Short Term Relationship.
Note: This story is completely fictional. It’s 100% made up and any similarities to real life are purely coincidental. This story contains graphic descriptions of adult gay situations.
Authors Note: Hi, welcome to my story “Short Term Relationship.”, this is not a series. I thought I would attempt a one off short story to tide you over until the start of my next big series which I am currently working on. Also it gave me a nice break from my other story and I found it really enjoyable to write. I hope you enjoy reading it! :)
*** Short Term Relationship.
Hello there. Entries like this usually begin with a name, but I’m not going to tell you mine for the simple reason that I would rather remain anonymous. I will however tell you that I am 23 years old, I am male and I am gay. I am single now but I haven’t been for very long, a matter of hours to be frank. I was with Gabriel for less than one day and already our relationship is over. I feel like I need to tell this story to somebody, but seeing as I am closeted and nobody I know has any knowledge of my homosexuality, I don’t really have anybody to talk to. So I thought I would tell my story to you, who knows, maybe you will even enjoy hearing it. So anyway, here goes nothing.
My story begins at half past four in the afternoon yesterday, in the small café diner on the corner of Herring street down by the beach at the bottom of the hill. It was a hot day yesterday as you will remember, so the cool climate in the air conditioned café was a welcome relief after spending practically the whole day lying on the beach under the baking hot sun. I stared out through the dirty diner window at the incoming ocean waves as they gently licked at the sand. As I sipped from my cup of tea, white with two sugars, I noticed a chap, about my age, or maybe a little younger, staring at me from the table in the other corner of the room.
He was sitting alone like me, with a bacon sandwich on a small white plate and a glass of what I assumed was lemonade with ice and a green wedge of lime. He was a good looking man, he had medium length sandy blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes, smooth tanned skin with a small blemish on his top lip. He simply watched as I drank my tea and I couldn’t stop myself from looking back across the room into his vacant, yet enticing blue eyes. He smiled at me and gestured with his hand for me to come over and join him at his table. I saw no reason why I shouldn’t and thought it would be rude not to, so I stood up, plucked my cup of tea from the table and walked over to where he was sat, still subtly smiling. I took the seat opposite him and placed my tea cup on the small glass table. It made a ‘clink’ sound as it hit the hard glass surface.
“Hello” he said, “I’m Gabriel”, as he offered me his hand as a greeting.
I shook his hand in politeness and replied with a basic hello and I told him my name. He asked me what I had been doing that day and I told him that I had been simply relaxing on the beach and watching the world go by, which of course turned out to be exactly what he had been doing also. Anyway we began conversing and amazingly, we seemed to get on like a house on fire. We had a lot in common. We both enjoyed literature, movies and walking. As the conversation developed, I found myself becoming increasingly focused on his attractive face. I watched his plump, almost shiny red lips pucker and stretch as the words flowed effortlessly from his wonderful mouth. His blue eyes were like nothing I’ve seen, so deep and full of life. I watched them dart sharply up and down, from side to side as he took casual glances around the café and out of the window before returning his gaze to the depths of my soul. You can imagine my embarrassment when I was unable to answer his question. The fact was that I hadn’t heard it because my attention had been fixed onto his pure and amazing, undeniable beauty.
I felt most ashamed as I asked “Sorry, what was the question?”.
He giggled pleasantly as he smirked and peered out of the window shyly and re-asked me his question; “Do you come here often? Or is this your first visit?”
I was sure from his shyness that he had picked up on my frankly blatant attraction to him. I tried to regain my dignity by looking him in the eye and answering his question as best I could. I assumed when he asked me if I came here often, that he was referring to the area, the beach as opposed to the cafe.
“Yes I come here as often as I can get away with,” I replied with a smile, doing my best to make eye contact without my words disappearing into the oceans in his eyes, “I live not far from here so I like to come here in my free time and relax. And what about you? Do you come here much?” I asked trying to shift the focus back onto him to cover my embarrassment.
He proceeded to tell me that he owned a property just around the corner which he used as a holiday home so that he could get away from the pressures of everyday life. He had been staying there for the past week and was on his way back to his primary home tomorrow.
So anyway, we continued to talk for what I predict must have been the next quarter of an hour or so, and as I said, we got on like a house on fire. He had obviously felt the connection too, because the next thing I knew, we were leaving the café together! He had invited me back to his holiday home so that we could continue our conversation in peace and so he could show me around his property which he had been telling me about.
While walking, I noticed that he would occasionally sneak a look at the posterior of the gentleman who was walking in front of us. I had suspected that he might too be homosexual back in the diner when he shyly shrugged off the fact that I was obviously attracted to him, but I didn’t know for sure. Now however, it was beginning to become clearer that he was indeed gay just like myself. Again I noticed him watching the young man’s pert buttocks, hypnotically swaying from side to side as he walked. I couldn’t resist it.
“See something you like?” I asked suggestively, giving him a gentle nudge with my elbow.
His head darted swiftly up, his eyes widening as he looked back at me. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t need to, his blushing cheeks said it all. I knew from that moment for sure that he was gay.
“Don’t worry,” I reassured, “you’re in good company”.
He smiled at me and placed his hand upon my shoulder. I know it sounds ludicrous but that was the first time we had made physical contact since we originally shook hands, and it sent electricity through my body in its entirety. The simplest of touches can occasionally have the most profound effect on a person, if the situation is right. He removed his hand and we continued to walk. We turned into a side road, leaving the pert bottomed young man to depart down the main street.
Gabriel then raised his arm and pointed to a gorgeous villa type building at the end of the short road. I had never seen anything like it in my life, beautiful. It was a single story building, white with big glass windows covering what must have been around fifty percent of its front face. It was surrounded with luscious greenery, with a white gravel driveway leading right up to the main entrance. I felt my bottom jaw fall away from the rest of my face and I stopped dead in my tracks. Gabriel then casually remarked:
“This is it”.
I paused before replying in shock “That’s your holiday home?”!
“Indeed it is. Do you like it?”
“Like it? It is fabulous!” I exclaimed in a rather camp fashion.
He laughed quietly and smiled again before moving off and heading toward the small understated metal gateway, swinging it open and gesturing with his hands for me to enter. I acknowledged his hand movements with a polite nod and stepped eagerly through the open gateway onto the drive. The gravel crunched and shifted around noisily under my open summer footwear as I steadily trod forward in the direction of the stylish glasswork entrance. When I reached the steps to the elevated front porch I stopped and stood to one side. Gabriel walked past me and climbed the steps. He placed his readied key into the lock, twisted it ninety degrees and with a push the door swung open. He entered and stood on the other side of the doorway. Holding the door open he said;
“Come on in and I’ll go and brew us some tea”.
“Sounds like an excellent idea” I agreed, and I followed his lead into the hallway.
“Am I to take it that you approve of the house then?” Gabriel questioned sarcastically, a wry grin appearing on his face.
I just smiled at him as I took notice of how strange I must have been acting from his point of view. I turned my attention back to him, although I still took the opportunity to admire our fine location at every chance I got. It was just as sleek and stylish inside as it was out let me tell you, I would give my left arm to be the owner a house like his holiday home. I can only imagine what his primary home must be like; I should imagine it to be quite superb. One thing which did strike me though, was the distinct lack of pictures or photographs; in fact I didn’t really see any in the short time I was in the house. In the brief period in which I thought about it, I did think it was strange, however I shrugged it off, ‘he probably keeps his photos in his primary home’ I thought to myself.
“How do you take your tea?” Gabriel asked closing the glass door with his right hand and placing his keys down onto a small wooden table with his left.
“White, with two sugars would be lovely” I replied.
“Ah, a man after my own heart.” He commented back.
I followed him through to his surprisingly basic kitchen and we continued to talk about relatively boring things until the tea was ready to drink and he invited me outside onto his patio, where I noticed that he had a swimming pool.
“Do you swim?” I questioned in the hope that we might take a dip at some time.
It was such a hot day and I would have taken any opportunity to cool off. Also, the notion of seeing Gabriel, as stunning as he was, in only a pair of swimming shorts only added to my desire to get into the pool.
“I do, in fact I greatly enjoy a splash in the pool every now and then. I had it built in the summer of last year because I was tired of having to wash the salt from my eyes after a swim in the ocean” he answered taking a sip of his tea.
“Oh my, yes!” I responded in certain agreement, “Isn’t it atrocious when you get sea water in your eyes!”.
“It most definitely is. I mean I love a swim in the sea as much as the next man but I much prefer my nice clean swimming pool. Hey do you feel like a swim?”.
I was overjoyed that he had picked up on my subtle hint. I felt like my prayer had been answered, that was until it dawned on me that I would now have to suffer that awkward moment when we would each have to strip down in front of each other. It was too late now however, it would have been rude of me to turn down his very kind offer after I had dropped the hint in the first place. I had to accept Gabriel’s invitation, so I did. Thankfully I then was able to calm myself a little as I remembered that I was already wearing my swimming shorts underneath my short-cut trousers from when I had been in the sea earlier that day. However, I would still have to control myself, body and mind, as Gabriel readied himself for a swim, so I wasn’t quite out of the woods yet.
As we walked over to the small white table and chair set which sat next to the pool, it was Gabriel who made the first move. The first thing he did was place his cup of tea on the floor, down by the side of the pool, bending over in front of me as he did so. As you can imagine, that didn’t help one bit in terms of trying to control myself! I felt myself twitch down below as I got the most amazing view of Gabriel’s perfect round buttocks, still in his tight black trousers as he lowered his tea to the ground in front of me. If I didn’t know better, I’d have to say that he was acting deliberately. Surely he could have just put his tea on the table otherwise.
He raised his upper body back upright after releasing his grip on the tea cup. Then, turning towards the garden chair which sat by the corner of the swimming pool, he placed his hands underneath his light blue t-shirt, and pulled it majestically and swiftly up over his head. I had a side on view as his stunning, and quite perfect body was revealed like some epic prize on the world’s greatest game show. I simply stared like a fool as he threw the t-shirt over the chair and moved onto the button on the waist band of his trousers. I’m almost positive that he knew I was watching his every move, but at least he didn’t seem to mind it. After tweaking the button undone and sliding down his zipper, he removed his hands from his trousers and used them to remove his footwear. He then stopped and turned to look at me.
“Oh my, I almost forgot I had company” Gabriel remarked as if he didn’t know I had been gawping at him like the local village idiot. “I’ve gotten so used to being here alone that I was about to dive in naked. Do forgive me, you must excuse me while I go and find something suitable to wear in the pool. Why not go ahead and jump in, I’ll be back right away.”
I was so turned on by the thought of this super sexy man swimming naked that I almost told him not to bother with the swimwear, but I didn’t want to overstep the mark so I allowed him to leave.
“I’m in no hurry,” I said out of politeness, “I’ll just get in like you suggested”.
As soon as I saw him disappear into the building, I rapidly whipped my t-shirt off over my head, removed my sandals and my short trousers as well as my wrist watch so that I was wearing only my baggy white swimming shorts, and I jumped into the pool with a splash. At least I would no longer have to go through the awkwardness of having to remove my clothes in front of him. Although I do my best to keep in a good shape, and I feel that I have a reasonably pleasant looking body, I knew I was nothing compared to Gabriel!
I swam slowly over to the opposite end of the fairly small pool, relishing the feeling of the cool water flowing pleasantly over my smooth skin. It was so refreshing, I really needed to cool myself, and this felt like the perfect way to do it. When I got to the other side, I turned back around to face the house and I leant up against the side of the pool to wait for Gabriel to return. At the risk of appearing over interested, I wanted to give myself the optimal view when he came back.
To my surprise, when Gabriel re-emerged from the house, he was still wearing his half undone black trousers from before. I felt disappointed that I was deprived of the chance to see this stunning young gentleman leave his house, walk towards me and enter the water in nothing but a pair of swimming trunks. I had been looking forward to it tremendously, but it now appeared that it would have to remain a fantasy for me. It was then however that my disappointment faded and was replaced with massive anticipation and excitement as he called across the patio:
“Well, it appears that I have misplaced my trunks. I’m afraid I don’t normally bother with the darn things, and so I have no clue as to whether I even own a pair anymore. Would it bother you if I went without?”
I just stared at him, mouth ajar, completely unable to produce any words. I felt like Christmas had come early. He stared awkwardly back at me for a few seconds before I realised that I had to answer his question soon, or he’d begin to think of me as an utter buffoon.
“N-not at all” I managed to stutter nervously.
I felt my manhood twitch once more as my brain came to terms with what was about to happen. By this time, I was experiencing a deep lust for Gabriel. I didn’t know how I was going to control myself when it would happen. All I knew was that I was unable to remove my eyes from the gorgeous figure of a man in front of me.
“Hmm…” he sounded cautious, “are you sure it won’t bother you? I could always go and search again if you wish?”
“No, don’t be silly!” I exclaimed rather too enthusiastically, now desperate for this fantasy encounter to take place, “It doesn’t bother me one bit. It’s your pool, you can do as you please in it.”
With that, Gabriel smiled at me with a wicked grin. I felt as if I had done enough to convince him that I was calm and cool about it, and also that I was not overly excited! If he’d thought that I was too over enthusiastic about seeing his nakedness, I was worried that it may well have put him off or perhaps made him feel uncomfortable about doing it.
“Alright then, turn around while I enter the water” he insisted.
I felt my heart sink at that moment. Once again I felt deprived of an opportunity, but I had to respect his wish in his own home, so I did as he said reluctantly. Sometimes it’s a pain being a guest. I turned around in the pool to face the wall at the other end of the garden. This was torture! I could only imagine what the scene must have been like behind me as the stunning, beautiful Gabriel stripped completely naked. I so desperately wanted to turn around! I couldn’t think about anything else, my mind was filled with fantastic thoughts, one hundred percent occupied by the god of a man behind me. My head was telling me to stay put and keep facing away. But my heart…and my cock…were telling me to turn around and sneak a look. I was straining to keep myself under control but the curiosity was killing me! I had to do it. I had to turn around, just for a second. Just a short glimpse and then I would turn away again. If I didn’t, I knew it would haunt me for the rest of my life. So I did it! I rapidly rotated my head to look over my shoulder preparing and bracing myself for the gift of a view which I was about to receive.
I had been tricked! When I turned around, Gabriel was still stood there in the exact same position as he had been before I had initially turned away. He had the same devilish grin upon his wonderful face, and he was still wearing his semi-undone, tight black trousers and his white underwear underneath them.
“You knew I would turn around didn’t you?!” I exclaimed loudly, a degree of frustration in my voice.
“I haven’t a clue what you mean!” Gabriel replied very sarcastically.
I must admit, I found his playfulness very attractive, if a little annoying.
“Oh come now, enough playing around, get in here with me!” I pleaded, feeling turned on and excited by the whole situation, and now much more relaxed as well.
“What would you do if I refused your offer and remained up here?” He commented flirtatiously.
“Oh, I see, so you want me to come up there and force you to enter, is that it?” I responded as playfully as I could.
“Why don’t you try it and find out?” he suggested in a low husky voice.
Wow, let me tell you, I have never been more aroused than I was at that moment. I had the biggest, most obvious erection that it is possible to have, but I no longer cared. I knew now that he had the exact same thing on his mind that I did. I was self conscious no more. His flirtatious invitation to force him into the pool was all the incentive I needed. I swam faster than I have ever swam before; creating massive plumes of spray in my wake, back over to the other end of the swimming pool. I leapt out of the water back onto the patio, soaking the slabs of stone which surrounded the pool, and sprinted over to where Gabriel stood. He was ready for me when I reached him. I latched onto his strong, muscular arm and pulled him back in my direction towards the cool, refreshing, inviting water which awaited us.
He struggled against me as I pulled on his arm. Fighting back, he attempted to push me away with his other arm, but I refused to be moved. He tried everything he could to free himself from my grip, but every attempt failed, and by now he had turned away so that he was now between me and the water. He was exactly where I wanted him to be. I placed my other hand on his free arm so that I had a very strong grip on him, and pushed with all my strength. He moved a little, and we both laughed out loud in playful joy. There was no way out for him now! I was determined that I would force him into the water. I continued to push using all of my might. He was on the back foot, and eventually, he gave in and he flopped backwards over the edge of the pool, splashing into the water with me falling in on top of him.
I let him free once he was submerged. My first task was completed. I was out of breath and was vigorously panting for air. Gabriel was too. The two of us laughed and panted as we treaded water opposite one another, looking into each other’s eyes. As we slowly regained our breath, Gabriel began to move gradually closer to me. I didn’t resist. I waited for him to reach me. There was a change in atmosphere as a sense of peacefulness fell over the two of us, alone in the water. No more splashing, no more laughing uncontrollably, no more panting, all I could hear was the gentle ripple of the water as he waded gently toward me. He continued to get closer until he had nowhere left to swim. This stunning hunk of a man was in touching distance. I glanced down at his submerged body beneath the rippling water. He was still wearing his trousers! I was sick of the sight of them by now and I had decided that it was time for them to be removed!
Looking back up into his lust-filled blue eyes, which complimented the rippling blue water perfectly, I placed my left hand on the waistband of his trousers, still using my right hand to keep myself afloat. Once again he flashed me that amazing wicked grin as I gently tugged at the material of his trousers. It was difficult to accomplish whilst trying not to sink in the pool, but somehow I managed to shake them loose. They fell to his knees under the water, revealing his skin-tight, soaking wet white boxer briefs. They didn’t leave much to the imagination when they were wet, like all white clothing, they was almost transparent now that they were wet. My cock twitched again when I glimpsed Gabriel’s penis through the thin material.
Gabriel proceeded to kick off his trousers, allowing them to fall to the bottom of the pool. He then continued to make the next move, placing his left hand on my cheek, and moving in closer ready for me to kiss him. He pouted his plump shiny red lips and stretched his neck muscles so that they were three quarters of the way towards my own lips. I gladly gave in and accepted his lips; I moved in closer, puckered my lips and made soft, gentle contact. Our lips barely brushed in that first peck. It was delicate like when a bee tenderly brushes up against a soft flower to collect its pollen. Immediately we came together again, this time a little more vigorously but still hardly what you would call passionate.
Suddenly Gabriel pulled away, leaving me feeling more than a little underwhelmed. After that measly taster I was hungry for something more spectacular. I wondered why he was pulling away at first, but I was soon reassured by what he proceeded to do next. He fell away onto his back and began casually swimming away in a back stroke in the direction of the shallow end. He smiled at me and gestured with his right index finger for me for follow his lead. I smiled back with a knowing nod feeling much happier now that I knew what he was doing.
When Gabriel had reached the shallow end he stopped around what must have been approximately a couple of meters away from the wall. He placed his feet on the floor of the pool and stood up without needing to use his arms to keep himself afloat. This surely was going to make things easier for us to do things properly as opposed to trying to pay attention to each other whilst desperately trying not to sink.
Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted as Gabriel aggressively grabbed hold of me, both of his hands on each side of my slim waste, flipped me around as rapidly as the water would allow him to, and then pinned me firmly against the hard tiled wall of the pool! I could feel each individual tile pressing into my supple skin as I gave no struggle against Gabriel’s pushing. The next thing I knew, our lips were locked together, our slippery tongues duelling vigorously, locked in combat in a fight to the death. As the raw emotion was unleashed between the two of us, our aggressive kiss gradually became more passionate, each of us beginning to savour it more and more as the seconds floated away on the wave of our passion. His lips felt so amazing in my mouth as I started to suck on them, and him on mine. They were soft and smooth, yet firm and strong at the same time. My oh my, was Gabriel ever a good kisser! I had never experienced a kiss like it and I sincerely doubt that I ever will again in the future.
It was only after we had been kissing for a good couple of minutes that I finally realised that Gabriel’s firm, toned, incredible body was pressed tightly up against my own. I was stunned at myself that it had taken me this long to notice! I rapidly began to lose focus on the kiss altogether as I began to identify parts of his sexy body which were pressing into me, solely through my sense of touch under the water. Then it hit me! Gabriel was rock…hard! Oh my goodness gracious me, this drove me wild with fantastic lust! I could feel his massive dick pushing deep into my soft supple stomach as he continued to passionately suck on my lower lip. I groaned deeply and loudly as I felt my own manhood rapidly swelling, throbbing, pulsing, and hardening until I too was totally stiff!
That was it, I needed more! I pulled my face away from his and finally ended the fabulous kiss. With both of my hands, I plunged them into the water. I placed them on either side of his lower back and allowed them to glide downward over the surface of his smooth slippery skin. Following the contours of his perfectly formed body, my hands slid down under his almost transparent underwear and onto his full round buttocks where they stopped. I tightened my grip on his ass causing his beautifully supple cheeks to mould like bread dough in my hands. I was wonderfully aroused by this stage and every little move I made was causing my cock to become just that extra little bit more excited. I felt like I was almost ready to shoot my load already, and we had barely even gotten started! This meant it was time to take things up a notch and make things much more interesting.
I loosened my grip on his wonderful buttocks and shifted my hands onto the rim of his tight underpants. With one big tug I managed to pull them down over the curve of his bum and onto his legs, where they were now beyond my reach. I was still pinned against the pool wall so my movement was too restricted to remove them any further. I looked Gabriel in the eye to find that he was stood perfectly still and grinning devilishly at me, knowing full well how crazy he was driving me. He had me totally under his control and I loved it! I love the experience of being dominated by someone so unbelievably attractive, and who clearly knew exactly what he was doing!
He stopped smiling for a second and gently pecked me on the lips before placing his own hands on his underwear, but then he paused again. He had obviously decided that it was time to free me as he took a big step backwards away from me. I was about to follow suit and take a step away from the wall when he stretched out his left arm and placed it upon my chest, all the while looking me directly in the eyes. I got the message and remained where I was. Gabriel took another step back. I could now see his gorgeous body in full, it was distorted under the water but I could still identify where everything was. He replaced his hand on his underwear, the back of which were where I had left them around his thighs, the front of which were caught on his raging hard penis creating a distinct cock shaped tent. Slowly, sexily, he started to tug at the tightly stretched material. My eyes became glued to his package. I witnessed his erection bend steadily downwards until it was pointing directly at me. Gabriel continued to pull, his erection continued to arc until inevitably…plop! His glorious pole sprung back up to full woody mast as the pesky boxers finally gave way. Gabriel continued to pull them down until they were completely off and he was completely butt naked in the clear blue water!
What Gabriel did next surprised me. He removed his feet from the bottom of the pool and allowed his legs to drift gracefully to the surface so that he was now floating on his back. Now it made sense! At last, I had a perfect uninterrupted and undistorted view of his fabulous dick and it rested on his toned flat stomach above the surface. I needed no invitation to step away from the wall. This time Gabriel was unable to stop me. I stepped forth, taking the first opportunity to release my own restrained manhood from the confines of my white swimming shorts. I tugged them down quickly and kicked them to the bottom of the pool. Next, I got a hold of Gabriel’s legs and pulled them in my direction so that they ended up either side of my head. I kept pulling until my face was a very short distance away from this gorgeous man’s brilliant hairless testicles which hung there splendidly before my eyes.
See normally, I like to tease a man a little before I get down to business. However on this particular occasion as I’m sure you will appreciate, I was so hungry, so unbelievably horny, that I simply could not wait to get stuck right into the thick end of the action! Right away I opened my hungry mouth, extended my tongue and eagerly sucked one of his brilliant balls into my hot wet mouth. I heard Gabriel gasp loudly as I gently massaged it with my tongue. I started to salivate profusely all over his testicle, getting it terrifically wet. When I’d had enough of that, I released it from between my lips letting it swing back to where it was alongside its sexy brother ball. Again, usually when I do this, I would be sure to show the second testicle just as much respect as the first, but not this time! I wanted to move on quickly, so after one final lick of Gabriel’s fine sack, I averted my attention from that area.
“What do you say we take this over to the side of the pool where I can get better access to that fine piece of manhood you have there?!” I asked Gabriel directly, once again using my best sexy voice.
“I say that sounds like a brilliant idea!” Gabriel responded eagerly, shifting his balance in the water.
He rotated gracefully in the water until he was on his front facing away from me. He was careful with his legs not to kick me in the head, but in honesty I feel I may not have noticed if he did. Why? Because my eyes were fixed upon his achingly beautiful bottom as it stuck up out of the water. I had the best view in the house! Simply stunning! I couldn’t take my eyes off of the glorious peachy mounds as he started to swim away. He didn’t travel far, which meant that my fixation was soon interrupted as he turned to the side and headed for the side of the pool. He reached the side of the pool and clambered clumsily up onto the ledge where he pivoted and sat with his legs dangling off of the edge into the rippling blue water. I swam over to him, making sure I gave him the best possible view of my own ass as I made my way over.
I said nothing when I arrived, and neither did he. This was it. We both knew what was going to happen next, and our cocks confirmed this as they both writhed with excitement! As I stood on the pool’s floor, about a third of the way in from the shallowest point, my head was at the perfect height between Gabriel’s legs. I gazed up one final time into those incredible blue eyes. He smiled at me and winked and I couldn’t help but smile back. He was so attractive. I was ready! I raised my right hand out of the water. Maintaining eye contact, now with a more serious facial expression, I wrapped my hand slowly around his hot, writhing, twitching man rod. Gabriel’s lips opened and his eyes closed for no more than a few seconds. I pulled his cock down toward me, angling it towards my waiting lips. I removed my gaze from his lust filled eyes, gradually shifting my field of vision down his lean, toned body, until it was once more fixed upon his fantastic dick.
‘Enough with the slow seductive nonsense’ I thought! It was time to get this party started. I suddenly jolted my head forward, engulfing Gabriel’s manhood into my mouth! I kept going until it wouldn’t go in any further. I then clamped my lips down, wrapping them around his thick meat. My slippery lips glided over the skin as I dragged them away from his crotch.
Drew is traveling with his boss and is in for a good time when he finds out he and his boss have more in common than originally believed...
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