Simple and Ice Cold Need : Chapters 8 to 12
*** Chapter 8
When I went upstairs Bart was in the kitchen making a list of things from the
grocery store that we needed.
“Oh! You’re back! Do you need anything from the store? I’m going grocery
shopping. Unless you wanna come with?” he said excitedly.
“Umm, sure. I’ll come. Aren’t we fighting?”
“Yeaahs. I mean, you seemed upset before so, I guess so,” He said sadly. He
sat on the stool next to his and I gave him a hug. He kissed my neck and told me
that he was sorry about the way he’d been.
“I love you, Tholomew,” I said kissing him. His body was warm and soft as he
picked me up and sat me on his lap.
“You want me?” I whispered into his ear.
“Aren’t you still upset about your father?” he said ruining the mood. He seemed
too serious and placid.
“I need to forget about it,” I admitted. He kissed my cheek lethargically.
“Okay. Hey, Robby?” he asked. I could tell that he was going to say something I
didn’t want to hear.
“Tyler’s 40. He still lives around here. I was talking to him on
Gay Facebook.”
I knew it.
At first I sat speechlessly on his lap. I kind of wished I wasn’t there. That I
could make myself into a little ball of nothing and hide in a nice dark corner.
My Tholomew didn’t love me. He loved a guy almost 20 years older than him. I
slid off of his lap and tried to think of what to say. Actions speak volumes. I
slapped him. Hard.
“Why’d you hit me?” he shouted, stunned. He held the left side of his face with his hand and his eyes began to get teary.
“Because you’re a jerk! You don’t care about me. One second you love me and
the next you don’t. I need to be with a guy that can be the same one day as he
is the next, Bart!” I shouted. I knew what was coming next, what I had no choice
about saying. “We’re over.”
His bit down on his bottom lips making the skin around it whiten. Tears streamed
down his flushed cheeks. His eyes didn’t show their usual anger, but instead an
infinite sadness.
“Oh,” he finally said. That was it? Oh? I could’ve hit him again but instead
I walked to the bedroom and got out my duffle bag. It held far too many
I remembered being soaked from the rain that puddled the outside world. I
knocked on the door to Bart’s apartment and he opened it smiling. I’d drunken a
little before I came because I was so upset about Bella and that guy. But I
remembered the way his smile faded as he saw me crying. He’d been so gentle and
sweet, bringing my body close to his and telling me it would be okay.
“Robby, you’re freezing,” He whispered rubbing my shoulders to help warm me
up. My night progressed heavily. I showered and we laid on the couch as I cried
about how unfair it was. I’d had a duffle bag full of stuff that got soaked
completely and I had to borrow his clothes.
I tried to forget Bart as I took my clothes from our dresser. I took his
“Dishwalla” sweatshirt and held it close. It was his favorite. It had hole in
the pocket on the front and a tear in the sleeve. It had been worn about a
million times since he’d gotten it. Even before that. He found it at Goodwill. I
shoved it into my duffle bag and attempted to close it. It took a lot of doing
since I’d gotten new things since I moved in with him. Finally I got it shut. I
stood up with it and threw it over my shoulder. Where was I going to go? My
guardian, Conner’s, house? He didn’t know I was gay, and if he did he surely
wouldn’t let me stay there. I’d been forgotten by the fraction of my friends
that lived in the area. Or at least, I’d forgotten them. I never really saw any
other people than Bart. It would be good for me. Finally I decided to walk to
the club to drink and think.
“Bye,” I whispered, more to the apartment than him.
“Bye. Where you goin?” he asked.
“Anywhere but here.” I left the apartment building in my dust idly walking to
the club two blocks away. The inside atmosphere was comforting. I sat at the bar
surrounded by the joy of early drunk people. It was only about 1 o’clock but the
little club was packed. I sat my bag next to me on the floor and ordered a
drink. After about 3, a tall, sexy guy sat next to me.
