Stiff Compensation

(Part 1 from 2. Fiction.)

All through high school I worked in a fast food joint,
slinging burgers and fries. Now that I’d graduated, I was
ready for a change. When a friend of my dad’s offered me a
job working on his horse ranch, I jumped at the chance. I
didn’t know shit about horses, but I figured, how hard could
it be to learn.

My first few days at the ranch were great - feeding and
grooming the animals, working in the fresh air. Mostly
thought, I enjoyed the hardon I was developing for the boss’
son, Roy.

Roy was my age. He was handsome as hell. He looked
like a cowboy, tall and lean. He had an easy sort of gangly
stride to his walk that made his slender, round ass look
real appealing. His upper body was smooth, and well tanned
from working long hours in the sun without a shirt. But it
was the sizable bulge between his long legs that took top
honors. It took an enormous cock to pack such a full, tight

Roy and I had spent most of the afternoon cleaning
stalls. We had both taken off our shirts, and were wringing
wet with sweat. Watching gleaming beads of perspiration
trickle down Roy’s smooth torso was making me horny. I
couldn’t take much more. Jacking off was fine, but I was
getting real tired of slapping my own meat.

Roy looked up as I set down my pitchfork. “I’ve to got
to piss.” He nodded, watching as I unzipped my fly and pulled
out my cock. Like I said, I was horny, so my rod was half—
hard, and if I say so myself, even half-hard, the dimensions
of my cock are pretty damned impressive. The straw at my
feet thirstily absorbed the wide stream of urine draining
from my pisshole.

“I see you’ve been snipped,” said Roy.


“Circumcised. You’re circumcised.”

“Oh, yeah.

“Seems like most of the guys I know have been snipped,”
said Roy. “Not me. My dick’s just as it was when I was

I gave my dick a shake. “Oh really. I would have
though it would be considerably bigger by now.”

“That’s not what I meant, smartass.”

I laughed. “I know what you meant.” I now wanted to see
Roy’s cock more than ever. I loved foreskin. I loved to
play with it, nibble it. I loved everything about it.

I was in no hurry to put my dick away. It felt good
just letting it all hang out. “Would you like to see mine?”
Roy asked. I just stared at him. “My cock,” he said, “would
you like to have a peek.”

I tried to contain my eagerness, but inside my
guts were all knotted up. “Sure,” I said with a shrug. “Why
not. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

The shaft of my organ continued to swell as I watched
Roy unfasten the front of his jeans. A chill shivered up my
spine when he pulled his pants down and exposed himself. My
eyes were nearly popping out of my skull, but I couldn’t help
it. Damn, I knew he was hung, but his cock was bigger, and
more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. The flexing
muscle between his legs surpassed big, it was enormous. And
his balls. Each swollen nut was well defined beneath a cloak
of down and soft skin. His pair of heavy bangers made my
mouth water.

Roy took a step toward me. The sweat covering his body
appeared to shimmered in the gentle fall of sunlight that
invaded the barn. “What are you waiting for,” said Roy.
“Play with it.”


“You heard me,” he said. “Play with my cock. I know
you want too. You’ve been staring at it all day.” I guess I
hadn’t been as sly with my observations as what I’d thought.
He moaned softly as I wrapped my fingers around his lumbering
shaft. “That’s it,” he gasped. “Rub my dick.” A fleshy cap
of tightly stretched foreskin concealed all but the very tip
of his plump cockhead. The dick slime leaking from his piss
slit gave me goose bumps. Licking my lips hungrily, I
dropped to my knees. A pool of sweltering drool washed over
his foreskin as I drew him into my mouth. “Oh yeah, suck my
fucken’ cock,” he grunted. “That’s it, man. Eat my big

My seven-inch cock jerked ruttishly as I worked the
sheltered head of his cock deep into my throat. His panting
echoed through the barn as my slippery tongue peeled the skin
from his spicy knob, allowing it to steep in my hot oral
juices. His muscular thighs quaked as he locked his fingers
behind my head. “You like the taste of dick, don’t you?”

Around a gluttonous mouth full of twitching, cock, I
moaned an affirmative reply. “That’s what I thought,” said
Roy. “Me too.”

Roy’s cock slowly slither from between my wet, soggy
lips, and I reached up cuddling his magnificent balls. As my
fiery tongue lashed his velvety ball-sac, my steamy breath
infiltrated every nook and cranny of his sweaty groin.

“Suck um,” said Roy. “Take my cream filled jewels in
your mouth and wallow them around with your tongue.

I opened my mouth as wide as I could, I was just barely
able to accommodate his big bangers. He was quite a mouth
full. My cheeks bulged like a greedy chipmunk with his jaws
packed full of scrumptious nuts.

Sweat streamed down Roy’s hairy thighs as I sucked his
tender pods. Between my legs my throbbing cock oozed,
overflowing with gleaming, seminal nectar. I wiggled around
until I had managed to work my pants down around my ankles.
Positioned on my knees, it was easy to reach back behind my
dangling balls and finger my twitching butthole.

“I feel like I’m going to explode,” Roy panted. “Suck
my dick some more.” I spit out his delicious, pink nuts.

“I’ve got a better idea,” I said, pulling a condom from
my pocket. “Why don’t you fuck me instead.”

“Oh hell yes!” Roy said. “I like that idea.”

While Roy put on the rubber, I finished taking off my
cloths. Standing with my back to him, I whimpered
passionately as his fingers worked generous globs of spit
into my hairy butt crack. “Man, you’ve sure got a nice,
tight ass.

My delighted pucker convulsed as Roy crammed a single
finger into my hole. Probing even deeper into my rectum, he
said. “I’ll bet you’ve never been fucked by a cock as big as
mine.” He was right — I hadn’t. “I’m gonna ride you long and
hard. I’m gonna fuck you sweet, little shit chute until it’s
dripping with butt slime.”

“Oh yeah,” I moaned. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

“This is gonna be good,” said Roy, ramming the head of
his rigid rod between my smoldering butt cheeks. He grunted
lustfully as he lunged forward, stretching my flexing orifice
with his bloated knob. “I guarantee this is going to be the
wildest fuck you’ve ever had.”

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