The Revelation
Oh my god, I thought. There he was, striding into the class with folders clenched against his chest ripping through his tight shirt and his hard biceps groping the folders as he walked over to his desk. The whole class went silent. I'd forgotten to breathe out and began to cough and splutter, gasping for breathe. And then I almost passed out as his aqua blue eyes looked up at me from his desk.
"Maxxi? Are you ok? Do you need a drink?" He asked in his low, bass-filled yet soft voice. It was like the most beautiful, tender voice I'd ever heard and the fact his face remained so unreadable, mysterious and emotionless made him all the more hotter.
"I'm fine...thanks" I croaked as I began to take sharp breathes as my lungs begged for me to inhale his gorgeous aftershave that had now filled the room.
Mr Diamond then moved to the front of the class and addressed us, "Morning Year 13" he spoke softly and we gingerly replied "Morning Sir".
"Open your books to page 15" commanded Mr Diamond, "we'll study the sexual imagery behind this scene today...". I began to flick through my book, managing to take my eyes off him to find the page. As I looked for page 15 I felt this burning sensation on my face, like I was being watched so I quickly looked up to find Mr Diamond staring right into my hazel eyes. I gave him a cheeky little smile and he remained emotionless, cold almost. He didn't drop his gaze as he stretched his arm out, letting his biceps tense and try to rip the seams of his shirt and jacket.
Mr Diamond was in his late 30s/very early 40s. He had dirty blond, very short shaven hair and the most gorgeous, plump lips. He had piercing blue aqua eyes with a very fit and toned body. His pecs always tried to battle with his shirt longing to be freed. When it became hot, he had a habit of unbuttoning his top button on his shirt and loosening his tie, allowing his dirty blonde chest hair to poke out. I imagined that he didn't have much chest hair but just a beautiful covering...
"Maxxi?!" I realised he was calling my name. "Bugger!" I thought to my self. "Well done Max, so what's the question he's asked?!"
"Hmmm" replied Mr Diamond in his deep voice as if he had heard my subconscious giving me a right telling off - "you have no idea do you?". I honestly didn't and I just shrugged and replied with no. To this Mr Diamond frowned, the most beautiful light frown ever - there was no other expression and his eyes seemed to widen as if reading my inner thoughts. My subconscious was just screaming "FUCK ME DIAMOND. FUCK. ME." and I swear a slight curl to the edge of his gorgeous lips formed before he quickly became emotionless once more.
"Very well Maxxi, detention after school with me, in my office." I pretended to be pissed off and annoyed as my friend Lexie kicked me from under the table and whispered "Are you ASKING for a detention?! What's wrong with you today? Where's your head?!". I just smiled at her with my big hazel eyes and returned to staring at Mr Diamond. It seemed as if that class had suddenly flown by very quickly, the whole 2 hours of it. Before I knew it I was following Mr Diamond out of the English building into the building that contained his office.
He walked next to me and I could feel his strong arm brushing against me, I felt my dick twinge as we walked to his office. "Great Max, that's it, get a hard on! Cos he won't notice!" mocked my conscience.
"Now Maxxie" began Mr Diamond in his hot, deep and slightly husky voice "you're 18 now so you can stay after hours for detention, you'll be helping me carry out a few favours ok?". I lightly nodding my head as he pushed opened his door making a slight grunt in the process.
The grunt sent my dick into ecstasy and I began to fill it bulging in my boxers, wanting to break free. Mr Diamond had his back to me, bending over to pick a few files off the floor. "Sit" he commanded me and without hesitation I sat trying to cover my erection on the chair that was right in front of him. As I sat, my eyes became level with his tight ass being defined in his trousers.
I got lost in a daze, imaging me spreading his beautiful, peachy and firm cheeks apart as I slip my hard cock inside him, the wetness from my excited cock would be all we needed for lube as I pound in him.
Suddenly I hear a clearing of a throat. "SHIT! Max, you've done it again you dick! Look at Mr Diamond, he's obviously finding your dickishness amusing!" screams my conscience inside of me. I turn to look at Mr Diamond who is smiling, his deep entrancing eyes looking straight into mine.
"You know Max..." begins Mr Diamond.
"He's never called you Max before...this is new" interjects my conscience.
"You've never really had the ability to hold my gaze for very long have you?" his voice so low and quiet he is almost whispering.
I quickly dart my eyes to the floor and shuffle my feet. To my horror I notice my hard on is bulging obviously in my trousers. I quickly place my hands ontop to cover the embarrassment. I can feel myself flushing red. Suddenly, I hear a little laugh. It sounded so quite, yet so dirty and naughty. "Surely that wasn't Mr Diamond?!" screams my conscience. And I look up to see the most gorgeous smile spread across Mr Diamonds face, the most emotion I have seen on him for a while.
His office was tiny, with a desk that curved around making a C shape, a computer, a filing cabinet and some shelves on the wall. The worst thing in his office was the picture of his wife on his desk..."Lucky Bitch!" uttered my conscience.
"So, Max, tell me...why are you in detention tonight?" whispers Mr Diamond as he gets up and paces his office eventually standing right behind me. I dart my eyes to the right where he is stood and notice I am in line with his crotch, I can feel my cock trying to almost rip my boxers apart.
"Because I've been hor...I mean distant?" I say quietly, still in shock that I almost said horny.
"Mmmmhmmm" replied Mr Diamond in an almost sexual tone. "You see Max, when someone like yourself has a wondering mind, I always get excited where your imagination is leading you know? Because physically I can tell your imagination is definitely thinking about something, your bulge tells me that."
In embarrassment I try to stand. "Sit" commands Mr Diamond firmly yet softly. I slowly sit back down and feel his firm hand on my should. Suddenly he bends down and whispers into my ear, his warm breath tickles my neck, "You're going to be punished...".
I swallow hard and I turn to look at him, his eyes lock on mine and he slowly places his long, masculine index finger on my lips before whispering "This will be our little extra-curricular..."
I begin to softly kiss his lips, he moans a long deep moan as he pushes his finger into my mouth and I begin to willingly suck on it and caress it with my tongue.
"Oh my god Max!" screams my conscience "you are sucking Mr Diamond - move to his cock!". I open my eyes to see his bulge is growing inside his suit trousers, I look up at him, his eyes closed as he tries to unbutton his shirt and loosen his tie with just one hand. I can't take it.
I pull his finger out of my mouth and stand up quickly, grabbing his broad shoulders and pushing him down onto the seat I was originally sat on. Mr Diamond's aqua blue eyes slowly travel up my body, he bites his lower lip and that send the most amazing shivers down my body. I begin to take off my shirt, revealing my twink like body, my big hazel eyes staring into his and my hazel hair all neat and ready to be pull and grasped. I slowly take off my trousers, my boxers outlining my seven inch hard cock inside my tight black boxers.
Mr Diamond begins to run his fingers up his shirt, unbuttoning them one by one before fully ripping off his shirt, leaving his tie on. As I had imagined, his chest hair was a light covering of dirty blonde, his pecs toned - revealing a six pack that was so fucking sexy I couldn't help but groan. I climbed on top of him and new I could finally have my way with the fittest teacher ever.
I lowered my soft, big lips onto his plump ones and began to let my tongue explore his. Never have I ever been driven so wild, so much so I became rough. I pulled him up by his tie and jumped up, wrapping my legs around his beautiful waist. He began to moan and groan and his tongue slide and played with mine before holding me in his tight ripped arms.
Suddenly he carried me across the office, holding me in one of his masculine arms as my arms clung around his and using his other arm to wipe everything off his desk. Suddenly, files burst open, papers flew all over the room, pencils rolled onto the floor and the office became so dirty, so naughty.
I began to whisper to him, "I want to be inside you, I want to feel your warm, wet ass hugging my cock" and with this he let out a little dirty laugh and wiped off the picture of his wife, it fell to the floor smashing the glass into thousands of pieces. He was mine.
Suddenly he placed me onto the desk, ripping off my boxers. My cock flew up and whacked my belly - all seven inches off it. His firm hand found it's way slowly up my thighs, playing with my balls before slowly wrapping itself around my cock. I began to groan and moan so much telling him how much he was a bad teacher and that I should do the disciplining.
"You fucking like that Max? Yeah, I want you to fuck me." He growled still in his low, deep voice. I clawed at his chest, letting my nails dig into his pecs as I screamed out in pleasure. My hands slowly found their way to his belt and I began to undo the buckle. With some help from him, Mr Diamond was now just stood in his boxers. His ass was so plump and perfect, as if carved by angels.
He began to slowly pull down his boxers and there it was...all 8 inches of his cock flung up to greet me. He had the most beautiful cock, with two wonderful balls that hung below, eager to meet me. I got off of the desk and kneeled on the floor, taking all eight inches in my mouth. He began to moan and groan as I got his cock so wet inside my mouth.
I let my tongue swirl around his hot cock, sucking the tip and then slowly taking it all in and sucking up and down. He then grabbed my hair, grunting more and more in completely ecstasy "Yeah baby, fucking like that, play with my balls...fuuuuuck". I began to let my hand caress and play with his balls as he face fucked me. I could feel him getting rougher and rougher and louder so I pulled of of him and stood back up, staring into his beautiful eyes.
He then placed a huge, masculine hand on my face and smiled, he looked so gorgeous all hot and sweaty, naked in front of me with just his tie on. This is just what I've always wanted.
"I'm going to return the favour baby" and with that, he slowly began to kiss my neck, working his way down to my hard cock. I suddenly felt this warm, wet sensation caressing the tip of my cock. I felt so weak at the knees that I clung on the desk behind me to help me stand. He then slowly took my whole cock in his mouth and really began to suck fast and hard.
Up and down continuously without stopping. I grabbed his short, dirty blonde hair and looked down at him sucking and bobbing on my cock. "Fuck Max, look. Sexy Mr Diamond sucking on your hard, wet, eager cock. MMMMmmm" whispered my conscience.
After a while, Mr Diamond came up to my eye level and bit his bottom lip, every time he bit it, he had a complete hold over me. I saw this twinkle in his deep aqua eyes that I had never seen before and knew what he wanted.
"Maxxi, I want you to fuck me, fuck me good baby. Give me the passion I crave." With those words I lost control, I grabbed onto his head and pushed his lips on mine, we pushed each other up against every wall, groaning, moaning, banging and breaking anything that was in our path. I was screaming his name as he suck on my neck and groaned into my ear. I knew this was about to be one HOT fuck.
Mr Diamond lay on his desk and looked into my eyes, I stood looking at him as I slowly pushed my cock into his ass - so wet, it didn't need lube. He groaned with pleasure and slight pain as I slid the whole way in. Suddenly I could feel his warm, hot, tight and smooth ass wrapping around my cock. "Oh my god, I am IN Mr Diamond" I thought, "FUCK! Mr FUCKING Diamond!". I began to thrust, slowly, in and out hearing the squelching of my wet cock in his tight ass. With every thrust I could hear him groan, grunt and moan in pure pleasure.
Suddenly, he put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me down to kiss me so passionately. I sped up and began fucking him so hard. He came off my lips and held me close to his head, my sweat and his making our bodies shimmer. "Fuck yeah Maxxi, pound my needy ass. Punish me because I'm a bad teacher...yeah c'mon baby fuck me. I want you to cum inside of me."
I could feel my balls slapping against his ass I was ploughing him so deep and fast. I began to groan and moan whilst I sucked his bottom him and let one of my hands find their way to his hard cock. I took his cock in my hand and began to work in up and down. He flung his head back in ecstasy and began to moan so loudly, our voices beautifully moaning together.
"Baby, I....." started Mr Diamond
"Yeah?" I whispered out of breath.
"I wanna cum, all over my sweaty chest as you cum inside of me. Cum in me, I beg you." he said, breathless.
I sped up even more, working his cock harder in my hand and pushing my cock faster in his ass. I felt like I couldn't breathe I was fucking him so fast. He held onto my neck and I began to feel his body tense up as he gripped my neck harder. I could feel my own body too, build up and tense.
I began to groan louder and screamed "ME TOO BABY. I'M GONNA FUCKING CUM SO MUCH!"
Suddenly, he locked his eyes onto my and I began to cum squirt after squirt in his ass, I then felt a warm feeling on my chest and hand as he tensed and shook in pleasure as he came all over his chest, spurting so high and far he hit my own chest. He groaned as I moaned, filling his eager hole with my cum.
I collapsed on top of him, leaving my wet, satisfied cock still inside of him, he rubbed the cum around on his chest and kept kissing my neck. "Fucking hell Max, you've fucked Mr Diamond. Your dream man. You have filled him with your hot cum" exclaimed my rather surprised conscience.
"Max?!" I could hear in the distance.
"Max?! Page 15? Why is your book still closed?" Spoke Mr Diamond, softly yet sternly.
"Fuck sakes Maxxie, you've fallen asleep again!!" Whispered Lexxie, nervous. "What the fuck were you dreaming about?" she said, desperately. I just smiled at her with my big hazel eyes and returned to staring at Mr Diamond...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels