Tangled - Part Fourteen
Part 28 : The Pink Ribbon
The next morning we were up fairly early. We washed and dressed and had some
"I suggest that we go and check up on Jack and Danny and see if they're first;
still alive and second; if they're up for breakfast. We can eat out and then get
to the travel agent. How's that?" Lee said.
I thought it was a great idea, so we locked up and walked the four blocks to
my apartment building.
At Danny's door, I knocked but there was no answer. I took out my keys and
looked at Lee. He nodded approval, so I opened the door. Inside, we found that
there was no-one there and the bed hadn't been slept in.
"They must be next door." I said as we locked up again.
"It looks like Danny never made it home!" Lee remarked with a snigger.
At my door I knocked, and again got no answer.
"Here goes." I said and unlocked the door.
As we went in, we heard voices coming from the downstairs spare room. I was about to make our presence known when a shriek of laughter came from the room.
Danny came tearing out of the room closely followed by Jack with a pair of
under-shorts on his head. They were both stark naked with huge bouncing
erections and giggling crazily. Lee and I stood spellbound. Danny came to a
skidding halt in front of us, his eyes wide with surprise and Jack smacked into
his back suddenly. Jack whipped the shorts off his head and yelled,
"What the fuck . . !" He stopped short when he saw Lee and I watching them with
We stared at them, taking in the absurdity of the situation.
Danny had a wide, bright pink ribbon tied in a fetching bow just under the head of his rapidly wilting cock, while Jack had a garland of flowers painted across the top of his pubic hair and down his thighs to his knees. It looked as if someone had draped the garland over the base of his cock and hung it prettily down each side. There was also another painted garland looped from one nipple to the other. His balls were painted a brilliant blue, Danny's favorite color.
Danny had obviously gone mad with a paint brush and the poster paints.
Jack's cock, still as hard as rock, a perfect replica of Lee's in every way, continued to look straight at us from its single unblinking eye. We all froze and stared at each-other in shocked silence. Danny, smooth apart from a neat trail of dark hair leading from his navel down to his groin and Jack, with a fine pattern of blond hair across his chest and down his belly.
The pink ribbon on Danny slowly slipped off his now drooping cock and fell to
the floor with a plop.
Lee slowly lifted his arm, pointed at the ribbon and said dryly. "I think you've
dropped something!"
With the silence broken, Danny muttered. "Oh, shit!" and tore back into the room. Jack grinned at us wickedly, bent and picked up the ribbon and sauntered into the room, swinging the ribbon around his finger.
At the door, he turned to face us, grabbed his still hard cock and brilliant
balls in one hand and shook them at us as he thrust his pelvis forward. Then he
pulled a face at us and fled into the room. Lee and I couldn't contain ourselves
any longer at the sight of the huge bright flower painted around Jack's
undulating arse-hole. We burst into gales of laughter and flopped onto the
"At least they're still alive!" Lee gasped between guffaws.
Within a couple of minutes, Danny came back out wearing a pair of shorts. He
dropped into the armchair and said sheepishly.
"Sorry you had to see that, guys!"
"On the contrary," Lee said archly. "I haven't been so entertained in years.
I liked the pretty pink ribbon!" And went into another bout of laughter.
"It's not funny!" Danny complained.
"Really?" I said, laughing. "You have no idea! The art-work is pretty
interesting, particularly the big flower on his butt!"
Danny flushed, but gave a small smile.
Jack sauntered out in shorts, strings of painted flowers running down his
thighs from under the hems, and sat on the arm of the chair next to Danny.
"Hi guys!" He said glibly as he dropped his arm over Danny's shoulders.
Lee stared at them and said.
"So, now that the floor show is over," He sniggered. "We're taking you guys
to breakfast and then on to the travel agent." He paused. "I am very glad to see
that you are both still alive. We thought that by now you might have fucked
each-other stupid! Then again, going by what we've just seen, that seems to be a
very high probability!"
Danny flushed again, but you could count on Jack's audacity.
"It came pretty close a couple of times, but we got through it okay, didn't
we, lover?" He said archly and ruffled Danny's hair.
"Don't be cute!" Lee said, and then turned to me.
"I should think that after we've eaten and sorted out the travel
arrangements, we could maybe take the kids to the zoo or to the playground. It
would be so much fun and I'm sure they'd really enjoy it enormously! What do you
He grinned wickedly at Jack and Danny, while I burst out laughing.
"Ha, ha, very funny!" Jack said indignantly.
"No Jack, funny is having a big flower on your butt. Funny is having bright
blue balls!" I quipped, sniggering. Lee giggled wildly.
Danny glared at me, while Jack just grinned.
"Now, you two," Lee said. "Get dressed, if you can keep your hands off
each-other long enough of course, and then we can go and eat." He paused. "And
for God's sake Jack, go wash yourself, blue is definitely not your color!"
I stifled another laugh, as the two of them got up and left the room. As Jack
went through the door, he bent down, pulled his shorts down, pushed his balls
back between his legs and gave us another flash of his gaily painted arse-hole
and his bright blue balls. Then he turned, winked, smiled and shut the door.
"I just can't take him anywhere!" Lee sighed.
"He's adorable! Funny, but adorable." I said. "We're going to have to watch
those two." I finished.
"Yep!" Lee agreed. "I'm just a little worried about Danny though. I don't want
to see him hurt. Jack's a hellion and I don't think he's capable of any kind of
serious relationship."
"You think it'll come to that? A relationship, between them?" I asked.
"I think that Danny might expect something like that."
"Maybe we should have a word with them, separately of course." I ventured.
"Good idea." He agreed. "I think that you should tackle Jack because you know
Danny better than I do. I know Jack only too well. I could give Danny a bit of
advice on how to handle him."
We agreed on this and decided to talk to each of them at the first opportunity.
Part 29 : Jack and Danny
A little later, as we were walking down to the restaurant, Danny took my arm
and slowed his pace so that we fell behind the others. Jack and Lee were talking
animatedly and didn't notice.
"David, I think I'm in love." Danny announced.
My heart sank. Danny was setting himself up for a heavy fall.
"Oh Danny, that was fast!" I said. "Are you sure? I mean, are you certain it's not infatuation or just plain lust?"
"I'm sure . . I think. I've never met anyone like him. He's cute, he's sexy and he's so funny. And there's something about him that . . just gets to me!" Danny whispered.
"I don't know what to say. I know you're a grown man and you can take care of yourself, but please Danny, be careful."
He stopped and faced me.
"Davey, he makes me laugh! In here." He said simply, placing his hand over his
heart. I could see it in his eyes, he had fallen in love, and he had fallen
hard. My heart sank even further. I did not want to see my precious friend hurt.
We walked a little further. After a few minutes, I couldn't contain myself any
"Just a second, Danny." I said and stopped walking. "Just look at me for a
moment." I got out my handkerchief and said.
"Here, spit on this!" Danny wet the handkerchief with a little saliva and I
carefully wiped the small crease at the side of his mouth. He frowned, not quite
sure of what I was doing. I showed him the small smear of brilliant blue paint
on my handkerchief and smiled.
"Now I wonder where this could have come from!" I said.
He flushed and snatched the handkerchief from me. "Very funny!" He said.
We carried on walking a little faster to catch up with the others.
"I have to ask, was it good?" I said.
"Yeah!" He said with a grin, knowing exactly what I was talking about. "It was
really terrific! The best ever!"
"I'm glad for you!" I said. “And now you know exactly what Lee looks like naked.
Only he’s a lot hairier!”
“Yeah, I guessed as much.” He grinned.
“Remember you said that you wanted one just like Lee.” I said. “Well, I think
your wish just came true.”
He laughed. “I guess it did.” He said. "And the blue paint on my mouth, it's not
what you think. It probably got there from my fingers when I was painting his .
. uh . . painting him!"
"But of course Danny, where else could it have come from?" I said and looked at
him. We stared at each-other for a second and then we both burst out laughing.
At breakfast, we chatted while we ate, the conversation mainly on the trip to
Europe. Jack was terribly excited and I could see that Danny was responding to
him in a big way. Danny's violet eyes glowed every time he looked at Jack.
At one point Danny got up and went to the restroom. Lee took the opportunity and
followed him quickly. I turned to Jack and said.
"Jack, we don't have much time, but I need to know what the situation is between
you and Danny. I don't want to see him hurt."
Jack looked at me, his face serious.
"I had a feeling you'd ask me about that." He said.
"Please, Jack, Danny is very dear to me. If you are intending to kiss and fly,
end it now." I said.
"I like him. I like him very much." He said, a small smile on his face. "I
might even like him a little too much. I have never met anyone like him, he
thinks like me. We connect! And of course, the sex is so exciting and
"I'm going to tell you something, between ourselves, okay?" I said and he
nodded. "He is in love with you already. He told me earlier and you can see it
in his eyes when he looks at you. All I ask is that you take care, please,
"I'm not blind, David, I've seen it too. I promise, I'll handle it carefully."
He said, and then he continued.
"It's a new experience for me, being loved like that. It's never happened to
me before. Nobody has ever looked at me like that, so openly and . . well, you
know what I mean. I've seen the way you and Lee look at each-other. Danny looks
at me in the same way."
He squeezed my hand reassuringly. "And you know something, I really, really like
it!" He finished with a smile.
Just then, Lee and Danny returned. Lee looked at me and nodded, I nodded in
return. Danny was a little subdued, but he soon perked up again.
Later at the travel agency, while Jack and Lee were consulting with the agent, I
had the chance to have a chat with Danny.
"How're you doing, Danny?" I asked, giving him an opening. He looked at me and
"I know what you and Lee are trying to do and I should resent it, but I
don't. I know that it's because you care for me and you're both worried about me
and for that, thank you." He paused. "David I'm not naive, I know just what kind
of a guy Jack is but you know what, I don't care. It's too late now."
"I'm sorry, Danny." I said.
"No, don't be," He said, "I would think that you would understand. I mean,
you fell for Lee in a big way, pretty fast I might add, even when you thought
that he hated you!" He said.
"I know." I said. "Love is like that, it hits you when you least expect it and I
can see why it's Jack that has got to you. He's adorable. I just don't want to
see you hurt."
"I have a feeling that it'll work out okay, Davey. I think he feels something
for me. I caught him looking at me earlier and it was strange. His eyes saw
through me, to the bottom of my soul and I saw something in them that gave me
hope, something that touched me. I really think he feels something. Maybe he
doesn't know it himself yet, but I saw it." He paused and squeezed my hand.
"Please don't worry about me, okay? If it happens, it happens. If not, then I'll
deal with it when the time comes."
"Okay. I just want you to be aware of what you're getting yourself into and I
really want you to be happy." I finished.
Just then Lee and Jack joined us and we left the agency. The flights had been
booked as well as the accommodations. They would be spending two weeks in London
and a further two weeks in Paris.
Danny and Jack walked ahead of us as we made our way back to Lee's apartment.
They were very excited, laughing and joking and shoving each-other around like a
couple of teenagers. One wouldn't think that they were both in their
Lee nudged me and laughed.
"Look at them." He said. "Like a couple of kids."
"How did it go with Danny?" I asked.
"Okay I think." He paused. "He was a bit peeved at us for interfering but
when I explained that we were only looking out for him, he calmed down. I
explained the Jack situation to him. He heard me out and then told me that he
had guessed what he was in for. He said he would handle it."
"That's what he told me." I replied.
"What about Jack?" He asked.
"He is very aware of how Danny feels and he's promised me that he would handle it carefully. I think you might under-estimate him. I saw the way he looked at Danny just now and I think he's smitten. He just needs to realize it for himself." I said. "At the moment he's basking in Danny's love. It may just give him the push he needs. He told me that he'd never had anyone in love with him before."
"I hope you're right." Lee whispered. "For Danny's sake."
Part 30 : First Time
When we got to Lee's apartment block, Jack and Danny told us that they were
going to hang out in town, and left.
Upstairs, Lee pulled me close and said.
"Now that the kids are gone, what are we going to do?" He leered. "Oh, I know,
you can paint flowers on me and I'll tie pink ribbons on you! And I really fancy
bright blue . . no, purple balls. I like purple! How's that?"
I punched him.
"Very funny! You are a devil, you know that?"
He released me and laughed.
"You've got to admit that that was one of the funniest things we've seen in
"Yeah. The flower on Jack's butt was the icing on the cake." I looked at him
slyly. "He's terribly cute you know? Like a lighter duplicate of you. Danny
called him a paler Xerox of you. I could go for him."
"Hey watch it." He smiled. "Why would you want the copy when you can have the
original." He said spreading his arms.
I continued to tease.
"You know, even his cock is just like yours."
"All the Barker boys are built the same. Well except for Malachi, he's
uncircumcised for some reason." He said.
"Well, Jack has a lovely cock. Pretty and very suckable!"
"Oh yeah!" He growled.
Then he grabbed me and pushed me back onto the couch. He unzipped his flies and pulled his jeans down, and kicked them off along with his shoes. He wasn't wearing underwear again so his semi-hard cock popped out. He sat astride my belly, his cock now stood up right under my nose.
"You want to suck on something then go ahead!" He said gruffly.
Then he thrust his hips forward and his rock solid cock pushed at my lips. I put my hands behind him, grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him forward, deep into my mouth. He threw his head back and groaned. He leaned into me, bracing himself with his hands on the back of the couch and thrust his hips back and forth. I let him go at it, taking him down my throat. My cock was fighting to be free so I quickly unzipped my pants and pushed them down my thighs. My cock sprang up, sending a stream of pre-come flying onto Lee's ass. I spread it over his cheeks and ran my fingers to his man-hole. I slipped my wet finger to his hole and rammed it in hard. He shuddered and let out a loud, long moan.
"Oh God," He gasped. "Don't stop . . don't . . !"
He groaned again as I withdrew my finger slightly and rammed it in again.
I found his prostate and massaged it with the tip of my finger. His hips spasmed and he groaned again. I pushed another finger in and worked at his hole, stretching it. Then I repeated the process with three fingers.
A young surfer “comes out” and finds his true love in the same wave...
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