The Football Team Captain : Part 2
Chapter 2: The morning after.
Note, If you haven't read chapter 1, please do so, it's in the bi-sexual
section under the Football Team Captain Part 1. It may start out with a woman
but I assure you it's more about the two guys, if you haven't read it you won't
understand the story here, Thanks and enjoy!
I wake up to the sunlight shining brightly behind my window curtain, I pick up my cell phone and look at the time, a quarter after noon. Rolling out of bed I groan, my head still aching from this morning and the night before. Groggily I shuffle across the hall to the washroom, as I stood there bleeding the lizard I thought about last night; I remembered the hot threesome and the star of the show, Eric. I also remembered this morning and the intense feelings that happened between us in his truck, I still wasn't sure about how he felt or how I felt for that matter.
I finished up and stopped to look in the bathroom mirror, it brought a rush of emotions, chief among them being sexual, it wasn't any source of vanity but the remembrance that I was wearing Eric's letterman jacket. I ran my hands along the white leather sleeves and down the blue wool chest, the multiple patches on the arms depicted the various championships he had participated in, others on the jacket showed his number and position; quarterback. As I smoothed the jacket over my chest I felt a stirring between my legs and my thoughts turned from just the jacket to Eric as well, I pictured him wearing it, and nothing else; his 8 inch cock standing stiff as his jacket hung loosely from his shoulders. I remembered what it felt like to pass my hands along his hardened abs and how his cock and cum tasted.
I quickly left the washroom with a raging hard on, going back into my room I shut the door behind me and slipped off the jacket and my shirt underneath. Putting Eric's jacket back on I enjoyed the smooth sensation of the lining, flopping down on my bed I pop'ed my belt open, took out my stiff member and began to beat off in his letterman jacket.
It felt very different, I had ideas but had never directly thought about a
guy while jerking off, but it felt amazing at the same time, I imagined him
fucking me with his big hammer but didn't know exactly how it'd feel. I was
working it up pretty hard, my cock was oozing pre as I squirmed from the
pleasurable feelings running through me. The thoughts of Eric's big cock and his
footballer body were driving me crazy and I began to let out stifled groans of
pleasure, I begin to round home base and I can barely contain my exctasey
I'm moaning loudly as shots of my cum began to shoot out over my chest many more
than I usually get from a morning jerk off, I lay there for a second to catch my
breath, you'd think from all the excitement it would have been the first time I
jerked off, it sure felt like it though.
Inspecting Eric's jacket there were no cum spots on it, I did remarkably well
keeping it only on me, sliding it off I slung it over the chair in my room,
grabbed my towel and headed for the shower. I quickly cleaned my self, brushed
my teeth and took care of my personal hygiene routine. I threw on a t-shirt and
some boxers and jeans over top, eyeing the Eric's letter jacket I told myself I
should get all the mileage I could and threw it on, doing the first half of the
buttons up. I heard my cell vibrate, there was a text 15 min old from Eric, it
simply read "hey how ya feelin." I responded letting him know I felt okay now
and asked him how he was. I left my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen,
the house was empty which was good considering my earlier antics. As I was
pouring myself a glass of oj I received a text back from Eric, stating that he
was doing great, right afterwards I recived another asking if I wanted to do
something. I was a little nervous but responded back that I would meet up with
him at his place. I wondered what 'something' was and how he felt about what
happened this morning.
I put on my shoes and was out the door, the autumn air was brisk and i buttoned
up the jacket to just a little more than half way up, it was warm and heavy
suited not just for fall but most likely winter as well. Nearing Eric's house I
noticed him sitting on his front step waiting as I approached he got up and met
me at the base of his driveway.
Eric wore a light black leather jacket with a white tee underneath and some blue jeans, he had short brown hair, short enough to almost say shaved. His jacket wasn't done up and I marveled to myself about his apparent resistance to the cold. "Hey, how's it going?" he asked, " I'm good, better than this morning" I laughed. He smiled back and there was a noticeable pause, he pointed at his letterman jacket that I was wearing quite comfortably at this point, " Nice jacket" he said, with a slight chuckle, " Yea" I replied with a smile " betcha never guess who I got it from." Eric smiled at the slight joke, it wasn't that funny but it was something to avoid the growing awkwardness of the situation. Looking back on it this could have been completley avoided had we both just spoke about what was on our mind, that being what had happened this morning. At this point we had gone without saying anything for more than a few moments and I searched for a way to break the continuing silence, "So, uh did you have anything in mind for what you wanted to do?" Eric looked around seemingly to avoid eye contact, " No um, I was kinda hoping you'd have something in mind." This was somewhat interesting considering he was the one to invite me out. We listed a few movies we would've like to see only to find that the other had already seen it, Eric suggested getting something to eat, but I had just had breakfast (or lunch if you want to nit pick) before coming here.
