed me..."
"Knocked out till morning?! Well that just makes everything better!" I said
bluntly. The guy leaned very close to me and stared into my eyes with his yellow
cat-like ones. His mouth hung slightly open and I noticed that his teeth were
slightly sharper than normal. For some reason the combination between his eyes
and teeth made my body freeze up.
"You must of been so afraid waking up in a pitch black locked room. You won't
have to stay here again. It was just out of caution, you don't seem like you
will cause to much trouble during your stay."
"You mean your not going to let me go home?" I said. We could both hear the hint
of fear in my voice.
"Stay for a few days Seth, you never know, you might enjoy yourself."
"How do you know my name?"
"These should be done now..." he whispered, ignoring my question.
"What should be?" I demanded. He reached foward and gently started unwrapping
the bandages he had put on five minutes ago. I couldn't believe my eyes as I
looked down to see that my hands had completely healed up. There wasn't even the
slightest trace of cuts or bruises.
"How did you do that?!" I gasped. The man leaned right against me now, pressing
me on to the floor so that he was laying on top of me.
"Magic!" he giggled gently as he stared at me with pure wonder on his face.
We stayed like that for a while, him pinning me down, gazing into my eyes. I stared back, I didn't really dare to blink or break eye contact with him. One thing I did realise was that my dick was slowly but surely starting to get hard. He was after all extremely beautiful, even if he was scary as fuck. About a minute later I broke the silence...
"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked.
"Nothing. It's just...I have always found humans so facinating. Lions are
stronger, elephants are bigger, cheetas are faster...So why is it that you run
the world?" he questioned, he spoke very slowly.
"Why do you say that? Your human to. You clearly are!" I said even though I knew
he wasn't. I guess I just wanted to believe that this wasn't really happening,
that it was all a dream.
"Your so closed-minded Seth!" he laughed, pulling away from me and kneeling
infront of me. I struggled my way into a sitting position.
" must be hungry" he said standing up. As he did so he held out his
hand. I took it, he pulled me on to my feet and lead me over to the door.
"Are you going to tell me your name?" I asked, half exspecting he wouldn't, but
to my suprised he replied with "Aaron" and then continued leading me through the
dim lighted house without saying another word...
I was sitting in my Science class, the last class of the day and was still worried. I had been worried since my first lesson early this morning. Seth had not shown up to school today. This in itself was perfectly normal as he did sometimes skip school, but normally he would of told me in the morning or the night before that he wasn't going to be in. I had spent my break and lunchtime looking for him and calling him. He was the kind of guy who was glued to his phone and would answer it or reply to a text at the speed of light. Today he wasn't doing either. I had called him four times and sent him two text messages and still there was no reply. My phone signal was fine so I knew that the messages were reaching him. His phone wasn't off either which meant it was ringing...he just wasn't answering. I felt slightly insulted and upset. I thought maybe he didn't want to speak to me anymore for whatever reason. But I pushed that thought to the back of my brain, we hadn't had an argument or anything like that. We were on great terms. There was no way he was avoiding me. So what was it that was keeping him from answering me?
The bell rang and everyone got up from their seats and rushed quickly towards the door. I gathered my books and slowly put them in my bag. My teacher gave me a concerned look but then went back to typing on her computer. As I plodded out of school I noticed my mother's car parked down the road. I thought this was pretty weird seeing as I would normally either walk to and from school or get the bus depending on the weather. I was however relieved to see her as it was icey cold out. I walked over to the car and opened the door. She smiled at me but it looked fake and forced.
"What's wrong mum?" I asked, looking directly at her.
"Seth's parents are waiting at our house. They wanted to speak to you. That's
why i've come to pick you up, so we don't have to wait forever for you to come
"Mum is everything alright?" I stuttered nervously. But she didn't answer. We
drove home in an awkward and empty silence. I gave in and let myself panic over
"Hello..." I said quietly as I entered my living room. Seth's mum and stepdad
Gary were holding a cup of tea each, however neither of them looked as if they
wanted to drink anything.
"Hi Sammie" Gary said, he too had a forced smile on his face.
"What's going on?" I said cautiously. Gary put down his cup of tea and glanced
awkwardly between me and my mother. Seth's mum straightened her shirt and began
to speak..."Seth didn't come home last night Sammie. We rang the school this
morning to ask if he had shown up and he hadn't. We called your home a few
times, Seth came round last night didn't he? When no one answered we descided to
stop by at the house. Your mum was pulling up outside as we did. She said that
Seth didn't sleep round last night. I asked if she was sure and she said she
remembered saying goodbye to him last night, plus he wasn't there when she came
into your room that morning..." Seth's mum blinked her swolen red eyes a few
time, clearly trying not to cry.
"I've been calling him too but he didn't answer. His phone is still switched
on though..." I said in shock. What the hell had happened to my bestfriend?!
"Seth left here at around 8:45 last night. I have no idea where he would of gone
after that as it was already very dark and very cold too. I think your best bet
is to go to the police. I can honestly say I hope he turns up soon. Sammie, Nick
and I will do whatever we can to help you find Seth" my mother said in her most
reassuring voice.
"Thank you..." Gary said very quietly, it was almost a whisper. Seth's mum seemed unable to speak. Her heart was clearly hurting quite badly. My mum gave them both an affectionate pat on the shoulder as she lead them to the door. I rushed upstairs and reached my room when I heard the door close. My mother had sense, she knew it would be best to give me a few hours alone...
I sat in my room for a good half an hour just staring at my bedroom window. Saying one word in my head over and over again. Hoping he would come. I felt a gentle breeze of wind hit my face and I fell back on to my bed. I felt heavy weight pressing me down into my matrasse...then I felt firm but soft lips against my own. I wound my arms around Ruben's neck and pulled him closer into my body. My heart started racing and my veins pulsed. I sucked roughly on his tongue and felt Ruben's large cock swell underneath his faded blue jeans. I leaned my head back and ran my hands down Ruben's slim but toned arms and felt his body shivver. He kissed lightly down my neck getting more excited by the second. I then suddenly remembered my bestfriend and why I had called upon Ruben to come to my house in the first place. With quite a good deal of effort I managed to push him off and sit myself up.
"What happened?" he asked. He looked slightly flustered. His face was pink
and sweaty as he tried to regain some composure.
"Ruben I need to talk to you about something, I think you already know what
about..." I replied. Ruben got up and walked over to my window. Pulling back the
curtain he stared out over my backgarden and beyond. It seemed as if he was
looking at something across from my house but very far away. It was quiet.
"I figured that was the main reason why you wanted me to come. Seth is okay" he said breaking the silence.
"Ruben, his parents are seriously worried. Where is he? Who's taken him and
how do you know he's okay?" I asked. Ruben looked at me, he seemed slightly
pissed off by all my questions.
"He's at my house. He's with my brother and will be safe as long as he stays
where it's safe" he said coldly.
"Where it's safe...Ruben is there something dangerous in your house?" After I
asked that there was another very long and awkward silence. I looked up at
Ruben, who's handsome face was screwed into an expression of deep concentration.
"Tonight" he said suddenly.
"Huh?" I replied, slightly confused.
"Tonight. Call on me once your parents are fast asleep. I will come back and
take you home so that you can meet my family and the other residents of my
house...I didn't want to have to take you there, but if we're going to continue
seeing eachother your going to need to go there at some point. The sooner the
better, we can get it out of the way and then if you dislike it you never have
to go back there again..."
"Okay..." I nodded. I felt as if he was talking in riddles.
"Get washed, dressed and I will see you later okay?" he said. Something was
strange about the way he said "see you later" like he didn't want to return. He
didn't seem to be pleased to see me anymore. There seemed to be a lot on his
mind. He kissed me quickly on the cheek and with a rush of cold air he was gone.
My curtains flapped wildly and I ran over to the window and pulled it shut. I
sat on my bed and sighed. Wishing he had given me one of his beautiful,
passionate kisses rather than a quick peck on the cheek that's most commonly
found amoungst the greating and departure of family members.
"Sammie?! Dinners ready!" I heard my mum call up the stairs. Once dinner was over I ran myself a bath and began my wait for Ruben's return...
"Thank you for that amazing meal Aaron" I said. We were hand in hand walking
up a flight of stairs. I felt extremely comfortable around someone who had
kidnapped me which was strange. However I did feel extremely on edge inside this
house that seemed to have no ending. There were long coridors and winding stairs
all over the place. And obviously I hadn't seen the outside therefor I had no
idea how big the place really was. I also felt as if there were places in the
house that Aaron was avoiding taking me which frightened me a great deal.
"A meal fit for a king!" Aaron chuckled. We reached a dimly lit hallway, the
whole house was dimly lit in fact. Aaron turned to me and asked "I think your in
need of a nice relaxing bath don't you?" I felt a little nervous taking a bath
in a complete strangers house but the idea of sinking into warm, bubbly water
just seemed far to tempting.
"That sounds like a brilliant idea" I replied. He looked at me, just smiling for a bit, then lead me away down the hall.
Aaron opened a large wooden door and gently pushed me inside with little
effort. The room was pitch black and I reached behind me and clinged on to him.
"It's ok" I heard his deep voice say behind me. I heard him strike a match and
then walk over to one of the walls. There was a small basin of some sort in
which he dropped the match inside. With a sound that seemed like a gush of wind,
the fire spread and filled the basin which ran in a half circle around the room,
lighting it up. The room we stood in was made of a dark grey stone. The fire
casting teasing shadows up and down the walls. The bath was the size of a hot
tub. I felt as if I was in a roman bathhouse, the pure sight of it was
spectacular. Aaron walked over to the tub and turned the huge taps on the side
of it. The water flowed out of them like a waterfall and the tub filled up
quickly. He then turned another lever and the water starting bubbling and
foaming. It looked ever so inviting.
"There, i'll leave you to it. I'll be back in about two hours. The water will stay warm so don't worry about that. Enjoy" Aaron told me, then left the room.
I walked over to the door and slid the large bolt across to lock it. I didn't like the thought of someone I didn't know coming in while I was sitting in the bath. I slipped out of my clothes and pulled my socks off my feet. The floor was cold but the rest of the room was nice and warm. There was a little step in which I used to climb into the huge bath. Like a hot tub there were little seat type things inside the bath in which I could sit on. I sat myself down and tilted my head back until it was resting on the side of the bath. "Oh this is nice!" I thought as the water foamed and bubbled around me. I wondered where I was and if I far away from home. I sighed loudly and ran my left hand down my abs. With my right hand I reached up and gently rubbed my hard nipples. I wrapped my left hand around my cock and slowly tugged on it, the bubbling water making it even more pleasurable for me. I stopped stimulating my nipples and my right hand joined my left. I pulled my legs open wide and reached down past my balls and towards the crack of my ass.
I drummed my fingers on my puckered hole, pondering long and hard on whether or not I should do what I was craving. Truth was I needed something long and hard here with me now! The flow of the water, the beautiful bathroom and the thrilling fear of being kidnapped and kept in a house in the middle of nowhere was making me extremely horny and giving me a rush of excitement. With my forefinger and middle finger on my left hand I spread my eager hole. With my right hand I took my middle finger and gently pushed it inside myself. I bit my lip as I felt my enterance spread. I felt hot and tight inside which turned me on even more. I closed my eyes and started moving my finger in and out of my body, thinking about all the guys who had stuck their cocks up there and slammed into me, making me hard and bursting with cum. I wonder how good they felt inside my warm body. If it was difficult for them not to squirt within ten minutes of entering me. I'm sure it must of been. I always loved hearing their grunts and moans and dirty talk as they plowed into me. My hand actions sped up and my hand made a slapping noise between my legs where I was shoving my finger in and out of my rapidly losening hole...
"Are you Aaron's friend?" someone said loudly next to me. My eyes snapped
open and I looked to where the voice came from. The guy who had spoken looked
about twenty-one years old and was rather tall and very muscular. He had his
shirt off and while his face and chest was smooth, he had a line of hair that
started at his belly-button and disapeared into his pants. His eyes were ice
blue and he had messy, dark blonde hair. Despite his muscley body, he was
actually very pretty.
"I wouldn't call us friends...he got his cousin to kidnap me and bring me here"
I said bluntly. I tried very hard to ignore the fact that he'd just seen me
pleasuring myself and the fact that I was completely naked.
"He's always had a weird way of showing his feelings" the man chuckled, showing
a set of straight, but slightly pointy teeth, very much like Aaron's were.
"Are you related to him?" I asked.
"Yes i'm his cousin" he replied, leaning against the wall "However I am not the
one who bought you here. I had no idea you were here actually, I came in for a
bath myself."
"But the door was locked..." I said, glancing over to the still bolted door. He
glanced over to the door "So it is!" he said with a wave of his hand in a voice
which indicated he wasn't interested at all.
There was a moment of silence. I was started to feeling very uncomfortable
which was weird because I was a very confident person. But I noticed he was
studying me closely. "You were really enjoying yourself" he smirked.
"Yeah I guess I long were you watching for?" I asked. I was nervous,
but also really turned on. My hard on hadn't gone down since he'd interrupted
"For a few minutes, I hope you don't mind. I didnt mean to intrude" he replied,
but he didn't look sorry at all. Infact he looked extremely pleased that he'd
caught me.
"No not at all..." I sighed, my eyes trailed down his body and my eyes locked on
to the large outline of his cock through his loose, black trousers.
"My names Darren by the way" he giggled, grinning now as he knew exactly what I
was looking at.
"I'm Seth. Listen, you came in for a bath and your here now. Care to join
me?" I whispered seductively. Darren beamed and walked slowly towards the tub. I
leaned on the side of the bath and pulled him towards me by the waistband of his
"Mmm" I sighed as I rubbed his dick through them. I could feel the warmth coming
through them and couldn't wait to see it. I quickly snapped open the button. As
soon as I did I realised that he wasn't wearing any underwear and his wirey,
black pubic hair was on show. I pulled down the zipper and yanked his trousers
down to his knees. Darren stepped out of them, one foot after the other and
stood in his naked glory, staring down at me. His cock must of been about eight
inches long, about as thick as a large carrot and has a slight upwards curve to
it. He was uncut and the purplish end poked out of it's cover and leaked clear
precum which made his cock glisten.
This part is about my online life. Has sex part as well...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels