The Stranger 3
It was quite some time later that I woke up again with Nicolo still sound asleep on my chest. The sun had set completely by now, and the warm breeze did not disguise the fact that the temperature had definitely dropped. Nicolo shifted so that too much weight was focused on the bruise from the train journey. I tried to move without waking him up, but his head rolled and he jolted awake, seemingly surprised that it was so dark. He turned around and smiled up at me, and this time I did poke my finger into his dimple. He laughed, and I said,
"I've wanted to do that since I saw you on the train". Smiling, he stood and stretched extravagantly, reminding me instantly of the way Sita did back at home.
"Come on", he said reaching for my hand. "We gotta go back home. Then to the skating rink". I decided that I was too tired to walk back to Nico's villa, so while he was bending down to recover his shorts I leaped on his back and refused to let go by wrapping my arms around his neck.
"You're so fat" he groaned, pretending to stagger around.
"All these muscles just for show then?", I said biting his shoulder. That got him moving. I could feel every muscle flexing beneath me, and he could obviously feel my dick hardening against the small of his back because he on purpose stopped suddenly a few times, causing it to press hard into him.
We got back to his villa in record time, and I was eager to jump into the shower with him again. He obviously had the same idea, because he walked straight into the bathroom whilst we both had our shorts on and into the walk-in shower. I slid off Nico's back and turned the shower on, gasping at how cold the water initially was. Nico stripped off his shorts, and tried to do the same with me, his dick hardening as we struggled around the shower giggling.
Eventually he had me pinned against the wall again, not that I was about to complain. He pressed our soaking bodies together, and I watched as his eyelashes clumped together like a doll's from the now warm spray of water. He rested his forehead against mine and then kissed the top of it.
"I'm so glad I met you", he whispered into my hair as his arms encircled me. My heart started beating really quickly when he said that.
"Me too...". I wasn't used to people saying things like this. The last time I had heard words this mushy was when my Mum was alive. Being raised by my somewhat strict Uncle, I was quickly taught that words were not to be wasted.
We stayed like that for another few, long minutes. I don't remember being that relaxed for a very long time. After our muscles had relaxed under the hot spray, Nicolo started soaping me up, again taking great care to do so gently..until he reached my ass.
"God, your ass is so perfect', he moaned, smacking my right cheek pretty hard. 'I can't believe no-one ever tried to jump you before I did!".
"Likewise", I grinned cleaning my rock hard dick.
"Stop touching your damn cock. Who said you could touch it?", he said slapping my hands away from the leaking organ. I was already horny, and Nico's domineering attitude was beginning to turn me on even more.
"I'm not even jerking it! Chill".
"Chill what" he asked me, shoving me with a powerful hand against the wall.
"Umm..chill..sir?", i asked tentatively.
"DAMN right! After ice skating I am so going 50 shades on your ass!". Oh God, I really hoped he didn't have any of that crazily kinky stuff like in those awful books. The sexy smirk on his face was unreadable, so I decided to just go with Nicolo's random mood.
After the shower, he dried me thoroughly (again) and helped me pick out a suitable outfit for ice skating. He decided on some skinny trackies and a vest with a v neck jumper. He assured me that we could get dinner after we went skating as we headed into his garage. He had three vespas in the colour of the Italian national flag. He shrugged after I raised an eyebrow at him,
"What? Christmas, Birthday and Easter presents one year...I think they look pretty cool". I nodded in agreement, and he picked the white vespa. If I was getting on the back of a scooter with any other guy I probably would have been a little nervous, but I just saw this as another chance to cop a feel of Nicolo's chiseled body.
Surprisingly, the journey there did not take long despite our relatively secluded location. The ice skating rink was attached to a small cinema, but the large car park was completely deserted apart from one battered fiat which I assumed must belong to Nico's friend. On the way to the entrance, Nico took my hand. I tensed momentarily, but my fears washed away as he caught my eye and smiled reassuringly.
So what if people saw? Not that that was likely seeing as how empty this place looked. There was still no-one in sight as we entered the atrium through the automatic doors and went to the ice skates shelves. Nicolo hopped over the counter and asked me for my shoe size, which I told him. Wandering around, I took a glimpse through the rink doors and saw a lone figure bathed in blue light reflecting off the ice.
"That's Robbie", Nicolo said handing me a pair of brand new looking skates. Pushing through the double doors, faint strains of ballroom music could be heard which stopped as the guy turned to us.
"Nicolo!! My man", the guy grinned, hopping over the rink barrier and removing his skates to give Nico a bear hug. I stood there awkwardly as he scolded Nicolo for never visiting or calling. He then turned his attention to me, his hot pink lips curving into a smile as he looked me up and down. I felt more uncomfortable than ever.
"Damn Nico! This one's a keeper!", he laughed as I started blushing at his compliments. He was probably the second hottest guy I'd ever seen in real life (after Nicolo). The typical regional look with dark curls and dark eyes with flawless bone structure. If i didn't know what was in store for me when we got back to Nicolo's I would probably be attracted to this guy, who introduced himself as Roberto with a strong handshake.
"Kay go for it guys. Rink's all yours for as long as you want. And I've left a film in the theatre so check it out if you want to. See ya round"
As soon as Robbie had left, Nicolo gave me a short sharp punch to my arm.
"What the fuck?!" I gasped, rubbing my right bicep. Not in the slightest bit guilty, he grinned at me knowingly and said
"Don't have to be a psychic to see what you wanted to do to Robbie". I tactfully chose to ignore his comment, pulling my skates on instead and hobbling inelegantly to the side of the rink. I had not been skating in about a year, but used to go regularly and eventually got selected for my county Ice Hockey team.
I slipped onto the rink with ease and began the regular outward push motions with my feet, amused at the surprised expression on Nicolo's face. He jumped onto the ice, not faltering for a second and sped over to me, on purpose stopping too late so he could perform an emergency stop and shower me in ice. Sighing, I wondered if there was anything this guy wasn't good at.
"Where did you learn to skate so well?", he asked, moving closer and closer towards me.
"Dunno...just been doing it since I was a kid.." I replied backing away as quickly as he was advancing. My back hit the edge of the rink, and Nicolo's arms extended to either side of my body, trapping me against the edge of the rink. He grinned victoriously down at me, before his expression became serious and his eyes became more intense, burning straight into mine. I couldn't tear away from his gaze, and I found myself thinking of when Kaa hypnotised Mowgli in the Jungle Book. I felt exactly as Mowgli must have as he lowered his face to the exposed bit of my neck, slowly dragging his scorching tongue from my left clavicle to just behind my ear. I trembled, and my skin began to feel unbearably hot under my jumper and vest.
"I wanna fuck you right on the ice", he breathed into my ear. He bucked his hips into mine, so I could feel his growing erection and I groaned involuntarily at his touch. His breathing was ragged, and it was comforting to know that this God wanted me just as much as I wanted him. Listening to my brain rather than my hips, I pushed him away and began skating around, doing a couple more laps to control myself. He followed at a leisurely pace. It would have been exciting doing it on the ice, but I think I'd much prefer a warm bed.
Robbie had on purpose changed the playlist to probably the cheesiest romantic songs he could find, and I could hear 'Love at first sight' blaring around the rink. All of a sudden, the music changed to Enrique's 'Tonight I'm fucking you'. I turned to find Nico grinning salaciously at me. Rolling my eyes, I finished my lap and took my boots off, hunting around for my shoes where Nico had left them.
Locating them, I found Nicolo waiting for me at the entrance to what I assumed was the cinema. He propped the door open and stood to let me pass, smiling down at me as I entered the pitch dark room. The door slammed behind me, making me jump, and I felt Nicolo's arms wrap around me.
"You scared of the dark babe?", he whispered into my ear.
"No, I'm scared of a certain pervert abusing me in the dark". I felt his smiling lips pressed against the back of my neck, and he must have flicked a switch on the wall as dimmed lights lit overhead, revealing a sprawling cinema. It was completely empty, which was kinda creepy, but then I remembered Nicolo had planned it especially. He left me alone, presumably to go and put the film reel in the projector, and returned moments later with a massive drink and a bag of sweet popcorn.
"Looks like Robbie thought of everything", he said holding a few pieces of popcorn in front of my mouth. I gratefully accepted, and licked the sugar off his fingers suggestively, making him smile. I switched my eyes back to the big screen, watching amusedly as the film title flashed up. I laughed- Nicolo had chosen to watch 'UP'. But I wasn't about to complain because it was one of my favourite films anyway, despite the fact that the target audience was 8 year olds.
His arm stayed around me for the entirety of the film, gently caressing my shoulder with his strong fingers. By the end of the film, my dick had hardened to its full length, and I had trouble appreciating the heartwarming ending as much as I usually did because my dick was seriously going to burst free of my boxers. As soon as the credits rolled, Nicolo took my hand and quickly led me back to his bike, locking the main complex doors as we headed out. We got back to his villa in record time, his hair whipping my face from the speed we were traveling at.
He fumbled with the keys in the dark, cursing under his breath until he found the right one and pulled me by the wrist into the house with him. The lights came on automatically, revealing his scorching gaze. He growled, and before I knew it he had lifted me up like I weighed nothing, and dropped me on my feet in his bedroom. He slammed the door shut and turned around to face me, breathing heavily.
Words really weren't needed at this point, and Nicolo let his actions do all the talking as he pushed me back towards his bed with one hand against my chest. He had me pinned to the bed with his heavy, muscular frame as his lips attacked mine, his tongue fighting for dominance as I gasped for breath. He switched his lips to my neck, sucking and biting his way to my clavicle, before switching to the other. Dragging his tongue all the way from my neck to my abs, he stopped at my belly button, causing me to squirm uncontrollably beneath him.
"You know, I think this is the most underplayed with orifice in your body", he said as he began viciously tonguing the sensitive area. My body was about to burst into flame as he tore his trousers and briefs off and dived straight for my bum. He circled my opening tantalisingly slowly with his skilled tongue, before he stabbed his way inside with it. I screamed out and bucked my hips, causing him to place his hands on my hips and force me back on the bed.
I was reduced to a whimpering wreck as he pushed me closer and closer to release. I reached down to grab my throbbing dick but Niclolo slapped my hand away, before stopping his exquisite torture. He slowly lowered his chest against mine, and pressed his lips against mine as he positioned his cock against my thoroughly wet hole. Even after his deep probing however, I doubted he'd be able to fit the entire length of his member inside me.
"It's not going to work Nico we need lube". He grinned in response.
"Where there's a will there's a way, baby", and with that he forced the head of his thick organ inside my hole. I gasped from the pain, and he didn't move an inch as he slowly allowed my body to adjust to him. He must have spent ten minutes sinking slowly into me, gently cooing in Italian in my ear until he had the entire thing inside. It was such an incredible feeling of fullness, and I tangled my legs around his ripped back to pull him in even deeper. I moaned as he reciprocated, pulling out slightly then slamming back in as far as he could, grinding his hips into my canal. He groaned into my ear, and slowly licked my neck before whispering in my ear,
"Fuck! I'm not going to last for long..this friction is amazing Arun. So much better than with lube". I was already on the verge of cumming, and his gentle attention to my neck combined with the pounding he was inflicting on my sensitive hole was easily enough to send me over the edge, and without even touching myself I came all up Nicolo's tanned chest. He thrusts became even more frenzied, and I was almost lifted off the bed as he tore into me, until he finally collapsed on me moaning softly as I felt his load shoot up inside me.
We lay there in a tangled mess, and I waited as his thick dick slowly softened until he pulled it out, causing me to wince. He frowned,
"Did I hurt you?", he caressed my lip with his thumb, and I gently bit it, barely able to keep my eyes open. A brief smile flitted across his sculptured face before his expression darkened again.
"Answer me Arun", he commanded softly.
"No! You didn't at all. Don't worry Nicolo I'm not a child. If it started hurting I would have told you. That was incredible- I mean at first I was a little worried that you weren't using any lube because I was still kinda sore, but it was so much more intense that way". The end of my sentence trailed off into a yawn, and Nicolo chuckled down at me as my eyes closed automatically.
"Good then. Sleep now Tesoruccio", and he pulled my head gently to his chest, pulling the covers up over our sated bodies as the air conditioning cooled us down. I drifted off straight away, wondering if my Grandmother would congratulate me on the catch I landed, or scold me for committing so many sins over the past couple of days.
Finally I couldn’t resist any more and returned to his dick, taking it fully into my mouth. His slender pulsing dick was easy to work with and I took him right to the base and then pulled back with as much suction as I could...
- Cock
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- Sex
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- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
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