We stood for a few more awkward moments before I spoke up " How about we just walk while we decide something?" " Sure" he replied. We began to walk down the street, I had no idea where I was going but I figured at least this is better than standing at the edge of his driveway looking like idiots. I struck up conversation by asking how he knew Clair, he said he really didn't and that some other girl who was trying to get in his pants had introduced them at the party , in my mind I rolled my eyes, most guys would kill to have women chasing them like Eric did, but he made it seem like they were trying to sell him something and depending on how you look at it, you could say they were. I asked if he had any interest in her, he laughed and said no and asked what was between us and if we were still dating. I laughed out loud and said no and that if either of us were smart we'd stay away from her. Eric looked up and smiled at this, I'm not sure if he smiled at what I had said or if something else was on his mind. We continued to walk and eventually reached the neighborhood park, a small man made lake sat at the center, I was more of a pond really but it made for nice scenery with the trees turning into autumn colours.
As we walked around the lake we discussed a wide variety of things from school teachers we liked, dream cars, tv shows and the like, we eventually got around to our families, I told him about my younger brother and two parents. "Must be nice" he said, "Sounds like a normal family." " I take it your family life isn't quite as simple?" I questioned. Eric told me about how he had no siblings and that it was just him and is dad, his mother was never around, his dad never told him why but he got the impression that the two of his parents were just a fling and that she didn't want a kid. He went on to tell me about how he had great early memories of his dad but that as he grew older, around 10ish, his father became more distant and Eric would try his best to get his his fathers attention and approval. "Now adays" Eric continued, "he only works and drinks. I'm left to do whatever I want." He sighed, " I supposed I shouldn't complain though, there's food in the fridge and we've got a roof over our heads." I told him how I didn't realize his life wasn't as easy as he made it seem and that I was sorry to hear so, I couldn't think of much else to say.
The walk back was pretty quiet, I thought about what Eric told me, I'm probably the only one he told that to and it made me realize that his independence from any parental figure is probably what makes him so commanding, I also wondered if being the star quarterback was a result of his own personal goals or a continuing effort to impress his father.
We got back to the front of Eric's driveway without another word, it was about 5 o'clock and dusk was starting to overtake the autumn sky. I started to unbutton his letterman jacket to give it back but as I began to pull it off he spoke up " You ummm.... You wanna come inside? Maybe watch a movie or something?" I was shocked at the question and my heart leapt so far into my throat that I practically coughed it up right there. I was nervous as I didn't quite know for sure if this is what I thought it meant. "Yea sure" I said calmly, trying to keep my cool.
We went inside his house and as we entered I saw his dad passed out in front of the tv, the house wasn't dirty per say but it was untidy, beer cans and whiskey bottles were scattered around the kitchen, old newspapers and mail covered the tops of the dining and coffee tables . "I've got a tv in my room" he said flatly, as if expected as much.
We went downstairs into his room and began trying to pick out something to watch. Eric was busy pulling out movies as I studied his room, a 30 something inch HDTV, better than the one upstairs I noted, attached was an xbox with a few games lying around it, his bed was pushed against the wall opposite that and in the corner neatly on a desk was his football gear, something which he obviously took care of. Adoring the walls were posters of his favorite football and hockey teams and their star players, over all an average teenagers room, it was better kept than the rest of the house though. I said yes to the first movie he picked out, not noting the title or anything, I also realize that the only thing to sit on was his bed, he nodded "go a head, take a seat." I took of his jacket and layed it on the foot of the bed. I sat down on the bed, my back against the wall so I could sit up. Eric finished setting up the movie and moved to sit on the bed with me but stopped just before, he lifted up his shirt, giving me a glance of those chiseled Adonis abs, unbuckled his belt and dropped his jeans to the floor, for a second I was stunned, I expected him to drop his boxers and whip his cock in my face, instead he flopped down on the bed, moving quite closely to me, close enough that I could feel the warmth coming from his body.