“Hi, Tobi,” I said smiling a little. He grinned widely at me.
“Hey, Robin! What’s up cutie?” he giggled.
“Nothing much.”
“Why so glum?” he asked tilting my head up so I’d look at him.
“I left Bart and I’m kind of stuck,” I answered.
“What do you mean you’re stuck?” Tobi asked me, concern ringing through his
“I don’t have anywhere to stay now,” I mumbled sadly. He slid his hand down
my back, sending electric shocks down my spine.
“Well, you could stay with me. Wouldn’t you like that?” he said lovingly.
“I-I couldn’t,” I uttered unconvincingly. “We barely know each other. It would
be unfair.”
“Don’t kid yourself, Robin. Any ex-boyfriend of Bart’s is a friend of mine. Why
don’t we get there now? You’ll stay as long as you need to, okay?” he said
standing up and grabbing my bag. It seemed I had no real say in the situation. I
paid for my drinks and followed him out of the club.
*** Chapter 9
I’d never felt so lucky in my life. Robin climbed into the passenger side and I put his bag in the back. His pale little face was painted with sorrow which didn’t see to fade no matter how many jokes I made. He stared out the window carelessly as I drove him to my house. I’m not quite sure what he was expecting my house to be like but I noticed immediate shock once the gates opened and I pulled into my driveway.
I’m not trying to boast, but my house is three stories tall. I’ve got 3
maids, one that lives with me, and a personal chef. There’s 13 bedrooms, 9 of
them with their own bathrooms adding to the 4 throughout the house to be 13
total. 2 hot tubs, 1outside and 1 inside of my bedroom. My kitchen is a tad
excessive, I’ve got 3 very nice cars, one of which is kept in storage.
Why the extreme house and unnecessary things?
I don’t really know. I was born with a silver spoon, as they say.
“Robin? You okay?” I asked him.
“You really live here?” he gasped. His eyes were wide with shock.
“Yeah. C’mon in and you can see my room. Are you comfortable sleeping with me? I
mean I have other rooms, I just kind of want you to sleep with me,” I said
feeling kind of sheepish. He blushed and grabbed his bag from the back, climbing
out. I rested my hand on his slender, little waist as we walked up the stairs to
the door. I unlocked it and we went in. He walked next to me as we walked up the
extra-wide steps to the main hallway. He held my hand as we walked down to my
bedroom. Just the fact that he was in my house, touching me, thrilled me beyond
my wildest dreams.
“What do y-you want me to do with m-my stuff?” he asked trying to sound natural. I set his bag next to the closet and forced him towards the bed. Despite his attempt to act calm, his breathing began to get fast and short. I took his left hand into my right and set my right on his side.
“I can’t do this today, Tobi,” He whispered pleadingly. I felt horrible for
trying anything on him when I didn’t even know what happened with Bart. He
scooted close to me and wrapped his arms around my wide upper body.
“Just out of curiosity,” I began quietly, “does this mean you need your own
Finally. He gave me a little smile. It was precious. He did this cute, shy
looking-away thing and finally said:
“I don’t really wanna sleep alone tonight.” He kissed my cheek gently. It was
3:00 and I figured he hadn’t had lunch so we went downstairs and I had Keuri (My
personal chef) make us grilled chicken salad. Robin ate forlornly just as I
expected he would.
“You don’t like it?”
“No! It’s really good, I’m just. You know? Reflecting,” he said shyly.
“Yeah. ‘Bout Bart?” I asked him, trying to sound understanding.
“Yeah. He likes an older guy. He was going to cheat on me, I had to get out
before I got stung,” he admitted. I was a little surprised by this. Bart had
always been crazy bout Robin. Every time I saw Robin he was with Bart and they
had that young love thing going for them.
“W-What’d ya mean ‘he likes an older guy’? You’re his fucking world.”
