Sammie's Choice: Part 6
The vision was fuzzy. Like an old black and white film being projected on a screen. It kept flicking and jumping every ten seconds. The road looked new and fresh, there were no cars and no street lights, however there were plenty of stars. It was quiet, too quiet, even though it must of been pretty late at night. When I got to a street corner I read the sign of the road that I was about to turn into "Millwall Avenue" I said out loud. It wasn't just any road, it was the road I lived down! It looked different. The cars parked in the drive ways were different, the gardens were different and so were the clothes that hung out the window to dry on that surprisingly warm night. It was as if i'd time traveled back to the 70s or 80s. I noticed that I was absent mindedly walking towards my house, it was as if I had no control over my feet. I made my way towards the front door and searched the pockets of my jeans. I found my house key and tried to stick it inside the keyhole however it wouldn't fit let alone turn in the door. Realizing it wasn't going to work I put the small, cold, metal object back inside my pocket.
For some reason I placed my hand against the door and pushed. I was glad I did so as it just opened with a small creak. I wondered why the door wasn't closed fully and why my key wouldn't fit in my own front door. My only thought was that it wasn't really my house yet, but it would be one day. Stepping inside I couldn't believe how different it looked. It was obviously the same house, the layout and design was the same, but the furniture and the wallpaper was completely different. I shut the door behind me, however left it on the latch so it didn't close completely. I made my way towards the stairs and gripped the banister. I paused. "Mum?! Dad?!" I called up the stairs. I don't know why I did that, I knew they weren't home. Not that this was my home right now. I took a deep breath and started to climb the stairs. I was almost one hundred percent sure that I was the only one inside the house. No one had come at me with a baseball bat, ready to attack me for entering their home. The second I reached my landing I stared at my bedroom door. My mind took me back to when I was younger, the atmosphere of the room, spooky and intimidating. I gulped in fear and began walking towards the room. I opened the door and felt the icy cold air hit me. Wow, the chill shocked me every time.
My 'room' was the master bedroom. It had a double bed and was almost definitely the room that the couple of the house shared. However everything looked on trend which left me guessing that the couple were pretty young, perhaps in their mid-late twenties. There was something about the layout of the room. Everything was tidy, too tidy. In fact it almost looked un-lived in. Looking back, so did the rest of the house. No dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, no shoes by the front door, no creases in the bed was like a model home rather than a real one. I walked back over to the door and flicked off the light, leaving the room in complete darkness. I was about to leave when I heard a dripping noise coming from the bathroom I was standing outside of. The kind of dripping noise you get when you don't fully turn off the tap. It was actually pretty loud, and I wouldn't of cared about it at all...if I wasn't so convinced that someone had just turned the tap on while I was in the other room. I was certain that I hadn't heard it on my way past, infact i'd never been so sure of myself in my life...
I pushed the bathroom door half way open and squeezed myself inside the small, dark room. The sink was thankfully close to door and I stepped forwards to turn the tap off. I noticed my hands were a ghostly white, whiter than they normally were. I shut off the tap and turned around to leave. And what I saw chilled me through to my heart. There was a young couple, a man and a woman were hanging from the shower curtain rail with a noose around their necks. Their eyes were wide open and popping out of their heads from the lack of air they received as the rope choked them. The young woman was pregnant, about six months along, however she had clearly been violently stabbed in the stomach multiple times. My heart was pouding and I thought I was about to be sick over the horror that was staring me in the face right at that second. The room became smaller and the bodies started moving closer and closer towards me. I ran for the door but it was locked and the rotten, dead bodies were closing in around me. I slumped down against the door and began weeping patheticaly. All of a sudden the ropes gave way and both of the mangled bodies fell on top of my own and smothered me...
"Sammie? Sammie?!" I heard Ruben bark in my ear, shocking me into a state of
awakeness. When I came around I realized I was crying heavily and shaking like
crazy. "Jesus christ what happened?!" He asked, pulling me towards him so I was
sitting with my back against his chest .