As the movie started I couldn't pay attention, I could see Eric's package lightly outlined by his boxer shorts, my mind raced thinking about his intentions and how he felt about what happened in his truck earlier. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, I think he knew it too, every time I looked up at him his eyes shifted away from looking at me, it felt like he was teasing me, the cocky bastard. After a few more moments of playing this game something had to happen, I worked up all the courage I could muster, taking a long look in those eyes that were seemingly transfixed on the movie I moved in an instant and placed my lips onto his and kissed him as deeply as I could, but he didn't kiss back!
I could feel him tense from surprise, I had made a huge mistake and prepared myself to be thrown off, but in the next moment his arm was across my back and he pulled me in closer to him. Our tongues intwined and our hands explored each others bodies, mine exploring the firmness of his abs and pecks while his gripped my ass and held the back of my head as we kissed. I savored the bliss of the moment, enjoying every bit of it, being held in the arms of the football team captain was nothing I could have ever dreamed of but here I was! My hands slowly moved down Eric's body and I began to massage his dick through his boxers, which elicited an enthusiastic response. Eric began to bite my lip as his sexual energy intensified, his hands slipped underneath my jeans and shorts and he ran his hand along my bare ass, I trembled from the touch, it scared me but deep down I wanted him to go there, I wanted his cock inside me even though I had no idea what it was like or what it meant for me. Eric then pulled off my shirt and I knew eventually we would be going all the way, I had started something that I no longer had any control over, like always, Eric was in control now.
He flipped me onto my back and began to bite my neck as he grinded his stiff cock against me, between bites he spoke, " I knew you wanted this Ryan, I could see it in the way you looked at me." I was shocked at how transparent I was to him and I lowly moaned back " oh fuck yea Eric, I want you so bad." He moved to sit up over me, his knees on either side of my chest, as he took of his shirt he smiled and looked down on me. I finally spoke up "Fuck Eric, your the hottest guy alive, it'd be hot to fool around with any of the football team, but the captain and the quarter back?" He smiled asked " is that all I am, an amazing football player?" I was going to say that that wasnt all he was to me but before I could he pulled out his rock hard 8 inch hammer and threw it I my face, " Why don't you suck your QB's dick." Eric commanded. I quickly complied and opened my mouth and he quickly slid his prick in, as he did so he let out a soft moan. Eric gently but firmly placed his hands behind my head so as to not let me move, I knew what would be coming later.... I slowly slid my mouth up and down his member, savoring every taste, eventually working my way down to the base, gaging slightly when I reached the bottom, Eric loudly moaned his approval as my mouth moved back up his cock. I did this a few more times, but Eric wanted more, "you ready baby?" Without awaiting a response Eric slowly began to move his dick in and out of my mouth.
It was only a few strokes before he picked up the pace and he began to thrust his cock quickly in and out of my mouth, I could barely keep it in his cock was so huge, I had to surpress my gag reflex as he face fucked me. " That's it Ryan baby take it, take my cock." He whispered, my hands moved to his thrusting hips as I held on for dear life, soon I needed air and I squeezed tightly to let him know. Eric took a few more thrusts before he was finished and pulled his cock out as I gasped for air. Eric bent down and kissed me passionately for a moment. "Shit Ryan," he said " No girl has been able to take my dick like that, you really do know how to suck cock." Eric moved off me, he then proceeded to take my jeans and boxer shorts off, looking me in the eyes he began to jerk my cock, it was amazing, I felt like I was going to cum right away but I held on if for no other reason than I didn't want this moment to end. Eric silently pleasured me for a few more moments, I wanted him so bad right now. " I wanna fuck you baby" he said, my heart lept, I knew I wanted it but the uneasiness stopped me from saying anything, Eric moved in and began kissing me, on my lips, on my neck and on my chest. "It'll hurt for a bit babe, but I promise I'll make it feel so good." his words were so innocent and coy. "I just wanna be inside you so bad." There was no way in hell I could ever say no to him, I pulled him into me and kissed deeply, as I did so I ran my hands along his steel hard abs again making me want him even more.
"Of course I want to be fucked by the QB" I said, Eric grinned knowingly and flipped me onto my chest, I felt him grip my ass and massage it, I think he was savoring the moment. "Fuck you've got a juicy ass." I felt him slightly bite one of my cheeks, he was getting really into it. My cheeks were then split apart and I knew it was time, I felt Erics big stiff fuck pole sliding into my hole. I felt the resistance of my asshole to his cock, this only encourage Eric who pushed harder, "fuck your so tight baby, this is gonna be so good." Slowly he began to thrust his cock in and out of my hole, he was buried deep inside me and it hurt like hell, Eric laid on top of me and kissed the back of my neck as he worked his cock in and out, "i'm loosing you up babe and then I'm gonna make you feel so good." Eric whispered into my ear. I didn't believe him though, the pain was intense and I grunted and groaned with every thrust of his massive dick, 'fuck how did people do this?' I thought.
In the next moment I felt it, I felt my surrender to Eric's big cock "There ya go baby, now your all mine." Eric moved to a better position and his cock moved deeper inside, he tightly grabbed my spread ass and began to pound my open hole, I moaned loudly as his cock rubbed against my prostate. My cock, which was pressed between the matress and my body, began to squirt pre. I was in ecstasy I had never felt anything so amazing before, this was the best sexual experience of my life, no girl I could ever fuck would be as great as this. I was moaning loudly into the pillow enjoying every moment when Eric slapped my ass "I knew you'd love my dick Ryan" he said "told ya I'd make you feel good baby." I could barely talk but between moans I blurted out "Oh fuck Eric your making me feel amazing, don't stop, don't stop fucking me with your big football cock." Eric laughed slightly under his breath, "yea that's what I wanna hear, you want my cum deep in your ass don't you? I'm gonna fill you up with my seed." I couldn't say anything but in my mind that's all I wanted, to feel Eric fill me with his seed. People dreamed of fucking their high school football team captain, but I was actually doing it. Eric was getting close, he was fucking my ass furiously, grunting and groaning as he went, I knew any minute he'd fill me up.
The thought of his cum was to much, and I began to blow my load, every time Eric thrust his cock into me I let loose a stream of warm cum underneath me, I lost count around 6 shots, I had never had such an intense orgasm. The tightening of my ass when I came sent Eric over the edge, "Oh fuck Ryan, I'm gonna fill you up! I'm gonna fill you!" he yelled, I could feel the rush of his cum deep into my hole, his body twitched as he unloaded. Eric slowly moved his cock around inside my cum filled hole, it felt like there was a gallon of his semen inside me and I knew I loved it, knowing I had Eric Smyth's cum inside me was a thrill. Eric slumped down onto my back with a sigh and began to kiss my neck softly, "God Ryan, I haven't cum like that before" Eric said between kisses "your hot." I laughed "Eric your the hottest guy in school, any chick would kill on the spot to do what we just did with you, and you think I'm hot?" I smiled to myself thinking about what i just did with him.
"Yea I don't care what any chick thinks, your hot." Eric moved us so that we could spoon, him being big spoon. We laid for a few moments, "Your gonna stay the night right?" Eric asked. It was probably a bad idea, I would be expected at home and we had school tomorrow but just like always there was something in his voice that prevented me from saying no, I did muster a slight protest "well we've got school tomorrow..." I trailed off. "But your gonna stay right?" he asked again. "Yea of course" I surrendered to him again, I think I was getting used to it, maybe liking it a bit too. "Speaking of school, It'd be okay if you wore my jacket tomorrow." Once again he was giving me his letterman jacket to wear and I was finding it kind of unusual. "What's up with that?" I asked. Eric was silent for a moment. "I dunno" was all I got, but after a few more moments he spoke up again, "I guess I just like seeing you wear the jacket, it's my jacket with my name on it and seeing you wear it makes it seem like your mine... Is that cool?" "Yea it's cool" I responded, Eric wrapped his arm around me pulling me in close, he resumed the movie but I closed my eyes and thought about the jacket and how Eric had 'marked' me as his. My last sensations were of Eric covering us with a blanket as I drifted to sleep.
*** Sorry part 2 took so long, I'm thinking there will be a three, don't know how long it will take though. Thanks for reading!
It was high school camp at last, we had 9 boys to a cabin I was stuck in there with 8 footbolers I loved eache and evrey one of them...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
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- Love
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- Boy
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- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
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- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
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- Camp
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