Tutors In The Art

(Part 1 from 3. Fiction.)

My brother Mike had been away at college, but he was now
home for the summer. I think everyone, me included, was a
little surprise when he brought a guest home with him. I
knew my brother was gay, but he had always been very discreet
about it. His friend, Bobby, wasn’t nearly so reserved. The
whole time we were being introduced, his eyes were glued to
my basket.

At first Bobby’s fixation with my crotch made me uneasy,
but then it kind of turned me on. The subtle shift in the
size of my basket wasn’t overlooked by Bobby’s keen eye. His
knowing smile made me blush.

Growing up, Mike and I each had our own bedrooms, and we
had always respected one anothers privacy. When he brought
friends home I knew what was going on behind his closed door.
I would often stand outside his bedroom door and listen to
the faint moans of pleasure. Sometimes, I’d jack off, right
there in the hallway. I was so curious about man sex I often
wondered if I might be gay too.

Of late, my sexual feelings were in complete turmoil.
After the way Bobby had looked at me, I had expected him to
put some kind of move on me. When a week had gone by and he
hadn’t, I was disappointed as hell. I’d been fantasizing a
lot about getting it on together with Mike and Bobby.

The better I got to know Bobby, the more I understood
why Mike was so taken with him. The guy was gorgeous; tall
and slender, with sandy-blond hair. He had a boyish face
that was far to pretty to be called handsome. In addition to
his amazing good looks, Bobby also had a great personality.
He could be both funny as hell, or deeply sincere. It was
easy to see he was deeply devoted to Mike, and in some
inexplicable way, I was envious of my brother.

One afternoon when Bobby and I were alone in the house,
I passed Mike’s room. My brother usually kept his door
closed, but this time it was standing wide open. I stopped
and peeked in. No one was there. Across the hall I could
hear Bobby running his bath. A curious brown envelope lying
on the bed had caught my attention.

For some reason I felt compelled to have a look at the
contents of that envelope. This was the first time I could
remember entering my brother’s room without first being
invited. I felt like such a sneak, but it was going to take
more than a case of bad conscience to keep me from
investigating that envelope.

Inside the envelope I found photographs of Mike and
Bobby. Some were of them separately, others were of them
together, but in all of them they were nude. My dick began
to stiffen.

I had fond childhood memories of my brother and I taking
baths together. His dick was always bigger than mine, and I
liked looking at it. So many times I wanted to reach
out and play with his cock, but I never did.

Over the years things hadn’t changed all that much. I
was now eighteen, Mike was twenty, and when ever I got the
chance, I still liked looking at my brother’s big cock.

Across the hall the sound of running water fell silent.
Hurriedly, I put all but two of the pictures back into the
envelope. Doing the best I could to leave the envelope in
the exact position I had found it, I scooted off to my room.

God, I was on fire. I took off my cloths and stretched
out across my bed. With just the tips of my fingers, as I
carefully studied the photos, I lightly stroked my down
covered balls.

Mike and I looked a lot alike. We had the same dark
hair and fair skin. The same large, brown eyes. Now that
I’d had sufficient time to catch up with him, even our cocks
were similar in size and shape.

I turned my attention to the photo of Bobby. He had a
fantastic tan, and a tan—line that made me ache all over.
His well defined torso and long muscular legs were hairless,
even his crotch was smooth as silk. I’d heard of guys who
shaved their bodies, but I’d never known anyone who actually
did it.

Thinking with my dick, not my brain, I hid the photos,
and slipped back into my jean cut-off s. The hardness of my
cock was obvious, but I was willing to throw caution to the

I stood outside the bathroom door getting goose bumps as
I listened to water sloshing in the tub. I raised my hand
to knock, but stopped before my knuckles hit the door. I
reached for the door knob. No, it wouldn’t be right to just
walk in on him. I rapped lightly on the door, but before he
could answer, I opened the door and went in.

Bobby’s head snapped around. When he saw it was me, he
smiled. “Hey there, little brother.” Mike always called me
little brother, so he’d started calling me that too. He was
lying back with his knees drawn up and his legs spread apart
as far as the sides of the tub would allow.

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Random I Don’t Want The World, I Want You! : Part 2

In life, we all have to make decisions. Sometimes, these decisions are easy, but sometimes they are “hard”! But some decisions are so hard, that you don’t know which route you will decide to take until the very last moment. Now, it’s time for Harry to make the most difficult decision of his life!
