The Hike

(Part 1 from 1. Fiction.)

Back when I was in my late twenties, I was working at this store and there was this older woman who worked with me who was telling me about all the trouble her 20 year-old son, RIck, was giving her. She said he was lazy, got fired from two jobs and just hung around the house all day playing boy video games. I told her I would take him off her hands for a long weekend and take him on a wilderness hike in big Sur and whip him into shape.

So one Friday, I packed up my backpack, along with my spare old pack and sleeping bag and went to her house and picked up Rick. It was a 45 minute drive to the trailhead and we were going to hike into Sykes hot Springs, a 14 mile very strenuous hike into the wilderness up the Big Sur River. What I didn't tell Rick was that I loaded his pack with all the food and heavy stuff, including the tent and water bottles. We got to the trailhead and Rick put on the pack, saying "SHIT! This thing weighs a ton!" I replied "Buckle up, buttercup- it's along uphill hike in.

Rick was a skinny, lanky tall kid- six foot four and no meat on his bones. I started out letting him lead. When we topped the first ridge, he looked at me and said, "This is fucking nuts! My legs are killing me!" It was about 90 degrees that day and both of us were sweating like pigs. We stopped to take a break, watered up then continued on. Two ridges later, he was really bitching at me, telling me he was sick of it and wanted to turn back. I just looked at him and laughed, saying "What's wrong, can't keep up with an old man? Strap on your pack and let's go- only four more miles."

After seven hours of slow hiking, we got to the camp. There were a couple of other sites all ready taken but no one was around. I figured they were all sitting in the hot springs, about a quarter mile down a spur trail along the Big Sur River. We found a good flat site and set up camp, then ate dinner. After dinner I said "Okay- let's go do what we came here for and hit the hot springs!" He started rummaging through his pack then looks at me and says "Damn- I forgot my bathing suit." I just laughed and said "Don't worry, I doubt anyone is going to be wearing a bathing suit." He looks at me and says, "I ain't getting naked in front of a bunch of strangers!" I just answered, "Fine- then stay here. I'm going to relax in the springs for a while."

Finally he caved in and said okay. So I said, "Okay, take off your clothes and let's go" then stripped down and put on my sandals. He looks at me and says "You're walking there naked????" I answered "Yup-come on." He left his shorts on and followed me to the hot springs. There was an upper spring and a smaller lower spring- both about 110 degrees and smelling strong of sulfur. As we approached I could here voices. We got there and the lower, more comfortable spring had four guys in it already so we went up the hill to the upper spring. I jumped in and he stepped behind a bush and took off his shorts, covering his crotch with his hands as he came out from behind the bushes and running to the spring and jumping in. I was cracking up laughing. I said, "Dude- it's not like I never seen another guy's cock before" and he just answered "Shut the fuck up."

We were in the spring not ten minutes and suddenly three girls, about college age, came up to the spring and said "Mind if we join you?" I answered, "Sure- plenty of room, hop on in!" I looked over at Rick and his eyes were just bulging out of his head and his mouth was hanging open." He leaned over and whispered, "HOLY SHIT! Are they gonna get naked?" I just laughed. Sure enough, off came all their clothes, and thinking nothing of it they jumped in the spring. Rick turned six shades of red and just sat there with his hands under the hot, clear water covering his package. Now one thing about Rick- he was very well endowed- a good five inches flaccid.

We sat in the spring for about an hour, just talking with the girls. They were college students from UC Santa Barbara up for the weekend. I asked them where they had set up camp and it turned out they were right next to us. One of the girls had a couple joints with her and she lit one up and passed it around. It was really good local grown red bud and she lit up the second one and passed that around right after we finished the first. Both Rick and I were really baked- I hadn't smoked weed in ages. After a bit the hot water and weed got to me and it was getting dark, so I turned to Rick and said "Time to head back to camp. Come on, let's go." Rick looked at me and leaned over and whispered "Can't we wait until the girls leave?" I just laughed and whispered back, "What's wrong? A little stiff downstairs?" He answered "Shut the fuck up."

I got out, and said "Come on, let's go! I'm getting hungry" and he says "Go get my shorts for me." One of the girls laughed, and said "You're not shy are you? We don't care!" Rick just turned red and sat there in the tub, so I went over and got his shorts and he slipped them under the water, and put them on, then turned away from the girls and stood up. Now these were thin cotton shorts, so wet, they clung to everything and when he stood up, sure enough- there was the clear outline of about seven inches of rock hard cock showing through. He got out, still facing away, and back to camp we went.

We got back to camp, and I said "You got another pair of dry shorts to wear?" Of course he didn't- and no long pants either. And no underwear- he went commando. So I told him just to take off his shorts and hang them to dry over a tree branch. It was dark- no fires allowed, so when the girls came back they wouldn't see a thing. He pulled off his shorts- his boner had subsided- and we just sat there naked while I took out the camp stove and made us dinner. Halfway through dinner, the girls showed up and popped into our camp to say hello. Rick and I were just sitting there naked- me thinking nothing of it and him covering his crotch again. We talked to the girls a bit then they went back to their camp.

Rick and I hung around for a bit then I climbed into the tent and he followed. It was still about 85 degrees out, so I just laid on top of my sleeping bag. Rick did the same. It was just light enough for me to see him. I started talking about the hot springs and asked him what he thought about seeing three college girls climbing in naked and sitting with us. He smiled and said "That was fucking HOT! That brown haired girl and tits to die for!" Boom. That did it. Talking about those girls got him all hot and bothered again and he popped another rod. Seeing his cock slowly rise to attention did it for me- and my cock got rock hard too. I looked down at his cock and said "Dude! You are HUNG!" He got all embarrassed and said his usual "Shut the fuck up." I just laughed and said, "No use wasting good wood! That weed made me horny. I'm going to stroke one off." He just looked at me and said "DUDE! THAT IS SO GAY!" I laughed and said, "Hey, admit it! You jack off and you know it!" Again, "Shut the fuck up."

I just reached down, kicked back and started slowly stroking away. Pretty soon I looked over, and sure enough he is staring right and my cock. I said "Dude- just stroke it if you want, I don't care!" A couple minutes later, without saying a word, he started masturbating too then says "This is so fucking weird!" So we just laid there, side by side for a while, looking down at each other's cocks and slowly beating off. After a bit, I turned and said, "Want me to suck it for you?" He looks over and says "NO FUCKING WAY!" I answered, "Come on, no one will know! Just let me suck it." He didn't say a word, so I just sat up, leaned over and took him in my mouth. slowly sucking his gay fat, long shaft. He didn't try stop me- he just laid there and muttered "I can't believe I'm letting another guy suck me off." I continued sucking, picking up the pace a bit until I felt his balls draw tight and his cock start to pulsate. He suddenly muttered, "I'm gonna shoot!" and wave after wave of salty come blasted against the roof of my mouth. I came almost immediately, shooting my spunk all over his chest. I pulled off him and said "Let me clean you up" then proceeded to lick my own cum off his stomach and chest.

After a while of laying there silently, he said "That felt good. I'm going to sleep- I'm spent." The next morning we woke up and he had morning wood. Without saying a word, I just started sucking him off again. The next day, I gave him another blow job out in the woods then that night two more- once just before we went to sleep then again in the middle of the night. We hiked out Sunday morning. Not a word was spoken as we drove back to his house. When we pulled into the driveway, he smiled a little and said "Don't tell anyone what we did- PLEASE!" I said "No problem" and headed home.

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Random All About Love Part XIV

Drew did not even realize that Paul was cradling his head in his right hand as he forced his tongue deeper into his mouth. The only thing he felt was the tremendous explosion as pleasure washed through his cock and then his mouth clamped shut on Pauls and his body went taut and weightless, until with a loud cry and deep chested moan, he had his final shattering orgasam...
