The Thirst Within : Chapter 02
*** Sorry this took a while I've just been finding it difficult to find the time to work on this, A big thanks to my editor Cden for her dedicated and tireless help with this. Please feel free to leave your comments and queries about it, or email me at c145236 [at] hotmail [dot] com. thanks!
Oscars P.O.V
Zak's eyes began to turn coal black before my eyes. He gritted his teeth and a look of almost agony crossed his face. Fear froze my stomach as his eyes burrowed into me, full of pain compared to the arousal of before.
He must have seen the look of fear on my face because it appeared to snap him out of the torture he seemed to be experiencing.
After a few seconds of breathing deeply, he slowly began to relax, little by little.
He moved towards me and extended a hand. I grabbed it hesitantly with my non bleeding hand and he tugged me up to my feet easily. I glanced down at his face and saw him staring at my hand.
"Don't worry it's just a small cut."
I extended my hand for him to see the extent of the damage. He shrank away from my hand like a wild animal from fire.
"What it's just a little blood."
I pulled back my hand and rubbed the blood against my trousers. I tugged him through the woods in the direction of Manning.
His thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand, which did more than just relax me. I learned that there was a connection between my hands and a now growing part of my anatomy.
"You're cold." I commented
He grinned at me then said
"I am always cold. You however, feel warmer than most humans."
"Humans?" I asked, then continued
"You say that as if you are not one of them."
He shrugged then said
"By now I am guessing you've realised I am not quite human. And by the smell of you."
He inhaled deeply then said
"You are not completely human yourself.
There is human in there but it is hidden Artificial almost. Something is mimicking it."
By this point his eyes had returned to their natural blue.
"What are you then?" I asked curious.
Not just about him but about what I was as well.
He grinned then said
"That is a secret for a little later. You on the other hand have an interesting scent. A wisp of the supernatural."
"Zak I want to know something." I asked
His smile faded slightly but he still said
"Ask away"
"What do you want from me. Is it just physical or is it something more" I said slowly
"Don't worry I am not going to do something with you then desert you. If I am going to do anything I intend to stick around. I can only speak for myself but I am interested in something slightly more long term."
"Over oh so many years I have had oh so many flings but never a true relationship. I used to be cruel and heartless. But that was a long time ago. Now I want someone to be with." he said still grinning
"So I'm guessing you've been in relationships before?"
"I attempted one but he left me for someone else, the other I never truly wanted, but he kept on coming back and attempting to seduce me. That however was many many years ago"
"Years? Just how many have you been doing it for?" I asked
He laughed loudly then said
"So many more than I would care to count. Looks can be very deceiving."
"What was that back there. You seemed almost in pain?" I asked still holding his hand
He turned his head to me then said ignoring my question
"If I am right I think we should get back to Manning. I think an old friend has decided to pay me a visit."
"Well could we get back quickly. I'm bloody freezing" I said
He nodded then said
"Come on then"
He tugged me forward by the hand leading me along the dirt path towards Manning. I kept his hand locked in mine not willing to stop touching him. We reached the house quickly and avoided all people on the journey to our rooms thankfully.
He led me towards his room and quickly opened the door. I stepped in after him, after I had stepped through the door he let go of my hand and locked it.
He turned around and grinned at me, there was something about his grin that made me nervous but in a good way. He moved forward and rested his hands on my shoulders.
He pushed strongly and I toppled backwards onto the bed. Zak shifted me on the bed so that my head rested on the pillow, then he clambered up between my legs. He pulled his t-shirt over his head then leaned down. His chest pressed against mine. The coolness was not uncomfortable but almost pleasurable because of the contrast.
"Mmm so warm" he mumbled his lips coasting up my chest towards my neck.
He paused and lightly touched the thin silver chain I wore with his fingertips. His finger trailed briefly over the ornate Valknut charm present. The Valknut itself consists of three interlocking triangles, the charm was solid silver and I hardly ever took it off.
I anticipated his question and explained
"My mother gave it to me after my grandfather died. She said he left it to me"
He seemed uninterested in it after that and pressed his lips back to my neck. His lips pressed lightly against the vein there. I shuddered as he kissed the soft flesh.
My hands rested against his back holding his chest against mine, with Zak breathing heavily against my neck. I moved one hand up to the back of his head and turned his head pulling his lips against mine, his hands resting on my shoulders squeezed them affectionately.
Our tongues met and I groaned quietly relishing his taste on my tongue. Zak then began to roll his hips causing excruciating friction through my shorts. He pulled back and grinned widely at me, I smiled back.
"I have not done this in a while" he said breathlessly
I looked away shyly and said
"Well I haven't done it at all, but you seem to know what you're doing"
He pecked me lightly on the lips then said
"Thanks. if you feel I am pushing you too far... let me know." he hesitated for a second before continuing
"I can be quite bossy sometimes with what I want"
"So can I" I quiped
I moved my hands back to his arse and pressed him closer against my body. He groaned and his breathing accelerated. I could feel the hardness of his cock through my shorts and grinned slightly. Oh this was gonna be fun.
His hips rolled slowly causing elicit pressure to spread through my body. Zak's body was hairless almost everywhere from what I could see and feel.
No under arm hair or facial hair at all. Just a light patching on his forearms. My hands still on his arse moved to the waist band of his boxers and slipped easily beneath. He pulled his head back and kissed me, his tongue dueling with mine.
The skin of his arse was silken smooth like the rest of him and I squeezed it eliciting a loud moan from him into my mouth.
He broke away and gave a throaty growl that shocked me since it came from such an innocent looking person. His eyes darkened again and he seemed to struggle internally with something.
He moved quickly to the side of my neck panting loudly. I sat up pulling him with me and wrapped my arms around him.
"Zak? What's wrong?"
He muttered quietly against my neck
"I...I am close to losing my control"
"What will happen if you lose control?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows
"You do not want to know" he answered
"Then show me. Show me what you are" I suggested
He moved impossibly fast and stood with his back to me against the door. I swung my legs off the bed and moved to stand behind him. I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. He turned slowly. His head downcast.
"So what are you then? Goblin, ghoul or tooth-fairy?" I asked jokingly
He chuckled then said as he raised his head, his lips lifting to expose his fangs
I moved a hand to his chin and pulled his lips up to mine ignoring the fangs present. A look of shock crossed his face before he melted against my chest. I had never felt afraid of the strange and unexplained. Hey I was used to being bullied for being ginger. Who was I to judge.
"How old are you then?" I asked pulling away
He grinned weakly than said
"It will freak you out"
I grinned back then said
"I'm sure I can handle it"
He grinned widely before continuing
"As I mentioned looks can be deceiving. I am a lot older than I look."
"Sounds to me as if you're avoiding the question" I stated still trying to contemplate how old he could possibly be.
"Just promise not to overreact" he said seriously
I nodded and he continued hesitating slightly
"I was made a vampire in 169ad. I am 1843 years old." he grinned nervously waiting for my reaction
"Seriously?" I asked slightly hesitant.
A thought crossed my mind quickly.
What could an 1843 year old vampire see in an 18 year old human?
He grimaced obviously hearing the thought then said
"I know it seems difficult to believe. But there is far more in this world than what you can see.
You yourself are part of it. There is something. hidden in your blood."
I moved forward and wrapped my arms around him holding him against my body. He relaxed against me inhaling deeply against my neck. I stiffened slightly as I felt his fangs lightly drag across the skin.
"Do not worry Oscar. I won't bite until you ask for it." he continued brushing his lips over the pulse point.
"I am old even among my kind. Few survive till my age. I have been alone for so many years. I have wanted someone to be by my side for so long now.
With you it feels rights, with you I feel at peace."
"Well I do know that I want you" I said pressing his back against the door.
He grinned weakly then glanced down.
"Hey" I said lowering myself to his level.
"Who am I to judge what is strange. I have been bullied for years just for my hair."
He smiled widely revealing his dimples then said
"Stop talking. Just kiss me"
I grinned back and leaned closer.
Before I could kiss him however, he shoved against my chest sending me back against the bed, painfully. He moved too quickly and shoved me down onto it, moving on top of me, pinning my arms above my head. I attempted to break free of his hold and heard him chuckle lightly.
He leaned down and kissed me releasing my arms. His chest pressed against mine sending tingles along my body and he kissed me with more skill than I thought was possible.
"If this is how good he is at kissing, Imagine what the rest will be"
Was one of the thoughts that ran through my head. Zak smiled against my lips obviously hearing that last thought. Hmm that gave me an idea. I concentrated and visualized reaching down with my hand and wrapping it around Zak's cock. He growled lustily then said
"You are playing with fire"
I laughed seductively then said
"That is exactly what I want to do play"
"You are such a tease" was the response I got.
He pulled my lips back to his forcefully and kissed me.
My heart pounded in my chest obviously a distraction to Zak. His tongue met mine and I forgot everything else. Zak tasted sweet, addictive, his tongue using centuries upon centuries of experience to kiss me.
I moved my hands to his back and gently dug in my nails, dragging them down his spine. A shudder ran through him and he pulled away from my lips. His fangs were still descended and his eyes were a darker shade of blue than normal.
"I am watching my fangs. But you are not making it easy for me" he said breathlessly
"Oscar, I need you to understand"
he continued, trying to stop me from kissing him,
"You can not tell anyone about what I am.... If you did, I would have to kill them.... I would not even be able to save you, if others found out"
I pecked him on the lips then said
"Don't worry. As you said I'm part of your world as well"
He grinned down at me, and rested his head against my chest over my heart.
"How did you become a vampire?" I asked absently stroking his hair
He nuzzled against my chest then said quietly
"Do you really want to know?"
"Yes" I answered
He rested his chin on my chest and looked up at me
"I was made vampire when I was 19 in Norway. I was born in 150ad.
I had run away from my home, if that is what you could call it. My parents beat me, starved me for days on end and so much more"
He paused and looked up and my face before continuing
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
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- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
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- Gloryhole
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