"Just had a bad dream..." I whimpered, resting my head on his shoulder.
"What about?" he mumbled against my neck. I bowed my head and trembled.
"I just want to forget it..." I whispered. Ruben didn't argue with me, in
fact he just pulled me closer and didn't say a word. I appreciated his silence,
as there was nothing anyone could really say to make me feel better. I was glad
it was just a dream. I heard and felt him smell my neck, deeply, properly
breathing in. "Your so beautiful Sammie..." he sighed, his voice penetrating my
mind. I reached for his hand and squeezed it tight, closing my eyes slowly. I
felt as if I hadn't slept at all, even though I must've been asleep for a good
eight hours. Sunlight was coming through the small window to the right hand side
of the room, casting a beam of light through the curtains and over Ruben and I.
"Can I have a shower?" I asked, breaking our silence.
"Of course...but lets lay here just a little longer, it is still very early in
the morning, and you need your rest."
"Why did you sleep with Darren?" I thought, glaring at the back of his head. I hated him, but was falling in love with him anyway. I thought perhaps something was staring to form, when I took him for breakfast, gave him a tour of my home and learnt so much about him. The way he looked at me with his beautiful eyes, the way he smiled and held my hand tightly. I thought I was starting to mean something to him too. But he's just a tease. Would this human that lay before me ever be capable of love? I came closer towards him, closing the bed space between us. He was snoring quietly, his face burried into the pillow. He didn't know I was here, and I didn't really want him to know either. I guess it was kind of creepy, sneaking into his room and crawling into his bed, watching him sleep. It wasn't something I would normally do. Then again, no other living being had ever forced me to behave this way. I felt anger, passion, misery and excitement all at once. I realized my body was shaking as I reached out and placed my hand on his side. I ran my hand up and down him, stroking his body gently. "I love you..." I whispered, kissing the back of his neck. Wow. My body was tingling violently and my breathing sped up. "I wish you were mine" I said slightly louder...
I looked down his naked back. I noticed he had some scars on his back, in the
shape of scratch marks. They were pretty faded so I guess whoever had done it
did it a while ago. But I didn't care how long ago it was, there was something
weird about it, I didn't like it one bit...
My eyes slowly opened about an hour later. I turned my head to the left and looked over at Ruben. He was lying on his back with his eyes open, staring at the cieling. "You didn't go back to sleep?" I asked. Ruben shook his head slowly, but he didn't look at me, just continued staring into space. "Can I go for that shower now?" I said, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Ruben looked at me, his eyes had gotten very dark, no where near black, but definately not as bright as they normally were. "Why do your eyes do that?" I suddenly asked, taking hold of his hand so that he could not pull away and avoid my question.
"Do what?" he mumbled.
"Change colour...When your excited they're bright silver, when your angry or in
deep thought they become dark, almost black..."
"People's eyes do change Sammie. Change colour, change shades, surely you know
that? Your eyes do the same, they're bright blue one day, then a bluish green,
like the colour of the ocean..."
"Don't try and say that stuff to me Ruben" I snapped, cutting him off. "Yes
peoples eyes do change colour, but not like yours. Not to match their mood. It's
like you have controll over the colour or something. Plus...Your not
'people'...your not a person..." I sighed. Ruben stared into my eyes and his
breathing deepend. He looked angry and I could tell he was, as slowly but surely
his eyes started to darken until I was unable to see any colour, just black
lifeless pits of anger. The huge black eyes sparkled like onyx stones. And even
though I was frightened, I was also captivated by pure, haunting beauty.
"What are you?" I said slowly. Ruben looked away from me and down on to the
bed laying beneith us, he looked sad and deep in thought.
"I need time..." he finally breathed out and looked back up to meet my gaze. I
nodded, annoyed but I also understood. Ruben was something extraordinary and if
he needed time to reveal his secrets then I would give it to him. I figured he
was also probally afraid that I would tell someone and that he and his family
would be in danger. I would never tell anyone about Ruben, apart from Seth, but
he knew about him already...
"How about that shower you wanted?" Ruben said, nudging me. His eyes had
returned to their normal colour but had a sparkle in them.
"Yeah that would be great!" I giggled, getting up out of bed and putting my
underwear on. Ruben did the same and then walked over to the door and opened it
for me. The hallway wasn't as dark in the morning as it was last night however
it was still pretty difficult to see where I was going. Something that was
different was the beams of light coming from under the doors and also I noticed
some of the doors down the hall were slighty ajar telling me that a few of
Ruben's family members were awake. We made our way up a flight of stairs which
lead to another long hall way. My cock thickened as I heard some of the noises
the residents of the house were making. Coming from a few of the rooms were
moans, whispers and the sounds of bed springs. I heard Ruben chuckle quietly as
we neard the bathroom.
"It's a bit early to be doing that isn't it?" I said walking into the
bathroom and shutting the door behind me.
"Oh yeah?" Ruben said, raising his eyebrows and coming closer towards me. He
wrapped his arms around me and pressed his face into my neck.
"Ruben that tickles!" I giggled as I felt his wet kisses on my neck.
"Your lips are so soft" I whispered pressing my lips against his. We opened our mouths in unison and he sucked lovingly sucked my tongue. Finally to my disappointment Ruben pulled away and made his way to the shower, stripping off his underwear on the way. I did the same and stepped underneath the warm spray of water. Ruben came behind me and once again put his arms around me. He reached down and rubbed my already hard cock sending tingles through my body. "To early for love making?" he said quietly, nibbling my small ears with his pleasantly sharp teeth. I Pushed his arms away and spun round, dropping to my knees until I was face to face with his large, rising cock. I leaned forwards and began kissing and smelling his balls. I loved the way they smelt and tasted, however the water was quickly washing it away...
I wrapped my hand around his dick and rubbed the spongy head with my thumb. The beautiful organ responded to my touch. Dripping its liquid all over my hand and trembling harder the more I rubbed. I wrapped my lips around his cock head and jabbed my small tongue into his piss slit. Ruben shivered both in pain and pleasure. I bought my mouth further down on his cock and drooled all over his rigid shaft, sliding up and down on it easily as I lubricated it with my spit and his own pre-cum. Ruben groaned and gripped tightly on to my hair. He pushed his hips forwards down my throat, making all of his dick slip in and out of my mouth.
For a while it was difficult to breath, but after a couple of minutes I willingly swallowed his dick whole and enjoy the way it spasmed between my lips. Ruben forcefully pulled my sucking lips off his dick. It was red, swolen and looked almost painful with stiffness. "Get up" he grumbled. I slowly stood up, the aggressive tone in the voice normally would of frightened me, but in my state of pure horniness it just turned me on even more. Ruben bent his head slightly and roughly started kissing me. I felt his strong hands reach round and grip on to my ass, pushing it together then pulling at apart. He started kissing all over my face, even weird places like my nose and eyelids. His lips traveled down over my chin and on to my neck. Suddenly Ruben started pinching my neck with his sharp teeth. It hurt slightly but I didn't care. He bit and sucked harder, getting inpatient at whatever he was aiming to do. He started properly biting me. I feel weird saying this but...It felt absolutely amazing! Pretty soon his strong teeth had broken my skin. I felt blood trickle down my neck which Ruben quickly licked off. He sighed with relief and slowly turned me round.
It was now Ruben's turn to fall to his knees. I bent over slightly, becoming extremely vulnerable to him. I felt his warm hands cup the cheeks of my ass and pull them apart slightly, digging his thumbs inside the crack. I felt him breathing cold air on my hole, making me squirm with pleasure. "Mmm!" I groaned as his wet, pointed tongue came in contact with my small opening. He showed no mercy, forcing his tongue inside me and roughly eating me out, making me soaking wet with his spit and my own excitement produced sweat. "Ughh...Don't stop!" I shouted and reached round to mash his face against my ass.
I felt his talented tongue continue to flick against and prod against my hole before, to my disappointment, he pulled away. Ruben pushed me so I was bending over slightly more and with my ass cheeks still prized apart he stuck his wide thumb into my hole. "Ahh!" I grunted as I felt it prize my hole apart. It hurt but also felt wonderful as he eased it further inside me. He then snatched his thumb out and replaced it with his long middle finger. He began pushing it in and out of my bum chuckling slightly as my warm hole swallowed his finger. Ruben added another finger and began to go faster, fingering me with a good amount of pressure, loosening me up and enjoying the way I panted under the work of his hand. When Ruben removed his fingers I felt empty and loose but I knew it wouldn't be that way for long.
Ruben placed a few loving kisses on my soft cheeks before standing up and holding on to my hips. "Are you ready for this Sammie?" he whispered, rubbing his rock hard dick up and down the crack of my ass. "Yes!" I whimpered, grinding back againt him. I felt him shift about behind me, lining the tip of his cock against my yearning hole. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I heard Ruben take an intake of breath too. Then I felt it. The large pulsing cock press against my small opening. He pushed harder and I felt the ring of my asshole open and allow the head inside. I screamed almost silently, only a tiny squeek came out, but Ruben heard it and lovingly stroked my back. He continued to force more of himself up inside me, moaning softly as he did so. I smiled, knowing that my small, tight body was making him feel so good. Ruben gave one final push and managed to slide the rest of his dick inside me.
The sensation took my breath away and I let out a small yelp of shock. Ruben pulled out half way then pushed himself back in. My hands and feet started to tingle and my knees wobbled slightly. He held slightly tighter on to my sides and picked up a quick rhythem, pumping his hard throbbing shaft in and out of me. "S-So good!" I hissed, biting my lip and throwing my head back so that the spray of the shower ran through my dark, red hair and down my face. He was so hard, so warm and so, so big! My legs finally gave way and I would of fallen to the ground if Ruben wasn't holding me so tightly in his strong arms.
"Just a little longer!" he groaned, grinding his body against mine. His cock now pummeling into my dialted hole, his large, warm balls colliding with my smaller ones each time he shoved himself inside me. Ruben reached round and wrapped his fingers around my hard penis. He began stroking it and my small organ pulsed with pleasure. All of a sudden I felt Ruben's movements change. He began to go slower and seemed to place the head of his cock a certain place inside me and rub himself against my rectum walls. The more he stroked and manipulated my cock the tighter my hole would squeeze him. And the tighter my hole squeezed him the more effective his rubbing against my insides became. When he did so it was like he was pressing a magic button inside me, making my body tremble with pure delight. It was a win-win situation. It was making us both feel good...
Normally my body warned me when I was about to cum. But this time there was nothing. Just an amazing, mind-blowing pleasure that shook me from the inside out. My body jolted as squirt, after squirt flew out of my trembling cock. As I orgasmed my hole tightened around Rubens bulging cock which caused him to start releasing his own hot, sticky load inside of me. "Oh God..." I whimpered as Ruben's spent, slipperly dick popped out of me. Still shaking violently I stood up straight and turned to face him. His lightly tanned skin was slightly pink and very sweaty. His eyes were a bright silver and his canine teeth rested on his bottom lip, looking larger and sharper than normal. I watched as his beautiful, well formed chest heaved in and out and his large penis returned to it's flacid state. Once both of our bodies had calmed down slightly we found ourselves in eachothers arms.
Two guys who randomly meet in a mall restaurant area who really fuck themselves to pieces!
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
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- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
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- Uncle
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- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
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- Cruise
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- Exotic
- Gloryhole
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- Thug
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- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels