Savage Lust. Chapter1 : Forbiden love.

(Part 1 from 1. Fiction.)

Note : This story is completely fictional!

Winter, 1864,

the wind wipped through the dense forest of the mountains, snow had covered the ground in a soft white fluffy blanket and the skies were clouded only slightly as the snow fell. Chief Wolf Soul sat proudly upon his mighty steed looking down a wide cliff edge looking down into the bowel valley where his tribe went about their winter days in their secluded home. all around were rocks and mountain sides and trees. this place was at the base of the mountain a wide but shallow gourge in it's base where the tribe was hidden from the new white settlers.

Wolf Soul had taken his people here to hide from the pale faced who had already killed half his tribe, and his wife; the beautiful Raven Wind whom Wolf Soul's father matched to him. She was beautiful, long dark hair. shimmering brown eyes. and skin of delicate copper. Wolf Soul had been happy yes but he felt something else with her. not love. maybe love of a friend but a passion in his groin told him who he would really love. a man.

Wolf Soul looked to the four passegways that led into his village. there were no signs of anyone comming yet he felt something was. something important. something.. beautiful yet dangerous. he rode back down the cliff and into the village where he put his steed into the stables away from the snow he stepped back outside and smiled into the cool breeze. he had breeches made of warm doe skin and a tunic made of warm elk skin which did little to hide his rippling biceps and buldging pecs. he was muscled and well toned from years of hunting and fighting even thouhg young wolf soul was of only 18 winters. in four days he would have walked the earth for 19 winters. he suddenly heard the neigh of a horse and the trotting of a large horse the tribe stopped all activites in fear.

Warriors assumed their positions ready to fight. at the northern entrance, leading to the white man's village some possibly 20 or 30 miles away over another mountain formation came a tall deep red Clydesdale with the traditional snow white hair around the hooves came trotting in with a bundle of... something on it's back. it's strong powerful legs pushed the snow away as if it were just walking in a shallow pool of whtie. Chief Wolf Soul walked up to the large horse, who had to be at least 6ft at the shoulder and panting heavily. it's hot breath showed like steam in the air as it stopped infront of the great chief. wolf Soul had to look up to see the animal face to face and Wolf Soul was a reasonably tall man. 5"10 or 11 at least.

He stroked the horse's muzzle and looked at the bundle it carried. Wolf Soul laid a hand on it. the bundle twitched and Wolf Soul took his hand away to see blood on it. "Quickly! get the Shaman!" Wolf Soul said and pulled the fabrics off to see a wounded... white man! Wolf Soul gasped and debated smacking the horse's behind and letting it gallop off but there was something about the man. no he was a boy. only as many winters as wolf soul himself. lean, but wolf soul could see if he were healthy he'd be nearly as strong as him if not stronger! and his face... oh truly a sight to behold! it was snow white, soft at the sight, he had long flowing blonde hair tied back in a pony tail that was sadly bloodied up. his neck was full of stronge muscles and his chest..! wolf soul felt weak at the knees looking upon the boy infront of him. he looked at the boy's wounds. bullet wounds, wolf soul wasn't really surprised.

But the wounds were dangerously close to vital organs, he looked at the body more closely. the boy was naked! he could see everything even.. oh! his glorious manhood that made wolf soul's heart leap into his throat. the boy must have been 9 inches long soft! wolf soul was only a mere 8.5 inches soft but he was still larger than his other men in the village. he looked at the boys thighs, strong, like his own. his calves showed promice of a strong runner.. yes. wolf soul HAD no.. NEEDED to have this man for himself. who cared if his skin was white as the snow he was now beginging to drip blood appon and make it red. yes... like his blood wolf soul would make the white red and have..him.. for..his...own!

it took hours for the Shaman to work his magic on the wounds for they were so deep and horrible. Wolf Soul refused to leave the man's side untill he awoke. the shaman had done all he could for the man and had laid him to sleep by the fire with warm pelts and food for when he awoke, and still wolf soul hadn't left his side. Wolf Soul had nearly fallen asleep when he heard the boy groan. he looked up and the boy's eyes fluttered open. he looked over at wolf soul and jumped wanting to run. Wolf soul laid a gentle hand on the boy's chest and smiled. "You are safe, you are with friends." he said softly and the white man seemed to calm.

Wolf soul shook feeling the man's muscles under the pelts. "What is the name you are called by?" he asked. the boy was nervous but finally replied.. "Ashton.. Ashton charles." "Well Ashton, my name is Wolf Soul. i am chief of this tribe. " he said calmly fetching a bowel of soup and holding a wooden spoon full of it to the boy's lips. the boy slowly opened his mouth and took in the first bit of food he had had for days wolf soul fed Ashton untill all was gone. "Ashton. may i ask why you are wounded so terribly?" wolf soul asked handing ashton a cup of water. Ashton swollowed it in two gulps and sighed. Wolf Soul longed for his cum to be what ashton was swollowing but now wasn't the time. he'd wait. "I was cast out by my lord. i was one of his slaves and i was wrongly accused of treason. i was shot then left for dead. i managed to get on my horse and run but i suppose the horse took me here.." Ashton replied looking around. Wolf Soul couldn't hold it any longer, he saw the loyalty and the love ashton had in his eyes for him. probably just for saving him, but he had to take this chance.

Wolf Soul laid Ashton down and kissed him gently on the lips. at first ashton protested but then relaxed as he felt the power and love from the indian. he kissed back with full force and wrapped his arms around the Chief's strong bare back and felt his muscles. when Wolf soul felt this touch his heart fluttered in his chest and he brought his whole weight down apon the boy. he started to remove what clothes they had and when Ashton was laying splendidly nude below Wolf Soul the two went wild on eachother. sucking, nibbling, whispering into eachother's ear. and finally touching. Wolf Soul took Ashton's warm member into his mouth and pushed it deep into his throat sucking wildly on the boy who squirmed and moaned loudly for all the village to hear. "wolf soul my chief! take me! take my virginity from me! it is yours it is yours!!" Ashton moaned with a passionit furry like no other.

Wolf Soul took his memeber and rubbed it around Ashton's hole. Ashton moaned and pulled wolf soul over him, kissing him as the large thick member, now erected to 9.5 inches slid deep inside him. he moaned and groaned and whimpered from the pain and pleasure that mixed within his body and soon moved in time with Wolf Soung's rythm pumping, grinding, pushing pounding! deeper and deeper. harder and harder. faster and faster they went for so long untill finally together they both came in ecstasy moaning with delight as their love juices fused with their bodies and ultimetly ended with pants and smiles. Wolf Soul took his softening member out of Ashton and fell beside the young boy. they held eachother for the rest of the night as they murmered sweet nothings to eachother and purred to each other. listening to their heart beast and staying warm by the fire sharing a single pelt.

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