Over the next hour, we sat in the kitchen and he told me about his dad and his mom and the pe-dphile that Bart was ra-ped by when he was like boy. I couldn’t believe I’d never heard any of this before. He told me about what happened with Facebook and this “Tyler” guy. After he was done talking, I sent Robin upstairs to shower and get his things unpacked. Once he was done with both he came downstairs in a pair of very cute skinny-jeans and a hoody with a word “Dishwalla” across it. It looked pretty worn out but he looked sort of happy so I didn’t say anything. We watched TV for hours in my living room and about 12:00 he was sleeping. I carefully picked him up and carried him upstairs. He only half woke up once I did and I got undressed to climb under the covers with him. He snuggled his soft little body up next to mine and fell back asleep.
*** Chapter 10
It was only 8 o’clock but the sky was pitch-black. I wasn’t quite sure where I was but I was positive Tyler’s house was on that road. There were a few houses here and there but none of them were right. Finally, as I neared the end of the road I saw a tall, very beautiful Victorian style home. The numbers on his mailbox shined in the headlights and I pulled into the driveway.
My heart raced. Our night would be perfect. I got out of the car and walked
up the front steps. I rang the doorbell and waited about half a minute before he
came and opened up.
He was heavenly. He wore a black T-shirt that he looked so good in. It hugged
his body gorgeously and the rich black made him look even taller than he was,
elongating his upper body. His skinny jeans were covered in rips and tears so I
knew that he’d worn them plenty. I could just imagine his dick rubbing against
the boxers and pre-cum soaking into the denim. I could barely believe that I was
seeing him. I went inside and sat next to him on the couch letting him admire me
as we small talked; obviously we both had other things on our minds. Finally we
faced the truth.
“I really missed you. I talked to your mom a couple of times once you got
older but she thought it wasn’t a good idea for me to see you,” Tyler said
“Oh. She never talked to me about it. If she had we could’ve set something
secret up and you wouldn’t have had to miss me.”
He smiled and slid very close to me on the couch. An unsure hint of fear
struck me deep. It was fear of the badness I’d known when I was young and him
touching me made me feel forced and scared. I thought of Robby and how mean I’d
“Bart, I’ll be right back, okay?” he said standing up. The living room I was in
was beautiful. There were doorways on either side of the room one leading to the
kitchen and the other leading to- I leaned forward straining myself to look
through the wide doorway. It looked uninteresting, a backdoor and a basement so
I turned back to the living room. I admired the tastefully chosen carpeting and
wallpaper. Then I made a huge mistake. I scooted to the other end of the couch
and turned away from the boring doorway to look at a pile of magazines on the
end table.
The last thing I remembered before my blackout was a shattering pain on the back of my skull and his warm, evil arms around me.
*** Chapter 11
When I woke up in the morning Tobi had gone downstairs and I was alone. I pulled the covers over my head and balled up to cry. It had been such along time since I’d seen Bart. Probably 24 hours by now. I wanted him so bad. I didn’t even need sex, I just wanted to hear him say I was being stupid or tell me to quit whining or even slap my ass too hard as I walk past him.
My sobbing drowned out the light sound of footsteps up the main stairway.
Tobi came into the bedroom and I froze completely. He pulled the sheet down so
he could see me and sighed.
“Have you been crying?” he asked sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Not for long,” I answered meekly.
“But you have been crying? Why?” he questioned as he ran his hand down my cheek.
He made me feel so little and helpless, which made me think more about Bart.
I wanted him to make me feel little, not Tobi. I barely even knew the guy and
the only reason he let me stay here was because wanted to fuck me. Now, I’m a
fan of a lot of things but not being bribed by kindness to have sex.
“Just, you know, Bart,” I responded facing away. His breathing seemed to stop
for a minute, so I looked up. He was thinking about something. Finally he
groaned quietly, like he had to do something he didn’t want to.
“I called him, a lot,” he said.
“Why ‘a lot’?” I said. He looked at me unsurely.
“He didn’t answer. I tried work, his cell and your apartment’s. All of them multiple times. I don’t know what the deal is. I know he’s a jerk, but he’s also neurotic and obsessive and insane. It seems like he should have answered. I’m worried,” he explained. For some people it wouldn’t be a big deal to not answer the phone, even if it was a million times, but Bart is a neat freak and he likes to know everything that’s happening to everyone always.
“He never leaves without his cell phone,” I mumbled. I climbed out of bed and
picked my clothes up from the floor to get dressed. I fumbled for my cell from
my jeans and dialed his work as I pulled them on. Tobi sat there quietly as I
talked with Bart’s replacement.
“He didn’t show up today, I got called in,” he answered when I asked to talk to
Bart. My mind was racing. What could have happened? I put my phone away and
picked my shirt up from the floor.
“I’m going to the apartment, maybe something happened to him,” I said finishing
dressing and going to the door.
“You need a ride,” Tobi reminded me. We went downstairs and walked out to the car. I didn’t really want to go with him but I didn’t have a choice either. We drove to the apartment building in silence and he gave me some room to think. When we pulled up I immediately knew something was off. His car wasn’t in its usual spot and when I went upstairs to the apartment it was unlocked.
I went inside and looked around. In the bedroom the dresser drawers were open
and the clothes inside had been pulled out and unarranged, and not by me from
the day before. It looked like he’d left in a hurry to go somewhere, but even
that seemed unlikely for him.
Then my eyes caught the laptop. It was sleeping so I had to press the keys to
wake it up, but when it did I almost screamed. The computer was connected to
Facebook. In the chat box from the night before, I saw the name Tyler
Summerfield. I sat down and began reading through their conversation from the
night before. Bart had asked Tyler if he still wanted him to come over. He said
yes and they discussed details. The address wasn’t in the chat so I tried to go
to Tyler’s page by clicking on his picture. He’d removed everything about
himself and taken the picture down the night before.
When I called the police, they said that since he was an adult, he had to be gone for 48 hours for him to be truly “missing”. I had to wait another day and by then it could be too late. I sat on the bed in the apartment and Tobi sat next to me. I climbed onto his lap and he ran his hand down my back.
Then he kissed my neck. And my shoulder. Then he moved back to my neck and sucked on it.
It felt good. Despite how much I hadn’t wanted to have sex with him, he’d
been so nice and he really did like me. It would also be a good distraction.
Then an insane realization hit me. I’d never had sex with any guy but Bart.
Tobi pulled my hoody and my shirt off together. He kissed my neck and my chest
and my shoulder, proving the inevitable. I pulled his shirt off and gently
kissed his perfect hard pecs.
Taking my actions as encouragement, he leaned me back on the bed and pulled my jeans and my undies down. Then he kissed my stomach, working down to my dick. I squirmed anxiously. Bart hadn’t given me a blowjob since we first started dating. Well, not dating but “being together”. Tobi took it in his hand and slipped his mouth onto the head. I moaned loudly as he forced my thick 7’ into his mouth. He was experienced. He forced it all into his mouth, effortlessly and bobbed up and down on it. I raised my hips, meeting his mouth with every move. I moaned and whimpered like I’d never felt it in my life. He felt so good. He took it out and sucked on my balls and slurped his way down to my asshole. At first he licked around it to tease me. Then he slicked his tongue inside of me. I screamed loudly and he hesitated but he continued darting his tongue in and out of me. I groaned as my cock started to tense. He stroked it and sucked on my balls knowing I would blow any second. I shot onto my bare tummy, and moved up to lap it up.
He climbed up next to me and kissed the side of my face. He hugged me close
and whispered in my ear.
“Do you want fucked?” he asked. ‘No but you wanna fuck me’ I thought.
“Yah!” I moaned like I was really excited. He slipped his jeans down to his ankles and I bent in front of him. The fact that he wasn’t wearing underwear kind of made me uncomfortable, though. He spread my butt cheeks and spit on my hole to lubricate it. It made me feel dirty. Bart was missing and I was cheating on him. Tobi forced two fingers inside of my ass and I almost screamed. I didn’t want it. I should have stopped it but I felt helpless. So I closed my eyes. He took his fingers out and shoved his large, very hard cock into me. He was bigger than Bart. I felt like I was being torn. He put his hand over my mouth to stop my screaming and told me I was okay. I wished I hadn’t been. I wanted to die. He shoved all the way inside carelessly without even giving me the chance to adjust. He fucked me roughly, pushing in and out and muffling my screams and whimpers. I tried to pretend it was my Tholly-bear and that he was just being rough. It wouldn’t be unusual. But it would mean I’d feel some kind of satisfaction or pleasure.
Suddenly, Tobi stopped.
“Robin, are you crying?” he said pulling out and lying next to me. I wasn’t. I was sobbing. I balled myself up and he pulled the heavy comforter over me. He rubbed my shoulders and kissed me trying to relax me. I knew he wanted me to snuggle up next to him but I couldn’t gain any comfort from him right now.
I wanted Bart so much it hurt. I needed him. Need is a bitch. Simple and ice cold.
*** Chapter 12
I squirmed. I couldn’t move because I was strapped down. I squirmed more. I
couldn’t make any sound because I was gagged. I couldn’t see. Too dark. My head
was pounding. I was cold and naked and I felt dizzy just from lying there.
Suddenly, a small amount of light streamed through at the top of the stairs. The
figure in the doorway turned on the lights in the room making me squint
uncomfortably. When my eyes had adjusted I saw Tyler. He descended the stairs
and walked near the bed that I was strapped to.
“Hey, baby doll,” he sighed kissing my forehead. “I got you some clothes from your apartment.”
I wiggled. I wanted to go home. I’d trusted him so much and now I was tied up
in his basement. He stroked my cheek gently. I felt so dominated. He ran his
fingers through my hair and behind my ear like I was a dog and he was petting
me. He smiled slyly.
“You ready?” he asked. I shook my head spasmodically even though I had no idea
what I was to be ready for. He ran his rough hands down my bare chest and
stomach to my dick. I was such a whore. How could I let this happen? I should of
just listened to- Robin. God, I wondered if he was worried or if he knew yet.
Would he even care? I didn’t even know how long I’d been down there.
Tyler gripped my dick tightly. He was surprisingly gentle as he tugged my foreskin back to admire the glistening head. I wanted to cry when I realized I was pre-ing. I didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. He moved his head down and lovingly licked at it. I tried to close my legs as much as I could but the ropes tying my ankles to the bed posts were too taut. He kissed down my hardening shaft and licked at the base. I whimpered as he began to tenderly massage my asshole with his thumb. I started shivering pretty extremely too. He stopped abruptly and looked up at me.
“It’s okay, honey. I can stop if you really want,” he whispered. He pulled back away from my crotch. He caressed my cheek again and reached to the back of my head to undo the gag. He pulled it away and I coughed. I felt like shit.
“Do you need anything? Are you hungry or thirsty? I could get you some
aspirin for your head,” he said concernedly. I couldn’t answer I felt like I was
choking. His kindness didn’t at all fit with the whole whacked in the head with
a bat and tied in a basement killer thing.
“What the f-fuck?” I managed. He looked at me disappointedly and sighed. I
apprehensively awaited his reason for why I was there. He looked like he would
say something for a second but instead kissed my mouth very gently and hugged
“I’ll be back in a little while and I’ll untie you and we can go upstairs and
eat and watch TV. I’m going to make food,” he planned as he stood and walked
“Tyler, wait!” I gasped, amazed that I could say anything.
“Yes, Bartholomew?”
“Why’d you do this?” I asked.
“Because I love you.”
Having A Huge Crush On Your Best Friend Can Be Hard Until You Find Out That All He Wanted Was Exactly What You Did!
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