Sentinel High School Home of the Brave
Cody’s alarm clock was yelling at him to get up, screaming for him; it is the sole purpose of an alarm clock to wake his owner and all five of Cody’s alarms were doing their life work. Cody finally gave in and acknowledged the nearest clock by hurling one of the shoes next to his bed at the shrieking clock. After a stressful ten seconds all of the alarm clocks were turned off. He started his mourning routine get up, turn off the alarm clocks, take off his underwear, walk to his bathroom, turn on the shower, and wash his hair, body and face all with his eyes closed. As he jumped out he started to think to himself, how much he enjoyed having his own bathroom. At his old house he would have to share with his dad’s girlfriend’s sons. There new house was way bigger and nicer and everyone had their own bathroom. Cody stopped and looked at himself in the mirror for a little while.
His body was the work of a few years of long work outs and the refusal to eat junk which he sometimes wished had. He had nicely developing pecks a great six pack and bitchen biceps; he even like his bubble ass. After the short break to observe himself he decided to get ready for school. This part of his routine was shorter and faster since he was awake. He went back to the bathroom to fix his hair, using some hair gel he fixed his medium length blonde hair to the style he liked. Cody went to grab his keys, wallet, iPod and cell phone; he just got a blackberry something his father told him he did not need but Cody wanted to get it anyway. He looked at the time on the phone and yelled. “Fuck, I’m gonna be fucking late again!” Cody’s frequent tardiness was an ongoing problem with the school. He started to grab the rest of his shit for school and run of. As he ran down the stairs and past the kitchen he heard his dad yell “Hey, hey, hey slow down there chief were you going without breakfast?”
“Cant stop dad gonna be late- again!” Cody shot back before closing the house
door behind him. He then jumped in his 2007 ford mustang, his 18th birthday
present from his dad last week. He was just about to leave when Will and Nick
ran out of the house they were Hailey’s sons. Hailey was his dad’s most current
girlfriend in a long chain since his mom died eight years ago.
“Hey Cody can we get a ride?” Cody knew he was gay he had known for a long time
now. He had also had a crush on both Will and Nick since he meet them four
months ago. Cody nodded to them.
“Ya hop in.” They both got in Will sat in the front. Will was nineteen, he had been held back in 6th grade so he was still in high school. He was taller than Cody and very muscular and tanned. Cody was always jealous when he saw Will without his shirt on. He was blonde with green eyes that Cody just loved. Will was very manly he also played pretty much every spot the school offered football, soccer, basketball, baseball and the list goes on. Nick did not really look anything like his brother which Cody thought about frequently. He wondered if they really shared the same father, there mom was a slut. He had greens eyes to but a different kind of green that was still intoxicating. Nick did not have blonde hair like everyone else in the house; he had brown hair. Nick was seventeen he also had a different kind of body then Cody and Will. Nick had a swimmer’s body, built but not big like Cody and Will. After they were all in Cody drove to their school. Once they got their Will asked them if they wanted to go for lunch down at the mall with Mitch and Gabe. Cody and Nick both agreed. “Alright I’ll drive meet me here at 12:20” Cody told them. Cody did not just like the physically he liked hanging out with them too. Cody grabbed his bag and headed to his first class.
Cody hated school he was only there to play on the school teams he wanted a scholarship so he could continue playing for a team. There were four classes everyday and three of them were before lunch. Sometimes this was a good thing the day usually seemed to go by very fast but if you were hungry the day moved at a snail’s pace. The classes switched every day so he had eight classes but only went to four every day. Cody’s second class was Biology; this was his second favorite class. Not because he like Biology or learning about anaerobic respiration but because it was one of three classes he had friends in he enjoyed talking to. Will and His friend Chris were in this class as well as Gabe. Gabe was one of his old Nabors that he uses to hang out with when he was younger. Now Gabe was a student teacher, who worked in a few classrooms in the school.
Will and Cody were not permitted to sit on the same side of the classroom because they talk too much and distract the class. Chris was still close enough to talk to though. They had broken up into lab partners Cody was pared with Chris a great surprise his teacher did not usually allow Cody to work with anyone who was cool or knew them meaning of clean clothes. He moved to their station and sat down. He started to day dream while the teacher drowns on about something he thought was useless. He lowered his head and started to read the writing on the desk when he noticed something interesting. He noticed out of the corner of his eye a large bulge in Chris’s pants. Wow Cody thought to himself Chris looked like he was pretty well off with a bulge like that. A little while after Cody started looking at Chris’s Bulge he saw him move his hand and gave his crotch a few rubs though his nice basketball shorts which left very little to imagination. Without meaning to Cody let out a quiet moan. Chris turned to him and asked “Huh?”
“Oh, umm I didn’t say anything.” Cody spat out. They continued with the class making sure to keep his eyes away. He did not want people to find out he was gay. The class finally ended and Will, Cody and Chris headed out. Cody’s next class was his favorite P.E. this was most people’s favorite who did not like getting out in the fresh air and moving around. Cody liked it because he got to check glimpses of shirtless men. Cody got down to the changing rooms and saw Chris go in to the changing room. He wondered why Chris did not have P.E. right now. He caught up to him “Dude what you doing down here?” the locker rooms were on the bottom floor of the school.
“I don’t have a class right now so I thought I would hang out with the P.E.
class. More fun than sitting in the caf doing my homework.”
“Ya um dude, you can’t even read how could you possibly do your homework.” Cody
said razing his eyebrow.
“Very funny you ass!” They got to their lockers which were a little farther away
from everybody else. Their lockers and the ones around theirs were reserved for
the spots teams. They got ready for gym taking of their shirts Cody got a good
look at Chris while his shirt was over his face. He had a nice body very close
to Nick’s. He had small Peck and the best abs Cody had ever seen. Chris was on
the swim team one of the best competitors. It was obvious and showed he did not
need big huge pecks like Will and himself they would only slow him down. But he
did have great abs and biceps. Cody was extremely jealous of his abs he worked
out religiously and had a great six pack but Chris’s eight pack was far
Chris pulled his shirt off Cody always like his face too. Chris had Dark brown black hair and light blue eyes. Cody loved his eyes they were great with his dark hair. Chris was also quite a bit taller too. Cody was also getting ready for gym while he watched him undressed waiting for him to change his shorts so he could get a glimpse of his bulge again without seeming to obvious. He finally pulled down his nylon basketball shorts. Cody felt like it was his birthday again Chris was wearing some tight black Calvin Kline Briefs. They hugged his lower body very tightly giving everyone a great idea of what they were hiding. Cody almost forgot to breath he could not believe what he was seeing. He was very well endowed. Cody was ripped back into reality he did not want to get caught he heard what happened to that fag Josh who got beat up last month. They finished getting dressed and went out to the field to start the class.
Most people who meet there coach would recommend he be fired and jailed. He was as mean and strict as they come. It was worth it though Coach Logan was a winner his team made the nationals every year for the last decade. They were playing football today.
“Holy Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck do you retards think you’re doing the
fucking ballet!” Coach’s face turned all red. They knew they were in trouble
now. “Anders, Hillis Center it now!” Cody and Chris ran toward coach and stood
straight awaiting instructions. “You two are playing like a bunch of ten year
old girl scouts. You’re running like fat pregnant women! Shirts off now!” This
was not that uncommon coach was a big enforcer of the don’t eat crap diet. They
both took their shirts off quickly “Hillis!” Coach yelled at Chris. “You look
like you’ve been eating junk? Huh you want to be a gigantic moron huh so fat you
can roll down the fucking hill you dumb thunder cunt!”
“No sir” he quietly replied
“No what you have not been eating junk or no you don’t want to be a fat cunt?”
“Sorry sir…” before he finished coach interrupted.
“I don’t give a fuck hit the track maybe you can work off some of that shit you
touch you bitch get out of my sight.” Chris did not need to be old twice he
bolted heading for the track in the upper field. Coach turned to Cody.
“Anders…” coach paused and looked over Cody. “You look like your staying away
from the shit. But Hillis is your team mates if he hurts you hurt join him”
“Sir how long do you want us to run?” He knew it was a mistake the second he
said it.
While we talked, I started rubbing his upper thigh to gauge his reaction. When I didn’t get an adverse response to my hand on his thigh, I moved it up a little to see if he was hard yet. He wasn't. He seemed apprehensive, but who wouldn't in his position. When I let my hand rest on his crotch, Trevor confessed to me that, “I’m not that big down there.”...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels