Tangled - Part Eighteen
We spent the weekend in the apartment. Lee was a little reluctant to go out at the moment so we took the opportunity to get used to each-other again. Lee depended a lot more on me than he used to and it took him a while to memorize the layout of the apartment. I had to be extra vigilant about replacing things exactly where they belonged and also had to be sure not to move any of the furniture out of place. It was a period of learning for both of us and over the next two days most of my time was spent catering to him. Our lives had changed dramatically, we realized, and we had a great many adjustments to make.
We spent Saturday lazing around talking and listening to music. I didn’t switch on the television because Lee obviously couldn’t see what was happening and I wanted to do things that we could share. Music was the best option. I played his CD again and we listened to it critically. He decided that it wasn’t all bad and I had to agree with him. He told me about his time in the band with Gary and how he and Kevin had had the time of their lives. Of course, Kevin had betrayed him during this time and from then on, that part of their lives was over.
We made out on the couch like a couple of teenagers and had a great deal of fun doing it. For dinner, we ordered Chinese and sat cross-legged on the carpet and tucked into sweet and sour pork, fried rice and egg foo yong. It was one of the best days of my life because I had Lee all to myself with no distractions and he was constantly reaching out and touching me to reassure himself that I was still there. I had ordered Danny, Jack and Kevin to leave us alone on pain of death and they had obliged.
We did have a slight mishap when I left the apartment quickly to retrieve
something from the car. Unthinkingly, I forgot to tell him that I was just
popping out for a minute; a thing I never forgot to do again. As I came back
into the apartment, I heard him crying in the living room. I rushed through and
found him lying on the floor in a fetal position, his shoulders shaking
uncontrollably. I dropped to my knees beside him and pulled him into my arms. He
jumped and cried out like a startled rabbit and then clutched at me frantically.
“Lee.” I said quickly. “What’s wrong?”
He held onto me desperately and laid his head on my shoulder, his tears
soaking through my shirt.
“Oh God, I thought you were gone . .!” He cried. “I thought you’d left me . .
and I got lost . . I fell over the fucking coffee table . . !”
“Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry.” I said softly, comforting him. “I just ran down to
the car quickly. I’m so sorry. I should have told you.”
He calmed down a little and then drew back and looked into my face blindly.
“Please don’t leave me.” He whispered. “I couldn’t stand it.”
“I promise I’ll never leave you again.” I said. “I wasn’t thinking and I’m so
It scared me, that little incident; and it made me realize how much he truly depended on me; how much he desperately needed me and I never wanted to see him like that again.
Later, we showered together and spent time bathing each-other carefully and
Afterwards, we were lying on the bed naked when Lee mentioned that he had
noticed something when we’d made love on the night he’d come home.
“I want to try a little experiment, okay?” He said. “I want you to just lie
still and let me make love to you.”
“Okay.” I agreed. “But it’s not going to be much fun for you.”
“That doesn’t matter right now.” He replied with a grin. “We can have fun later.
I want to try something. It’s really important.”
“Alright, I’m all yours.” I said and rolled onto my back. I put my hands behind
my head and waited for him to begin.
Then he did something a little odd. He got onto his knees beside me and bent his head and sniffed at my chest; then my belly and then my genitals. I realized that he was smelling me and I briefly wondered why. Then he laid his hand on my chest and slowly caressed the hair there. He moved onto my nipple and fondled it into a hard sharp point. He laid his other hand on my belly, then slowly ran his fingers down my furry path and down to my pubic patch. He twisted my pubic hair around his fingers and tugged at it gently. He bent down again and sniffed at my now hardening shaft. He ran his fingers along it and gently caressed my helmet. His other hand was still busy tweaking at my nipples and I realized that what he was doing to me was one of the most erotic things I’d experienced.
Then he moved around and straddled my thighs facing me. He ran his hands down my sides and my skin popped out in goose flesh. He moved his right hand to my cock and gripped it firmly. He slid his hand up it and a spurt of clear fluid popped out and ran down over his fingers. He released me, sniffed at my pre-come on his hand and then carefully licked it off. He moistened the palm of his hand with saliva and then closed it around my shaft wetly. He slowly started to stroke me.
“Tell me when you’re really close.” He whispered. With his free hand, he
continued to caress my chest and nipples.
His strokes on my shaft were slow and languid at first but gradually gained
momentum as he sensed that I was getting more and more excited.
He moved his free hand down to my rod and started using both hands on me, my freely flowing juices providing ample lubrication. It was wonderfully thrilling just lying there doing nothing while he worked on me. My hips started to rise and fall slowly in time with his strokes and I began to feel my climax building deep in my groin.
“Lee.” I gasped softly. “I’m getting there. Just don’t stop!”
“I won’t.” He said. “I want you to come.”
“Oh God!” I said huskily. “That is so good . . !”
“Mmm!” He said. “You’re close now, aren’t you?”
“Oh . . God . . yes . . !” I breathed and then suddenly I let loose. It was very
intense. My hips lifted off the bed and my juices shot straight up in the air
and landed on my belly and over his hands.
“Yes . . I was right . . !” Lee whispered.
My orgasm diminished and I flopped back down onto the bed, my breathing fast
and erratic.
Lee released me and licked my semen from his hand.
When I had gained my senses, I sat up and held onto him.
“That was incredible.” I whispered. “Thank you.”
“Yeah.” He said and kissed me. I could taste myself in his mouth.
“What do you mean by ‘I was right’?” I asked.
“Well, the other night when we made love, I noticed something but I thought I
was imagining it.” He said. “That’s why I wanted to do this now, you know, just
make you come so that I could concentrate.”
“Well, what was it?” I asked intrigued. “And why were you sniffing at me like a
“I wanted to get your scent into my head before I jerked you off.” He began.
“You see, just before you unload, your scent changes slightly. It’s very subtle
and I guess my sense of smell is a bit more heightened than it used to be and
that’s what I noticed the other night. I wanted to be sure.”
“You could tell the difference?” I asked. “I mean before and after.”
“Not really before and after. More like before and immediately before.” He
replied. “You have a unique smell. Like now, I can smell it on you; a sort of
male, musky scent although it’s sort of drowned out now by the smell of your
come. But just before you shoot, it changes slightly. It becomes more . . I
don’t know . . feral . . more animalistic. Do you understand what I mean?”
“Yes I think I do.” I said. “Now you have an advantage over me. You’ll be
able to tell exactly when I’m about to blow.”
“Yeah.” He said with a grin. “Neat, huh?”
The funny thing was, that every time we made love after that night, I tried to
smell the same thing on him but I never could.
We sat in the waiting room patiently. Well I did, but Lee was fidgety and
would not sit still. He twisted his hands into knots in his lap and jumped at
every sound. Eventually I couldn’t take it anymore and I reached over and
clasped his hands in mine.
“Will you sit still, for God’s sake.” I hissed. “You’re behaving like a
“I can’t help it.” He whispered. “I’m as nervous as hell.”
“Why?” I queried. “It’s just a consultation. He’s not going to rip your eyeballs
“I know, I know!” He said. “But what if he . . !”
“What if pigs grew wings?” I said, cutting in. “What if hell freezes over? What if the moon crashes into the earth?”
“Ha ha, very funny!” He said.
“Sweetie, what if he can and what if he can’t?” I said. “Either way, you’ll have lost nothing. But, and this is a big but; if he can help you, then think of what you might gain.”
He was silent for a minute.
“You’re right and I’m being stupid.” He said.
“Silly, yes!” I said with a laugh. “Annoying, maybe! But stupid? Definitely
Again he was silent. then he leaned closer to me.
“That’s the second time you’ve done it, you know?” He said softly with a
“Done what?” I asked, puzzled.
“Called me ‘sweetie’.” He said.
“I did not!” I said, trying hard to remember what had just occurred.
“Yes you did.” He whispered. “I’m blind, not deaf! And you did it on Saturday
when I . . you know . . fell over the table.”
“Did I?” I said. “I don’t recall.”
“Well you did.” He said. “Trust me; it’s not something I’m going to forget in a
“If you say so.” I said.
“I do and I love it.” He smiled. “Don’t stop doing it.”
Just then a handsome, blond, green eyed man of about thirty-three walked into
the waiting room. I knew immediately who it was; his resemblance to his brothers
was uncanny.
“Lee!” He said. “How’re you doing, buddy?”
Lee jumped up and reached out for the man and pulled him into an embrace.
“Malachi.” He said. “Glad to see you . . well, hear you anyway.”
Lee released him and turned to me.
“Malachi? This is David; my partner. David? My brother Malachi.” He said with a
smile and I stood up. Malachi stretched out his hand and grasped mine in a
friendly grip.
“Good to meet you at last.” He said.
“You too.” I replied. “Thanks for setting up the appointment.”
He released my hand and eyed me up and down.
“You’re welcome.” He said and smiled. “Anything for family.”
I liked him straight away. He had an easy, comfortable manner about him and with
his charming smile, I was immediately put at ease.
“Dr. Keen will be along in a minute. He’s quite something, well; surprising
to say the least.” Malachi said. “So sit tight, guys.”
“I’m here under sufferance.” Lee said. “I’d rather be at home. This place smells
like death.”
Malachi laughed.
“You’re not far off.” He said. “Unfortunately, the mortuary is just down the
corridor. These were the only consulting rooms that were available for Dr. Keen
to use.”
Malachi indicated for me to follow him with a flick of his head. I turned to
“Lee, I have to go to the bathroom, okay?” I said. “Do you need to go?”
“Nope, I’m good.” He replied.
“Okay. I won’t be a minute so you just sit here and don’t move, alright?”
“Sure.” He said. “Don’t be long.”
“I’ll be back later to check up on you guys.” Malachi said. “Take it easy, bro!”
“See ya!” Lee said and then snorted. “Yeah, right!”
I left him and followed Malachi down the corridor out of earshot.
“First, let me just say that I’m glad he has someone . . you. He . . uh . . he loves you very much and he needs you right now.” Malachi said softly. “Second, don’t expect too much. Dr. Keen explained to me that there’s a chance that he might not even be able to perform the procedure. It all depends on the condition of his eyes under the scar tissue.”
“Thank you.” I said. “And I understand. Lee does as well. In fact, I don’t
think he expects much at all.”
He studied me carefully.
“And he’s right about you.” He said. “You’re very nice and . . um . . what did
he call you? Oh yes . . hunky!”
I looked at him stunned.
“You surprise me Malachi.” I said.
“Well.” He said with a laugh. “When you’ve lived with three gay brothers, you
tend to learn a few things.”
“I imagine you do.” I said with a smile. “It must have been . . educational to
say the least.”
“Yeah.” He said. “You’d be astonished at what I know. Don’t get me wrong; I’m
definitely a lady’s man but I’ve become accustomed to the . . um . . scene, you
might say.”
“I’m glad.” I said. “And I’m really happy to finally meet you.”
“Me too.” He grinned. “Gotta go now so I’ll see you later.”
He winked, turned and dashed off down the corridor. I returned to Lee and sat
down next to him. He hadn’t moved an inch.
He reached for my hand and gripped it.
“I’m also glad I have you.” He whispered.
I stared at him stunned. Malachi and I had been a long way down the corridor
and we had been talking softly.
“You heard?” I asked.
“Of course I heard. Like I said, I’m blind, not deaf!” He said. “I don’t know
why you didn’t go further down the corridor. Or come to think of it, just talk
right here.”
I kept silent and looked through the door of the waiting room and down the
corridor to where Malachi and I had talked. It was at least fifty or sixty feet
away and we had been whispering. His sense of hearing was uncanny.
“And you are hunky!” He said with a lusty grin. “And I can smell how sexy you
“Now you’re being silly. Of course you can’t!” I said with a laugh.
“Yes I can.” He said. “And it’s making me hard just thinking about it and I want
to fuck you right now!”
“Lee, quit it.” I said. “This is a hospital waiting room, not a bedroom.”
“Damn!” He said and groaned. “Because I’m so horny.”
“Well you’ll just have to wait.”
“Pity.” He grinned evilly. “Because I’d like to rip your clothes off, throw you
on the floor and then while you lie there helplessly, I’d like to . . !”
“Would it be terribly inconvenient if I took notes.” A voice broke in.
“Purely for scientific study of course. I’ve never had the opportunity to
observe . . um . . man on man action before; in the flesh, so to speak!”
“Oh fuck!” Lee gasped under his breath and I swung around to face the door.
“That, I presume is what you were about to do, I take it!” The voice said.
Standing in the doorway was the shortest, ugliest elderly man I’d ever seen. He stood about four feet six inches and was as ancient and wrinkled as a piece of old parchment. He had a large toothy grin plastered across his face and balanced on his nose was an enormous pair of spectacles. He had a shock of pure white hair which stuck out at all angles. He was carrying a large gaudy carpet bag. I jumped up and apologized quickly while Lee sat there and started to giggle. I wanted to smack him. The old gent moved into the room quickly for a man of his years and grinned at us merrily.
“I am Dr. Keen.” He said and stretched out his hand. I took it and shook it
“Dr. Keen?” I queried stupidly.
“Yes.” He said, his accent very English. “Were you expecting someone else?”
“No no.” I came in quickly.
“Good.” He turned to face Lee. “And you, my good and dare I say it, lusty man,
must be my patient?”
Lee rose and stared at the air about twelve inches above Dr. Keen’s head.
“Yes sir.” Lee said. “Um . . sorry about . . you know . . what I said . . !”
“Don’t worry about it, my boy.” Dr. Keen said jovially and sniggered. “I’ve
heard worse.”
We stood there awkwardly for a moment and then Dr. Keen bustled us into the next
door room.
“Your brother has given me a brief history of your condition.” He said to Lee
brightly. “He has also told me that you two boys are gay and partners so I don’t
want you to feel uncomfortable about that, alright?”
“Malachi said you were from Germany.” Lee said. “You don’t sound German.”
“I’m not.” Dr. Keen said. “I’m actually English but I live and work in Berlin.
They have the best eye unit in the world.”
“Oh I see!” Lee said.
Dr. Keen made him comfortable in an over-stuffed arm chair and then he turned
to me.
“You are David, I take it?” He asked.
“Yes.” I replied. “Do you want me to leave?”
“No no. I’d like you to stay.” He replied. “It makes for comfort for the
Continuation from part 1: The boys go up to Arun's bedroom and things get hot...
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