Sammie's Choice: Part 7
We kissed again very gently and our fingers wrapped round eachother. Ruben turned me around and began walking me back towards the ladder. "We finished?" I said, confused. It seemed weird that he was taking me back so soon.
"We are now" he breathed deeply and pressed his hard dick against my back. I can't say going down the ladder backwards was much joy. In fact once again my body panicked all the way down, it was even worse this time having Ruben behind me. But then I figured if I was to fall I would just land on the soft snow below me. I landed on two feet with a loud thud and waited for Ruben.
I was sure that he'd just tell me to go back to bed, that he'd had another one of his random mood swings. But he didn't seem angry, his eyes were glowing a bright silver and his breathing was deeper and excited. He impatiently shoved me towards my balcony door and inside my room. Sliding the door behind him he spun round and pulled off his shirt, showing his slim, but well toned body. We both kicked off our shoes, not taking our eyes off of each other.
I went to speak but Ruben shushed me and nudge me towards my bed. I kicked off my tracksuit bottoms and layed down in my underwear and t-shirt. In seconds, his body was on top of mine and our lips were pressed together. He pratically tore my t-shirt off my body and began nibbling gently on my shoulders. I ran my hands down his shoulders and dug my nails into his back. Ruben raised his head and our eyes locked for a moment before the loving, passionate kisses began again.
"God I can't get enough of you..." he gasped and rolled on to his back. I knew exactly what to do and began to slowly kiss down his lightly tanned body. I unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his long legs. His boxers joined them round his ankles and his hard penis flung up in the air, pointing upwards like a rocket ready to launch. I grabbed hold of it and began rubbing the sensitive head, causing Ruben's legs to jiggle about and socked feet to curl.
Once he was pulsing in my hand I leaned over and wrapped my lips around the tip, flicking my tongue against his piss slit. It must've felt good because he let out a quiet yelp and then bit his lip. We had to be quiet, we weren't alone in the house... I wet my lips and began sliding my moist mouth up and down his rigid shaft, only able to fit about half of him in my mouth.
The half outside my mouth I stroked in my fist, feeling his thickness in my hand. He oozed a good amount of pre-cum on to my lapping tongue which tasted salty but also sweet. I began sucking harder on his stiff shaft, I loved hearing him moan softly, trying to keep as quiet as he could. I pulled my mouth off him, his cock glistened with my spit and was soaking wet in my palm.
I just about had time to spread my saliva down his shaft before he rolled me over and put me on all fours. Ruben kissed my ass cheeks and slowly kissed downwards. When he reached my balls he gave me a few quick licks before he continued downwards. I felt his large hand pull my small, firm cock back between my legs and shuddered as he warm, flat tongue licked the sensitive head.
I pushed back and the top half of my penis slid into his mouth. I moaned gently and buried my head into my pillow. A few seconds later I felt his lips begin sucking and his tongue swirling around the sensitive head. My head thrashed about and I reached my hand back and began rubbing the small hole between my soft cheeks. He let my dick fall out of his soft lips. He knew what I wanted.
Raising his head, he parted my cheeks with one hand and landed a kiss right on my hole. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as he began licking softly on and around my opening. I can't really describe what it feels like having someone's hot, talented tongue licking at your hole, but it was a good feeling. Kind of weird, it feels as if your not meant to do something like that, which made it feel even better in my opinion.
I felt my ass being pulled apart again with a little more force and then the tip of Ruben's tongue stabbing inside my hole. I whimpered a little bit and gripped the bed sheets, trying to keep my voice down. The more I opened up the deeper Ruben pushed his tongue in and out of me. As I was on my hands and knees and I looked down between my legs and could see Ruben's dick. It was red, swolen and all together looked painfully hard. I wanted it.
"Ruben..." I whispered. I felt him pull his face away from my butt.
"What is it?" he replied softly.
"I want you..."
"You want me to what?" he said tauntingly, I could imagine him behind me with a
huge grin on his face.
"I want you to make love to me!" I pleaded, pushing my ass out towards him.
"Is that so?" he laughed, squeezing one of the soft cheeks.
"Yessss!" I cried out, I would beg if I needed to. I heard him chuckle again, but thankfully he was kind enough not to continue the agony. I felt him spit directly on my hole, it felt cold compared to the heat coming off his body. I felt the swolen tip of his penis at my entrance. It shocked me everytime how much bigger it was to the hole it was about to pass through. I parted my legs a little more and Ruben began to push. Something I liked about Ruben fucking me was that he was always quick to enter but at the same time gentle. He quickly broke through the tight ring of muscle at my opening and slid his cock half way in.
I let out a short groan. It hurt, being stretched out like that, but I knew the worst was over. I heard Ruben grunt in pleasure and place his hands on my hips, pulling me further back until most of him was inside me. I turned my head around and he leaned over my body. Our lips met in a very passionate kiss which lasted well over a minute. Sure I wanted to be all romantic and loving but the urge to have him fuck me properly was to great. I broke the kiss, pushed my face into my pillow and began flexing my ass muscles around him.
Ruben began sliding his hard dick in and out of my spread hole, picking up his pace and giving me short, hard thrusts. My head tossed about and I began pushing my ass back against him, completely inpaling myself on his cock, taking everything inside. I moaned loudly, so loud that it wasn't covered from the pillow.
Perhaps it was too loud, but I was beyond the point of caring if my parents came in anymore. The bed springs squeaked quietly underneath us as Ruben's breathing picked up. His big, thick cock was rubbing the inner walls of my ass, hitting my prostate, making me tremble with pleasure. Ruben's hold on my hips became tighter and he began making desperate grunts, thrusting powerfully inside me.
"Ugh, I can't hold back anymore" he groaned.
"Mmm, yes! Cum inside me Ruben!" I begged, turning round, raising my body and
kissing him. He wrapped his arms round my body and pulled me close to him, his
breath was on my neck sending tingles down my spine. His right hand went down to
my crotch and he began squeezing and stroking my dick. Sweat poured off my
forehead and rolled down my face, tasting salty on my lips.
I gasped as Ruben's sharp teeth clamped down on my neck, his swollen shaft rubbing constantly against my prostate. My toes curled and I squeezed my eyes shut, collapsing back down on to the pillow, I saw white flashes behind my eyes and squeeled into my pillow. Then squirt after squirt of hot creamy cum flew out of my small erection and landed on the pale bed sheets beneath me. During my orgasm Ruben had his own, his body shook and he bucked his hips harder against me. Then I felt a spray of his own hot juices shoot up inside me. He squeezed hard, digging his nails into my skin. Then released. All was still.
...I felt Ruben's weight lift off me and I took a few deep breaths, waiting for my heart to slow down. I then rolled over and lay down on my back, snuggling deep into my pillow. Ruben lay down beside me and pulled the thick duvet up over us. Then wound his arms round me, his breath still fast and hot on my neck. "That was wonderful Ruben..." I sighed, rolling over and gently kissing his neck. Ruben squeezed me a little tighter.
"Sammie, my family are having a party in the evening, I would love for you to
come, I know that Aaron has invited Seth to join us" he said.
"You sure you want to invite me back to your house,?" I asked, puzzled, seeing
as before he was reluctant to let me go anywhere near his home or his family.
"It will be okay, as my parents are home this time. If I tell them you are
important to me, they will not let you be harmed, my siblings and cousins are to
afraid to disobey them. You'll be back before christmas morning, I promise."
"Sure thing" I replied, slightly nervous.
"Great, we will meet you and Seth in the fields behind your house at around 10?" I smiled and nodded my head. Before resting it on Ruben's well toned chest. I felt his long fingers brush through my dark red hair.
"I love you Ruben" I whispered. I closed my eyes and felt myself drift off slowly. The last thing I heard was "I love you too Sammie". The last thing I felt was a kiss on my head. Then I fell into a deep sleep.
I was woken up by the smell of bacon cooking. Although tired, my stomach was rumbling and wouldn't allow me to get back to sleep. The second thing I noticed was that Ruben wasn't next to me anymore. He didn't seem to like the daytime, probably because more people were around to see him. I sighed and got out of bed. The freezing cold air hit me and I suddenly realized I was still naked. I fell to the floor and grabbed the clothes I had put on quickly during the night when Ruben visited. I put them on and wrapped a scarf around my neck for good measure.
Opening the curtains I saw that the snow had set in a thick layer on the ground. It covered my garden and the fields behind it. Everything looked so beautiful. My stomach gave an impatient grumble yet again. I decided to do as it pleased and wondered downstairs to where a full english breakfast was waiting for me...
The day dragged by extremely slowly. I was both excited and nervous about tonight. I'd never actually been to a party that wasn't thrown by a family member before. But I was also nervous to meet Ruben's parents, I understood that it was a serious thing to meet your boyfriend's parents. Not that Ruben has stated we were boyfriends, I was just guessing after everything we'd done that's what we were.
Plus we loved each other. Both parents obviously knew Ruben and Aaron were interested in guys. Or maybe perhaps there was no such thing as sexuality for...whatever on earth they were. I knew I would have to tell my parents at some point. But no way were they meeting Ruben. I looked so young and he looked in his early twenties, even though I knew he was much older than that, my poor mother would probably have a heart attack if she saw him.
I knew Seth was equally as nervous, we had been exchanging text messages all day. It felt like years until it finally reached 9 and I was able to take a shower and start getting ready. Due to the freezing cold, snowy weather, I couldn't really wear anything nice or flattering. But I made the best of what I was wearing and styled my hair, knowing full well that as soon as I stepped outside the harsh wind would blow it into a mess again.
Finally I heard my parents say goodnight and get into bed. I waited for about half an hour, then slowly made my way down the stairs, holding my shoes in my hand. Very quietly I sat at the bottom of the stairs, pulled my jacket on and slipped my shoes on. I bit my lip as I opened the door, it made a loud squeek as it normally did. I paused and listened. No noise.
But I wasn't risking it, checking that my keys were in my pocket, I squeezed
through the tiny gap i'd made and out into the cold air, being as careful as I
could I closed the door behind me and turned to face Seth, who had text a few
moments ago to tell me he was outside.
"Hey!" I breathed quietly as we made our way round the side of my house and into
the back yard.
"Hey..." he whispered back, a nervous smile spreading across his face. We strolled our way down the garden and out through the backgate, making us far away enough to be able to talk normally.
"Sammie i'm so nervous!" Seth giggled, linking his arm in mine and holding me close so that our body heat radiated off each other. We trudge through the fields behind my garden, feeling the snow covered grass crunch behind us. The walk seemed to take forever, I wasn't sure if it was the anticipation of the night ahead, or the cold weather, longing out our march.
But soon we came to the end of the second field, climbing over the fence and finding ourselves at the side of the deserted country road. And there we waited, neither Ruben or Aaron had showed their faces yet. My back ached and I wanted to sit down, but obviously the floor was covered in snow so I could not. About five minutes passed till finally we saw the two of them on the other side of the road.
Aaron beamed brightly at the sight of Seth. But Ruben's face remained serious as we crossed the road and made our way towards them. But there was a twinkle in his eyes, and even though his face looked blank, I knew he was smiling inside. I reached him and he pulled me close, I heard him smell me and then lick my neck slightly. I giggled a little, Ruben was kind of weird.
Seth and Aaron on the other hand seemed far more passionate. Seth had told me that Aaron would visit him like Ruben did to me, and that they kissed and touched each other but nothing more. It seemed weird for Seth, who was someone who often had no-strings attatched sex, but I was glad he had finally found someone worth the wait.
Ruben took hold of my small hand and lead me up the front path towards that beautifully haunting mansion that he called his home. Aaron knocked on the door...
The house had completely change from the last time I was there. As soon as we walked in we were hit by loud christmas music that could not be heard from outside. Either side of the staircase were two gigantic christmas trees heavily decorated. In the middle of room there was a long table, filled with platters of food and many bottles of wine and Champaign.
But the main thing was all of Ruben's family were inside. Laughing, dancing and picking at the food. Pretty much everyone had a glass in their hand and all had bright smiles on their faces. There was no way you would ever imagine that these 'people' were dangerous. It seemed weird, seeing people walking around when the last time i'd been here it was pretty much deserted.
I was also surprised that no one seemed to be paying much attention to us. Perhaps Ruben had told them not to make us feel uncomfortable, or perhaps they were staring at us but secretly. I wasn't sure. Despite the way everyone else was acting Jules seemed to spot me from across the room.
"Hi guys!" he smiled and he rushed across the room, his skin luminous as always.
"How are you today Julian?" Ruben said coldy. I saw Aaron stand slightly in front of Seth, it was barely noticeable but I still spotted it.
"Great thanks. Hi Sammie!" He grinned. There was something red on his teeth. I stared at it, was it wine, some sauce from something he'd been eating, or...blood? I wasn't sure, but Ruben saw what I was looking at and quickly whisked me away. He placed his arm round me, making me feel safe and secure. Seth and Aaron followed behind us.
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels