The Detective

(Part 1 from 1. Fiction.)

Ross was sitting in a police station waiting for his sister to call him. He knew this was going to happen. How he put up with that asshole for as long as he did was a mystery. What was he going to do now? That fucker had his car keys and almost everything else he owned. He couldn’t go back there; Ron would just beat the shit out of him again.

On the way to the station in the back of the police car, the officer who was driving was begrudgingly asking him if he was sure he did not need medical attention. Ross just said no and looked out the window. The back seat in a police car is immensely uncomfortable; this just perfectly fit in with the type of night he was having. Now sitting on an uncomfortable bench in the station just willing his cell phone to ring while pretending to not notice the unfriendly glances from the desk sergeant, Ross was wondering what else could go wrong tonight.

Just a few feet away from him was a tall detective who had caught a glimpse of him looking pathetic. The detective walked over to the desk sergeant and asked him what was up with the kid. “Just some faggot who got in a sissy fight with his faggot boyfriend.” The detective regarded the sergeant with disdain and turned to the kid who was staring blankly at his phone. He made a decision and he hoped it was the right one.

Ross looked up once he realized there was a shadow in front of him. His eyes rose up to where a face should be, but when he had only reached a chest, his eyes went higher and landed on the handsome face of the detective. Ross was startled to have this intimidating man stand before him, staring at him. The detective seemed to be taking all of Ross in with his eyes, Ross felt naked in front of this guy.

“I’m Detective Mike Stevens; I heard you are having a rough night.” Even though the man looked scary, his voice was gentle and deep. “Do you have a place to stay tonight?” Ross shook his head and looked down at his phone again. “I’m coming off my shift, I have a spare bedroom, you can sleep there. Come on.” Ross just looked at him with shock, a little fear, and confusion.

“Come on, kid. That bench isn’t going to get any more comfortable.” Mike turned and started to walk out of the station. Ross grabbed his bag and followed, wondering what the hell he was doing. Part of him was saying, ‘You don’t even know this guy, he could be crazy!’ another part was arguing, ‘He’s a cop, they’re supposed to help. Plus did you get a look at those green eyes, goddamn!’ Ross, running to catch up to Mike, had decided to take a chance. A warm bed sounded much more comfortable than a hard bench, and his sister was not returning his calls.

In the car Mike was silent; he barely glanced at Ross while he drove on to his home. Ross was starting to second guess his decision, thinking that perhaps he should have been wiser and not gone off with some stranger. After a long while, Mike started asking Ross about his night. Ross told him:

“My boyfriend….ex-boyfriend and I were arguing…again. He cheats on me all the time and then gets angry with me for making him wear condoms. Tonight he was drunk and wanted to have sex and I didn’t want him anywhere near me….” Ross paused; he really didn’t want to think about what had happened next. “Anyway, we fought and he beat the shit out of me because I wouldn’t let him fuck me. I pressed assault charges on him and I want to get a restraining order but the officer told me that I should just move out and cut my losses.”
Ross looked over at Mike and noticed his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly and that his jaw looked clenched. Mike took a deep breath to relax and then asked, “You live with your ex now?”
“Not after tonight I guess.” Ross replied.
“We will go over there tomorrow and get your things.” Mike stated. There was no room for argument in that statement. Ross was terrified to see Ron again, but it might be ok with Mike there.
“Thank you.” Ross said simply. It was enough relief to let Ross really feel what had happened to him tonight. He quietly wept in the passenger side seat until they arrived at Mike’s home. Once there Mike gave Ross a minute to compose himself before getting out and walking over to open Ross’s door. He picked up Ross’s bag and offered a hand to help life Ross out. Ross was bemused, but grateful for the assistance. Ron really got in some good hits and he was starting to feel really sore from the beating. Mike helped Ross inside the house. He led Ross to the guest bedroom and sat him down on the bed.

“I am going to look at your torso now. Don’t be alarmed. I want to assess the damage.” Mike was already pulling off Ross’s shirt. Ross shuddered and closed his arms over his bare chest even though it hurt.

“I am not going to hurt you. When you are ready let your arms down please.” Mike kneeled in front of Ross and waited for him to comply. Ross stayed in that position for a bit and finally started to let his arms down. Mike’s face softened a bit but once he saw the bruised that were forming his face became a hard mask. He looked around Ross’s ribcage and at his stomach, back and shoulders. He slowly lifted his hands to feel around the more bruised areas telling Ross what he was doing the whole time. He did not want to startle the kid and accidently hurt him more. Luckily, it appeared that Ross did not have a broken rib, but he definitely had bruised ribs. This kid is going to be in pain for a few weeks. He excused himself and went to the bathroom to get a wrapping and some ibuprophen. Not as strong as Naproxen, he knew, but the kid had to take something or he wouldn’t get any sleep tonight. After wrapping up Ross’s ribs and giving him the pain killers he told Ross he was going to help him undress for bed. Ross was apprehensive about that but Mike proved again to be a capable caretaker.
“Sleep as long as you can, I will wake you up tomorrow when we can get your things. You have a car there?” Ross nodded. “Ok, my buddy Frank is going to come with us so he can drive your car back here.” Ross started to fall asleep even after the eventful night he had. Normally he would be a nervous wreck but the combination of the secure feeling he had around Mike and the fatigue of the day setting in made him sleep for almost fourteen hours.


Frank showed up at Mike’s house and introduced himself to Ross. He looked at Mike with a bit of confusion but then just proceeded to move along with the plan. Frank was a fellow cop and had come ready with his personal revolver. Ross stared at Mike putting on a harness for his gun. Mike noticed Ross’s concerned gaze and walked over to him. Placing his hand on Ross’s shoulder he said, “I don’t plan on having to use a gun, but I don’t go into an unknown situation without one. This Ron guy did a real number on you, but I have a feeling that he won’t be so brave with two armed police officers.” He smiled and winked at Ross, making Ross feel a flutter in his stomach. Ross started cursing himself, ‘don’t go and get a crush on this guy, he’s probably straight!’ he thought. Mike and Frank were ready to go, Ross not so much, but he went anyway.

Once they arrived at Ron’s place, Mike told Ross to stay in the car until he said to come up. Ross saw Mike knock on the door and then watched as a pale, scared Ron spoke with him. Mike signaled for Ross and Frank to come up to the door.
“Ok Ron, this is Sergeant Marcona, he is going to escort you to the lawn to wait while Ross and myself retrieve his belongings. Where did you say his car keys where again?”

“Uh…I...I put them on the dresser.” Ron stammered. Ross was astonished. He never thought he would see Ron look like he was going to be sick and piss himself at the same time. Ron was such a bully, it brought back the events of last night and Ross practically ran into the apartment and started grabbing his things and shoving them in a bag. Mike was there after him and gripped his shoulder lightly.

“Slow down, kid, you don’t want to miss anything.” Mike noticed that Ross was visibly shaken by the very sight of Ron. “What happened last night that you aren’t telling me?” Mike asked. Ross stopped and looked at Mike’s face and saw genuine concern.
“Ron has hit me before, but last night he …” Ross started shaking and crying. He was mortified that he couldn’t keep it together in front of this man.

“You don’t have to tell me, I think I can guess. Ross, grab your bag and get back to the car.” Mike said with sudden anger. He followed Ross outside and told Frank to stay with him at the car. He then motioned for Ron to come into the apartment. Ron cautiously stepped pass the cop through the door and Mike closed it behind them. Ross was extremely anxious, he didn’t want anything else to happen, he had had enough.

Frank leaned over to him and said, “Don’t worry about Mike; he knows how to stay professional with even the worst culprits.” Frank gave Ross a friendly smile and continued, “I know what he tried to do, kid. I’m glad you’re with Mike now. He is the best person I know.” Ross was too nervous to really think about what Frank had said. He just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

In a short amount of time, Mike returned to the doorway with another bag. He walked over to the car and got in. He tossed Ross’s keys to Frank and told him which car it was, handing him a twenty and telling him it was almost out of gas. Frank shrugged and walked to Ross’s car. Mike stared ahead for a few seconds and then looked at Ross. “Do you feel ok with staying at my place for a while?” Mike asked. Ross was a little surprised at the question, but he nodded a yes. “I don’t want you to feel any pressure, but if you want that restraining order, or if you want to press further…assault charges, let me know. Ok?” Ross wasn’t sure what he should do but he just said ok and looked down. Mike started the car and drove back to his home.


It has been a month since Ross moved in with this man who was preparing breakfast. Ross sat on the couch and watched Mike mix protein shakes and slice fruit. Ross had put on some muscle since he started working out with Mike. They were getting to be quite good roommates. Ross frowned inside and admonished himself for even thinking that this situation was good. Of course Mike was a good person, but what would happen if he knew that in the past month Ross had fallen so completely in love with him. Ross couldn’t stop staring at the man’s physique. His was well over six feet and had beautifully sculpted muscles. Mike was admired by many for his looks. At thirty-nine, he was just gorgeous. Ross looked down at the magazine he had been trying to read again. He had to snap out of it, if Mike was interested in him he would have said something already. Ross knew that he was no slouch he never had a problem attracting men at the clubs. Even with the extra muscle, Ross was small and smooth and had a nineteen year old round ass that many would kill for. If Mike liked what he saw when he looked at Ross, he never showed it.

The past couple of weeks, Ross had been healing from physical and emotional wounds. He was able to get a job, which he was happy for so he could contribute something. Mike did not want to take anything from Ross but Ross felt like he was a freeloader and insisted strongly, incessantly, until Mike relented. Ross knew that the only way to get over this heartache from being so close to Mike and still not being with him was to not be so close. Today he would tell Mike that he was moving out. He would be able to stay with his sister; he would have to share a room with one of her kids, but so be it. Ross felt nervous talking to Mike about it but he was resolved to tell Mike the truth about his reasons, even if it meant that Mike would learn of Ross’s feelings.

Mike brought the protein shakes and fruit over to where Ross was sitting and set them down on the coffee table. He picked up a magazine of his own and started flipping through it. Ross fidgeted a bit and picked up a strawberry to eat. As he put the fruit in his mouth and bit he saw Mike looking at him. He looked down embarrassed. “What is with you today? Why are you so nervous?” Mike laughed. Ross just looked up at him and blurted out. “I’m moving in with my sister!”

Mike just looked at Ross for a long time, his face completely unreadable. “If that is what you want. You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to.” Mike said evenly. He stood up and walked over to the kitchen counter and just stood there. Ross knew he had made a mistake, he hoped what he had to say next would fix it.

“I’m in love with you, I don’t want to stay here as your roommate. I don’t think you want me like I want you so I have to leave.” Ross was amazed he was able to get that out without choking. He put his face in his hands as he felt his skin grow hot. This is the moment that he will know without a doubt how much Mike cares for him. If Mike only loves him as a friend, or as a guardian would his ward, Ross knew he could not stay.

Ross felt Mike sit down next to him on the couch. He looked up to see Mike’s face and was further surprised when Mike lifted him into his lap and wrapped his arms around him. “Baby, I’ve been in love with you since the moment I saw you.” Mike breathed. Ross tilted his head up when felt Mike’s finger lifting his chin. Mike leaned his head forward and gave Ross the gentlest kiss on the lips. Ross melted into his lover’s body. He didn’t know he could love Mike more than he had just a minute ago, but he did. Mike proceeded to kiss Ross on his forehead, cheeks, nose and back to Ross’s beautiful pouting lips. This time his kiss wasn’t so gentle. He held Ross firmly to him and kissed him long and passionately.

Ross’s head was swimming with emotion. He did not dream that he would be so intimate with Mike. Well he had dreamed but that was different. He raised his arms and wrapped them behind Mike’s neck, running his fingers through Mike’s dark hair. Mike moaned lightly into Ross’s mouth and broke his kiss. “We need to slow down a minute, Ross.” Ross stopped and tried to get up from Mike’s lap. “Wait please! Ross, I don’t want to stop, I just want to slow down. Please stay here with me.” Ross relaxed and just laid his head on Mike’s shoulder. Mike continued to talk, “Ross, I want to take things slowly with you because I know what Ron tried to do to you. You haven’t been with anyone since so feelings are going to come up. I just want to be ready, I want to protect you. That day in Ron’s apartment when I saw how hurt you really were, I knew that it would be a while before anyone would be able to get close to you without scaring you.” Mike was whispering this to Ross, but Ross could still hear the conviction in his voice.

Ross thought about what Mike said. It was his turn to talk now, “Mike, I trust you like I have never trusted anyone. I know you would never hurt me, you are not him. Please, all I want to do is make love with you.” With that Ross kissed Mike deeply. Mike kissed him back and began to caress his body. Ross was on fire with wanting Mike. “Let’s go to your room.” He said to Mike. Mike did not hesitate; he lifted Ross like he was a new bride and carried him to his room.

Inside the room, Mike laid Ross down and then moved to lie beside him. He pulled Ross into his arms again and continued kissing him. Ross was getting so turned on by this hot man. He felt his cock grow hard and press against the front of his shorts. Ross started to undress when Mike stopped him and took over. He sat them both up and pulled Ross’s shirt off. After taking in his lover’s smooth chest, he kissed Ross passionately again and started to pull off his shorts. Soon Ross was on his knees between Mike’s legs with only a thin piece of fabric between his cock and Mike’s face. Mike leaned in to take in Ross’s smell. He pressed his face into Ross’s crotch as Ross gasped. His right arm was around Ross and caressing his back and ass, with his left he pulled down Ross’s briefs to expose a beautiful five inch cock. Ross had been in the habit of shaving his pubic hair, much to Mike’s surprise and delight.

Mike wrapped his hand around it and rubbed it gently at first. Ross was staring down at Mike’s handsome face right next to his swollen dick and he had to fight not to cum right then. Mike started licking and sucking Ross’s balls making Ross groan, “Please…please… you’re driving me crazy!” Mike smiled and with that engulfed Ross’s cock in his mouth entirely. Ross was too hot, after only a few seconds he started pumping his cock in Mike’s mouth and soon was cumming forcefully down Mike’s throat. Mike swallowed all of his lover’s semen and held him up when Ross was threatening to fall over. Mike laid him back on the bed and pulled him close to kiss him again. He ran his hands all over Ross’s body, comforting him after his intense orgasm.

“You are so beautiful.” Mike whispered. Ross started running his hands down Mike’s chest and stomach. He placed his hand over Mike’s still covered bulge, making Mike hiss. Ross began rubbing Mike’s hard cock through his clothes and could tell Mike had a huge one. He pushed Mike making him lie on his back. He then pushed up Mike shirt exposing his lightly hairy chest and stomach. He pulled Mike’s shorts and briefs down and revealed Mike’s ten inch, thick monster. Mike watched Ross’s face as he looked at his cock. Ross had an expression of wonder mixed with lust. Mike’s cock twitched just seeing Ross’s mouth so close to his penis. Ross stuck out his tongue and licked Mike from base to head, earning a gasp and sigh from Mike’s lips. He wrapped his hand around Mike’s cock and started jacking it. Mike was waiting for the sensation of his cock to enter that beautiful mouth. Ross stuck his tongue out again and licked all around the head and up to the piss slit. Just before Mike could barely stand the teasing, Ross took the head in his mouth and started swirling it with his tongue. Mike gasped as his hips rose off the bed with the sensation.

He resisted the urge to put his hand on the back of Ross’s head, fearing that Ross would panic. Ross then did something that Mike couldn’t believe; Ross took almost all of Mike’s cock down his throat in one go. “Fuck! Babe, I’m going to cum!” Mike was too far gone, he started to shoot down Ross’s throat while Ross happily sucked the cum from his cock. Ross continued to bob his head up and down Mike’s shaft, milking all the semen from the tip. He pulled away from Mike’s cock and swallowed the remaining cum in his mouth. He moved to kiss Mike and press his body against him while Mike recovered from what he considered the best blow job he ever received.

Mike removed his clothes and pulled Ross in a spooning embrace and continued to kiss his neck and shoulders. Ross felt so protected in those arms, he never wanted to leave. “You have a talented mouth, babe.” Mike whispered to Ross.
“Well, I used to be quite the homosexual.” Ross giggled back. Mike reached down to pinch his ass for being cheeky. “Ow! Stop teasing!” Ross was elated to be in the embrace of the man he loved.

“I hope you are still quite the homosexual because I want to fuck your sweet ass.” Mike murmured in Ross’s ear at the same time giving Ross’s ass cheek a hard squeeze. Ross was so hot, he couldn’t tease back. He ground his ass into Mike’s crotch right up against his hardening cock. Ross half turned to reach Mike’s lips and give him a passionate kiss. Mike growled in Ross’s mouth and reached for Ross’s hard on. Ross hissed at Mike’s touch and exclaimed, “Fuck me! Mike, I need you…please!” Mike moved Ross on his back and laid on top of him, grinding his cock against Ross’s while kissing him deeply. Ross moaned urgently, impatient to get Mike inside him. Mike kissed down Ross’s chest and sucked on his nipples making Ross gasp. Mike continued to kiss Ross’s abs that had been getting rather shapely these past weeks. Once he reached Ross’s cock he kissed around it and down to his balls. After sucking on Ross’s balls for a while, driving Ross crazy he moved down. Lifting Ross’s hips in his strong hands he spread the young man’s cheeks and starting rimming his hole making Ross moan loudly. “Yeah….fuck! That feels so good. Please, Mike, I want you cock in me!” Not wanting to disappoint Mike moved up and placed his throbbing head at Ross’s hole and started to push in, using his spit and sweat as lube. Ross gasped and grabbed Mike’s hips to pull him all the way inside. Mike slammed his cock in Ross’s tight hole and growled with pleasure. Sheathed in the hottest, tightest ass he had ever been in, Mike had to fight not to shoot right then.

“Fuck! Babe you feel so good.” Mike breathed. He waited for Ross to give him a sign to continue before moving in and out of Ross’s sexy ass. Ross started pushing his ass onto Mike’s cock loving how full he felt. Mike slowly started fucking Ross in long strokes increasing his pace little by little. He caught Ross’s gaze and saw love, lust and passion. He bent down, not slowing his thrusts and kissed Ross. Their breathing, already heavy, quickened. Ross was going out of his mind with pleasure, he felt like he could shoot at any moment. Mike continued to pound his thick cock into Ross’s willing ass; the sensations coursing through his body were like none he had felt before. As Ross neared release he wrapped his legs around Mike almost shouting, “I’m cumming!” Mike started quickly hammering his cock in Ross’s hole, feeling his orgasm approaching. Ross began shooting all over Mike’s chest and stomach and even some under Mike’s chin. His ass was contracting violently around Mike’s cock causing Mike to flood the inside of his hole with thick cum.

Mike stayed inside Ross for a minute before collapsing to Ross’s side. Ross leaned over to Mike and licked the cum off of his chin before kissing him. Mike whispered, “If I had known making love to you was so sweet I don’t think I would have been able to wait a month.” Ross smiled at this and continued to clean cum off of his lover with his tongue. Mike pulled him up to hold him tight to his body. Ross melted into Mike, feeling intense love for this man. He knew he was where he belonged.


Ross did not move in with his sister and her family. Mike has a guest room again. Ron got arrested for possession. Frank cannot keep his mind off of Ross…but that is another story.

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Random Camping With Joe

My friends, Mike, Greg and Greg’s cousin Joe, and I had been planning a camping trip for months. At the last minute Greg and Mike had to work and would not be able to go. I was ready to cancel the whole thing when Joe said screw them let’s just go without them. I didn’t know Joe that well, as he had just moved to town a few months earlier, but I figured why not...
