Home : First Time Sex : total 11 reviews.

Sleeping over at Chris's reviews

Posted by Gaypenis
I really loved your story you got me so turned on
Posted by Gk
I really liked your story....my first time was simlar.
Posted by Last boyscout
I loved the story. It reminded me of my missed teen chance to have done the same. Being both Catholic and Southern Baptist. You don't shame the Family or its name. Especially this one. I have been living a lie life for the past 40 years. I am 53 now and I am lost. All kids are grown and gone with their families. I have thought to just move away and be what know i am. He was my 1st and only boy crush way back in 7th grade. And I found him. I told him everything and he knew I loved him and that's why he left. Didn't want me to choose between my Family and him. No, no Priest ever molested any of us altar boys in our area.
Posted by Anthony
Aw so sweet
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